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Understanding Depreciation Methods

Planning and Budgeting enables you to use the following depreciation methods and calculates the per-period depreciation based on the following formulas:

Depreciation Method


Straight Line

Net Book Value ÷ (Number of Periods in a Year × Life)

Sum of the Years' Digits

[(Remaining Years of Life ÷ Sum of Years Remaining) × Net Book Value] × Percent of Year to Depreciate

Declining Balance

(1 ÷ Life) × (Cost × Accumulated Depreciation ) ÷ (Number of Periods in a Year)

Double Declining Balance

(2 ÷ Life) × (Cost × Accumulated Depreciation ) ÷ (Number of Periods in a Year)

Select from these depreciation methods using the Asset Data page when override is allowed.

A 'None' option is also available in the dropdown for the depreciation method when depreciation expense is not necessary or is not applied to an asset.