You are here: Function Reference > Alphabetical Listing > H > HaveSection



HaveImage has been replaced with HaveSection. HaveImage and HaveSection have same functionality; the only change is to the function name. The existing HaveImage scripts will continue to function and will not require any modification.

Use this function to determine if a given section is contained in the document.


HaveSection (Section, Form, Group)




Enter the name of a section to locate. The default is the current section.


Enter the name of an form that is assumed to contain the specified section. The default is the current form.


Enter the name of a group to contain the specified section or form. The default is the current group.

The system returns one (1) if the form is located and zero (0) if it cannot be found.

Keep in mind you can use an asterisk (*) as the object name to match parent objects. This lets you find objects without explicitly knowing the parent names.

Note For optimal performance, avoid using wildcards (*) when searching for field, section, or form names.

Several of the DAL functions might return a value that may indicate a section is or is not a part of the document. However, those functions also intend to perform some other procedure beyond searching for the section. This function simply identifies whether a given section is present as part of a form and/or group.

The function does not require any parameters. However, calling it in this manner will typically return 1, since it will locate the current section.


Here are some examples:




HaveSection( "IMG")

1 or 0

Attempts to locate the named section on the current form. If found, return 1.

HaveSection("IMG\2", "Form\3", "GRP")

1 or 0

Locate the third occurrence of Form within the specified group. If found, then locate the second occurrence of IMG. If successful, return 1.

See also