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Part Number E15470-11
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4 System Administration for ADF Desktop Integration

This chapter describes the actions the system administrator performs such as deploying the runtime edition client installer of ADF Desktop Integration to a shared location, and adjusting server configuration settings.

As the system administrator, you are responsible for deployment and maintenance of the Fusion web application using ADF Desktop Integration. Note that before an end user can use the integrated Excel workbook, the runtime edition of ADF Desktop Integration must be installed on the end user's system.

You can install the runtime edition of ADF Desktop Integration in any of the following ways:

This chapter includes the following sections:

4.1 Installing and Upgrading the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration From a Shared File Server and Web Server

Before end users can install the runtime edition, you must make the client installer files accessible to the end users, and provide them the complete path or the link to the setup.exe file.

When the ADF Desktop Integration client installer runs, it verifies whether the required software is installed on the system. For more information about the required software, see the following sections of Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework:

4.1.1 How to Make the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration Available to Multiple End Users

To install the runtime edition for multiple end users, the client installer must be hosted on a shared file server so that all end users use the same version of runtime edition on their systems, and continue to share the same version when the runtime edition is upgraded.

ADF Desktop Integration uses the Microsoft ClickOnce installer technology that enables users to install and run a Windows application with minimum interaction. For more information about Microsoft ClickOnce installer, see the following:

To make the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration available to end users:

  1. Navigate to the MW_HOME\oracle_common\modules\oracle.adf.desktopintegration_11.1.1 directory, where MW_HOME is the Middleware Home directory.

  2. Extract the contents of to a directory on the shared file server accessible to all end users (for example, \\test_system\Oracle\ADFDI_Client\).

    Note that the fully qualified path of the directory must be less than 248 characters.

  3. Provide the complete directory path, or the link, to the end user.

To install the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration:

  1. From the end user's system, navigate to the directory on the shared file server, or use the provided link.

  2. Run setup.exe from the path provided in Step 3.

  3. Follow the instructions that appear in the dialog boxes launched by setup.exe to successfully install the required components.

  4. If prompted, click Yes to restart the system and complete the setup of ADF Desktop Integration.


After the runtime edition of ADF Desktop Integration is installed, do not delete the directory where the client installer files are copied.


JDeveloper includes the designer edition of ADF Desktop Integration, which is intended to be used by developers creating workbooks. Generally, the designer edition is not made available to the end users.

4.1.2 How to Upgrade the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration

You can upgrade the runtime edition of ADF Desktop Integration in two ways.

  • Uninstall the old version, and install the new version.

    For more information about installing and uninstalling the runtime edition, see the "Installing, Upgrading, and Removing the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

  • Upgrade automatically from a shared file server.

    If the runtime edition is installed on multiple end users' systems from a shared file server, they are not required to upgrade individually as they will be upgraded automatically when the files on the shared file server are upgraded.

Upgrading the runtime edition of ADF Desktop Integration is an easy process and can be done by copying the new version client installer files over the old version client installer files.


The client installer should be upgraded after the server patches are deployed.

To make the Runtime edition upgrade available to end users:

  1. If available, apply the Fusion Middleware patch as per the standard patching instructions.

    As the system administrator, you should complete the server patching deployment before making the client upgrade available to end users. For more information, see the "Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching and Upgrade Overview" chapter of Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide.

  2. Navigate to the MW_HOME\oracle_common\modules\oracle.adf.desktopintegration_11.1.1 directory of the upgraded or patched Fusion Middleware installation, where MW_HOME is the Middleware Home directory.

  3. Extract the contents of to the exact same location on the shared file server that was used for previous installations. Some installation files will be overwritten and the new files will be added.

    Ensure that the fully qualified path to the folder to which gets extracted remains the same.

End users will automatically get the updated ADF Desktop Integration client files copied from the shared location when they next launch Excel, provided 24 hours have elapsed since Excel was last launched. For more information, see Section 4.1.6, "What Happens When Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration Is Installed and Upgraded."

4.1.3 How to Install the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration From a Web Server

If you want to provide the runtime edition setup files from a web server instead of a shared file server, you must update the path recorded in the client installer setup.exe file before you run it. By default, the installation path in the setup.exe file is configured for local installation.

