Recommended strategy for retail catalog data

This topic describes a good starting strategy to try if you are a retailer working with a catalog data set.

The strategy assumes the following:
The strategy is as follows:
The modules in this strategy work like this:
  1. NTerms, the first module, ensures that in a multi-word search, the more words that match the better.
  2. MaxField puts cross-field matches as high in priority as possible, to the point where they could tie with non-cross-field matches.
  3. The next module, Glom, decomposes cross-field matches, effectively breaking any ties resulting from MaxField. Together, MaxField and Glom provide the proper ordering, depending upon what matched.
  4. Applying the Exact module means that an exact match in a highly-ranked member of the search interface is placed higher than a partial or cross-field match.
  5. Optionally, the Static module can be used to sort remaining ties by criteria such as Price or SalesRank.