A Manually Upgrading Database Tables

The format of database tables used by the historical data service has changed in version to save space in the database.

Under most circumstances, the upgrade process automatically converts the database to the new format. If this portion of the upgrade is not successful, an error message is displayed on the command line and in the /var/opt/sun/xvm/update-saved-state/update_EC_minor_bundle_12.2.0.<build number>/updatelog.txt file, and you must update the database manually.

A.1 Manually Migrating Report Service Data

Perform the following steps to migrate the Report Service Data:

  1. Start the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center CLI and connect to the Enterprise Controller.

    xvmSh > connect
  2. Use the report service CLI.

    localhost > reports
  3. List the existing partitions.

    localhost/reports > list

    For example:

    localhost/reports > list
    Daily partition 20140122 (with 0/0/0/0/0 values) state is : 1
    Daily partition 20140204 (with 1200/0/0/0/0 values) state is : 0
    Daily partition 20140205 (with 605/0/0/0/0 values) state is : 0
    Daily partition 20140206 (with 6205/0/0/0/0 values) state is : 0
    Daily partition 20140207 (with 0/0/0/0/0 values) state is : 0
    Older samples (outside partitions) : 0/16416/1368/684/684
  4. Run the check command to show the partitions that must be converted.

    localhost/reports > check

    For example:

    localhost/reports > check
    @ Partition 20140122 : no conversion is needed
    @ Partition 20140204 : a conversion is needed for 1200 old samples
    @ Partition 20140205 : no conversion is needed
    @ Partition 20140206 : no conversion is needed
    @ Partition 20140207 : no conversion is needed
  5. For each partition that requires conversion, run the following command:

    localhost/reports > convert -p <partition name>

    For example:

    localhost/reports > convert -p 20140204
    This operation may take time : please be patient and wait...
    Conversion of old samples  : starting ...
    1200 old format samples converted for partition 20140204 in table
    rm_resource_daily_trend in 261 ms
    0 old format samples converted for partition 20140204 in table
    rm_resource_1hour_trend in 11 ms
    0 old format samples converted for partition 20140204 in table
    rm_resource_12hour_trend in 3 ms
    0 old format samples converted for partition 20140204 in table
    rm_resource_24hour_trend in 1 ms
    0 old format samples converted for partition 20140204 in table
    rm_resource_24hour_stats in 1 ms
    Old format sample conversion for partition 20140204 : done in 318 ms with
    1200 samples : perf = 0 samples / seconds
  6. Verify that all of the partitions have been converted:

    localhost/reports > check

    For example:

    localhost/reports > check
    Partition 20140122 : no conversion is needed
    Partition 20140204 : no conversion is needed
    Partition 20140205 : no conversion is needed
    Partition 20140206 : no conversion is needed
    Partition 20140207 : no conversion is needed
    All samples have been converted : please run the convert command with no argument to finish the migration
  7. Finalize the migration using the convert command.

    localhost/reports > convert

    For example:

    localhost/reports > convert
    This operation may take time : please be patient and wait...
    Conversion of old samples  : starting ...
    0 old format samples converted for partition null in table
    rm_resource_daily_trend in 5 ms
    Suppressing useless column and index for table rm_resource_daily_trend
    16416 old format samples converted for partition null in table
    rm_resource_1hour_trend in 3674 ms
    Suppressing useless column and index for table rm_resource_1hour_trend
    1368 old format samples converted for partition null in table
    rm_resource_12hour_trend in 315 ms
    Suppressing useless column and index for table rm_resource_12hour_trend
    684 old format samples converted for partition null in table
    rm_resource_24hour_trend in 183 ms
    Suppressing useless column and index for table rm_resource_24hour_trend
    684 old format samples converted for partition null in table
    rm_resource_24hour_stats in 106 ms
    Suppressing useless column and index for table rm_resource_24hour_stats
    Old format sample conversion : done in 5139 ms with 19152 samples : perf =
    3830 samples / seconds
  8. Verify that the migration has been completed.

    localhost/reports > check

    For example:

    localhost/reports > check
    Table rm_resource_daily_trend is already at new format
    Table rm_resource_1hour_trend is already at new format
    Table rm_resource_12hour_trend is already at new format
    Table rm_resource_24hour_trend is already at new format
    Table rm_resource_24hour_stats is already at new format
    All conversions have been performed : migration is DONE !
  9. Exit the CLI.

    localhost/reports > exit 

The Report Service Data is now migrated.