Ready Reports Solution Pack
Pack 3.5
August 2013
Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process
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Installing/Upgrading and Configuring Ready Reports
Application Installation/Upgrade
Alternative Installation Option
Using Ready Reports in Agile PLM for Process Applications
Sharing with the Entire User Base
Delivered Material Packing Specification
Printed Packaging Specification
Trade Specification View: SpecSummaryView
Spec Related Sourcing Approval
Non-Spec Sourcing Approval SDM
SCRM Workflow Process Template
This guide is intended for client programmers involved with integrating Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process. Information about using Oracle Agile PLM for Process resides in application-specific user guides. Information about administering Oracle Agile PLM for Process resides in the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Administrator User Guide.
Descriptions and illustrations of the Agile PLM for Process user
interface included in this manual may not match your installation. The user
interface of Agile PLM for Process applications and the features included can
vary greatly depending on such variables as:
· Which applications your organization has purchased and installed
· Configuration settings that may turn features off or on
· Customization specific to your organization
· Security settings as they apply to the system and your user account
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This guide describes how to install, configure, and use the Ready Reports Solution Pack. Solution packs are designed to be pluggable modules that can be added to the Agile PLM for Process application suite without modifying the existing release code base.
Ready Reports allow users to quickly access data they need in the context they need it. Ready reports are saved entity query tool (EQT) searches that are available for business objects in Agile PLM for Process. Since ready reports has its own administration interface, reports can be created and managed by business users. No technical report writing skills are necessary.
Reports can be saved as local browser bookmarks or individually shared with other users. Reports can even be shared to the entire user community by adding new navigation items throughout Agile PLM for Process applications. Refer to the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Navigation Configuration Guide for more information
The possibilities around how you use ready reports are virtually endless. Here are a few common use cases that can be accomplished with ready reports.
1. Find all finished goods with the allergen of X, created in the last 90 days.
2. Show me all packaging specifications that will be effective in the next 20 days.
3. Find all completed recalls performed in the last year.
4. Show all supplier documents associated to this material specification.
5. Find all facility audits that are due in the next 120 days.
6. Find all companies that could potentially source this material.
7. Show me all raw materials that are currently owned by Employee X.
8. Find all NPD projects in stage 2, 3 or 4 slotted for plant X.
9. Find all PQS sessions performed in the last 10 days at this location.
Ready reports are available for the following business objects:
Application |
Object |
Custom Section |
Extended Attribute |
CC |
Component Catalog Term |
DRL Document |
eQ |
Material eQuestionnaire |
eQ |
Packaging eQuestionnaire |
eQ |
Printed Packaging eQuestionnaire |
eQ |
Product eQuestionnaire |
eQ |
Trade eQuestionnaire |
Delivered Material Packing Specification |
Equipment Specification |
Formulation Specification |
Global Succession Request |
GSM Activity |
Labeling Specification |
LIO Profile |
Master Specification |
Material Specification |
Menu Item Specification |
Nutrient Profile |
Packaging Specification |
Packing Config Specification |
Printed Packaging Specification |
Product Specification |
Testing Protocol |
Trade Specification |
Innovations/Sales Pipeline |
Project |
Strategic Brief |
Nutrient Analysis |
Nutrient Composite |
Action |
Audit |
Issue |
Lot Sample |
Session |
Scorecard |
Company |
Company/Facility SDM |
Facility |
Non-Spec Sourcing Approval |
Non-Spec Sourcing Approval SDM |
Spec Related Sourcing Approval |
Spec Sourcing Approval SDM |
Group |
User |
GSM Workflow Process Template |
PQM Workflow Process Template |
SCRM Workflow Process Template |
Note: You must have v6. of PLM for Process installed to use this solution pack.
To install Ready Reports solution pack:
1. Unzip the contents of
2. Unzip the contents of the SolutionPacks\ReadyReports\ and note the location.
Database scripts need to be executed for new installations and upgrades of Ready Reports.
