You are here: DAL Examples > Adding form names to AFP BPG and EPG records

Adding form names to AFP BPG and EPG records

This example shows how to add form names to AFP Begin Page (BPG) and End Page (EPG) records. Adding form names to these records can allow certain AFP archival products to re-assemble portions of documents, instead of having to deliver the entire document.

Use the BPGScript option to specify the script that adds this data to the AFP BPG and EPG records:

< PrtType:AFP >
BPGScript = BPGScriptExample.dal

The system will execute the script you specify at the start of every page to pass data to BPG and EPG records to AFP print streams. This script should call the AddComment function and pass a string as a parameter to the AddComment function. Strings longer than eight bytes are truncated.

For example, your DAL script could include these lines:

form_name = FormName()