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Working with Line Item Activities

This section provides an overview of line item amounts and methods and discusses how to:

Pages Used to Work with Line Item Activities

Page Name

Definition Name



Line Item Details


Click the Edit link on the My Planning Workspace page.

View, add, and modify budget amounts using methods; manually enter budget amounts for a line item; add notes; and protect a line item budget from mass adjustments.

Add Line Item


Select Add Entry from the Action dropdown list box on the Line Item Details page, and then click Go.

Add one or more new line item budget entries and specify the ChartFields for the entry.

Planning Targets


Select Planning Target, from the Action dropdown list box on the Line Item Details page, and then click Go.

View the tolerances rules, status summary, planning target details, and errors for the budgeting version that you selected. The page is only available if the coordinator defined planning targets for planning model.

Line Item Hot Key Help


Click the Hot Keys Help link on the Line Item Details page.

Access a help page that lists hot key codes.

User View Details


Click the Create link in the User View group box on the Line Item Details page.

Add a new private view.

Private View Maintenance


select Planning and Budgeting, then select My Profile, then select User View Maintenance.

Modify or update private view preferences.

Row Display Filter


Select the Row Display Filter tab on the User View Details page.

Specify the dimensions that the system displays, and the dimensions' display options.

Row Display Options


Select the Row Display Options tab on the User View Details page.

Specify detailed row display options, such as amount types and currency and statistics options.

Column Display Options


Select the Column Display Options tab on the User View Details page.

Specify column display options, such as budget period information by summary or in detail, and analysis base display options.

Modify Dimensions


Click the Modify Dimensions button on the Line Item Details page.

Change dimension values for an existing line item.

ChartField Errors


Click Review Error on the Line Item Details page.

View and correct errors resulting from the ChartField validation process.

Line Item Notes


Click the Notesicon on the Line Item Details page.

Enter or review notes and attachments for a line item.

Adjustment Details


Click the Adjustment Details link on a budget method details page.

View a list of all adjustments for a line item budget.

Understanding Line Item Amounts and Methods

Primarily using the Line Items Detail page, you can enter fixed budget amounts into line items directly or have the system calculate budget amounts by assigning each line item a method. To manually enter a budget amount for a line item, use hot key functions to quickly enter data, enter amounts directly into each budget period, or assign the AMTPER (amount per budget period) method, and then enter a fixed budget amount by budget period.

Apply the rules-based methodology using the appropriate method types when possible. If you use methods to calculate budget amounts, select from a set of delivered methods. Override the methods and method details assigned to line items in the base budget if the coordinator enables override capability using the Assign Planning Method Defaults: Override Control page.

Enter characters in the Hot Keys column to help you quickly enter budget data across periods.

To indicate increases, perform line item budgeting using positive values. To indicate decreases in expenditures or revenues, use negative values.

Line Item Details Page

Use the Line Item Details page (BP_LI_GRID) to view, add, and modify budget amounts using methods; manually enter budget amounts for a line item; add notes; and protect a line item budget from mass adjustments.

Image: Line Item Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Line Item Details page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Line Item Details page

Add and edit line item budgets. If you use additional line item activities, the system can derive line item data (LINEITEM) from other line item activities associated with the same scenario. If you use the position or asset budgeting activities, the system derives these line item budgets from detailed position or asset budgeting data. If you have the necessary permissions for these activities, access the position and asset budgeting activities by clicking the total amount for the POSBUD or ASSET method total.

If you have only partial access to the planning center version, then the Analysis dropdown and its Go button are hidden, the Action dropdown excludes Planning Targets, and the User View dropdown excludes all user views that display a tree.

See Understanding Predefined Reports.

Dimensions and Members

The Dimensions and Members collapsible group box lets you set up filters to control the amount of data that appears on the Amount Summary page. The values on the Dimension and Filter Dimension Members tabs come from the line item selection criteria that you define using the Row Display Filter page when using User Views. In fact, this group box has the same functionality as that used when defining user views, on the Row Display Filter page.

See Row Display Filter Page.

See Row Display Options Page.

Action Menu

The options that appear in the Action Menu collapsible group box depend on the view definition that you set up using the Select Line Items Budgets page.

