You are here: Function Reference > Alphabetical Listing > A > AddForm


Use this procedure/function to add a new form to a document.


AddForm (Form, Insert, Group)




Enter the name of a form in the specified group.


Enter the name of a form after which the new form should be inserted. The default is to append after the last form in the group.


Enter the name of a group to contain the specified form. The default is the current group.

The system optionally returns one (1) on success or zero (0) on failure.

This procedure adds a new copy of the specified form to the document set. The form named must be a valid form for the given group. You cannot add a form defined for one group into another group. The insert (form) name may be specified using the occurrence indicator.

If you include the Group parameter, it must reference a group included in the form set. You cannot add a group or add forms to a group that was not specified during form selection.


Here are some examples:




AddForm( "Form1")

1 or 0

Add the named form after the last form in the current group.

AddForm( "Form", "Form\1", GRP")

1 or 0

Insert the named form after the first occurrence of that form within the named group.

See also