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Understanding Line Item Mass Adjustments

The line item mass adjustment functionality enables you to apply an amount or percentage change to one or many line items at the same time. As a budget preparer, you can perform this functionality on line items that span one or many budget periods and dimensions for your planning center. When you are a nonpreparer, such as reviewer or analyst, you can also perform adjustments across one or many planning centers.

To perform line item mass updates on working versions and for planning centers, access the Mass Adjustment List page from the My Planning Workspace page.

You can use the mass adjustments functionality in any role—preparer, reviewer, analyst, or coordinator—as long as the Allowed to do adjustments? option on the User Roles page is selected for your User ID. The line item activities that you have access to depends on your authority to access the activity and planning center for your user ID and role name.

Note that the system considers adjustment IDs unique at the planning center version level, (the hierarchy level is first, followed by business unit, planning model, activity, scenario, planning center, and finally version.) In contrast, the system considers allocation IDs unique at the scenario level, (the hierarchy level is first followed by business unit, planning model, activity, and finally scenario).