To make the installation files available from a Web Server:

  1. Copy the full set of installation files to the web server, as described in Step 1, 2, and 3 of Section 4.1.2, "How to Upgrade the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration.".

  2. Run the setup.exe file on a Windows system using the following command syntax:

    setup.exe /url="URL of web server where installation files are copied"

    For example:

    setup.exe /url="http://www.myserver/adfdilocation"


    The setup.exe command must be run on the Windows-based system, even though the web server that hosts the installer is based on other operating systems such as Linux. In such a case, after executing Step 2, copy setup.exe to the web server.

Changing the path recorded in the client installer setup.exe file invalidates its digital signature, and generates the Unknown Publisher security warning message when you run it. To avoid the error message, acquire a digital certificate for the setup.exe file and re-sign it after updating the installation path. For more information, see "How to: Sign Application and Deployment Manifests" on Microsoft Developer Network at


When you update the recorded installation path, only the digital signature of setup.exe is invalidated. The signatures of the remaining setup files are not affected.

4.1.4 How to Upgrade the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration From a Web Server

If the runtime edition is installed on multiple end users' systems from a web server, they are not required to upgrade individually as they will be upgraded automatically when the files on the web file server are upgraded.

As described in Section 4.1.3, "How to Install the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration From a Web Server", copy the new version client installer files over the old version client installer files on the web server. Excel will check for updates when it is launched and if 24 hours have elapsed since the last check for updates. If a new version is found on the server, ADF Desktop Integration automatically upgrades itself. For more information, see Section 4.1.6, "What Happens When Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration Is Installed and Upgraded."


Before upgrading, if available, apply the Fusion Middleware patch as per the standard patching instructions.

Alternatively, you can also upgrade by uninstalling the old version (see the "Installing, Upgrading, and Removing the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework), and then installing the latest version (see Section 4.1.3, "How to Install the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration From a Web Server.")

If an end user tries to upgrade the Runtime edition of ADF Desktop Integration manually, as described in the "How to Upgrade the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration On a Local System" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework, the Update Information link might not run the installer but open as an XML file in the browser of the end user's desktop. To solve this issue, you should configure the MIME mapping setting of the web server that hosts the client and add the following mappings to allow the vsto, application, manifest, and deploy file extensions` to run:


After configuring the MIME mapping setting of the web server, provide instructions to the end user to open the Update Information link in Internet Explorer as other browsers are not supported.

4.1.5 How to Patch the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration

Patching involves copying a small collection of files over an existing installation. ADF Desktop Integration patch updates are delivered with Oracle Fusion Middleware patch updates. For more information, see the "Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching and Upgrade Overview" chapter of Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide.

To patch an existing ADF Desktop Integration framework of Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Patch Set 1 (Release or Patch Set 2 (Release environment to make it a Release environment, you must upgrade the JRF domains to accommodate changes to ADF shared libraries. For more information about post-patching tasks for JRF Infrastructure and ADF shared libraries, see the "Post-Patching Procedures" chapter of Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide.

4.1.6 What Happens When Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration Is Installed and Upgraded

When the runtime edition of ADF Desktop Integration is installed on the end user's system, it records a link back to the original install directory. After the installation, each time Excel is launched, Excel periodically checks the original installation directory to see whether a new version is available before activating the ADF Desktop Integration add-in. If a new version is found, Excel automatically upgrades the ADF Desktop Integration add-in.


ADF Desktop Integration is configured to check for a new version once per day. Depending on when Excel is launched, it may take up to one day, or more, for ADF Desktop Integration add-in to upgrade. Remember that ADF Desktop Integration is upgraded only when Excel is launched.

