Global options for host, port, and context root

Three global options allow you to specify the host name, port number, and context root information for the Endeca Server.

--host option

You use the --host option when you want to run a command on an Endeca Server that is running on a remote machine. The --host argument can be either the full name of the remote machine or its IP address.

The following example illustrates the --host global option:
endeca-cmd create-dd bikes --host

The command tells the Endeca Server running on the remote machine (and listening on its default port) to create an Endeca data domain named bikes in the default location on that remote machine.

--port option

The --port option is used whenever the Endeca Server is not running on its default port, regardless of whether the Endeca Server is running locally or on a remote machine. If you do not specify --port, the default port is used for the command.

The default ports for the Endeca Server are:
  • 7001 is the default HTTP port in the WebLogic Server on which the Endeca Server application is listening. This port is used if the Endeca Server is running in a non-SSL mode.
  • 7002 is the default HTTPS secure port in the WebLogic Server on which the Endeca Server application is listening, if the Endeca Server is configured over SSL.
The following example illustrates both the host and port global options:
endeca-cmd get-dd bikes --host --port 9090

The command tells the Endeca Server running on the remote machine (and listening on a non-default port 9090) to return the status of the Endeca data domain named bikes.

--root option

The Endeca Server application uses /endeca-server as the default name of its context root when running in WebLogic Server. The --root option is used to specify this context-root name. If you do not specify --port, the default /endeca-server context root is used for the command.