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Understanding Reporting Tables

In general, you must consider two data storage areas when reporting against planning and budgeting data:

Planning Model Tables

The planning model tables – known as the activity detail tables – are populated by the data staging process or by end users updating budget/plan data. These activity detail tables contain all version data, and are actively updated by users when an activity scenario is in a released state. You should evaluate the contents of each of the tables to determine what tables you need to combine in order to generate meaningful reports. For example, combining two sets of tables, you could create a query-based PS/nVision report that joins the Line Item Activity table (PS_BP_LI_TBL) with the Dimension Detail Key table (PS_BP_DIM_DTL_TBL) to produce a report for total method amounts. Of course, it would not contain the total budget amount unless you also included the Line Item Adjustments table (PS_BP_LI_ADJ_TBL).

Line Item Data

Table Name

Line Item Activity (contains total amounts for methods and allocations)


Line Item Period Details


Line Item Adjustments


Line Item Adjustment Period Details


Historical Scenarios


Line Item Notes


Itemizations (ITM Method details)


Additional Staging Data

Table Name

Dimension Detail Key Table


Dimension Members


Dimension Exceptions


Currency Conversion Rates


Scenario Budget Periods


Activity Workflow Tables




Model Status Table


Activity Scenario Status Table


The position activity data is stored in the following tables. The distribution tables listed for salary, earnings, benefits, and tax represent the annual amount of expense by effective date, whereas if you were looking for the breakdown of the annual amount by budget period, you would find that information in the period detail table referred to as the Employee/Default Expense by Period table (PS_BP_PBD_CALC_TBL).

Position Activity Data

Table Name

Job Details/Attributes


Position Details/Attributes


Salary Distributions – Total Amounts


Benefit Distributions – Total Amounts


Earnings Distributions – Total Amounts


Employer Paid Tax Distributions – Total Amounts


Employee/Default Expense by Period


Position Default Amounts


The two main tables in which asset data is stored are the asset detail table containing information like cost, and the depreciation table containing the corresponding depreciation rows by period for the asset:

Asset Activity Data

Table Name

Asset Details and Cost


Asset Depreciation


The asset catalog data for default details is stored in the PS_BP_ASSET_ITEMS table. Additionally, you can find the capital acquisition plan and corresponding details in the PS_CAP and PS_CAP_DET tables.

Finally, there are several views used in Planning and Budgeting to generate the analytic or analysis (ACE) reports. If you choose to write your own custom analytic reports, or modify the analysis reports, the following table provides a list of views that can be useful in extracting the information you require for reporting. A read-only lock based on your security access is performed on the data.


Related Activity Type

Table Name

Budgeted Line Item Data

Line Items


Historical Line Item Data

Line Items


Relates Account to Account Type

Line Items


Currency Conversion for an Account Type

Line Items


Position Data



Asset Cost



Asset Depreciation Data



Note: All of the views have the PROBINST field from the PS_BP_SLICE_TBL and PS_BP_SLICE_DTL records as a foreign key. For purposes of custom reporting, PROBINST is a surrogate key for the following fields (where applicable): BP_BUDGET_CENTER1 and BP_BUDGET_VERSION.

Source/Final Tables

The source/final tables used by Planning and Budgeting are the same as the OWE (Operational Warehouse Enriched) tables, and are used as both a source of data to be staged into the planning model, and a final or target table when data is exported back from the planning model.

The following table provides the table names where financial ledger data is stored. The data located in these tables (OWE) can be populated by your ETL jobs from your source general ledger system, or by exporting a planning model's line item activity scenario back to the source budget ledger (master version). When you decide to export the data back to the general ledger, a different export table is used as a staging table (PS_BP_LEDGER_BDEXP). This table is used in conjunction with an ETL job to move data back to the general ledger source system.

Financial Data

Source/Final (OWE) Tables

Actual General Ledger


Note: Data cannot be exported from the planning model to the actual ledger. Actual ledger data cannot be anything other than a history scenario type, which does not allow update or revision.

Standard Budget Ledger


Project Budget Ledger


Commitment Control Ledger


Planning and Budgeting Export/Staging Ledger


The following table provides a list of the primary table names used where position-related data is stored. The data located in these tables (OWE) can be populated by your ETL jobs from your source human resource system, or by exporting a planning model's position activity scenario back to the source position-related tables (master version). When you decide to export the data back to the human resource system, the same tables are used in conjunction with ETL jobs and views that move data back to the source system.

Position-Related Data

Source/Final (OWE) Tables

Job Data


Position Data


Compensation Data


There is no delivered export process to move asset and asset depreciation data back to your source tables or asset management system. You may only keep your capital acquisition plan (CAP) data synchronized between PeopleSoft Asset Management and Planning and Budgeting by activating the PeopleSoft Application Messaging Enterprise Integration Point (EIP) for BUDGET_CAP_SYNC using PeopleSoft Application Designer. The CAP tables that are updated by this EIP are listed in the following table.

Capital Acquisition Plan Data

Source/Final (OWE) Tables

Capital Acquisition Plan


Capital Acquisition Plan Details


See Understanding Planning and Budgeting Integrations.