You are here: Function Reference > Alphabetical Listing > S > SaveWIP


Use this procedure/function to save the WIP record being processing. Optionally, this procedure returns a one (1) on success or a zero (0) on failure. This procedure is needed in the DAL script called by the Documaker Desktop function, AFEBatchDALProcess, if you change any data in the WIP record being processed.


SaveWIP ( )

There are no parameters for this procedure.


Here is a sample DAL script.

desc_field   = WIPFld("DESC");
mod_data     = desc_field & " – 04/03/03";
rc_setwipfld = SetWIPFld("DESC", mod_data);
rc_savewip   = SaveWIP( );

This script appends the text, – 04/03/03, to the content of the DESC field in each WIP record in the WIP.DBF file.

See also