Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
11g Release 1 (



af:selectManyCheckbox selectManyCheckbox select many checkbox

UIComponent class:
Component type: oracle.adf.RichSelectManyCheckbox

The selectManyCheckbox component creates a component which allows the user to select many values from a series of checkboxes. It can contain any number of <f:selectItem>, <f:selectItems>, or <af:selectItem> components, each of which represents an available checkbox that the user may select.

The attributes "disabled", "immediate", "readOnly", "required", "requiredMessageDetail", "value" are not settable from the client for security reasons.

Code Example(s)

<af:selectManyCheckbox value="#{bean.aValue}" required="yes">
  <f:selectItem itemLabel="Option1" itemValue="1"/>
  <f:selectItem itemLabel="Option1" itemValue="2"/>
  <f:selectItem itemLabel="Option1" itemValue="3"/>


Type Phases Description
javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent Process Validations,
Apply Request Values
The valueChange event is delivered when the value attribute is changed.
org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.AttributeChangeEvent Invoke Application,
Apply Request Values
Event delivered to describe an attribute change. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change events might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing.

Supported Facets

Name Description
help This facet is deprecated, helpTopicId should be used for providing help. This is a no-op for form components.


Name Type Supports EL? Description
accessKey char Yes a character used to gain quick access to the form element specified by the for, if set (or this component itself, if it is a "non-simple" form element). For accessibility reasons, this functionality is not supported in screen reader mode. If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the same page of output, the rendering user agent will cycle among the elements accessed by the similar keys.

This attribute is sometimes referred to as the "mnemonic".

Note that the accessKey is triggered by browser-specific and platform-specific modifier keys. It even has browser-specific meaning. For example, Internet Explorer 7.0 will set focus when you press Alt+<accessKey>. Firefox 2.0 on some operating systems you press Alt+Shift+<accessKey>. Firefox 2.0 on other operating systems you press Control+<accessKey>. Refer to your browser's documentation for how it treats accessKey.

attributeChangeListener javax.el.MethodExpression Only EL a method reference to an attribute change listener. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change events might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing.
autoSubmit boolean Yes Default Value: false

an attribute which if set to TRUE on a form element, the component will automatically submit when an appropriate action takes place (a click, text change, etc.). Since autoSubmit is a partial submit, also submitted and re-rendered are any other components with partialTriggers pointing to this component.
binding Only EL an EL reference that will store the component instance on a bean. This can be used to give programmatic access to a component from a backing bean, or to move creation of the component to a backing bean.
changed boolean Yes Default Value: false

an attribute which if set to true, the changed indicator icon will be displayed on the component. This value defaults to false.
changedDesc String Yes the text commonly used by user agents to display tooltip text on the changed indicator icon. Default value is "Changed". The behavior of the tooltip is controlled by the user agent, e.g. Firefox 2 truncates long tooltips.
clientComponent boolean Yes Default Value: false

whether a client-side component will be generated. A component may be generated whether or not this flag is set, but if client Javascript requires the component object, this must be set to true to guarantee the component's presence. Client component objects that are generated today by default may not be present in the future; setting this flag is the only way to guarantee a component's presence, and clients cannot rely on implicit behavior. However, there is a performance cost to setting this flag, so clients should avoid turning on client components unless absolutely necessary.
contentStyle String Yes the style of the content piece of the component. You can style width by setting this attribute like this: width: 100px.
converter javax.faces.convert.Converter Yes a converter object
customizationId String Yes This attribute is deprecated. The 'id' attribute should be used when applying persistent customizations. This attribute will be removed in the next release.
disabled boolean Yes Default Value: false

whether the element is disabled. Unlike a readonly component, a disabled component is unable to receive focus. If the component has the potential to have a scrollbar, and you want the user to be able to scroll through the component's text or values, use the 'readOnly' attribute, not the 'disabled' attribute.
helpTopicId String Yes the id used to look up a topic in a helpProvider.
id String No the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow a subset of the syntax allowed in HTML:
  • Must not be a zero-length String.
  • First character must be an ASCII letter (A-Za-z) or an underscore ('_').
  • Subsequent characters must be an ASCII letter or digit (A-Za-z0-9), an underscore ('_'), or a dash ('-').
immediate boolean Yes Default Value: false