1. Create a backup of the Prodika database.
2. Apply the Database Scripts
a. SQL Server
i. Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where you unzipped the solution pack.
ii. Change directories (cd) to the Database directory.
iii. Apply the scripts using the following call to the ApplyScripts.exe utility:
ApplyScripts -c "server=<database_server>;uid=<user>; password=<password>;database=<database>" –f ReadyReports.xml
iv. After the ApplyScripts call, you can confirm that the database scripts have been applied successfully when the system prompts you with the following message: "Complete - with no errors"
b. Oracle
i. Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where you unzipped the solution pack.
ii. Change directories (cd) to the Database directory.
iii. Apply the scripts using the following call to the ApplyScripts.exe utility:
ApplyScripts -c "User Id=<user>;Password=<password>; Data Source=<datasource>" -dbvendor="orcl" –f ReadyReports-orcl.xml
iv. After the ApplyScripts call, you can confirm that the database scripts have been applied successfully when the system prompts you with the following message: “Complete - with no errors”
The ReadyReportsSetup.exe file supports installation and upgrade of the Ready Reports Solution Pack.
1. Ensure the Database Setup has been completed.
2. Run the ReadyReportsSetup.exe file from the location where you unzipped the solution pack and follow the on-screen instructions to install the necessary files to your specified PLM for Process home directory. A backup folder called SolutionPacks611Backup is created during the installation to facilitate the uninstall process. Inside of that folder, a new folder called ReadyReports will be created to hold the files that were changed during the installation.
Note: The installer creates a new application pool in IIS for ready reports. If you are using Integrated Security, you will need to set the identity of the new application pool to match the other application pools for your site.
3. Restart IIS.
Note: One of
the files copied in step 2 is the navigation extension that adds Ready Reports
to the Application Navigation:
<MenuItem DisplayText="**Ready Reports" ID="lblReadyReports" NavigateUrl="${dc:ReadyReports}/Main.aspx?ContentKey=ListReadyReports" SecurityProfileRef="ReadyReportAdmins" SkinRef="DefaultSkin" SortOrder="9999"/></MenuItem>
To learn more about navigation extensibility and creating security profiles, see the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Navigation Configuration Guide in the Extensibility Pack.
4. Login to the application.
1. Ensure the Database Setup has been completed.
2. If you have made changes to any of the following, make sure to backup the files before running the upgrade:
a. PRODIKA_HOME\config\extensions\extensionviews.xml
b. PRODIKA_HOME\config\extensions\ReadyReports.xml
c. PRODIKA_HOME\config\extensions\ReadyReportsDisplayExtensions.xml
3. Run ReadyReportsSetup.exe and follow the on-screen instructions to perform the upgrade.
4. Once the installer has completed, merge any of your changes to the files listed above into the new files from the installer.
5. Restart IIS.
6. Login to the application.
For environments where the PQM application has been installed against a different database than the other PLM4P applications, a 2nd Ready Reports application will need to be setup to allow users to run Ready Reports against the PQM objects. In order to setup Ready Reports for this configuration you will need to re-run the Ready Reports installation on the other environment.
Two roles exist for Ready Reports. The user must have one of these roles to access the ready reports administration application. Roles can be added using the UGM application.
[READY_REPORT_ADMIN]—This role allows a user to access the ready reports administration application. This user can create ready reports as well as edit reports they originated.
[READY_REPORT_SUPER_ADMIN]— This role allows everything READY_REPORT_ADMIN allows however this role allows the user to adjust the Max Results field. Editing the Max Results field could greatly affect performance so this role should be reserved for a more technical administrator.
Once a ready report is installed, the administrator accesses them by clicking Ready Reports in the top menu bar or in the left navigation panel of the application.
Figure 1. Ready Reports option, top menu bar
Figure 2. Ready Reports option, left navigation panel
Choosing these options shows the Ready Reports listing page, which lists saved ready reports and is used to create new reports, shown below.
Figure 3. Ready Reports listing page
· To preview a report, click the view details icon ().
· To edit a report, click anywhere in the corresponding row. The Ready Reports Details page is displayed, as shown on page 13.
· To delete a report, click the delete icon (). You will be prompted to confirm the deletion; click OK to delete the report, or Cancel to cancel.
· To create a new report, click the Create New icon () or select New from the action menu. The Ready Reports Creator Page is displayed. Its use is described on page 14.
This page displays when the administrator selects a report from the Ready Reports listing page. The report opens in edit mode.
Figure 4. Ready Report details page
This page displays when the user creates a ready report by selecting the New menu option or the Create New icon (). This page allows users to build a ready report. Results can be previewed by clicking Preview.
Note: If the report is using active object, the Preview button will not display search results. Instead a message is displayed indicating search results are not available.
Figure 5. Ready Reports Creator Page
The ready report page is comprised of the Summary Information and Search Information sections.
This section defines the ready report. Key fields include:
Field Name |
Description |
Report Name |
The Name associated with the ready report. This will be used as the title for the popup where the ready report is displayed. This is a required field. |
Originator |
System-assigned user who created the report. Only the originator can view and edit this report in the ready reports administration application. |
Report ID |
System-assigned ID. |
Report URL |
The actual URL to be used to access the ready report. This could be used on its own or included as part of a navigation extension. For more information on the navigation extensions, please refer to the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Navigation Configuration Guide.
Note: When active object contextual variables are included in criteria, this URL has to be accessed using a navigation extension. |
Max Results |
Maximum number of search results returned. This field is visible to users with the [READY_REPORT_SUPER_ADMIN] role. Note: Use caution when adjusting this field beyond 500 items; doing so could have large performance implications. |
Hide Criteria |
If checked, search criteria are hidden in consumed ready reports. This allows you to lock down a ready report criteria set. When it is essential that end users are not allowed to adjust the ready report results, then it should be hidden. |
This section contains two fields that define the search:
Field Name |
Description |
Target Object |
Target object defines the object the search will be performed against. This could be any of the objects defined in the Overview section on page 7. |
Report View |
Report view defines the fields that can be used in the search criteria as well as the search result columns. Views and available fields are detailed beginning on page 24. |
The search criteria define the actual data that will be used to determine the report results. Criteria available will depend on the report view that is selected. There are two types of criteria that can be added as search criteria:
Field Name |
Description |
Manual Criteria |
The ready report itself declares the search item. The search item is manually saved by the ready report administrator. For example, Classification equals “Critical”. Critical was manually placed by the ready report administrator and will always be “Critical” no matter where the ready report is executed from. See below for more information on using the search criteria tool. |
Contextual Criteria |
When using contextual criteria, the object the user is on when executing the ready report will decide the search item. For example, assume the user is on a material specification with the classification of “Active Ingredient.” When the user executes the ready report from that material specification, the criteria will be Classification equals “Active Ingredient.” If the user was on a material specification with a classification of “Critical,” then the criteria would use “Critical” as the search item. See the Using Contextual Variables section on page 15 for more information about the available contextual variables. |
To find an object using the search page, set search criteria using a combination of three basic fields in the Search Criteria section.
Field Name |
Description |
Key Field List |
Select from a list of fields to search in. This list varies based on the report view that you chose. |
Operator |
Select from a list of operators based on the criteria that you chose in the key field list. A few examples include Equals, Not Equals, Contains, and Starts With. |
Search Term |
The actual word or words that you are looking for. If this field is preceded by an add data icon (), click it to view a dialog box with available choices. You can also enter a percent sign (%) to perform a wildcard search. |
The search page includes the following buttons:
Reset — Clears all search criteria fields and results.
Preview — Previews your search results including the Search Results section in a pop-up window. If the search includes an active object contextual variable, clicking this button returns an error message.
The more criteria icon () displays to the right of the search term field. When clicked, more criteria creates another row of the main three search fields. You can use additional rows to enter additional search parameters. For example, you can search for all specification names that contain "Milk" that are in the "Approved" status.
This less criteria icon () appears when additional search rows are added using the more criteria icon.
Additional buttons appear to the right of the search term field if contextual variables are available, as described on page 16.
1. At this time “blind” searches, where search criteria are empty, are not allowed. While the system allows you to save a blind search, when the search is run, an error is returned stating no search criteria were defined.
2. When searching using only additional search criteria, you must include a wildcard search in the main search criteria section. For example, Spec Name Contains %, then the additional search criteria for the extended attribute, breakdown item, or custom section.
3. The maximum number of criteria rows is 10, unless you are using relative dates. Relative dates count as 2 rows, so the maximum number of relative date fields without other criteria would be 5. If other criteria are defined, the number of date fields will vary. For example, if you have 8 other fields defined, you would only be able to use one relative date.
The search results show the actual data that will be returned from the search that was created. Search result columns are determined by the report view. If the search includes an active object contextual variable, an error message is returned instead of results.
After completing the fields above, click Save () or Save & Close () to save the report.
Ready reports allow you to use contextual variables. This means a ready report can use the user’s context, location in the application, or date as search criteria. For example, a user can be on a material specification and run a ready report that finds all formulation specifications that use that material specification as an input that they are the owner of that are effective in the next 30 days.
Note: Contextual Variables that pull data from objects in other applications will not work for PQM object reports when PQM is configured to use a different database than the rest of the PLM4P applications. PQM could also be set up to use a 3rd party application(s) instead of GSM, SCRM & NPD. Contextual variables that pull data from those areas that are configured to use third party applications will not work.
Figure 6. Sample consumed ready report, delivered material specification.
There are currently three categories of contextual variables available:
Field Name |
Description |
Object |
Allows you to use values from fields on an active object as input to the search criteria. For example, “Show me all supplier documents associated to this material.” From a material or packaging specification the ready report can find all specification-related sourcing approval documents associated to the active specification the user is on. |
User |
Allows you to use the current user running the report as input to the search criteria. For example, you can use the active user as a variable. This allows you to create reports like “Show me all trade specifications that I own” or “Show me all material specifications that I created.” |
Date |
Allows you to use date variables as search criteria. For example, to
say the “Next 30 days” the system assumes today's date and adds 30 days to
today's date for search criteria. Options available are: Next (Today + X) for the next X days Between (Today +/- X) for a date range, for example, Today +
or - 20 days |
You can add contextual variables in your search criteria by selecting one of
the following icons:
· Click the active object icon () to add the current active object as the search term
· Click the active user icon () to add the current active user
· Click the relative date icon () to add the current relative date.
The clear icon () appears once you add the active object, active user, or relative date.
Not all criteria support contextual variables. For a full listing of supported variables see the Contextual Variables Index on page 106.
Note: When using active object variables, ready reports can only be executed from contextual locations. This means they have to be added as navigation items and cannot be used as personal bookmarks or standalone URLS. This is because the context actually drives the report criteria; if executed from a bookmark the system has no context to pull criteria from.
To test your ready report with active object contextual variables without adding it to the navigation, the following URL can be used once your report is saved.
Field Name |
Description |
This pkid can be found in the browser’s address bar when you have the ready report open in Ready Report Administration. See Figure 7 below. |
This pkid can be found in the browser’s address bar when you have the specification/object open. Note: Not all objects will have the pkid in the browser's address bar. For these objects a navigation item has to be added to test the report. |
Figure 7. URL for testing ready reports containing contextual variables
Reports can be saved as local browser bookmarks or individually shared with other users. Reports can even be shared to the entire user community by adding new navigation items throughout Agile PLM for Process applications.
The fastest and easiest way for a user to use a ready report would be to save the report as a local browser bookmark. This allows users to create relevant groupings of objects. For example, you can create a report that finds all formulations tied to a specific NPD project. Now the user will have one click access to every formulation they are currently working on within that project.
Note: By nature of design, reports containing active objects cannot be bookmarked.
Once you have a ready report created, follow these steps to bookmark your report:
1. Open the Ready Reports Administration application.
2. Locate the ready report you would like to bookmark in the ready report listing.
3. Select view details icon ().
4. Your ready report will open in a new browser window and from there you can now add this page to your favorites by clicking Add to favorites in your browser, as Figure 8 shows below.
Figure 8. Adding a Favorite to your browser
1. Open the Ready Reports Administration application.
2. From the Ready Reports Details page, click the favorites icon () to the right of the Report URL field.
A ready report can be shared with other users just by sharing the system-generated URL.
1. Open the Ready Reports Administration application.
2. Open the ready report you would like to share.
3. Copy the Report URL.
4. Paste the URL in email or instant message to share with other users.
Note: By nature of design, reports containing active object contextual variables cannot be shared via URL link.
Reports can even be shared with the entire user community by adding new navigation items throughout Agile PLM for Process applications. Navigation items can have their own security rules so based on your configuration only the users you want to share the link with will see the link. Navigation items can be added to any application and context can be very specific. For example, you can provide a report that allows users to see all expired supplier documents. It can be linked only to a material specification and seen by users in the group “Supplier Managers”. The figures below show how navigation items might be added for NPD.
Note: Reports containing active objects can be shared using this method.
Figure 9. Icon from NPD
Figure 10. Navigation menu example from NPD
Figure 11. Report run from NPD
Refer to the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Navigation Configuration Guide for more information.
All ready reports support GSM and SCRM business unit (BU) security. See the Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Security Configuration Guide for more information.
All ready reports respect BU and workflow visibility.
Individual site access controls which ready reports administrators and end users have access to. For example, if users only have site access to SCRM but they are a ready report administrator, they will only see target objects related to the SCRM application. All other application objects are hidden from their view.
