You are here: Function Reference > Alphabetical Listing > K > KickToWIP


Use this function to send a transaction to WIP from the GenData program. This function lets you use DAL instead of the KickToWIP rule or the field properties Attributes required field flag.


KickToWIP ( )

There are no parameters for this function.

Use the ShowWIPWarning option to suppress the Sent to Manual Batch warning messages:

< RunMode >

ShowWIPWarning = No




Enter No to suppress warning messages included the error logs when using the KickToWIP DAL function.

The default is Yes, which tells the system to include the messages in the error logs.


Here is an example of how you would set your AFGJOB.JDT file:

<Base Form Set Rules>
;PostTransDAL;;KickToWIP( );

In this example, the PostTransDAL function sets the Manual batch flag before the NA, POL, and Receipt batch files are written. Here is an example of the section-level rules:

<Image Rules>
;PreImageDAL;;KickToWIP( )

In this example, the Manual batch flag is set if the section is triggered.

Here is an example of the Chk_If_Kick DAL script:

BeginSub Chk_If_Kick
If (CountRec("1,Second_Address") = 0) AND \ 
(GetData("1,Second_party, 45,1) = "X") Then
KickToWIP( )
Note You must execute this DAL function before the ConvertWIP form set level rule is executed, if it is included in the AFGJOB.JDT file

See also