3 Database Management

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center uses an Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition instance to store product data. You can manage this database.

The following features and topics are covered in this chapter:

3.1 Introduction to Database Management

The Enterprise Controller uses an Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition database to store Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center data. This can be the embedded database installed with the Enterprise Controller, or a new or existing customer-managed database. You can manage the existing database, change, back up, or recover the database schema, or migrate the data to a customer-managed database.

You can use the backup and recovery actions available in Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center to back up an Enterprise Controller with either an embedded or a customer-managed database. These options do not require database administrator privileges. These options are discussed in Chapter 8, "Backup and Recovery".


If you are using a customer-managed database, you can edit the createOCSchema_remote.sql script to restrict the OC schema user from running certain commands on the database. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Security Guide for more information.


The OC Dump Directory is set when the Enterprise Controller is installed or when a new Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center database is specified. To change the OC Dump Directory, follow the procedure in MOS document 1543144.1.

Some of the procedures described in this section use the ecadm command. See Appendix A, "Command Line Administration" for more information about this command.

  • On Oracle Solaris systems, this command is in the /opt/SUNWxvmoc/bin/ directory.

  • On Linux systems, this command is in the /opt/sun/xvmoc/bin/ directory.

3.2 Installing and Configuring a Customer-Managed Database

If you want to use a customer-managed database, you must install and configure it to work with Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. Once you have installed and configured the database, you can migrate to it using the Migrating to a Customer-Managed Database procedure.

This procedure assumes that the Enterprise Controller has already been installed and configured. If you have not installed and configured an Enterprise Controller, follow the procedures in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris Operating System or Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Installation Guide for Linux Operating Systems. These documents include procedures for installing and configuring a customer-managed database.

  1. Install the database according to the Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition installation documentation.

  2. Create the following tablespaces on the database:

    • Default tablespace: This is the default tablespace for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center user. Create this tablespace with the name users.

    • Report tablespace: This is the tablespace used for report data. Create this tablespace with the name OC_RM_RESOURCE_TS.

    • Temporary tablespace: This is the temporary tablespace for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center user.

  3. Copy the createOCschema_remote.sql script from the Enterprise Controller to the database.

    • On Oracle Solaris for x86 systems, this script is in the /var/tmp/OC/dvd/SunOS_i386/Product/installer/scripts directory.

    • On Oracle Solaris for SPARC systems, this script is in the /var/tmp/OC/dvd/SunOS_SPARC/Product/installer/scripts directory.

    • On Linux systems, this script is in the/var/tmp/OC/dvd/Linux_i686/Product/installer/scripts directory.

    For example:

    # scp root@EnterpriseController:/var/tmp/OC/dvd/SunOS_i386/Product/installer/scripts/createOCschema_remote.sql .
    createOCschema_remote.sql  100% |*********************| 1486     00:00
  4. As the database administrator, run the createOCschema_remote.sql script and enter the following information:

    • Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center user name: This is a database user that is created by the script, which Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center uses to access the database.

    • Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center password: This is the password for the database user.

    • Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center read-only user name: This is a read-only database user, which Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center uses to view the database.

    • Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center read-only password: This is the password for the read-only database user.

    • Default tablespace: This is the default tablespace for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center user.

    • Report tablespace: This is the tablespace used for report data.

    • Temporary tablespace: This is the temporary tablespace for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center user.

    • Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center dump directory: This directory must exist and must be owned by the oracle user. If you are using Oracle RAC, this directory must be shared between all Oracle RAC nodes.

    For example:

    $ sqlplus / as sysdba @createOCSchema_remote.sql
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Dec 15 16:55:34 2011
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    Enter username for Ops Center database login: TESTSCHEMA
    Enter password for Ops Center database login:
    Enter username for read only Ops Center database login: TESTSCHEMA_RO
    Enter password for read only Ops Center database login:
    Enter default tablespace for Ops Center user: USERS
    Enter report tablespace for Ops Center user: OC_RM_RESOURCE_TS
    Enter temporary tablespace for Ops Center user: TEMP
    Enter Oracle Data Pump destination directory: /var/tmp/ocdumpdir
    "Done creating OC_SYSTEM_ROLE and OC_RO_ROLE"
    "Done creating Schema 'TESTSCHEMA'. Roles and privileges have been granted."
    "Done creating Schema 'TESTSCHEMA_RO'. Roles and privileges have been granted."
    "Done creating OC_DUMP_DIR at /var/tmp/ocdumpdir"
    "Done granting privs to users and profiles"
    "Testing connectivity to the new schema: 'TESTSCHEMA'"
    "Testing connectivity to the new read only schema: 'TESTSCHEMA_RO'"
    "Create is Complete. OC can now be used with the new schema: 'TESTSCHEMA'"
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

