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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Enterprise Single Sign-On Provisioning Gateway Administrator's Guide
11g Release 2 (

Part Number E37696-01
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7 The Provisioning Gateway CLIs

The Provisioning Gateway server exposes a Web service interface that allows it to receive instructions submitted to it by any other provisioning server. The Provisioning Gateway CLI is supplied as an integration component for provisioning solutions.

7.1 About CLIs

Provisioning Gateway includes two types of CLIs:

This document describes:

For instructions to implement the .NET and Java CLIs, see Developing Application Interfaces for Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite.


The functionality of the .NET and Java CLIs is almost identical. The minor differences are noted throughout the document.

The .NET CLI is installed by default. To install the Java CLI, you must select the Custom option during installation.

7.2 CLI Syntax

The CLI uses the following syntax:

usage: pmcli [-url service] [-agent name] [-u login id]

[-p password] [-t date/time] [-f inputfile]

[-security <sec_opts>] "operation"

The CLI accepts switches in the following format, in any combination:

Switch Description


Value specified after "="

-arg value

Value specified as next argument


Value specified after ":"


Double dash to start an arg


Forward slash to start an arg

-u, -p

Equivalent to -security username=<value> password=<value>


Executes batch operations from a file, then exits.


Alias for -exec. Specifies time to execute provisioning operation.

7.2.1 Differences Between .NET and Java CLI Approaches

The .NET CLI executable is called pmcli.exe.

The Java CLI implementation is in a class library called pmcli.jar. A batch file, pmcli.bat, is provided to execute this library. On Windows, an environment variable, %PMCLI_ROOT%, must be set to point to the location where pmcli.jar and its supporting libraries reside before executing the batch file. The Java CLI can also be executed manually without the batch file in the following manner:

java -cp <classpath> pmcli.Main <args>

It might be necessary to edit the pmcli.bat file and redefine the d value according to the directions given in the pmcli.bat file. The %P% value refers to the path where the properties file is stored. The Java CLI can be customized using the properties file. This file must exist along a path without any spaces in the name. By default, the Java CLI is installed on Windows under Program Files, which requires that if you use a properties file, you must set the value of %P% to refer to the name of the directory where you will place this file. This directory's name must not contain spaces.

7.3 Modes of Operation

There are three supported modes of operation:

7.3.1 Command-Line Mode

In this mode, you specify the provisioning operation by entering it on the command line. The following provisioning operations are supported:

Operation Definition


Add new credential


Modify an existing credential


Delete an existing credential


Delete SSO user and their stored credentials


Get status of a pending instruction


Cancel a pending provisioning instruction


Search for logon and pending requests


Change the current storage settings


Retrieve the current storage settings


Retrieve the available storage schemas


Check status of server

Each of these operations and their parameters are described in a later section of this document.


If both a batch file and operation are specified on the command line, batch mode takes precedence.

7.3.2 Batch Mode

Batch mode allows you to pass a series of provisioning operations to the CLI in a file specified through the -f switch.

7.3.3 Interactive Mode

If there is no operation specified on the command line and no batch file is indicated, the CLI enters interactive mode. In this mode, provisioning operations are specified in a shell-like environment until you enter quit or exit.

Interactive mode supports three additional commands not available in the command-line or batch mode:

Command Description


List all commands available

Help [operation]

Show syntax for a specific command


Exit from interactive mode or stop executing the batch

7.3.4 Smart Defaults

If the url, agent, username, or password switch is not specified, the CLI uses the following defaults:

Switch Default




The current machine name (on Windows %MACHINENAME%).


The CLI will prompt for a password.


Difference Between .NET and Java CLI

For security reasons, the .NET CLI obfuscates the password entered by a user (if the user is prompted for a password). For platform-independent reasons, the Java CLI does not obfuscate the password entered by a user.

7.3.5 Operation Execution

When an operation has been executed by the CLI, it outputs the results to the screen. The format output will depend on the operation executed. In general, the result is as follows:








The result of the provisioning server.



A request was successfully created and placed in the directory.

The agent processes this request and marks it either success or failure.



The request ID does not exist. This applies to the status and cancel operations.



The request is in a state that does not allow it to be canceled. This applies to the cancel operation.


The unique identifier of the provisioning instruction that was submitted successfully.


Additional results returned by the particular provisioning instruction. This applies to the status, ext_search, get_settings, and get_schema operations. The results are generally in name-value pair format. This attribute format can be viewed as descriptons for the information being returned.

In the event of an error, the output will be the exception followed by a descriptive message, as follows:

[exception]: [descriptive error message]

7.3.6 Usage

The command pmcli -? displays usage and syntax information.

7.3.7 Status Results

When the Logon Manager Agent finishes processing a provisioning instruction, the Result attribute of the instruction is set to the result of execution. If the agent fails to process an instruction, the attribute is set to Failed, and the Description is set to the specific error that occurred. The possible error cases are:

  • Failure to decrypt the provisioning instruction.

