Installing the IKM SQL to Endeca Server

This process describes how to install the drivers for the knowledge module and also the XML definition of Endeca Server. Later in this guide, you import the knowledge module (i.e. the ikm directory contents). The knowledge module is project dependent and cannot be imported until you first create and configure a project.

To install the IKM SQL to Endeca Server:

  1. In your local environment, locate the software that you downloaded from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
  2. Extract the ZIP file to the root of your hard drive.

    For example, on Windows, extract the ZIP file to C:\.

    This creates the files on disk at C:\Oracle\Endeca\IKMSQLtoEndecaServer.

  3. If the ODI local agent is running, stop the process.
  4. On the file system, browse to <install path>\IKMSQLtoEndecaServer\3.1.0\lib and copy all of the JAR files in the directory.

    The destination location for the JAR files varies depending upon the type of ODI agent you are running.

  5. If your ODI agent is a Java application running in WebLogic Server, do the following:
    1. Paste the JAR files into the lib directory of the WebLogic domain running the agent.

      For example, C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\odiagent\lib.

    2. Go to the bin directory of the WebLogic domain and open setDomainEnv.cmd (on Windows) or (on UNIX) in a text editor.
    3. On Windows systems, locate the REM section and add a new Java option named set JAVA_OPTIONS=-DUseSunHttpHandler=true as the first lined in the file.
      For example, here is a snippet of setDomainEnv.cmd with the new option:
      @REM For additional information, refer to "Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server"
      @REM (
      @REM *************************************************************************
      set JAVA_OPTIONS=-DUseSunHttpHandler=true
      set WL_HOME=C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3
      for %%i in ("%WL_HOME%") do set WL_HOME=%%~fsi
      set BEA_JAVA_HOME=
    4. On UNIX systems, locate the comments section and add JAVA_OPTIONS=-DUseSunHttpHandler=true and another line with export JAVA_OPTIONS.
      For example, here is a snippet of with the new options:
      # For additional information, refer to "Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server"
      # (
      # *************************************************************************
      export JAVA_OPTIONS
    5. Save and close setDomainEnv.
  6. If your ODI agent is a standalone agent, paste the JAR files into the drivers directory of ODI located in <install path>\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_ODI1\oracledi\agent\drivers (or the equivalent path on UNIX).
  7. Restart the ODI agent.
  8. Start ODI Studio and connect to a Work repository with appropriate user name and password values.

Installation is complete.

Go on to import the Endeca Server technology into ODI.