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Customer Scorecard Summary

The following table contains summary information for the KPIs that make up the Customer Scorecard. In addition to the KPI description and related critical success factor, this summary table includes the dimension or object type, perspective type, and KPI calculation definition.

Note: The following is not a complete list of all the KPIs delivered with the Customer Scorecard, but only of the KPIs related to critical success factors. Fifty-six predefined KPIs are delivered with the Customer Scorecard; some KPIs measure Customer Relationship Management activities, while others measure operations that drive the CRM activities.

Critical Success Factor

KPI Name

Dimension (Object Type)


KPI Calculation

Increase Revenue/Customer.

Revenue by Customer

Customer Master List


Total Revenue grouped by Customer.

Maximize Profit.

Profitability by Customer

Customer Master List


Total Revenue – Total Expense, by Customer. Data is accessed from PF_LEDGER_F00, that is, ABM/Data Manager.

Maximize Profit.

Profitability by Product



Total Revenue – Total Expense by Product. Data is accessed from PF_LEDGER_F00, that is, ABM/Data Manager.

Maximize Profit.

Profitability by Channel



Total Revenue – Total Expense, by Channel. Data is accessed from PF_LEDGER_F00, that is, ABM/Data Manager.

Maximize Profit.

Average Deal Value

Customer Master List


Total deal volume divided by number of orders, by customer.

Increase Revenue/Customer.

Average Discount



Total Discounts divided by total deal volume, by customer.

Decrease Cost/Customer.

Cost to Support by Customer

Customer Master List


Activity Based Management Costs by Customer.

Decrease Cost/Customer.

Cost to Support by Product



Activity Based Management Costs by Product.

Increase Market Share.

Market Share



Manual KPI. Market Share by Product.

Increase Effectiveness of Internal Processes.

Days Sales Outstanding

Business Unit


Trade Accounts Receivable / (Revenue / # Days in a Period), by business unit.

Increase Customer Base.

Pipeline Revenue



Absolute pipeline by territory.

Increase Customer Satisfaction.

Customer Satisfaction

Business Unit


Average Survey Score by business unit. This is based on support surveys.

Increase Customer Base.

Customer Acquisition Rate

Business Unit


(# New Customers Current – # New Customer Prior) / # New Customers Prior, by business unit.

Extend Duration of Existing Customers.

Repeat Customer Rate

Business Unit


# Repeat Customers / Total # of Customers, by business unit.

Extend Duration of Existing Customers.

Customer Value

Customer Master List


Composite of customer value scores.

Increase Revenue/Customer.

Average Number of Products per Order

Customer Master List

Internal Process

Total # of Products / Total # of Orders, by Customer.

Deliver on Commitments to Customer.

Average Time to Fulfill Orders

Customer Master List


AVG (Schedule Arrival Time – Order Date), by Customer.

Deliver on Commitments to Customer.

On Time Delivery

Business Unit


# On Time or Early Orders / Total Orders, by business unit.

Increase Customer Base.

Lead Response Rate


Internal Process

# of Accepts / List Size by Campaign.

Develop Effective Marketing Campaigns.

Conversion Rate


Internal Process

# Opportunities Won / # of Leads, by Campaign.

Develop Effective Marketing Campaigns.

Average ROI


Internal Process

(Revenue - Marketing Costs) / Revenue, by Campaign.

Provide Superior Customer Service.

Average Time to Close Case


Internal Process

AVG (Resolution Date – Creation Date), by Product.

Provide Superior Customer Service.

Rolling Average No. of Cases

Support Organization

Internal Process

(# of Cases Current Period + # of Cases Prior Period + # of Cases 2 Periods Ago) / 3, by Support Organization.

Hire and Retain Best People.

Employee Fill Ratio


Internal Process

Manual KPI

Hire and Retain Best People.

Sales Reps Achieving Quota

Business Unit

Learning & Growth

Manual KPI

Train and Empower Employees.

Sales Training Completed

Business Unit

Learning & Growth

# of Sales Employees Completed Training / Total Sales Force, by business unit.

Train and Empower Employees.

Support Training Completed

Support Organization

Learning & Growth

# of Support Employees Completed Training / Total Support Force, by Support Organization.

Increase Effectiveness of Internal Processes.

Lost Business

Sales Territory


Sum of estimated revenue over all closed-lost opportunities, by sales territory.

Increase Effectiveness of Internal Processes.

Revenue by Channel



Total revenue for the period, by channel.