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Use this function to return the current value contained in a section field. The @ function is also called the get field function. The @ symbol is used because it is easy to recognize in script statements and it reduces the amount of typing required.


DAL internally manages Unicode strings using UTF8, which is a standard mechanism for handling Unicode string data. The get field @() function will use this method if the field is defined with a Unicode font.

See the Unicode Guide for more information.


@(Field, Section, Form, Group)




Enter the name of a section field. The default is the current field.


Enter the name of a section that contains the field named. The default is the current section.


Enter the name of a form that contains the section and/or field named. The default is the current form.


Enter the name of the form group that contains the form, section, or field. The default is the current group.

The system uses the parameters you provide to search for one field on a section and return that field’s data. If the field is defined as a numeric data type, the system returns a number. Otherwise, the result is a string of text.

Note If you omit the Field parameter, make sure you include quotation marks, as shown in the second and third example below.


For these examples, assume the current field value is 1234.23 and is named MyField. Also, assume that a second occurrence of MyField appears on the form, MyForm, and contains the value automobile.

For the third example, assume the current form is the third page of the form set being processed. For the fourth example, assume the section Header3 is on the second page of the form ABC.




Return(@( ))


Returns the value in the current field.



Returns the value in the named field, located on the current section.

Return ( @("Formset Page Num") )


Returns the value in the field named "Formset Page Num" on the current section.

Return ( @(Form Page Num"), "Header3","ABC") )


Returns the value in the field named "Form Page Num" in section, "Header3" on form "ABC".

You can use this function to get text values from the special page numbering fields, FORMSET PAGE NUM, FORMSET PAGE NUM OF, FORM PAGE NUM, and FORM PAGE NUM OF.

Note Although you can also set these page numbering fields, these fields are maintained by the system and the value you set them to will be overwritten.

You can also use this function to get page number field values within scripts that execute during the batch printing process. You can use this, for instance, during the Banner processing with the GenPrint program to check the page number fields on certain pages.

Keep in mind that during GenData processing, page numbering is not usually done unless you are also doing single-step printing. Even then, page numbering does not occur until the print process begins.

See also