-<schema  elementFormDefault="qualified"  targetNamespace="http://www.endeca.com/MDEX/XQuery/2009/09"  xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"  xmlns:tns="http://www.endeca.com/MDEX/XQuery/2009/09">
-<simpleType  name="NonEmptyString">
<documentation> A string that must have at least one character. </documentation>
-<restriction  base="string">
<minLength  value="1" />
-<complexType  name="Property">
Represents an Endeca property. The
attribute specifies the name of the property.
-<extension  base="tns:NonEmptyString">
<attribute  name="key"  type="tns:NonEmptyString"  use="required" />
<!-- The dgraph enforces the Record schema in a C++ function, not by consulting this xsd. If the Record schema changes, please edit the put() method in RecordsCollection. -->
-<complexType  name="Record">
<documentation> Represents an individual Endeca record from the data set stored in an MDEX Engine. </documentation>
<any  maxOccurs="unbounded"  minOccurs="0"  namespace="##local"  processContents="skip" />
-<complexType  name="DimensionValue">
Represents the lowest-level building block that composes dimensions, navigations, and classifications of records. A DimensionValue is a node in the dimension tree. The
element is the identifier of this dimension value.
-<element  maxOccurs="1"  minOccurs="1"  name="spec">
<element  maxOccurs="1"  minOccurs="1"  name="property"  type="tns:Property" />
<element  maxOccurs="unbounded"  minOccurs="0"  name="property"  type="tns:Property" />
<element  maxOccurs="unbounded"  minOccurs="0"  name="synonym"  type="tns:NonEmptyString" />
<attribute  name="name"  type="tns:NonEmptyString"  use="required" />
<attribute  name="dimension"  type="tns:NonEmptyString"  use="required" />
<attribute  name="parent"  type="tns:NonEmptyString"  use="required" />
<element  name="record"  type="tns:Record" />
<element  name="dimensionValue"  type="tns:DimensionValue" />
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