You are here: Function Reference > Alphabetical Listing > D > DelBlankPages


Use this procedure to remove blank or filler pages in a form set. For instance, you can use this rule to remove blank pages reserved for OMR marks when creating PDF files.


DelBlankPages ( )

There are no parameters for this procedure.


One way to delete blank pages is by using banner page processing in the GenPrint program. You can specify a DAL script which runs at the start of each transaction. The DAL script calls the DelBlankPages procedure.

This will cause blank pages to be removed from each transaction. To do this, you need these INI settings:

< Printer >
  EnableTransBanner						= True
  TransBannerBeginScript						= PreBatch
< DALLibraries >
  LIB						= BANNER

Here is an example of the BANNER.DAL file:

BeginSub PreBatch

Removing blank or filler pages

You can also remove blank or filler pages using custom code or by using the DPRDelBlankPages procedure, which is available with Docupresentment. See Using Documaker Bridge for more information on the DPRDelBlankPages function.

The API to call from custom code is as follows:

  VMMHANDLE objectH,) /* formset or form handle */

See also the Documaker Administration Guide for information on using banner processing.

See also