  • Failure to delete the requested instruction.

  • Invalid or unknown instruction type.

  • Failed to find application specified in instruction.

  • Failed to treat modify instruction as an add instruction.

  • Failed to add instruction, credential already exists.

  • Failed to add instruction, required field not included

7.4 Provisioning Operations

The following table lists the specific provisioning operations that can be executed and the specific syntax for each operation:


Add a new credential for a given user.


Delete an existing credential associated with a given user.


Modify an existing credential associated with a given user.


Delete SSO user and their stored credentials.


Get status of pending and submitted provisioning instructions.


Cancel a pending provisioning instruction.


Searches for applications, users, and event log entries.


Change the current storage settings.


Retrieve the current storage settings.


Retrieve the available storage schemas.


Checks the status of the server (no errors on success).

7.4.1 Parameters

The operation parameters define the specific characteristics for the request. The set of expected parameters are listed per operation. Each parameter consists of a name-value pair specified as follows:


The user's ID as known by Provisioning Gateway. This is the ID that the Provisioning Service uses to locate the user in the Provisioning Gateway data store.


The name of the application to add a credential to.


The description of the credential. This field is optional.


The application's user ID field for this credential.


The password field for this credential.


The third field for this credential.


The fourth field for this credential.


The GUID submitted by a successful provisioning request.


The following describes the specific settings for the set_settings operation:


A comma-delimited list of storage key names.


A comma-delimited list of storage values.


The following table defines the specific settings for the ext_search operation:


The catalog to search.


The sso_userid of the user to find (ext_search).


A comma-delimited list of application logon names.


Return a list of GUIDs associating stored credential containers to application templates for the selected user.


Return a list of pending instructions.


Do an exact or substring match on userId.


The start date of the event log.


The end date of the event log.


The type of event to filter the search on.

7.4.2 Syntax

The syntax describes the parameters and format expected for each operation. The following defines each operation and its syntax:

ADD_CREDENTIAL sso_userid sso_application [sso_app_userid] [sso_password] [sso_description] [sso_other1] [sso_other2]

MODIFY_CREDENTIAL sso_userid sso_application sso_app_userid [sso_description] [sso_password] [sso_other1] [sso_other2]

DELETE_CREDENTIAL sso_userid sso_application [sso_app_userid] [sso_password] [sso_other1] [sso_other2]

DELETE_USER sso_userid

STATUS sso_userid command_id

CANCEL sso_userid command_id

EXT_SEARCH CATALOG=Applications [userId]

EXT_SEARCH CATALOG=Users [userId] [logon="logon1,logon2,..."] [returnLogons=true|false] [returnInstructions=true|false] [uidMatch=substring|equal]


If uidMatch is not specified, equal is assumed. If returnLogons and returnInstructions are not specified, false is assumed.

EXT_SEARCH CATALOG=EventLog [startDate=mm/dd/yyyy] [endDate=mm/dd/yyyy] [eventType=amducs]

The possible values of eventType are:


Add Logon


Modify Logon


Delete Logon


Delete User


Cancel Request


Status Request

These can be used in combination to return matching events.

SET_SETTINGS name="key1,key2,..." value="value1,value2,..."

Valid keys can be obtained using GET_SCHEMA. The number of keys and values must be identical. Each key in the name list is paired with its matching value on the value list (based on position).


There are no parameters for this command.


There are no parameters for this command.


There are no parameters for this command.

7.4.3 Escaping a Comma

Parameters that take comma-delimited values support the "\" (backslash) as an escape character for commas. For example, to enter the value CN=USERS,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM for the UserPath in Active Directory, you would issue the following command:

SET_SETTINGS name="Storage\AD\UserPath" value="CN=USERS\,DC=DOMAIN\,DC=COM"

Commas that are not escaped are treated as delimiters between multiple values or keys. Examples

The following examples demonstrate how to use the CLI. Switches

pmcli -username=johns

pmcli -username johns

pmcli -username:johns

pmcli -u:johns

pmcli -u=johns

pmcli -u johns

pmcli /u:johns

pmcli --u:johns

The above calls are equivalent and apply to all switches. Smart Defaults

pmcli -p:Password

url defaults to http://localhost/v-go%20pm%20service/up.asmx

agent defaults to machine name

username is the current logged on user

pmcli -u:Administrator -p:Password

url defaults to http://localhost/v-go%20pm%20service/up.asmx

agent defaults to machine name

pmcli -url: -p:mypassword

agent defaults to machine name

username is current logged in user


url defaults to http://localhost/v-go%20pm%20service/up.asmx

agent defaults to machine name

username is current logged in user

password is prompted (CLI prompts for a password) Adding a Credential

The following example adds a Lotus Notes credential for the SSO user joeuser:

pmcli -url " PM Service/UP.asmx" -agent "PM Agent" -username=PMAdmin -password=mysecretpassword add_credential sso_userid=joeuser sso_application="Lotus Notes" sso_app_userid=lotususer sso_password=password123 sso_other1=mydomain

The first four switches to the CLI indicate:

  • The location of the Provisioning Gateway Web service

  • The identifier for this agent

  • The credentials to use to authenticate against the Web service

  • The operation and its parameters.

