Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 1 (



dvt:stockCandleGraph stockCandleGraph stock candle graph

UIComponent class:
Component type: oracle.dss.adf.graph.Graph (stockCandleGraph)

The stockCandleGraph tag has been deprecated. Use the stockGraph tag with the STOCK_CANDLE subType instead.

Screen Shot(s)

No image.


Type Phases Description Apply Request Values The ClickEvent is delivered when the component is clicked.
org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.AttributeChangeEvent Invoke Application,
Apply Request Values
Event delivered to describe an attribute change. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change events might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing.


Name Type Supports EL? Description
advancedPropertiesXML String Yes

Specifies path to an XML file that contains settings for graph properties that are not exposed in the stockCandleGraph tag.
For example, /myfiles/graph.xml
Path from web application root must be provided.

attributeChangeListener javax.el.MethodExpression Only EL a method reference to an attribute change listener. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change events might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing.
binding String Only EL

Specifies a binding reference to store a specific instance of UIGraph from a backing bean. Set this attribute only to access code in a backing bean. For example, to reference a graph component in the SampleGraph class, use the following code: binding="#{sampleGraph.graph}"

clickAction String Yes Refers to a backing bean method that performs navigation processing for the graph and returns an outcome String. Or a static outcome String can be specified. The JSF NavigationHandler selects the page to display next by matching the outcome String against the navigation rules in the application configuration resource file. The application writes the Navigation rules.
clickListener String Yes
contentDelivery String Yes Valid Values: whenAvailable, lazy, immediate
Default Value: whenAvailable

Specifies whether to fetch content with page load or after page load. Valid values are lazy (default) and immediate.
customLayout String Yes

Specifies custom layout information when the graph automatically places and sizes its components. Valid values are:

  • CL_NONE - Do not use any of the other custom layout attribute values
  • CL_TITLES_SIDEBYSIDE - Display Title and subtitle side by side instead of the subtitle below the title
  • CL_TITLE_SEPARATOR - Display title separator under the titles
customizationId String Yes This attribute is deprecated. The 'id' attribute should be used when applying persistent customizations. This attribute will be removed in the next release.
drillingEnabled boolean Yes Default Value: false

Indicates whether drilling is enabled.
dynamicResize String Yes Valid Values: FIXED_SIZE, DYNAMIC_SIZE
Default Value: FIXED_SIZE

Specifies whether to resize the component based on its container size. Valid values are FIXED_SIZE (default) and DYNAMIC_RESIZE.

Specifies whether default fonts are loaded in FLASH from the middle tier. Valid values are FLASH_DEFAULT_FONT_LOADING_ALL or FLASH_DEFAULT_FONT_LOADING_NONE. The default value is FLASH_DEFAULT_FONT_LOADING_ALL.
id String Yes Specifies the identifier for the component
imageFormat int Yes Valid Values: FLASH, PNG, AUTO, PNG_STAMPED
Default Value: FLASH

Format of graph image. Valid values are:

  • PNG - PNG image format.
  • FLASH - (Default) FLASH image format.
  • PNG_STAMPED - PNG image with no javascript. This must be used when using graph in adf table cells via stamping.
  • AUTO - Generates Flash if a supported Flash player is found on the client.
imageHeight int Yes Default Value: 300

Specifies the height of the graph image in pixels.
imageWidth int Yes Default Value: 400

Specifies the width of the graph image in pixels.
inlineStyle String Yes Style of the outer element(enclosing div) of the component
o1AxisTitle String Yes Use to specify the text of the horizontal axis title.
partialSubmit boolean Yes Default Value: true

Indicates whether an action can be performed through a partial page submit. Valid values are:

  • true - (Default) Partial page submit is allowed.
  • false - No partial page submit.
partialTriggers String[] Yes the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update. This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update in some way, this component will request to be updated too.
rendered boolean Yes Default Value: true

Specifies whether the component is rendered
seriesEffect String Yes Valid Values: SE_NONE, SE_GRADIENT, SE_AUTO_GRADIENT

Determines the series effect that is used for a graph. Valid values are:

  • SE_NONE - No series effect is used for the graph. This value causes markers to appear flat and sets the graphicAntialiasing attribute to "false".
  • SE_GRADIENT - Sets a special gradient on data markers to make them look more polished and sets graphicAntialiasing to "true".
  • SE_AUTO_GRADIENT - (Default) Works similar to SE_GRADIENT except in the case of a large dataset. If the graph displays a large dataset, then the gradient is not displayed in data markers so that peformance is improved.
shortDesc String Yes Specifies the short description of the graph. This is particularly useful in the screen reader mode.
style String Yes

Applies a style to the graph based on the specified XML file. Valid values are the name of a standard graph style or the path of a custom XML file that you want to set as a style for this graph.

Predefined graph styles are:

  • April
  • Autumn
  • Black and White
  • Comet
  • Confetti
  • Default
  • Earth
  • Executive
  • Financial
  • Glass
  • Nautical
  • Projection
  • Regatta
  • Southwest
  • Transparent

To specify a custom style, enter the entire path to the xml file. For example: /text/myStyle.xml.

styleClass String Yes Sets a CSS style class to use for this component. Note that width and height should be set using the inlineStyle property.
subType String Yes

Specifies the type of graph. Valid values are:

  • STOCK_CANDLE - Candle open-close stock graph
  • STOCK_CANDLE_VOLUME - Candle open-close stock with volume
  • STOCK_HILO_CLOSE - High-low-close stock graph
  • STOCK_HILO_CLOSE_VOLUME - High-low-close stock graph with volume
  • STOCK_OHLC_CANDLE - Candle open-high-low-close stock graph
  • STOCK_OHLC_CANDLE_VOLUME - Candle open-high-low-close stock graph with volume
  • STOCK_OPEN_HILO_CLOSE - Open-high-low-close stock graph
  • STOCK_VOLUME - Open-high-low-close stock graph with volume
tabularData java.util.List Yes

Specifies a list of data that the graph uses to create a grid and populate itself. The List consists of a three-member Object array for each data value to be passed to the graph. The members of each array must be organized as follows:

  • The first member (index 0) is the column label, in the grid, of the data value. This is generally a String. If the graph has a time axis, then this should be a Java Date. Column labels typically identify groups in the graph.
  • The second member (index 1) is the row label, in the grid, of the data value. This is generally a String. Row labels appear as series labels in the graph (usually in the legend).
  • The third member (index 2) is the data value, which is usually a Double.
title String Yes Specifies the text of the title.
value String Yes Specifies the graph's data model. This must be an instance of or
visualEffects int Yes Valid Values: NONE, AUTO
Default Value: AUTO

Specifies the type or types of visualEffect to apply. Valid values are:

  • NONE - Apply no visual effects
  • AUTO (Default) - Apply visual effects automatically based on graph or gauge type.
y1AxisTitle String Yes Use to specify the text of the vertical axis title.