You are here: Function Reference > Alphabetical Listing > S > SetFont


Use this function to change the font on a field. For instance, you can use SetFont on non-multiline text fields or bar code fields. You cannot use the SetFont function to reformat a text area.


SetFont (FontID, Field, Section, Form, Group)




Enter the font ID of the font to which you want to change. A font ID of less than one (1) causes the function to fail.


(Optional) Enter the name of a field that identifies a multiline text area. This is the field that receives the appended text. The default is the current field.


(Optional) Enter the name of the section that contains the field you specified. The default is the current section.


(Optional) Enter the name of the form that contains the section and/or field you specified. The default is the current form.


(Optional) Enter the name of the form group that contains the form, section, and/or field you specified. The default is the current group.

The system returns one (1) on success or zero (0) on failure.

The system applies the font change to the first field that matches the criteria.

See also