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Viewing Position Budgeting Default Data

This section discusses how to view position budgeting default data.

Pages Used to View Position Budgeting Default Data

Page Name

Definition Name



Action Reason


Select Action from the View HR Defaults dropdown list box in the Action menu on the Position Overview page, and then click Go.

Display codes for actions that are available for use in the position budgeting activity.

Earning Codes


Select Earning from the View HR Defaults dropdown list box in Action menu on the Position Overview page, and then click Go.

Display earnings codes that are available for use in position budgeting activity.

Job Code


Select Job Code from the View HR Defaults dropdown list box in Action menu on the Position Overview page, and then click Go.

Display job codes and defaults that are available for use in the position budgeting activity.

Benefit Plan Type


Select Plan from the View HR Defaults dropdown list box in Action menu on the Position Overview page, and then click Go.

Display benefit plan types that are available for use in the position budgeting activity.

Tax Defaults


Select Tax from the View HR Defaults dropdown list box in the Action menu on the Position Overview page, and then click Go.

Display tax codes that are available for use in the position budgeting activity.

Union Code


Select Union from the View HR Defaults dropdown list box in Action menu on the Position Overview page, and then click Go.

Display union codes that are available for use in the position budgeting activity.

Action Reasons Page

Use the Action Reasons Page (BP_ACTION_REASON) to display codes for actions that are available for use in the position budgeting activity..

Image: Action Reason page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Action Reason page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Action Reason page

With the exception of the Earnings Code page, all of the human resource defaults pages are view-only and display attributes and default information available to the user in the position budgeting activity.