Dgraph flags

The Oracle Endeca Server starts the Dgraph process for each data domain node in the data domain cluster.

When you create a data domain profile, you can optionally specify that its Dgraph processes start with any of the flags in the following table. For example, you can specify:
endeca-cmd put-dd-profile --args --syslog
When the data domain is created based on this data domain profile, all Dgraph nodes in this data domain use the Dgraph flags that you specified for this data domain profile.
To obtain a full listing of all the Dgraph process arguments, at the Oracle Endeca Server host and port, issue the put-dd-profile command with the --args --usage flag:
endeca-cmd put-dd-profile --args --usage

The following Dgraph flags allow you to adjust its configuration, using this syntax endeca-cmd put-dd-profile --args --<flag>

Dgraph Flag that must be specified only with endeca-cmd put-dd-profile --args --<Dgraph_flag> Description
? Print the help message and exit.
-v Verbose mode. Print information about each request to stdout.
--pidfile <pidfile-path> Specify the file to which to write the process ID (PID). The default PID file is named datadomain.pid and is located in the logs directory of the Endeca Server.
--sslcafile <CA-certfile-path> Specify the path of the eneCA.pem Certificate Authority file that the Dgraph will use to authenticate SSL communications with other components that must communicate with the Dgraph. If not given, SSL mutual authentication is not performed.
--sslcertfile <certfile-path> Specify the path of the eneCert.pem certificate file that the Dgraph will use to present to any client for SSL communications. If not given, SSL is not enabled for Dgraph communications.
--syslog Direct all output to syslog.
--validate_data Validate that all processed data loads and then exit.

Mapping between flags

Other flags returned in the list (when you issue endeca-cmd put-dd-profile --args --usage), can be specified in two ways:
  • Using the endeca-cmd put-dd-profile --args --<Dgraph_flag> option (as already discussed), or
  • Using the endeca-cmd put-dd-profile <--Dgraph_flag>. Notice that this method does not include --args. This method is recommended. For a description of those flags that can be specified this way, see Data domain profile operations, specifically, a description of the put-dd-profile command.

In addition to a subset of flags that can only be specified with --args, there is a list of flags that you can specify either with or without --args.

Note: If a flag can be specified with and without --args, it is recommended to specify it without the --args.
The following table provides a mapping between the syntax of the Dgraph flags that can be specified both ways (with --args and without --args):
Syntax of the flag when you specify it without the --args, as in: endeca-cmd put-dd-profile --<Dgraph_flag> Syntax of the flag when you specify it with the --args, as in: endeca-cmd put-dd-profile --args --<Dgraph_flag>
--ancestor-counts --ancestor_counts
--backlog-timeout --backlog-timeout
--refinement-sampling-min --esampmin
--implicit-exact --implicit_exact
--implicit-sample --implicit_sample
--net-timeout --net-timeout
--search-char-limit --search_char_limit
--search-max --search_max
--snippet-cutoff --snip_cutoff
--snippet-disable --snip_disable
--dynamic-category-enable --stat-all
--contraction-disable --unctrct
--wildcard-max --wildcard_max