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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Release Notes
11g Release 2 (

Part Number E37689-03
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2 Open Issues in 11g Release 2 (

This section describes open issues in the current release of the Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite, and their workarounds, where applicable.

2.1 Open Issues Applicable to All Suite Applications

This section describes open issues present in all Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite applications in this release.

2.1.1 Unicode Characters Not Supported

Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite applications currently do not support Unicode characters.

2.2 Administrative Console

This section describes open issues in the current release of the Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Administrative Console.

2.2.1 Incorrect Error Message Displayed when Invalid OPAM Credentials Are Used

When configuring OPAM connectivity in the Administrative Console, entering invalid OPAM credentials results in a generic "401 - Unuthorized" error message, rather than a message indicating invalid credentials.

2.3 Logon Manager

This section describes open issues in the current release of Logon Manager.

2.3.1 Logon Manager May Not Respond On-the-Fly to Some Web Applications

Logon Manager may not respond on-the-fly to Web pages accessed via Google Chrome that contain multiple forms.

Additionally, Logon Manager may not respond on-the-fly to the following Web forms accessed via Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome:

  • Web pages where fields are not contained within a FORM element

  • The password change form

If you encounter this issue, create a Logon Manager application template for the affected Web application.

2.3.2 Logon Manager May Not Respond At All to Some Web Applications

Logon Manager may not respond at all to the following Web forms:

  • Google Chrome only: Multi-frame Web pages to which the user navigated using the browser's Back button; refreshing the target page will allow Logon Manager to respond properly.

  • Google Chrome only: The "Welcome to Google Chrome" sign-in page. Users must complete first time sign-in manually.

  • All browsers: The logon form.

There are currently no workarounds for these issues, except as noted above.

2.3.3 Logon Manager Button Does Not Appear in Chrome's Title Bar

Logon Manager is currently unable to display its title bar button in the title bar of the Google Chrome browser.

There is currently no workaround for this issue.

2.3.4 Unable to Complete SmartCard Logon to a Kiosk Manager Session if Card Is Removed During PIN Entry

When logging on to a Kiosk Manager session with a PIN-protected SmartCard, removing the SmartCard while the PIN prompt is displayed causes the logon to fail. Entering the card PIN without the card present will result in an endless prompt for the PIN, requiring the user to cancel the logon in order to dismiss the PIN prompt.

There is currently no workaround for this issue.

2.3.5 Logon Manager Does Not Support Checking Out OPAM-Protected Accounts That Have No Expiration Date

When Logon Manager is configured to integrate with Oracle Privileged Account Manager, checking out accounts that do not have a set expiration date is not supported.

There is currently no workaround for this issue.

2.3.6 LDAP Authenticator Version 1 Support for Active Directory

When configuring the LDAPAuth v1 authenticator, Active Directory will not be present in the "Directory Type" drop-down menu.

To work around this issue, select LDAP-Compliant Server from the drop-down menu and enable the Enable Domain Name Support option.

2.3.7 The "Process" Option in mfrmlist.ini Prevents Mainframe Application Detection

Setting the Process option in the mfrmlist.ini file to a value other than shared causes Logon Manager to no longer detect mainframe applications it previously detected correctly.

To ensure Logon Manager properly detects your mainframe applications, do not set this option to a value other than shared.

2.3.8 Network Provider Installable with Incompatible Authenticators

It is possible to install the Network Provider component required for Windows Authenticator Version 2 and the SmartCard authenticator with other Logon Manager authenticators, which are not compatible with the Network Provider component.
This can result in users being unable to authenticate to Logon Manager.

To work around this issue, ensure that you only install the Network Provider component with either the Windows Authenticator Version 2 (WinAuth v2) or the SmartCard authenticator.

2.3.9 Silent Credential Capture Does Not Store Credentials for Some Web Applications

The silent credential capture function may not successfully capture credentials for some Web applications.

To work around this issue, always check that the credentials have been successfully captured and stored in Logon Manager.

2.3.10 Fine-Grain Password Policies Not Supported

Logon Manager currently does not support the detection of password expiration defined in fine-grain password policies utilized in Windows Server 2008 and subsequent Windows Server editions; only domain-level password policies are supported.

To work around this issue, users whose password expiration was defined in a fine-grain password policy will need to change their passwords without the use of Logon Manager.

2.3.11 Delegated Credentials Not Injected If Delegation End Time is 12:00AM

If the end time for a credential delegation is set to 12:00AM, Logon Manager will not inject the delegated credentials when a delegatee attempts to access the target application.

To work around this issue, set the delegation end time to a value other than 12:00AM.

2.4 Password Reset

This section describes the open issues in the current release of Password Reset.

2.4.1 On Windows 7, Password Reset Client Does Not Support Running Under Accounts Other than Local System

On Windows 7, Password Reset does not support modifying its configuration to run under a specified user account, rather than the Local System account. This feature is available on Windows XP only. Password Reset Server is not affected by this issue.

2.4.2 Installing the Password Reset Client on a 32-bit Windows 7 System Running Universal Authentication Manager and Configured for Automatic Logon Prevents Users From Logging On

On a workstation running Universal Authentication Manager and configured for automatic Windows logon, installing the Password Reset client prevents users from logging on to Windows. This issue only affects 32-bit editions of Windows 7.

If you are unable to log on in such a scenario, restart the machine in "Safe Mode" and disable the automatic logon feature.

2.4.3 Password Reset Client: Reset Quiz Does Not Function on 64-bit Editions of Windows Server 2008 R2

On 64-bit editions of Windows Server 2008 R2 running the Password Reset Client, the password reset quiz does not function when accessed from the Windows logon screen.

There is currently no workaround for this issue.

2.4.4 On Windows 7 Deployments in Norwegian, Some Dialogs Appear in English

On Windows 7, when Password Reset is deployed in Norwegian, the initial enrollment screen, the initial password reset screen, and the ”Forgot your password?” link on the Windows 7 logon page appear in English instead of Norwegian.

There is currently no workaround for this issue.

2.5 Provisioning Gateway

This section describes the open issues in the current release of Provisioning Gateway

2.5.1 Unable to Check Out Account Delegated via Group Membership

Attempting to check out a delegated account whose delegation was granted via a group membership results in a 404 error.

There is currently no workaround for this issue.

2.5.2 Active Directory Users Must Use Full Name to Authenticate to the OPAM Server

Active Directory users must use their full name instead of their account name (user ID) to authenticate to the OPAM server; otherwise, authentication will fail.

There is currently no workaround for this issue.

2.5.3 Template Mapping List Appears Blank After Mapping a Template

In the Provisioning Gateway console, the "Template Mapping" list may appear blank after mapping a template.

To work around this issue, refresh the page after mapping a template to repopulate the "Template Mapping" list.

2.6 Universal Authentication Manager

This section describes the open issues present in the current release of Universal Authentication Manager.

2.6.1 BIO-Key Control Panel Does Not Open When No Reader Is Configured (64-Bit Systems Only)

On 64-bit systems, if no fingerprint reader has been configured and the user attempts to enroll with the Fingerprint logon method, Universal Authentication Manager will prompt the user to configure the reader, but acknowledging the prompt does not open the BIO-Key control panel. This issue does not affect 32-bit systems.

To work around this issue, ensure the fingerprint reader is correctly configured before enrolling with the Fingerprint logon method.

2.6.2 Reboot Required Immediately After Adding Or Removing a UAM-Enabled Machine To/From a Windows Domain

When adding or removing a machine that uses Universal Authentication Manager for strong authentication to or from a domain, you must reboot immediately after adding or removing the machine; otherwise, strong authentication will not function until you reboot.