In this case, the SSO user to provision is joeuser and a credential was added for Lotus Notes with credentials of lotususer and password123 in the mydomain domain. Deleting All Credentials for a User

The following example deletes all credentials for the SSO user joeuser:

pmcli -url " PM Service/UP.asmx" -agent "PM Agent" -username=PMAdmin -password=mysecretpassword delete_user sso_userid=joeuser Returning a List of Specific Users

This example returns a list of users with provisioned logons and instructions on the system:

pmcli -url " PM Service/UP.asmx" -agent "PM Agent" -username=PMAdmin -password=mysecretpassword ext_search catalog=users returnLogons=true returnInstructions=true Executing Operations from a Batch File

The following example demonstrates how to execute operations from a batch file:

pmcli -url:" PM Service/UP.asmx" -agent:"PM Agent" -u:PMAdmin -p:mysecretpassword -f=c:\operations.txt

The file operations.txt contains one provisioning operation per line:

add_credential sso_userid=joeuser sso_application="Lotus Notes" ...

add_credential sso_userid=janeuser sso_application="Lotus Notes" ...

delete_credential sso_userid=jackuser sso_application="Lotus Notes" Running the CLI in Interactive Mode

The following example demonstrates how to run the CLI in interactive mode:

pmcli -url:" PM Service/UP.asmx" -agent:

"PM Agent" -u:PMAdmin -p:mysecretpassword

The CLI enters interactive mode and displays the following:

Passlogix (R) v-GO PM CLI Version 6.0.0

Copyright (C) Passlogix, Inc. 1998-2005. All rights reserved.

URL: PM Service/UP.asmx

AGENT: PM Agent"


EXECUTE: 10/17/2005-15:07:04


Type "e"[xit] or "q"[uit] to end a session. Displaying Help


HELP [operation]

operation - Displays help information on that operation.

The user can enter provisioning operations at the prompt similar to the operations in batch mode until he encounters a quit or exit. Specifying When to Run the Provisioning Operation

The following example demonstrates how to specify when to run the provisioning operation:

Specifying the -t switch on the command line followed by a time indicates that the Logon Manager Agent should execute the provisioning operation only on or after the specified time. The operation exists on the directory service and the Provisioning Gateway Agent executes it, but the logon will not be available to the SSO user until the time specified.

The format of -t is:



7.5 Using the .NET CLI as an SDK

The Provisioning Gateway .NET CLI must be installed prior to performing the steps in this section. Refer to the Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Installation Guide for information on installing the Provisioning Gateway .NET CLI.

The .NET CLI is located under <Passlogix home>\v-GO PM\Client\CLI\DotNet.

To use the .NET CLI as an SDK, complete the following steps:

  1. In your .NET project, add a reference to the Passlogix.Provisioning.dll.

  2. Create an instance of the IProvisioning interface.

  3. Call the available methods on this interface (such as AddCredential, etc).

  4. Use the returned IProvisioningResult interface to determine success and retrieve results.

7.5.1 Adding a Reference to Passlogix.Provisioning

To add a reference to Passlogix.Provisioning.dll in your .NET project:

  1. From Visual Studio, load your solution and launch the Solution Explorer.

  2. Select the applicable .NET project and expand it.

  3. Right click on the References node and select Add Reference.

  4. From the dialog, select Browse and find Passlogix.Provisioning.dll (which you will find under <Passlogix home>\v-GO PM\Client\DotNet).

  5. Click Open. A new reference to the assembly is created.

  6. Open the source file (with .cs extension) where the APIs are called, and add the following lines at the beginning of the file:

    using Passlogix.Provisioning;

    using Passlogix.Provisioning.Exceptions;

7.5.2 Creating an Instance of the IProvisioning Interface

In the same file, create a method to initialize an instance of the IProvisioning interface and add one of the following lines to that method:

Method 1. If you know the full path

IProvisioning iprov =

ProvisioningFactory.CreateFrom(@"<Path to .NET CLI>");

Method 2. Load from same directory as provisioning assembly

IProvisioning iprov = ProvisioningFactory.CreateFromPrivate();

Method 3. To load file from the path (specified by %PATH%)

IProvisioning iprov = ProvisioningFactory.CreateFromPath();

After you have selected a method for loading, check for errors and then set the credentials for connection to the Provisioning Gateway service.

Use the following code after selecting the loading assembly method:

if (iprov != null)




You must first establish a connection to ensure that all resulting calls to the methods do not fail. This method sets credentials for connecting to the provisioning service. It does not actually connect to the service until a provisioning request is made.

There are three ways to connect:

Method 1

iprov.Connect("Administrator", "password");

Assumes http://localhost/v-go pm service/up.asmx and %COMPUTERNAME% is the Agent name.

