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Entering Calculations in External Files

You can save a calculation script in an external file. External files containing script calculations are standard ASCII text files. You create and maintain your script files with Documaker Studio or with any standard text file editor. If you use a word processor, remember to save the script file as an ASCII text file. The calculation language that you use within an external file is exactly the same as the language you use in the Properties window.

You may want to use calculations from external script files if your calculations are long or if you want to use identical calculations for various variable fields in multiple sections. The default location for external script files is the DEFLIB directory of your master resource library. You can also use the DALFile option in the Config:XXX control group to specify a different location.

To reference an external script file, you must use the CALL or CHAIN functions. The extension of the external script file is usually specified in your FSISYS.INI file as DAL. If it is defined in your INI file, you do not have to specify an extension for the file name.



Return( Call ("TestCalc") );

Calls a calculation from an external file named TestCalc. Once completed, control returns to the script that initiated the function.


Chain executes an external script file but, unlike CALL, does not return to the script that initiated the procedure. Instead, it proceeds to the next calculation.

See also: