This screen capture of the Cloudera Manager Services page shows the following elements, listed from top to bottom and left to right:

Cloudera Manager, New Parcels icon, Configuration Validations icon, Running Commands icon, Search box, Support menu, admin menu.

Menus: Services (selected), Hosts, Activities, Diagnose, Audits, Charts, Reports, Administration.

On far right: Date link, view time-line toggle switch (off).

All Services, Add Cluster button

cluster1, Actions menu (far right)

An Actions menu follows each row of this table:

Name Status Role Counts
hdfs Good Health 2 Failover Controllers, 1HttpFS, 2 NameNodes, 1 Balancer, 3 DataNodes, 3 JournalNodes
hive Good Health 1 Hive Metastore Server, 1 WebHCat Server, HiveServer2 Server
hue Good Health 1 Beeswax Server, 1 Hue Server
mapreduce Good Health 2 Failover controllers, 2 JobTrackers, 2 TaskTrackers
oozie Good Health 1 Oozie Server
zookeeper Good Health 3 Servers