3.3 Migrating to a Customer-Managed Database

If you are using the embedded database, you can migrate to a customer-managed database. You must install and configure the customer-managed database in the destination location as described in the Installing and Configuring a Customer-Managed Database procedure before beginning this procedure.


The Enterprise Controller system must be routable by host name from the customer-managed database server for the migration to succeed.
  1. Create a customer-managed database properties file on the Enterprise Controller system. The database properties file must contain the location of the customer-managed database and a user name and password that can access the database.

    The database information can be found in the tnsnames.ora file.

    For example:

    # vi /var/tmp/RemoteDBProps.txt
    mgmtdb.dburl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<database host name>:<port>/<database service name>

    The mgmtdb.dburl property can be entered in any of these formats:

    mgmtdb.dburl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<database host name>:<port>/<database service name>
    mgmtdb.dburl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<database host name>:<port>:<SID>
  2. Use the ecadm command with the backup subcommand to back up the Enterprise Controller. This procedure is described in Chapter 8, "Backup and Recovery".

  3. Use the ecadm command with the migrate subcommand and the --remoteDBprops <path to properties file> and -l <log file> options to migrate to a customer-managed database. The log file is created in the /var/opt/sun/xvm/logs directory.

    For example:

    # ./ecadm migrate --remoteDBprops /var/tmp/RemoteDBProps.txt -l migrate.log

3.4 Changing the Customer-Managed Database Location

You can change the location of the customer-managed database. You must install and configure the database in the destination location as described in the Installing and Configuring a Customer-Managed Database section before beginning this procedure.

You must have root access to the Enterprise Controller system and database administrator access to the source database and destination database to complete this procedure.

  1. As root, log in to the Enterprise Controller system.

  2. Use the ecadm command with the stop subcommand and the -w option to shut down the Enterprise Controller.

    For example:

    ./ecadm stop -w
    ecadm: Shutting down Enterprise Controller using SMF...
    ecadm: Enterprise Controller services have stopped
  3. Edit the database properties file to point to the new database.

    For example:

    # vi /var/opt/sun/xvm/db.properties
    mgmtdb.dburl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<source database host name>:<port>/<source database service name>

    The mgmtdb.dburl property can be entered in any of these formats:

    mgmtdb.dburl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<database host name>:<port>/<database service name>
    mgmtdb.dburl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<database host name>:<port>:<SID>

    Change the mgmtdb.dburl line to point to the new database host name and name.

    For example:

    mgmtdb.dburl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<destination database host name>:<port>/<destination database service name>
  4. As a user with database administrator privileges, log in to the source database.

  5. Use the datapump export utility to export the source database. When prompted for a user name, enter / as sysdba.

    For example:

    $ expdp DIRECTORY=oc_dump_dir DUMPFILE=OC_schema.dmp SCHEMAS=OC,OC_RO LOGFILE=expdp_OC_schema.log
    Export: Release - Production on Mon May 23 10:14:33 2011
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Username: / as sysdba
    <output omitted>
    Job "SYS"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA.01" succesfully completed at <timestamp>
  6. Review the log file and verify that there were no errors.

    For example:

    $ cat expdp_OC_schema.log
    <output omitted>
    Job "SYS"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA.01" succesfully completed at <timestamp>
  7. Move the dump file from the source database server to the destination database server.

    For example:

    $ scp OC_schema.dmp <destination database host name>
    OC_schema.dmp      100% |***************************| 18192 KB     00:01
  8. Delete the dump file on the source database system.