User View

Line Item Grid

The budget data for each line item appears on this grid. If the system displays 0 rows, you need to go back to the Dimensions tab and check the Show Statistics Code box, and go to the Filter Dimension Members tab and define the Account Category and From and To range; you can access the Dimensions tab and the Filter Dimension Members tab from either one of two places: on the Line Item Details page, or on the Row Display Filter page.

Note: If you click a link or button that opens another page, the system saves your data before you access the new page.

Note: You can also use the individual method details pages associated with a line item budget to work with line item details, including adjustments.


Add Line Item Page

Use the Add Line Item page (BP_LINE_ITEM_ADD) to add one or more new line item budget entries and specify the ChartFields for the entry.

Note: If you have enabled the Enforce Budget option for the planning model at the activity scenario level, the system automatically validates the staged data being inserted into the line item activity. For standard or project type scenarios, the system performs combination edit validations; for control budget type scenarios, the system also validates against the defined Commitment Control rulesets. A red X icon appears for the line items the system cannot validate, instead of a green check mark.

Fields display here based on the selected dimension of this activity and scenario.

Planning Targets Page

Use the Planning Targets page (BP_TGT_REVIEW) to view the tolerances rules, status summary, planning target details, and errors for the budgeting version that you selected.

The page is only available if the coordinator defined planning targets for planning model.

Image: Planning Targets page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Planning Targets page.

Planning Targets page

Tolerance Rules

Planning Target Details

The system displays the line item budget according to the planning center and account or account node. When displaying data, the system recognizes the sign definitions that you specify using the Account Type Options page.

Compare the planning target and budget total with the amount difference and percentage variance.

If the control level is set to active and the line item does not comply with the planning target rules and tolerances, you cannot submit the budgets.

Note: If you budgeted for items that do not roll to the target node or account, these line items appear in the Planning Target Error Details group box.

If you do not have full access to the details in your planning center due to secondary security being applied to the activity, you will not be able to access the Planning Target Details page.

User View Details Page

Use the User View Details page (BP_USRVIEW_DEFN1) to add a new private view.

Image: User View Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the User View Details page.

User View Details page

Enter a description for the view definition.

Click Copy to copy the user view.

Row Display Filter Page

Use the Row Display Filter page (BP_USRVIEW_DEFN2) to specify the dimensions that the system displays, and the dimensions' display options.

Image: Row Display Filter page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Row Display Filter page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Row Display Filter page

Note: If your user role is casual preparer, you cannot define any private views. You may only select public views defined by the coordinator.

Row Display Options Page

Use the Row Display Options page (BP_USRVIEW_DEFN3) to specify detailed row display options, such as amount types and currency and statistics options.

Image: Row Display Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Row Display Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Row Display Options page

Entering Column Display Option Information

Use the Column Display Options page (BP_USRVIEW_DEFN4) to specify column display options, such as budget period information by summary or in detail, and analysis base display options.

Image: Column Display Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Column Display Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Column Display Options page

ChartField Errors Page

Use the ChartField Errors page (BP_LINE_ITEM_MOD) to view and correct errors resulting from the ChartField validation process.

If you access this page by clicking the Review Error link (icon that includes a red x) on the Line Item Details page, the dimension error resulting from the dimension validation process appears. The type of error for the line item appears to the right of the dimension that resulted in an error.

Line Item Notes Page

Use the Line Item Notes page (BP_LINE_NOTES) to enter or review notes and attachments for a line item.

Image: Line Item Notes page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Line Item Notes page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Line Item Notes page (1 of 2)

Image: Line Item Notes page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Line Item Notes page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Line Item Notes page (2 of 2)


Use the fields in the Enter Notes section to add a note. Type your note in the edit box.

Use the fields in the Notes Log section to review stored notes. Click the arrows to browse through the notes, or click View All to see all notes of the selected type on one page.

Attach Documents

Use the fields in this section to manage attachments.

Note: You must define an FTP server using the PeopleTools URL Maintenance page for the attachments feature to work. To access this page, select select PeopleTools, then select Utilities, then select Administration, then select URL Maintenance. Update the BP_ATTACHMENT_FTP_SERVER URL Identifier with your FTP Server information.

See Setting Up File Transfer Protocols.

Viewing Line Item Rows by Budget Period and Adjusting Line Amounts

Access the individual method pages to view the budget period details and adjust line item amounts.

See Setting Up Methods.