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Establishing Ledger Security

You can determine which users have access to ledger data by securing access to specific ledgers. For a specified ledger you can grant access to users by permission list or user ID.

Pages Used to Define Ledger Security

Page Name

Definition Name



Ledger/Perm List


EPM Foundation, EPM Security, Advanced, Ledger Security by Permission List, Ledger/Perm List

Select a ledger to associate with a security permission list.

Ledger by User ID


EPM Foundation, EPM Security, Advanced, Ledger Security by User ID, Ledger by User ID

Select a ledger to associate with a user ID.

Ledger/Perm List Page

Use the Ledger/Perm List page (SEC_LEDGER_CLS) to select a ledger to associate with a security permission list and use the Ledger by User ID page (SEC_LEDGER_OPR) to select a ledger to associate with a user ID.

Use these pages to select a ledger to associate with a security permission list or user ID.