whether the value is converted and validated immediately in the Apply Request Values phase, or is handled in the Process Validators phase, the default. By default, values are converted and validated together in the Process Validators phase. However, if you need access to the value of a component during Apply Request Values - for example, if you need to get the value from an actionListener on an immediate commandButton - then setting this to "immediate" makes that possible.
inlineStyle String Yes the CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.
label String Yes the label of the component. If you want the label to appear above the control, use a panelFormLayout.
labelAndAccessKey String Yes an attribute that will simultaneously set both the "label" and "accessKey" attributes from a single value, using conventional ampersand notation. For example, setting this attribute to "T&ext" will set the label to "Text" and the access key to 'e'.
layout String Yes Valid Values: horizontal, vertical
Default Value: vertical

whether the control displays the buttons horizontally or vertically. The default is "vertical".
partialTriggers String[] Yes the IDs of the components that should trigger a partial update. This component will listen on the trigger components. If one of the trigger components receives an event that will cause it to update in some way, this component will request to be updated too. Identifiers are relative to the source component (this component), and must account for NamingContainers. If your component is already inside of a naming container, you can use a single colon to start the search from the root of the page, or multiple colons to move up through the NamingContainers - "::" will pop out of the component's naming container (or itself if the component is a naming container) and begin the search from there, ":::" will pop out of two naming containers (including itself if the component is a naming container) and begin the search from there, etc.
readOnly boolean Yes Default Value: false

whether the control is displayed as an editable field or as an output-style text control. Unlike a disabled component, a readonly component is able to receive focus.
rendered boolean Yes Default Value: true

whether the component is rendered. When set to false, no output will be delivered for this component (the component will not in any way be rendered, and cannot be made visible on the client). If you want to change a component's rendered attribute from false to true using PPR, set the partialTrigger attribute of its parent component so the parent refreshes and in turn will render this component.
required boolean Yes Default Value: false

whether a non-null, non-empty value must be entered. If false, validators will not be executed when the value is null or empty.
requiredMessageDetail String Yes the message to be displayed, if 'required' validation fails.


  • {0} the label that identifies the component
shortDesc String Yes the short description of the component. This text is commonly used by user agents to display tooltip help text, in which case the behavior for the tooltip is controlled by the user agent, e.g. Firefox 2 truncates long tooltips. For form components, the shortDesc is displayed in a note window. For components that support the helpTopicId attribute it is recommended that helpTopicId is used as it is more flexible and is more accessibility-compliant.
showRequired boolean Yes Default Value: false

whether the associated control displays a visual indication of required user input. If a "required" attribute is also present, both the "required" attribute and the "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed. An example of when it can be desirable to use the showRequired property is if you have a field that is initially empty and is required only if some other field on the page is touched.
simple boolean Yes Default Value: false

a boolean value that controls whether the component provides label support; when set to "true", the component will not display the label (these may be ignored: label, labelAndAccessKey, accessKey, showRequired, help facet) and may use simpler layout primitives. One of the usecases can be when the component is used in repeatable elements like in table, for-each etc., where label is not required.
styleClass String Yes a CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like 'AFInstructionText'.
unsecure java.util.Set Yes A whitespace separated list of attributes whose values ordinarily can be set only on the server, but need to be settable on the client. Currently, this is supported only for the "disabled" attribute.
validator javax.faces.el.MethodBinding Only EL a method reference to a validator method
value Object Yes the value of the component. If the EL binding for the "value" points to a bean property with a getter but no setter, and this is an editable component, the component will be rendered in read-only mode.
valueChangeListener javax.faces.el.MethodBinding Only EL a method reference to a value change listener
valuePassThru boolean Yes Default Value: false

whether or not the values are passed through to the client. When valuePassThru is false the value and the options' values are converted to indexes before being sent to the client. Therefore, when valuePassThru is false, there is no need to write your own converter when you are using custom Objects as your values and/or options.

If you need to know the actual values on the client-side, then you can set valuePassThru to true. This will pass the values through to the client, using your custom converter if it is available; a custom converter is needed if you are using custom objects. For drag and drop it is recommended to set valuePassThru to true for both the drag source and drop target since values are usually required on the client for drag and drop operations.

The default is false.

visible boolean Yes Default Value: true

the visibility of the component. If it is "false", the component will be hidden on the client. Unlike "rendered", this does not affect the lifecycle on the server - the component may have its bindings executed, etc. - and the visibility of the component can be toggled on and off on the client, or toggled with PPR. When "rendered" is false, the component will not in any way be rendered, and cannot be made visible on the client. In most cases, use the "rendered" property instead of the "visible" property.
Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core