Changes in This Release for Oracle R Enterprise Installation and Administration Guide

This preface describes changes in Oracle R Enterprise Installation and Administration Guide for Release 1.4.

Changes in Oracle R Enterprise Installation and Administration Guide for Release 1.4

  • R 3.0.1 requirement

    Oracle R Enterprise 1.4 requires R 3.0.1. As with earlier releases of Oracle R Enterprise, Oracle recommends that you use Oracle R Distribution.

    See Chapter 3, "Installing R for Oracle R Enterprise".

  • Oracle R Distribution supported on Microsoft Windows

    Oracle R Distribution 3.0.1 is supported on 64-bit Windows in addition to the 64-bit Linux and UNIX platforms that were supported in earlier releases.

    See Section 3.5, "Installing Oracle R Distribution on Windows".

  • Cairo package used for graphics display on the server

    Oracle R Enterprise 1.4 uses Cairo to display graphics on an Oracle R Enterprise server. Cairo is an open source R package that creates high quality bitmap, vector, and display output.

    Cairo is bundled with the Oracle R Enterprise supporting packages. With Cairo, there is no longer a need to configure an X11 server on Oracle Solaris and AIX servers.

    See Section, "Oracle R Enterprise Supporting Packages"

  • New client packages

    Oracle R Enterprise 1.4 includes two new client packages:

    • OREcommon — Common low-level functionality for Oracle R Enterprise

    • OREembed — Embedded R functionality for Oracle R Enterprise

    See Section, "Oracle R Enterprise Client Packages".

  • Enhancements to Oracle R Enterprise Server installation script

    The Oracle R Enterprise Server 1.4 installation script includes these enhancements:

    • Configuration mode

      When the configonly flag is set, the Installer performs database configuration for Oracle R Enterprise but does not copy the Oracle R Enterprise libraries to $ORACLE_HOME/lib and does not install the Oracle R Enterprise client packages.

      See Section, "Configuration Mode".

    • Prompts for the RQSYS password and displays the default password

      The default password is displayed so that the user can determine whether to accept the default password or specify a different password.

      See Section 4.1.3, "About the Oracle R Enterprise Server Installation Script".

  • Enhancements to demo_user script

    The demo_user script, which creates a database user for Oracle R Enterprise, can now enable an existing user for Oracle R Enterprise in addition to creating a new user.

    See Section 7.1, "Creating a Database User for Oracle R Enterprise".

  • Migration scripts

    Oracle R Enterprise 1.4 includes scripts for importing and exporting Oracle R Enterprise data and schema objects from a source environment to a target environment. The source and target must have the same version of Oracle Database and Oracle R Enterprise.