Used to force string inputs to be non-empty. An element representing a Semantic Entity and all its Semantic Attributes An element containing a Semantic Entity, an extra isValid attribute ( isValid is set to false, if an update operation after when it was created has caused an active Semantic Entity to no longer be valid), a parsed version of the definition, and a list of Semantic Entities or Named States it directly depends on. For example, if there are three entities, A, B, and C; A references B, B references C and C has no dependencies then the list of dependent sources for A would only include B and not C. An element representing one Semantic Attribute of a Semantic Entity. Valid datatypes are listed in mdex.xsd. "isDimension" should be set on attributes that are useful to do a GROUP BY on (e.g. "Size", "Region", "Category"). The definition should be an EQL Expression (e.g. "SUM(x) / AVG(y)", without the "AS metricName" part and without the "GROUP BY") An element representing a collection. UniquePropertyKey and PropertyKey of a given collection cannot be modified using this interface. All Property assignments are deleted before new ones are added. An element containing a collection and all the attributes it contains. An element representing a Filter Rule and all the attributes it contains. A request to list all currently saved Semantic Entities. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. Returns a list of all saved Semantic Entities. Takes a single semanticEntity and validates its
  • EQL definition
  • predefined metrics
Throws a Fault if any of the above are not valid. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages.
Takes a list of semanticEntitys and validates its
  • EQL definition
  • predefined metrics
Throws a Fault if any of the above are not valid. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages.
The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. Takes a list of semanticEntityKey elements and deletes the Semantic Entities that match those keys. For any key that does not exist, this operation silently ignores that key. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. A request to list all currently saved Collections. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. Returns a list of all saved collections. Creates a new collection with the given Collection Key as long as there are no records with assignments to the given Unique Property Key. For example, if the Collection Key is Transaction, and the Unique Property Key is TransactionId, then the collection will be created if and only if there no other Collection Key is assigned to Transaction and there are no records within the index with containing a TransactionId field. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. Returns the number of collections created. Creates new collections with given Collection Keys as long as no records with each given Unique Property Key. See putCollection for more information. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. Number of collections created. Updates Collection assignments with the exception of Collection Key and Unique Property Key based on input. If a field is left blank, then last assignment will be kept. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. Number of collections updated. Delete all the collection records, if and only if there are no records with assignments to each Collection's Unique Property. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. Number of collections deleted. Given a list of collectionKey elements and deletes the Collection that match those keys, given there are no assignments for the Unique Property Key. For example, for a collection Key Employee with a Unique Property Key EmployeeId, then the collection will only be deleted if and only if there are no records within the index with assignments to EmployeeId. For any key that does not exist, this operation silently ignores that key. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. Number of Collections deleted. A request to list all currently saved FilterRules. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. Returns a list of all saved Filter Rules. Creates or replaces FilterRule with the given FilterRule key. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. Returns the number of Filter Rules created and replaced. Creates or replaces FilterRules with the given FilterRule key. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. Number of FilteRules added and replaced. Deletes all the FilterRules within the index. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages. Number of FilterRules deleted. Takes a list of filterRuleKey elements and deletes the Filter Rules that match those keys. For any key that does not exist, this operation silently ignores that key. The optional language code is used to generate localized error messages.
Semantic Config Service: manages Entities and Attributes in the Semantic Layer