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Running Common Dimension Jobs

Common dimensions are dimensions that are shared across all EPM products. Not only do these dimensions play an important role in all reporting and analytical analysis, but they are particularly important to the Allocation Manager data enrichment tool, used by EPM Analytical Applications. In Allocation Manager, these dimensions are used to determine the divisor, therefore the ratio, for the spread even and prorata methods.

Common dimension jobs can be divided into the following five categories:

The common dimension master sequence jobs can be found in the following DataStage Director paths:

Note: For all dimension load jobs (common dimension, global dimension, local dimension, OWE dimension, MDW dimension), users can customize the error validation by providing the environmental variable with the appropriate values. If you want to skip error validation, set $ERR_VALIDATE to 'N.' If you want to perform error validation, set $ERR_VALIDATE to 'Y.' Also, you can specify the threshold limit for the error validation. If you want the job to abort if the lookup fails more than 50 times, set $ERR_VALIDATE to 'Y' and $ERR_THRESHOLD to 50. This can all be done using DataStage Administrator.

Running Common Dimensions Jobs

Perform the following steps to run the common dimension jobs (the order reflects the master sequence order):

  1. In DataStage Director, navigate to the MSEQ_E_Hash_Calendar (Calendar) master sequence by expanding the nodes in the left navigation panel using the path defined in the Running Setup - OWE Jobs topic.

  2. Select the MSEQ_E_Hash_Calendar master sequence job in the Job Status view and select Job, Run Now... from the menu.

    The Job Run Options box appears.

  3. Update the job parameters if necessary and click Run.

    The job is scheduled to run with the current date and time, and the job's status is updated to Running.

  4. Repeat steps one through three for the remaining master sequence jobs, using the following order:

    1. MSEQ_E_OWE_BaseDim_Calendar (Calendar)

    2. MSEQ_E_OWS_BaseDim_Calendar (Calendar)

    3. MSEQ_E_Hash_BU (Business Unit)

    4. MSEQ_E_OWE_BaseDim_BU (Business Unit)

    5. MSEQ_E_OWS_BaseDim_BU (Business Unit)

    6. MSEQ_E_Hash_Currency (Currency)

    7. MSEQ_E_OWE_BaseDim_Currency (Currency)