You are here: Function Reference > Alphabetical Listing > L > Logo


Use this procedure/function to place a graphic file (LOG) at a specified position in the section.


Logo (Graphic, Xcoordinate, Ycoordinate, Section, Form, Group)




Enter a valid name for a graphic. Must be a variable field object.


Enter a valid X coordinate location.


Enter a valid Y coordinate location.


Enter the name of the section name that contains the new graphic. The default is the current section.


Enter the name of the form name that contains the section you specified. The default is the current form.


Enter the name of the group that contains the specified section or form. The default is the current group.

The system optionally returns one (1) on success or zero (0) on failure.

This procedure uses FAP units (1 inch = 2400 FAP units). The top-left position of a page represents coordinate (0, 0). To place a graphic an inch from the top and an inch from the left of the page, the X and Y coordinates would be (2400, 2400).

If the location for a particular graphic can be described in relation to a field on the form, you can use the FieldX and FieldY functions to get the coordinates of that field.

This function does not redraw the section display. Use the Refresh procedure with the Logo procedure to view the changes.


Here are some examples:




Logo ("janedoe", "7500", "5500");Refresh( )

1 or 0

Defaults to add the graphic on the current section at the location specified.

Logo( "Hancock", FieldX("MyField"), FieldY("MyField"), "IMG", "FORM")Refresh( )

1 or 0

First locate the specified form in the current group. Next locate IMG on that form. Finally, add the graphic at the same location as the field, "MyField".

See also