Method 2

Specify the URL and Agent name:


"http://<server>/v-go pm service/up.asmx",

"My Agent",

"Administrator", "password");

Method 3

Specify the URL:


"http://<server>/v-go pm service/up.asmx",

"Administrator", "password");

Make provisioning requests via the iprov interface. This method is preferred because the Web service is not local but the user does not necessarily want to specify the agent name (defaults to %COMPUTERNAME%). See Sample Code for examples.


catch (ProvisioningException ex) { // Handle exception } }

After the connection executes successfully, requests can be sent to the Provisioning Gateway Web service through the methods of the iprov variable. Each method returns its results in an IProvisioningnResult interface. Oracle recommends these methods be called within a try…catch block for error handling. Catching the ProvisioningException class is sufficient for any exceptions thrown by the CLI. Other exceptions can be handled by adding a catch (Exception) block. Available Methods in iProv Interface

This section lists all the available methods and their parameters for each provisioning operation. The following information is provided for each available method:

  • Method name and description

  • Method Overload List

  • A description of the method's parameters (if applicable)

One of these parameters requires a special explanation. The options parameter is a dictionary of key-value pairs. The key is the name of the argument used by the CLI on the command line. The value is its value. The developer can set a key-value pair in the dictionary using either the literal name of the key (passed on the command line) or the key constants defined in the OperationKeys class.

  • Command-line syntax used by the CLI (CLI_Syntax) (if applicable)

The command-line arguments map directly to the valid keys that can be used to fill the options parameter of a method. The OperationKeys class has been provided for convenience with constants mapping to the literal value of each key. This can be used to fill or index the options array. For brevity, the CLI Syntax does not show the full syntax. Refer to CLI Syntax for full information. The operation name is capitalized. Arguments specified in brackets are optional.

Method Description


Establishes connection to Web service. This method does not actually attempt the connection but stores the credentials used to connect for use by other methods.

Overload List

void Connect(string strUsername, string strPassword);

void Connect(string strURL, string strUsername, string strPassword);

void Connect(

string strURL,

string strAgent,

string strUsername,

string strPassword);

Parameter Description


Web Service URL. Default is http://localhost/v-GO%20PM%20Service/up.asmx


Identifier for this agent. Default is %COMPUTERNAME%.


Username used to authenticate against the Web service.


Password used to authenticate against the Web service.

Method Description


Sets the execution time of the provisioning instruction. This can be used to tell the instruction to execute in the agent at a future date or time after it has been created. If this is not set, it defaults to "Now."

Overload List

void SetExecTime(DateTime dtExec);

Method Description


Provision the user with a new credential.

Overload List

IProvisioningResult AddCredential(

string strUserId,

string strApplication,

string strDescription,

string strAppUserId,

string strPassword);

IProvisioningResult AddCredential(

string strUserId,

string strApplication,

StringDictionary options);

Parameter Description


User ID of user to be provisioned.


Name of the application to provision.


Description of the provisioning instruction.


Application user ID of the credential.


Password of the credential.


Hashtable of options (keys specified by OperationKeys).

CLI Syntax


ADD_CREDENTIAL sso_userid sso_application [sso_app_userid] sso_password]
[sso_description] [sso_other1] [sso_other2]

Method Description


Cancel the provisioning request (before the agent runs).

Overload List

IProvisioningResult CancelRequest(string strUserId, string strGuid);

Parameter Description


User ID of user to be provisioned.


ID of provisioning instruction to cancel (returned by several methods) that can be canceled.

CLI Syntax


CANCEL sso_userid=<username> command_id=<guid>

Method Description


Delete a provisioned credential.

Overload List

IProvisioningResult DeleteCredential(string strUserId,

string strApplication, string strAppUserId, string strOther1,

string strOther2);

IProvisioningResult DeleteCredential(string strUserId,

string strApplication, StringDictionary options);

Parameter Description


User ID of user to be provisioned.


Name of the application to provision.


Application User ID of the credential.


Other field value (1).


Other field value (2).


Hashtable of options (keys specified by OperationKeys).

CLI Syntax


DELETE_CREDENTIAL sso_userid sso_application [sso_app_userid]
[sso_password] [sso_other1] [sso_other2]

Method Description


Modify a provisioned credential.

Overload List

IProvisioningResult ModifyCredential(string strUserId, string strApplication, string strAppUserId, string strDescription, string strPassword, string strOther1, string strOther2);

IProvisioningResult ModifyCredential(string strUserId, string strApplication, string strAppUserId, StringDictionary options);

Parameter Description


User ID of user to modify.


Name of the application of credential to modify.


Application User ID of the credential to modify.


Password of the credential to modify.


Description of the provisioning instruction.


Other field value (1).


Other field value (2).


Hashtable of options (keys specified by OperationKeys).

CLI Syntax


MODIFY_CREDENTIAL sso_userid sso_application sso_app_userid [sso_description] [sso_password] [sso_other1] [sso_other2] [sso_password] [sso_other1] [sso_other2]

Method Description


Delete the user container (similar to deleting all credentials for a particular user).

Overload List


IProvisioningResult DeleteUser(string strUserId);

Parameter Description


User ID of container to delete.

CLI Syntax


DELETE_USER sso_userid=<username>

Method Description


Ping the server. If it returns successfully without error, the server is functioning.

Overload List

IProvisioningResult GetStatus();

CLI Syntax




Method Description


Request the status of a pending provisioning instruction.

Overload List

IProvisioningResult StatusRequest(string strUserId, string strGuid);

Parameter Description


User ID to query.


ID of provisioning instruction (returned by several methods)

CLI Syntax


STATUS sso_userid=<username> command_id=<guid>

Method Description


Return the directory settings of the PM Web service.

Overload List

IProvisioningResult GetSettings();

CLI Syntax




Method Description


Get the schema (or list of available options for SetSettings).

Overload List

IProvisioningResult GetSchema();

CLI Syntax




Method Description


Change the settings used by the Web service.

Overload List

IProvisioningResult SetSettings(IDictionary map);

Parameter Description


Key-value pair for each setting.

CLI Syntax


SET_SETTINGS name="key1, key2, ..." value="value1, value2, ..."

Method Description


Search the directory service and return information on users, applications, and logs. This returns a list of applications that can be provisioned for a particular user or all users.

Overload List for Applications

IProvisioningResult ExtSearchApplications();

IProvisioningResult ExtSearchApplications(string strUserId);

Parameter Description


Name of user whose application list should be returned.

Overload List for Users

IProvisioningResult ExtSearchUsers();

IProvisioningResult ExtSearchUsers(string strUserId,

StringCollection logons, bool fRetLogons, bool fRetInsts,

bool fMatchExact);

IProvisioningResult ExtSearchUsers(StringDictionary options);

Parameter Description


User to return information on.


Return only these logons (csv format).


Return logon information.


Return pending provisioning instructions.


Use exact match on strUserId.


Hashtable of options (specified by ExtSearchKeys).

Overload List for Logging

IProvisioningResult ExtSearchLog();

IProvisioningResult ExtSearchLog(EventType evt);

IProvisioningResult ExtSearchLog(DateTime dtStart, DateTime dtEnd,

EventType evt);

Parameter Description


EventType to return.


Start date of range to return.


End date of range to return.

CLI Syntax


EXT_SEARCH CATALOG=Applications [userId=<username>]

EXT_SEARCH CATALOG=Users [userId=<username>]

[logon="logon1,logon2,..."] [returnLogons=true|false]

[returnInstructions=true|false] [uidMatch=substring|equal]

EXT_SEARCH CATALOG=EventLog [startDate=mm/dd/yyyy] [endDate=mm/dd/yyyy]


7.5.3 Retrieving Results

After a provisioning request to the Provisioning Gateway Web Service has completed, an IProvisioningResult interface is returned by the called method. Your application can use this interface to determine if the request has completed successfully and retrieve any relevant results. This section shows the available properties on the IProvisioningResult interface and how to interpret their values for the methods called from IProvisioning. Interface Definition

public interface IProvisioningResult { string Response { get; }

bool Success { get; }

string CommandID { get; }

string ErrorMessage { get; }

IDictionary AttributesCollection { get; } }

Property Description


True if the command completed successfully.


The error string if Success is False. May not always be set.


The unique ID associated with the completed command (a 32-digit GUID)). All methods except ExtSearch return a GUID. However, only the following methods provide a GUID that can be used by the CancelRequest and StatusRequest operation:

  • AddCredential

  • ModifyCredential

  • DeleteCredential


The raw XML response returned by Web service. This is useful if the results need to be re-parsed.


Detailed results returned by the Web service on Success. The format is a Dictionary of key-value pairs. The methods that fill this property are:

  • GetSettings

  • GetSchema

  • StatusRequest

  • ExtSearch

7.5.4 Attributes Collection

The Attributes Collection is a dictionary of attributes returned by GetSettings, GetSchema, ExtSearch, and StatusRequest. The keys are strings that represent the attribute name. The values can refer either to another IDictionary, an IList, or a string. However, types are not mixed within the same collection. After the type is established, the same type is referenced by all keys.

The following table lists the keys and values returned by the provisioning operations and their meanings:

Methods Description


Returns a collection of string key-value pairs. The key is the name of the setting. The value is its value. These are the storage values set in the registry by the Provisioning Gateway Web Service.


Returns a collection of string key-value pairs. The key is the name of a status property. The value is its value. The following status keys are supported:


Status Key










SUCCESS, <Reason for failure>



<Date modified>


The key is a string that represents the name of a group of storage settings. The value is an IList. Each IList entry describes one setting under this group. The entry is an IDictionary of string key-value pairs. The key can be one of the following followed by one of the possible values:






Can be string or bool



A description of this setting. Can be empty.



The friendly name of this setting to display.



An internal value used to describe if the settings is non-persistent, must exist.