4.2 ADF Desktop Integration Logs

Based on various client and server events, logs are generated by ADF Desktop Integration. For more information about client-side, see the "Generating Log Files for an Integrated Excel Workbook" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

4.2.1 Server-Side Logging

You configure the generation of server-side log files for ADF Desktop Integration the same way as for other Oracle ADF modules. This involves setting values that specify the verbosity level and output location in a configuration file named logging.xml. You can also use Oracle Diagnostic Logging Configuration of JDeveloper to configure the logging levels specified in the logging.xml file. For more information about using the JDeveloper debugging tools and ADF Logger, see the "Using the ADF Logger" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

Table 4-1 describes the package names that you supply as attribute parameters to the <logger> elements in the logging.xml file to configure log file generation in ADF Desktop Integration.

Table 4-1 Package Names for Log File Configuration

To generate log file entries for this component... Enter this package name...

All ADF Desktop Integration server logic


ADF Desktop Integration HTTP filter


For more information about server-side logging levels, see the "Using the ADF Logger" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

4.3 Security in ADF Desktop Integration

If your Fusion web application enforces authentication, the integrated Excel workbooks also ensure that an authenticated user session is established before data transfer happens between the workbooks and application. For more information, see the "Introduction to Security In Your Integrated Excel Workbook" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

4.3.1 End User Authentication

If end users are not prompted for user credentials while using integrated workbooks and interacting with a secure Fusion web application, you need to investigate the security configuration of the Fusion web application. For more information, see the "Verifying End-User Authentication for Integrated Excel Workbooks" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

For more information about ADF Desktop Integration security, see the "Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Security whitepaper" on OTN at:

4.3.2 What You May Need to Know About Configuring Security in a Fusion Web Application

You should note the following points before you secure your application:

  • For applications running in an environment using Oracle Access Manager, the system administrator should ensure that the URL for the ADF Desktop Integration Remote servlet is configured as a protected resource for Oracle Access Manager.

    For more information, see the Oracle Access Manager Access System Administration Guide.

  • For applications running in an environment using WebGate 11g, set the user-defined parameter filterOAMAuthnCookie to False.

    For more information, see the chapter on registering partners (agents and applications) remotely in the Oracle Access Manager Access System Administration Guide.

  • Ensure that applications using ADF Desktop Integration have a security constraint configured in web.xml that protects the ADF Desktop Integration remote servlet.

    The following code extract from web.xml shows an example security constraint protecting the remote servlet:

  • When using Oracle WebGate and a SSL URL to access the Fusion web application (such as https:// ...) it may be necessary to configure WebGate's mod_wl_ohs.conf configuration file as follows:

    <IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
            WLProxySSLPassThrough ON
            WLProxySSL ON
            MatchExpression /TestApp 

    where /TestApp is the context root of your application, is the host name and domain, and 7101 is the port number for the web application.

  • When opening the integrated Excel Workbook, or any Microsoft Office document, directly (without downloading the file) from a link in the Fusion web application, the Windows Login dialog may appear twice asking for user credentials. This happens because Microsoft Office send its own authentication request to the web server, making the Login dialog appear twice. End users may click Cancel and ignore the authentication request.

  • Applications secured via a digital certificate where clients use https URLs to access the application should ensure that the certificate is valid. Valid certificates have host names that match the host to which they are deployed, have not expired, and have a valid path to a trusted issuing authority. In the case where the certificate is not valid, the client will be prompted during login to accept the invalid certificate.

  • ADF uses chunked encoding for some requests to the server. If you have any network devices between Excel and the web application server configured to block requests that do not contain a content length header, you should configure them to allow chunked encoding (no content length header). Some network devices such as content caching servers may have a default configuration that blocks requests with no content length header.

For more information about securing integrated Excel workbooks, see the "What You May Need to Know About Securing an Integrated Excel Workbook" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

4.3.3 What You May Need to Know About Resource Grants for Web Pages

In an integrated Excel workbook, each worksheet is bound to a specific page definition. Users' access to pages may be controlled by resource grants. If an end user is not authorized to work with a page definition, ADF Desktop Integration disallows all data transactions in worksheets bound to that page definition, displays a failure message, and disables those integrated worksheets. The end user can alter any existing data in the worksheet, but cannot download or upload it. The tracking of changes in ADF Table components is also disabled. The end user can continue to use ADF Desktop Integration features in other worksheets in the same workbook, provided those worksheets are bound to page definitions that the end user is authorized to work with.

