The image is a diagram with Prerequisites on the left side and a flowchart on the right side. The prerequisite is the Install and Configure Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center document. The flowchart has the title Workflow. The first item in the workflow is a decision box with the question: Are you in Connected mode? If no, go to the Using Disconnected Mode document, then return to the main flow. If yes, go to the next decision box, which asks Are you provisioning or updating firmware? If yes, go to the Configuring and Managing Software Libraries on the Enterprise Controller document, then return to the main flow. If no, go to the next decision box, which asks Are you provisioning or updating OS? If yes, go to Deploying Software Libraries on the Enterprise Controller, then return to the main flow. If no, return to the main flow. The main flow concludes with the step to go to Deploy Software Librariesworkflow.