Configuration reference for the ODI procedure

When you open the Options tab of the ODI procedure, you the find configuration options that are described below.

Setting Name Setting Requirement Setting Description
CERT_KEYSTORE_FILE Optional. Specifies a path to the keystore file of Endeca Server. For example, C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\endecaserver\config\ssl\endecaServerClientCert.ks.
CERT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD Required if CERT_KEYSTORE_FILE is specified, otherwise optional. Specifies the corresponding password value for CERT_KEYSTORE_FILE. This option is necessary only if SSL client certification is required by Endeca Server.
ENDECA_WS_RELATIVE_PATH Required. Specifies a relative path to the Endeca Web Service. The path is relative to the Endeca Server domain running on WebLogic Server.

For example, if there is a data domain called 'domain1' running on Endeca Server, at the URL https://localhost:7002/endeca-server/ws/sconfig/domain1, and its sconfig is going to be invoked, the ENDECA_WS_RELATIVE_PATH is /ws/sconfig/domain1.

LOG_FILE Optional. Specifies an absolute path to the log file for the knowledge module. For example, D:\logfolder\odi.log. If unspecified, the module does not write logging information.
LOG_LEVEL Optional. Sets the logging level for the knowledge module. This can be set to DEBUG, INFO, WARN, or ERROR. The default is WARN.
REQUEST_FILE_NAME Required. Specifies a relative path to the XML request file that contains the SOAP request for Endeca Server. The path is relative to the logical schema (of type File) that you created.
RESPONSE_FILE_NAME Optional. Specifies a relative path to the XML response file that contains the response message after the request completes. The path is relative to the logical schema (of type File) that you created. If this is unspecified, the procedure does not save the response file returned by Endeca Server.
TRUST_KEYSTORE_FILE Optional. Specifies a path to the truststore file of Endeca Server. For example, C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\endecaserver\config\ssl\endecaServerTrustStore.ks. This option is necessary only if SSL client certification is required by Endeca Server.
TRUST_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD Required if TRUST_KEYSTORE_FILE is specified, otherwise optional. Specifies the corresponding password value for TRUST_KEYSTORE_FILE. This option is necessary only if SSL client certification is required by Endeca Server.