Examples of deep link URLs

Here are some examples of deep link URLs.

DataSourceFilter with locale selection

The following link displays the data-results page of the sales-discovery-dashboard application.

The data is refined using a DataSourceFilter to only show records in the Wines data set that have a Designation of "Best Buy". The locale is set to Spanish.

http://localhost:8080/web/sales-discovery-dashboard/data-results?doAsUserLanguageId=es_ES&deeplink=[{queryFunctions:[{"class":"DataSourceFilter","filterString":"Designation='Best Buy'","viewKey":"Wines"}]}]

Page and tab transition with a RefinementFilter

The following link displays the data-results page of the sales-discovery-dashboard application.

On the page, the second tab of the Tabbed Component Container named Charts is displayed.

The data is refined using a RefinementFilter to only show records that have a value of 1999 for the Vintage attribute.


Multiple filters

The following deep link goes to the data-results page of the sales-discovery-dashboard application.

The data is refined:
  • Using a RangeFilter to only show records where P_Price is between 50 and 100
  • Using a SearchFilter to only show records that include the search term "red"
  • Using a navByValue filter to only show records where Region is "Other France"
{"queryFunctions":[{"class":"RangeFilter", "attributeKey":"P_Price","rangeOperator":"BTWN","rangeType":"INTEGER","value1":"50","value2":"100","viewKey":"Wines"},
{"navByValue":{"viewKey":"Wines","values":{"Region":"Other France"}}}