The worksheet is re-enabled when the end user reopens the workbook and establishes a new session, provided the new session is authorized.

For more information about securing your Fusion web application, see the "Enabling ADF Security in a Fusion Web Application" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

4.4 Verifying the Client Version of ADF Desktop Integration

When an end user establishes a connection with the Fusion web application from the runtime integrated workbook, ADF Desktop Integration verifies whether the client and the server versions are same, and issues a warning dialog if they do not match (see Figure 4-1).

Figure 4-1 Client-Server Version Check Warning Dialog

Client-Server Version Check Warning Dialog

The client-server version check succeeds when the following components of the client version match the server version:

If the end user dismisses the warning dialog, ADF Desktop Integration attempts to continue to function normally and no ADF Desktop Integration features are disabled.


The warning dialog appears once per Excel session for a given combination of Fusion web application and client-server mismatch, regardless of how many times the user session is established or re-established.

4.4.1 How to Configure Client-Server Version Precision

You can configure the precision at which the client-server versions are checked, or disable the feature, before deploying the Fusion web application.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how ADF Desktop Integration verifies client-server versions. For more information, see Section 4.4, "Verifying the Client Version of ADF Desktop Integration."

To configure the client-server version precision in the Fusion web application:

  1. Open the web.xml file of your Fusion web application

  2. Add an initialization parameter to configure the version precision, as described in Table 4-2.

    Table 4-2 Configuring Client-Server Verification Precision

    Property Value


    Enter the name of the initialization parameter as follows:


    Note that the name is case-sensitive.


    Set the value of ClientServerVersionCheck.Precision to a number between 0 and 6. The default value is 3.

    • 0 – Do not verify client-server versions.

    • 1 through 5 – Verify the number of elements of the version from left to right. For example, a value of 4 verifies the "" portion from "".

    • 6 – Verify complete version, including the build number.

    If the parameter is not specified, ADF Desktop Integration sets the default value for the parameter.

  3. Save the web.xml file.

    The web.xml file of your Fusion web application has the following entries:

  4. Rebuild and restart your Fusion web application.

4.4.2 What You May Need to Know About Client-Server Version Verification

Note the following points about client-server version verification in an ADF Desktop Integration project:

  • If enabled, the client-server version verification is performed every time when the integrated workbook establishes a session with the Fusion web application.

    The verification process is independent of the ADF security settings of the Fusion web application.

  • The client-server version verification is not performed in design mode.

  • When the client and server version components match, or the feature has been disabled for a particular application, there is no visible effect to end users.

  • The ADF Desktop Integration version running on the server can change at any time (for example, server upgrade), but the version verification is performed only when the user session is re-established.

4.5 Verifying Integrated Excel Workbook Metadata

To give end users the confidence that the workbook configuration has not been altered maliciously, ADF Desktop Integration verifies the integrity of the workbook metadata automatically using the Tamper-Check feature. For more information, see the "Checking the Integrity of an Integrated Excel Workbook's Metadata" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

4.5.1 How to Disable the Metadata Tamper-Check in the Fusion Web Application

By default, ADF Desktop Integration verifies that the workbook configuration metadata is not tampered with after the workbook developers publish the Excel workbook for end users. You can disable the metadata tamper-check by configuring a parameter in the deployment descriptor file (web.xml) of the Fusion web application.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how ADF Desktop Integration verifies the integrity of integrated Excel workbook's metadata. For more information, see Section 4.5, "Verifying Integrated Excel Workbook Metadata."

To disable the metadata tamper-check in the Fusion web application:

  1. Open the web.xml file of your Fusion web application.

  2. Add an initialization parameter to the adfdiRemote servlet to disable the metadata tamper-check, as described in Table 4-3.

    Table 4-3 Disabling Metadata Tamper-Check

    Property Value


    Enter the name of the initialization parameter as follows:


    Note that the name is case-sensitive.


    Set the value of TamperingCheck.Enabled to False.

    Note that any value other than False will be interpreted as True.

    Figure 4-2 shows the web.xml editor in JDeveloper.