The default value for this setting. Can be empty.



The name of the registry key.



The relative registry path to this setting.



The registry type (DWORD or string).


Note: The setting described by this entry becomes a value that can be retrieved or set by GetSettings and SetSettings.


Collection of hashtables. (See next section for more information). The key is a string but the type of the returned value depends on the ExtSearchXXX called.


The structure and format of the returned key-value pairs from the AttributesCollection property are designed to closely mirror the console output from the actual CLI. Simply using the CLI will help in understanding the format and structure of the collection returned by these methods.

7.5.5 ExtSearch Results

This section describes the format of the AttributesCollection map returned by ExtSearch. ExtSearchApplications


.NET: HashTable of HashTables

Java: HashMap of HashMaps

Key Value

Application Name

HashTable (string key/value pairs)






True | False



True | False



True | False



True | False



True | False


If IsSecurId is true, then the first four fields are renamed:

  • SecurID-UserId

  • SecurID-Other[4th]

  • HasPassword

  • PassKeyType

The following are sample search results:

Adobe Acrobat Readers

HasFourthField: False

HasPassword: True

HasThirdField: False

IsSecurID: False

HasUserId: False

MSN Messenger

HasFourthField: False

HasPassword: True

HasThirdField: False

IsSecurID: False

HasUserId: True

Visual SourceSafe

HasFourthField: False

HasPassword: True

HasThirdField: True

IsSecurID: False

HasUserId: True ExtSearchUsers


.NET: HashTable of Lists of HashTables

Java: HashMap of Lisis of HashMaps

Key Value

User's Name


Logon Entry






Application name



Date last modified



Date last used by SSO



GUID identifier


Pending Entry






Date created



Date this will execute



GUID identifier






Agent name



SUCCESS | Pending CLI Output

ext_search catalog=users returnLogons=true

This returns a list of logons for all users.


modifiedDate: 2005-08-24 16:43:41Z

lastUsedDate: 2005-08-24 16:43:41Z

name: Adobe Acrobat Reader

id: a75f58c8-a3bd-4d00-bc27-99a587dd98f8

modifiedDate: 2005-08-24 16:43:41Z

lastUsedDate: 2005-08-24 16:43:41Z

name: Adobe Acrobat Reader

id: d6bc375d-3f90-400b-a012-6b80aff4ef49

modifiedDate: 2005-09-09 16:28:15Z

lastUsedDate: 2005-09-09 16:28:15Z

name: Visual SourceSafe

id: 80cdc929-61a6-4b86-8763-d5f02b0dbb8b

modifiedDate: 2005-09-01 17:30:26Z

lastUsedDate: 2005-09-01 17:30:26Z

name: Visual SourceSafe

id: 065f5cff-b651-4a3a-a99c-c606059cbad7

modifiedDate: 2005-09-09 16:41:33Z

lastUsedDate: 2005-09-09 16:41:33Z

name: Visual SourceSafe

id: 0a0686b5-3e38-4830-8e02-79b8177de0b4 ExtSearchLog


.NET: HashTable of HashTables

Java: HashMap of HashMaps

Key Value

Entry Number

HashTable (string key/value pairs)






Application name



Type of event (DWORD flag)



Date executed



GUID identifier



User provisioned



Agent name



Time stamp CLI Output

ext_search catalog=eventLog

This returns a list of logons for all users.

Entry 1


eventType: 64

executeDate: 0001-01-01 00:00:00.000Z

id: a09b9de7-4b65-464c-8dcb-90219e222991


provisioningAgent: SSO PM Console

timestamp: 2005-11-17 18:33:37.290Z

Entry 2


eventType: 64

executeDate: 0001-01-01 00:00:00.000Z

id: bd444f6c-e3cf-4efc-bbd8-c5e82d55ed96


provisioningAgent: SSO PM Console

timestamp: 2005-11-17 18:33:37.370Z

Entry 3


eventType: 64

executeDate: 0001-01-01 00:00:00.000Z

id: 6eebd1dd-a904-43db-8c22-38ef941e83b3


provisioningAgent: SSO PM Console

timestamp: 2005-11-17 18:33:38.960Z

Entry 4

applicationName: Visual SourceSafe

eventType: 4

executeDate: 2005-11-17 19:28:51.427Z

id: 2c45f078-c9c7-4268-9abd-4e50111ba644

provisionedUser: davidh

provisioningAgent: SSO PM Console

timestamp: 2005-11-17 19:28:51.427Z

7.5.6 Sample Code

The following code demonstrates how to call the AddCredential method from the IProvisioning interface. This example demonstrates adding a credential for the Logon Manager user johndoe. The application being added is Yahoo and the credentials for this application are jdoe and password.. The description of this credential is TestApp.



IProvisioningResult ipr = iprov.AddCredential(



"Test App",



//Process results in ipr

if (!ipr.Success)





//Display GUID

Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS" + ipr.CommandID);


catch (ProvisioningException ex)


// Handle Exception...


