5.1 Adding Proxy Settings for Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Updates

If your data center does not provide unlimited internet access and has a proxy server in place to control HTTP, HTTPS or FTP traffic, you may need to configure your management nodes to be able to access external resources for the purpose of performing software updates.

The following instructions must be followed for each of the two management nodes in your environment.

Adding Proxy Settings for a Management Node

  1. Gain command line access to the management node. Usually this is achieved using SSH and logging in as the root user with the global Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance password.

  2. Use the /usr/sbin/ovca-config.py script to add, view or modify your proxy settings. This script safely reads and edits the /etc/ovca.conf file, to prevent the possibility of configuration file corruption.

    To view the current values for the configurable settings in the configuration file run the script as follows:

    # /usr/sbin/ovca-config.py -r

    To set an HTTP proxy:

    # /usr/sbin/ovca-config.py --http "http://IP:PORT"

    Where IP is the IP address of your proxy server, and PORT is the TCP port on which it is listening. If your proxy server expects a user name and password, this can be specified in the following format:


    To set an HTTPS proxy:

    # /usr/sbin/ovca-config.py --https "http://IP:PORT"

    To set an FTP proxy:

    # /usr/sbin/ovca-config.py --ftp "http://IP:PORT"

    Proxy options can be chained together into a single command:

    # /usr/sbin/ovca-config.py --http "http://IP:PORT" --ftp "http://IP:PORT"

    Finally, to view the /usr/sbin/ovca-config.py help, use the -h parameter.

  3. Setting any single parameter automatically rewrites the configuration file and the proxy settings become active immediately.