    Figure 4-2 Disabling the Metadata Tamper Check In JDeveloper

    Shows how to disable the metadata tamper-check in JDev
  3. Save the web.xml file.

    The web.xml file of your Fusion web application has the following entries:

  4. Rebuild and restart your Fusion web application.

If the TamperingCheck.Enabled parameter is not present in web.xml, tamper check is enabled. For more information about the web.xml file, see the "ADF Desktop Integration Settings in the Web Application Deployment Descriptor" appendix in Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

4.5.2 How to Allow Missing Entries in the ADF Desktop Integration Client Registry

You can configure the metadata tamper-check so that a missing entry for the WorkbookID workbook property is allowed in the adfdi-client-registry.xml file.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how ADF Desktop Integration verifies the integrity of integrated Excel workbook's metadata. For more information, see Section 4.5, "Verifying Integrated Excel Workbook Metadata."

To allow missing entries in the metadata of the Fusion web application:

  1. Open the web.xml file of your Fusion web application.

  2. Add an initialization parameter to the adfdiRemote servlet to allow missing entries in the metadata as described in Table 4-4.

    Table 4-4 Allowing Missing Entries in the Metadata

    Property Value


    Enter the name of the initialization parameter as follows:


    Note that the name is case-sensitive.


    Set the value of TamperingCheck.AllowMissingEntries to True. Any value other than True will be interpreted as False.

    Figure 4-3 shows the web.xml editor in JDeveloper.

    Figure 4-3 Enabling Missing Metadata Entries In JDeveloper

    Shows how to enable missing metadata entries In JDev
  3. Save the web.xml file.

    The web.xml file of your Fusion web application has the following entries:

  4. Rebuild and restart your Fusion web application.

If the TamperingCheck.AllowMissingEntries parameter is not present in web.xml, missing entries are not allowed. For more information about the web.xml file, see the "ADF Desktop Integration Settings in the Web Application Deployment Descriptor" appendix in Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

4.6 Common ADF Desktop Integration Error Messages and Problems

While using or configuring the ADF Desktop Integration enabled Fusion web application or workbooks, you might see error messages or have some problems. The following list describes the most common error messages, their cause, and solutions.

If you are a system administrator, you should also see the "Common ADF Desktop Integration Error Messages and Problems" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

Error message: Access to this web server is disabled because it is controlled by basic authentication and does not use Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
Cause: The user downloads and opens a workbook, published using Microsoft Office 2010, from the Fusion web application secured using basic authentication.
Action: By default, Microsoft Office 2010 applications disable basic authentication over a non-SSL connection. Use any of the following methods to resolve the error:
  • Use form based authentication instead of basic authentication in the Fusion web application.

  • Download and save the workbook before opening it.

  • Enable SSL encryption.

If you want to use basic authentication without SSL, see Microsoft Support solution at

Error message: UnableToEstablishUnauthenticatedSessionException: ADFDI-00502: The client was unable to establish an unauthenticated session with the web application
Cause: Incorrect security configuration in the Fusion web application.
Action: Review and correct the security configuration. Ensure that the /adfdiRemoteServlet URL is protected by a <security-constraint> in web.xml.

If SSL is used with Oracle WebGate, you might also need to verify the settings in the mod_wl_ohs.conf file.

For example:

<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
 WLProxySSLPassThrough ON
 MatchExpression /TestApp|WebLogicPort=7101|

where /TestApp is the context root of your application, is the host name and domain, and 7101 is the port number for the web application.

Problem: Edit Options dialog appears prompting for WebAppRoot when downloading an integrated Excel workbook from a Fusion web application
Cause: The adfdiExcelDownload filter is not properly configured in web.xml, and so the filter is not able to set the WebAppRoot property on the downloaded workbook.
Action: Ensure that the adfdiExcelDownload filter is properly configured in web.xml. Verify that the filter is listed in the correct order with respect to the ADF Library Web Application Support, if it is in use. Also verify that the filter mappings for the adfdiExcelDownload filter are correct (see the "Configuring the ADF Desktop Integration Excel Download Filter" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.) You should also clear the directory into which browser downloads files.
Problem: Login window does not close after submitting valid credentials in Oracle Access Manager environment
Cause: The /myApp/adfdiRemoteServlet was not properly added as a protected resource to the Oracle Access Manager configuration.
Action: Add /myApp/adfdiRemoteServlet as a protected resource to the Oracle Access Manager configuration.