    For example:

    $ rm OC_schema.dmp
  9. As a user with database administrator privileges, log in to the destination database.

  10. Create a database directory that points to the location of the dump file, then exit.

    For example:

    SQL> create or replace directory oc_dump_dir as '/var/tmp/ocdumpdir';
    SQL> exit;
  11. Use the import utility to import the database dump file into the source database.

    For example:

    $ impdp DIRECTORY=oc_dump_dir DUMPFILE=OC_schema.dmp LOGFILE=impdp_OC_schema.log
    Import: Release - Production on Mon May 23 10:14:33 2011
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Username: / as sysdba
    <output omitted>
    Job "SYS"."SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA.01" succesfully completed at <timestamp>
  12. Review the log file and verify that there were no errors.

    For example:

    $ cat impdp_OC_schema.log
    <output omitted>
    Job "SYS"."SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA.01" succesfully completed at <timestamp>
  13. Delete the dump file on the destination database system.

    For example:

    $ rm OC_schema.dmp
  14. As root, log in to the Enterprise Controller system.

  15. Use the ecadm command with the start subcommand and the -w option to start the Enterprise Controller.

    For example:

    # ./ecadm start -w
    ecadm: Starting Enterprise Controller with SMF...
    ecadm: Enterprise Controller services have started

3.5 Verifying the Database

You can verify that the configured database is operational and accessible from the Enterprise Controller.

  1. Use the ecadm command with the verify-db subcommand to verify the database.

    For example:

    ./ecadm verify-db
    ecadm:    --- Verified database

3.6 Upgrading a Customer-Managed Database

You can upgrade the database software. To do so, you must shut down the Enterprise Controller. Before upgrading the database software, verify that the version you intend to upgrade to is supported.

  1. Use the ecadm command with the stop subcommand and the -w option to shut down the Enterprise Controller.

    For example:

    ./ecadm stop -w
    ecadm: Shutting down Enterprise Controller using SMF...
    ecadm: Enterprise Controller services have stopped
  2. Upgrade the customer-managed database according to the Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition upgrade documentation.

  3. Use the ecadm command with the start subcommand and the -w option to start the Enterprise Controller.

    For example:

    # ./ecadm start -w
    ecadm: Starting Enterprise Controller with SMF...
    ecadm: Enterprise Controller services have started

3.7 Changing the Database Credentials

You can change the database password for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center user or the read-only user on an embedded or customer-managed database.

3.7.1 Changing the Database Credentials for the Ops Center User

  1. Create a temporary file containing the new password and secure it with 600 permissions.

    For example:

    # touch /tmp/password
    # chmod 600 /tmp/password
    # vi /tmp/password
  2. Use the ecadm command with the change-db-password subcommand and the -p <password file> option to change the database password. When prompted, confirm the Enterprise Controller restart.

    For example:

    # ./ecadm change-db-password -p /tmp/password
    The Enterprise Controller will be restarted after the database password is changed. Continue? (y/n)
    ecadm:    --- Changed database password, restarting.
    ecadm: shutting down Enterprise Controller using SMF...
    ecadm: Enterprise Controller services have stopped
    ecadm: Starting Enterprise Controller with SMF...
    ecadm: Enterprise Controller services have started
  3. If you have a high availability configuration, the ecadm command copies the new database properties to each remote cluster node. Enter the root password for each remote cluster node.

    For example:

    ecadm:    --- Changed database password, restarting.
    The DB configuration file must now be copied to each remote cluster node.
    You will be prompted for the root password for each node to perform the copy.
    Copying to node OC-secondary
    Password: password
    <output omitted>
    ecadm:    --- Enterprise Controller successfully started HA
  4. Remove the temporary file containing the new password.

    For example:

    # rm /tmp/password

3.7.2 Changing the Database Credentials for the Read-Only User

  1. Create a temporary file containing the new password.

    For example:

    # vi /tmp/password
  2. Use the ecadm command with the change-db-password subcommand and the -p <password file> and -r options to change the database password. When prompted, confirm the Enterprise Controller restart.

    For example:

    # ecadm change-db-password -r -p /tmp/password
    The Enterprise Controller will be restarted after the database password is changed. Continue? (y/n)
    ecadm:    --- Changed database password, restarting.
    ecadm: shutting down Enterprise Controller using SMF...
    ecadm: Enterprise Controller services have stopped
    ecadm: Starting Enterprise Controller with SMF...
    ecadm: Enterprise Controller services have started
  3. If you have a high availability configuration, the ecadm command copies the new database properties to each remote cluster node. Enter the root password for each remote cluster node.

    For example:

    ecadm:    --- Changed database password, restarting.
    The DB configuration file must now be copied to each remote cluster node.
    You will be prompted for the root password for each node to perform the copy.
    Copying to node OC-secondary
    Password: password
    <output omitted>
    ecadm:    --- Enterprise Controller successfully started HA
  4. Remove the temporary file containing the new password.

    For example:

    # rm /tmp/password

3.8 Defragmenting an Embedded Database

You can defragment an embedded database to increase free space and improve performance.

  1. As root, log in to the Enterprise Controller system.

  2. Use the ecadm command with the stop subcommand and the -w option to shut down the Enterprise Controller.

    For example:

    ./ecadm stop -w
    ecadm: Shutting down Enterprise Controller using SMF...
    ecadm: Enterprise Controller services have stopped
  3. Use the ecadm command with the defrag-db subcommand to defragment the embedded database.

    This command makes a backup of the Enterprise Controller before defragmenting the database. By default, the temporary directory used to stage the backup file is /var/tmp. You can specify another temporary directory using the -T | --tempdir <temp-dir> option.

    For example:

    ./ecadm defrag-db --tempdir /tempdir
  4. Use the ecadm command with the start subcommand and the -w option to start the Enterprise Controller.

    For example:

    # ./ecadm start -w
    ecadm: Starting Enterprise Controller with SMF...
    ecadm: Enterprise Controller services have started

3.9 Consolidating Reports Data on a Customer-Managed Database

If you have installed or upgraded to Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center version with a customer-managed database, reporting data may be stored in the main tablespace, which can cause Enterprise Controller downtime if the tablespace reaches its maximum size.

To determine if the reporting data is correctly stored in the OC_RM_RESOURCE_TS tablespace, you can check the satadmsqlplus.log file after upgrading or installing. This log file is located in the /var/opt/sun/xvm/logs and indicates whether report data is correctly stored in the OC_RM_RESOURCE_TS tablespace.

If the reporting data is not stored in the OC_RM_RESOURCE_TS tablespace, you can use the ecadm command to move this data to the OC_RM_RESOURCE_TS tablespace.

  1. Run the OCDoctor.sh script with the --troubleshoot option. If it indicates that the OC_RM_RESOURCE_TS tablespace is missing, use the suggested fix to create the tablespace. For example:

    /var/opt/sun/xvm/OCDoctor/OCDoctor.sh --troubleshoot
    <output omitted>
    ERROR: Tablespace OC_RM_RESOURCE_TS needs to be added to the remote DB (Bug 17737994)!Tablespace creation example (to be run by DBA of remote DB):CREATE TABLESPACE OC_RM_RESOURCE_TS              DATAFILE '<path to datafile>/ocresource01.dbf'              SIZE 100M REUSE              AUTOEXTEND ON                  NEXT 100M                  MAXSIZE 32767M          EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL          SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO          ;ALTER USER <oc_user_name> QUOTA UNLIMITED ON OC_RM_RESOURCE_TS;
  2. Use the ecadm command with the stop subcommand and the -w option to shut down the Enterprise Controller.

    For example:

    ./ecadm stop -w
    ecadm: Shutting down Enterprise Controller using SMF...
    ecadm: Enterprise Controller services have stopped
  3. Use the ecadm command with the mv-rep subcommand to move the report data.

  4. Open the /var/opt/sun/xvm/logs/satadmsqlplus.log file and verify that no errors were reported during the move process.

  5. Use the ecadm command with the start subcommand and the -w option to start the Enterprise Controller.

    For example:

    # ./ecadm start -w
    ecadm: Starting Enterprise Controller with SMF...
    ecadm: Enterprise Controller services have started