Credentials can also be added using an options argument, which is a more flexible method of passing. This method allows the use of additional parameters (some applications require an OTHER1 and OTHER2 field) and their combinations.

The following example demonstrates how to add a credential for the Visual SourceSafe application for the SSO user johndoe. Since this application requires an OTHER1 field, this method is the only way to add the credential.

StringDictionary options = new StringDictionary();

options.Add(OperationKeys.DESCRIPTION, "Test App");

options.Add(OperationKeys.APP_USERID, "jdoe");

options.Add(OperationKeys.PASSWORD, "password");

options.Add(OperationKeys.OTHER1, "VGO");

IProvisioningResult ipr = iprov.AddCredential("johndoe",

"Visual SourceSafe", options);

7.6 Using the Java CLI as an SDK

The Provisioning Gateway CLI must be installed prior to performing the steps in this section. Refer to the Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Installation and Setup Guide for information on installing the Provisioning Gateway CLI.

The Java CLI is located under <home directory>\v-GO PM\Client\Java\<version>.

To use the Java CLI as an SDK, follow these steps:

7.6.1 Sample Code

The following code illustrates a simple program that implements each of these steps:

  1. Import these classes into your application:

    import*; import*;

    Sample routine for calling the web service:

    void CallWebService(/* Parameters */) {

    Arguments to ProvisioningConnection are defined as:

    URL: the webservice URL strAgent: the user-defined name for the client agent strUsername: the username to connect as strPassword: the password to use for connection ProvisioningConnection conn = new ProvisioningConnection(strURL, strAgent, strUsername, strPassword); try {

  2. Begin execution of instruction:

    CLIOperationParser opParser = CLIOperationParser.newInstance(); Operation.StringMap options = new Operation.StringMap();

  3. Use OperationKeys class for most options. Use ExtSearchKeys class for ExtSearch operation:

    options[OperationKeys.USERID] = "davidh"; options[OperationKeys.APPLICATION] = "Visual SourceSafe";

    strOper can be equal to any operation defined in CLIOperationParser: Operation oper = opParser.parse(strOper, options);

  4. Set the execution time of instruction. If you leave the execution time unspecified, it defaults to Now. oper.setExecTime(dtExec); conn.sendInstruction(oper);

  5. Get results if the operation was successful: if (!oper.getSuccess()) { String strMsg = String.format(

    "The command failed: id=%s, msg=%s", oper.getCommandID(), oper.getError()); return; }

  6. Retrieve command ID and result attributes:

    String strID = oper.getCommandID()); CollectionsMap map = oper.getResultAttributes()); } catch (Exception ex) { // print exception } }

    For some commands, one or both of these is empty. See the section Using the .NET CLI as an SDK for more information on the command ID and format of result attributes and the available options for each operation. The available operations are defined as static members of the CLIOperationParser class. All of the available options and parameters for the supported operations are defined in OperationKeys Interface and ExtSearchKeys Interface sections of this document.

7.6.2 Class Definitions

The following class definitions show the important constants and methods needed to programmatically send a request to the Provisioning Gateway Web Service. CLIOperationParser Class

This class inherits from OperationParser. An instance of itself can be created by calling newInstance(). When an instance exists, it can be used to create Operation objects representing the specific request to be executed on the server:

Following are all supported operations defined as constant strings:

static public final String ADD_CREDENTIAL = "add_credential";

static public final String MODIFY_CREDENTIAL = "modify_credential";

static public final String DELETE_CREDENTIAL = "delete_credential";

static public final String DELETE_USER = "delete_user";

static public final String STATUS = "status";

static public final String CANCEL = "cancel";

static public final String CHECK_SERVER = "check_server";

static public final String GET_SETTINGS = "get_settings";

static public final String GET_SCHEMA = "get_schema";

static public final String SET_SETTINGS = "set_settings";

static public final String EXT_SEARCH = "ext_search";

To create a new instance of this parser

static public CLIOperationParser newInstance();

To print the results to an output stream of choice

public void printResults(PrintStream out, Operation oper); OperationParser Class

This class is the base class for CLIOperationParser. It defines methods for supporting additional operations and creating Operation objects:

  • To add a new provisioning operation and its support class:

    public void addOperation(String strOper, Class<? extends Operation> c)

    The supporting class must be derived from the abstract Operation class. This method is intended for internal use.

  • To create an instance of the Operation object for the given provisioning instruction:

    public Operation parse(String strInstr) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException

    This instruction follows the same format as that passed in the command line.

  • To create an instance of the Operation object based on the operation name:

    public Operation parseNoOpt(String strOper) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException

  • To create an instance of the Operation object based on the operation name and its parameters (specified as a map of key/value pairs):

    public Operation parse(String strOper, Operation.StringMap options) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException Operation Class

The Operation Class is the base class for all Operations supported by the Java CLI. This class is responsible for constructing the correct message to send to the Web service and for retrieving and storing the response. The following methods can be used to query the results:

  • Get the raw xml response from the server:

    public String getResponse()

  • Query if the operation executed successfully:

    public boolean getSuccess()

  • Get the GUID associated with this operation after it is executed:

    public String getCommandID()

    This can be an empty string if no GUID is associated with the operation.

  • Get any error message if getSuccess returns false:

    public String getError()

  • Set the execution time of this operation on the server:

    public void setExecTime(Date dtExec)

    If you do not provide a value for this parameter, the Operation executes immediately. Otherwise the Operation does not execute until the given time.

  • Get the result attributes array if the operation was successful:

    public CollectionsMap getResultAttributes()

    An empty CollectionsMap cab be returned if there are no results other than success to return. The format of CollectionsMap is a name/value pair map of lists or other maps. The exact format of which depends on the operation executed. For more information, see Using the .NET CLI as an SDK.

  • Execute the operation:

    public String send(ProvisioningConnection conn) throws PMCLIException, RemoteException

    You generally should not call this method directly. Instead call:


    This passes the Operation object to it. OperationKeys Interface

The OperationKeys interface defines all the possible parameters that an Operation can accept. The parameters are specified as keys to the StringMap, followed by their value. The exact subset of keys an Operation supports is described in the Provisioning Gateway Using the .NET CLI as an SDK.

public interface OperationKeys


static public final String USERID = "sso_userid";

static public final String APPLICATION = "sso_application";

static public final String DESCRIPTION = "sso_description";

static public final String APP_USERID = "sso_app_userid";

static public final String PASSWORD = "sso_password";

static public final String OTHER1 = "sso_other1";

static public final String OTHER2 = "sso_other2";

static public final String GUID = "command_id";

static public final String NAME = "name";

static public final String VALUE = "value"; } ExtSearchKeys Interface

The ExtSearchKeys interface defines the parameters supported for the ExtSearch operation. The OperationKeys interface does not apply for this operation. Acceptable parameters must come from this list:

public interface ExtSearchKeys


Supported keys for ExtSearch

static public final String OPTION_CATALOG = "catalog";

static public final String OPTION_USERID = "userId";

static public final String OPTION_APPLICATION= "applicationName";

static public final String OPTION_EVENTTYPE = "eventType";

static public final String OPTION_STARTDATE = "startDate";

static public final String OPTION_ENDDATE = "endDate";

static public final String OPTION_LOGON = "logon";

static public final String OPTION_SHOWLOGONS = "returnlogons";

static public final String OPTION_SHOWPENDING = "returnInstructions";

static public final String OPTION_UIDMATCH = "uidMatch";

Possible values for OPTION_UIDMATCH key

static public final String MATCH_EQUAL = "equal";

static public final String MATCH_SUBSTRING = "substring";

Possible values for OPTION_CATALOG key

static public final String CATALOG_APPS = "Applications";

static public final String CATALOG_EVENTLOG = "EventLog";

static public final String CATALOG_USERS = "Users"; }

7.6.3 Setting Up Java for SSL

To set up SSL support for the Java CLI, you must modify a properties file to point to the Java Keystore File root:

  1. Download a public version (no private key) of the SSL certificate that will be used. This can be retrieved from the server that is hosting IIS. Save this public certificate as an ssl.cer as follows:

    1. From the server with the SSL certificate, open the Microsoft Management Console by selecting Start > Run, type MMC and click OK.

    2. Click File > Add/Remove Certificates Snap-in. On the Standalone tab, click Add.

    3. Select the Certificate snap-in and click Add.

    4. Select Computer Account and click Next.

    5. Select Local Computer and click Finish.

    6. Under the Console Root, expand Certificates (Local Computer).

    7. Expand Personal and click Certificates.

    8. Right-click the SSL certificate and select All Tasks > Export.

    9. On the Certificate Export Wizard panel, click Next.

    10. On the Export Private Key panel, click No, do not export the private key.

    11. Select the file format you want to use (either DER or BASE-64) and click Next.

    12. Browse to locate the file you want to export. Click Next.

    13. Save as an ssl.cer file.

    14. Click Finish, and then click OK. This file will be imported into the java keystore on the client (we will create this next).

  2. Verify that JDK 1.42+ is installed on the client workstation. There is a binary called keytool.exe that you will use to create the keystore.

  3. Create a file called pmcli.jks with an alias of pmssl as follows:

    1. Run: keytool -import -trustcacerts -file ssl.cer -alias pmssl -keystore pmcli.jks

    2. Enter a password for the keystore.

    3. When prompted to trust certificate, click Yes.

    4. Copy the pmcli.jks file to the folder where pmcli.jar is located.

  4. Create a file in the folder defined for property files in pmcli.bat.

  5. Edit by adding the following line:

  6. Save the file.

  7. Add the full path to the directory where lives (not the full path to the file) to the CLASSPATH.

  8. Run pmcli.bat and pass an https URL to the -url switch.


Enabling SSL does not prevent the CLI from communicating with an http service.