For more information, see the chapter on managing policies to protect resources and enable SSO in the Oracle Access Manager Access System Administration Guide.

Problem: UserSessionRequiredException on login in Oracle Access Manager environment with WebGate 11g
Cause: The user defined parameter filterOAMAuthnCookie is not set in the WebGate 11g configuration.
Action: Set filterOAMAuthnCookie to false in the WebGate 11g configuration.

For more information, see the chapter on registering partners (agents and applications) remotely in the Oracle Access Manager Access System Administration Guide.

Problem: The DIRemoteServlet returns Invalid XML: unexpected end of response error message
Cause: An exception has occurred in the ADF Model code, custom application module, or in the view object.
Action: Check the server logs for more information.

4.7 Using the Workbook Administration Tool

Use the workbook administration tool to set values for a number of workbook properties, such as WebAppRoot. You can also use the workbook administration tool when you want to set the WebAppRoot, but cannot, or do not want to, use the Excel Download Filter as described in the "Configuring the ADF Desktop Integration Excel Download Filter" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

The workbook administration tool is a Java-based program that can be executed on operating systems that support the version of Java used by Oracle ADF. It also requires access to the adf-desktop-integration-admin-tool.jar file, which is located in the following directory:


The other requirements for components or utilities in ADF Desktop Integration, as outlined in the "Setting Up Your Development Environment" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework, do not apply to the workbook administration tool.

To change workbook settings using the workbook administration tool:

where <arg(s)> is one or more of the required or optional arguments that are described in Table 4-5.

Table 4-5 Command-line Options for the Workbook Administration Tool

Provide a value for this argument... To... Is a value for this argument required?


Specify the directory path to the workbook to update.



Set the value for this property to the fully qualified URL for the web application to integrate your workbook with.



Change the workbook mode to one of the following:

  • RT

    where RT specifies runtime mode.

  • DT

    where DT specifies design mode.

  • TST

    where TST specifies test mode.

For more information about workbook modes, see the "Introduction to Development Tools" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

Note: Changing mode from DT to RT using the workbook administration tool does not perform the same steps as described in the "Publishing Your Integrated Excel Workbook" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.



Specify the directory path and file name for the output file.



Specify this argument if you do not want to generate verbose output.



Print help information.


The following command creates a copy of the workbook (text.xlsx) in runtime mode (RT) for a Fusion web application (http://hostname:7101/test_app) and writes it to a directory with a new file name (myresult.xlsx):

java -cp adf-desktop-integration-admin-tool.jar oracle.adf.desktopintegration.admintool.WorkbookAdminTool -workbook test.xlsx -mode RT -root http://hostname:7101/test_app -out myresult.xlsx

4.8 Localizing the ADF Desktop Integration Installer

ADF Desktop Integration uses Microsoft ClickOnce and Visual Studio Tools for Office technologies for installing the client. By default, the installer described in the "Installing ADF Desktop Integration" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework, runs in English. To make the installer run in a different language, you should install the respective Visual Studio Tools for Office language pack on all end-users' systems. The language pack can be downloaded and installed from the Microsoft Download Center.

This section assumes that no instance of ADF Desktop Integration is present on the end users system and that the system uses a non-English version of the operating system. If ADF Desktop Integration is present, remove it as described in the "Removing ADF Desktop Integration" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

For information about supported operating systems, see the "Required Oracle ADF Modules and Third-Party Software" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

To localize the ADF Desktop Integration installer:

  1. Download the appropriate language pack (for example, French) for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for the Microsoft Office System (Version 4.0 Runtime) Language Pack from the Microsoft Download Center at:

  2. Install the language pack that you downloaded in Step 1.

  3. Set up ADF Desktop Integration, as described in the "Installing, Upgrading, and Removing the Runtime Edition of ADF Desktop Integration" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Desktop Integration Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework