The image is a screen capture of Step 1 of the Create IPMP Group Wizard. The Specify IPMP Group consists of text field for the name of the IPMP group and a drop-down list of networks. An Ethernet network with a VLAN ID is selected so the step shows the options for an Ethernet network running in an Oracle Solaris 11 environment. The Media Type options are Ethernet or InfiniBand and the Mode options are Tagged or Untagged. The screen capture shows the VLAN ID in a text field so that it can be edited. The Failure Detection modes are Link-Based and Probe -Based. For the IPMP Group Members, the Available Network Interfaces list shows the network interfaces that meet the specifications, the IPMP Group Members list shows the network interfaces that will be included in the IPMP Group. A set of arrow keys enables you to move a network interface from one list to the other list. The Next button continues the wizard.