About the endeca-cmd utility

The Endeca Server has a command-line interface that lets you control nodes in the Endeca Server cluster, data domains hosted in the Endeca Server cluster, and the data domain nodes.

With the endeca-cmd commands, you can obtain a version of the Endeca Server, and perform operations on:

The endeca-cmd utility requires a Java run-time environment (JRE) to run. Therefore, verify that you have included the bin directory of the installed JDK at the beginning of the PATH variable definition on your system. Alternatively, check that you have correctly set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

The syntax of the endeca-cmd command is:
endeca-cmd command [global options] [command options]

The endeca-cmd command uses two Web Service interfaces of the Endeca Server: the Cluster Web Service and the Manage Web Service. This means that all endeca-cmd commands can be issued programmatically, either using the Web Service requests directly (such as in soapUI), or by generating Java stubs from the Web Service requests and then using the Java methods for generating these requests. For information on the Cluster Web Service and Manage Web Service, see the Oracle Endeca Server Cluster Guide.

You can issue the endeca-cmd commands from the directory in which the endeca-cmd script is installed on any of the Endeca Server nodes. There are two versions of the endeca-cmd script: one for SSL use and one for non-SSL use.

Non-SSL version of endeca-cmd

The non-SSL version of the endeca-cmd script resides by default in the endeca-cmd directory in the root of the Endeca Server installation. For example, on Windows the default path is:

The location on Linux is also in the Endeca Server installation directory.

Use this version of the script if your Endeca Server deployment is installed in a non-SSL environment.

SSL version of endeca-cmd

The SSL version of the endeca-cmd script resides by default in the $DOMAIN_HOME/EndecaServer/bin directory. For example, if endeca_domain is the name of your WebLogic Server domain, then the default path on Windows is:

This version allows you to issue endeca-cmd commands without having to specify the location of the SSL certificates with the --keystore and --truststore options. It does so by making use of the EndecaCmd.properties file, which is located by default in the $DOMAIN_HOME/config directory.

The parameters in the EndecaCmd.properties file are automatically set when you run the generate_ssl_keys utility to generate the certificates. The parameters in the file are:
  • host — The name of the host machine on which the Endeca Server is running (same as the --host option).
  • port — The port on the host machine on which the Endeca Server is listening (same as the --port option).
  • root — The context root of the Endeca Server (same as the --root option).
  • keystore — The location of the keystore (same as the --keystore option).
  • truststore — The location of the truststore (same as the --truststore option).
  • ssl — A Boolean setting that indicates whether SSL is being used (same as the --ssl option).
The following is an example of a EndecaCmd.properties file on a Windows server:

By default, you are prompted for the keystore password whenever you issue a command. This is the password that you specified with the --sslPassphrase flag of the generate_ssl_keys utility. Note that you can override the prompt by providing the password with the --password option.