List of valid search modes

The search mode can be specified independently for each record search operation contained in a navigation query, as well as for the value search query.

Valid search modes are the following:
Search mode Description
All Match all user search terms (that is, perform a conjunctive search). This is the default mode.
Partial Match some user search terms.
Any Match at least one user search term.
AllAny Match all user search terms if possible, otherwise match at least one. The AllAny search mode is not recommended in cases where queries can exceed two words. For example, a query on womens small brown shoes would return results on each of these four words and thus be essentially useless. In general, AllPartial is a better strategy.
AllPartial Match all user search terms if possible, otherwise match some. Because you can configure this mode to match at least two or three words in a multi-word query, AllPartial is generally a better choice than AllAny.
PartialMax Match a maximal subset of user search terms.
Boolean Match using a Boolean query.