The same goes for end users. If the end users only have site access for GSM, they will not be able to execute a ready report that uses an SCRM target object. If attempted, the users see a No Permissions error. Site access is assigned in UGM. Refer to the Agile Product Lifecycle for Process Administrator User Guide for more information.
Note: Users with the NPD_PARTNER role will not be able to execute any NPD ready report, regardless of site access. Access to DRL is role-based so, users must have one of the following roles to access DRL: [DRL_CREATOR], [DRL_EDITOR], or [DRL_VIEWER].
If the out of the box security filters do not cover your specific use cases, the specification veto plugin can be used. For example, a user may have site access to GSM, but you do not want them to access a ready report that returns formulation specifications. A veto plugin can be deployed that checks the UGM user group and exact target object restricting the user's access.
Refer to the PluginExtensions document, located in the Extensibility Pack ReferenceImplementations\PluginExtensions\Documentation folder for more details.
This plugin is an example of a ready report veto handler. In this example, if the users’ last name is Janjua or ready report model is based on material specification, they will not be able to see a report.
The reference implementation file can be found in:
Report Views can be extended. A report view allows you to customize the result columns returned for a ready report. There is a limit of 20 columns that can be returned as search results. To perform this extension, you will need to have access to the configuration files and permissions to reset IIS.
The choices of result columns are limited to what is included in the Models Index.
WARNING: When the ready reports application is upgraded, you will need to apply these configuration changes again. Comments are recommended so you can easily see which views were added.
Here are some general terms that are used.
Term |
Description |
Models |
Models define which criteria and search result columns are available. |
Views |
Views define which criteria and result columns are actually shown to the user. |
Mandatory Property |
A property used in a view that filters data returned based on security, visibility or configuration rules. |
New report views should be added to the ExtensionViews.xml file located inside the config\Extensions folder by completing the following steps:
1. Back up the ExtensionViews.xml file.
2. Make adjustments to the ExtensionViews.xml file.
3. Reset IIS and review your new report view within the ready reports UI.
The report view node structure looks like this:
< ReportViewName >
This represents the search model being used in the view. The name will generally tell you what target object you are running your report against. For example, most target objects in GSM are named: “Main [Type] Specification”. A specific example, the packaging specification search page, uses the following view:
<Model active="true" name="Main Packaging Specification" alias="lblType1009" orderByColumns="-" captionColumn="0" primaryKeyColumnName="SpecID">
This represents the filters being applied to the search view. These should not be edited.
This node is generally used to exclude certain search criteria based on configurations.
This node represents the actual result columns that are displayed to the user. Here is where columns can be removed or added.
The example below shows the result columns for the main packaging specification search in GSM.
<ColumnInfo width="79" dataField="SpecNumber" dataFieldCaption="lblSpecNumber"/>
<ColumnInfo width="256" dataField="SpecName" dataFieldCaption="lblSpecName"/>
<ColumnInfo width="87" dataField="CurrentStatus" dataFieldCaption="lblSpecSummaryStatus" dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.WorkflowStatusDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService"/>
<ColumnInfo width="225" dataField="Taxonomy" dataFieldCaption="lblTaxonomy"/>
<ColumnInfo width="102" dataField="Supercedes" dataFieldCaption="lblSupercedes" dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.SpecSupercedesDataTransformerFactory,PlatformExtensions"/>
<ColumnInfo width="100" dataField="ctxSysEquiv" dataFieldCaption="lblContextSensitiveSysEquivCtlEquivalent" dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.GSMContextSensitiveEquivalentDataTransormerFactory,PlatformExtensions" enableHandler="Class:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.SearchablePropertyHandlers.FeaturePropertyItemEnabledResolverFactory,EQTService$GSM.EQT.CrossReferences.Enabled"/>
The ColumnInfo node represents the actual result column. It has the following available attributes:
Attribute |
Description |
dataField |
The actual id for the data to be returned. Please refer to the included Available Views and Models Index for the ids that can be used. |
dataFieldCaption |
The translatable label that will be used as the column header. Please refer to the included Available Views and Models Index for the data field captions that can be used. |
Width |
This is the column width designated in pixels. Make sure when you remove of add a column the new total width remains at 849 pixels. For example, if you were to add a column that was 150 pixels in width that would bring the total to 999. You must remove width from the other existing columns so that it once again equals 849 pixels. |
dataTransformer |
This is code that transforms the data returned in a recognizable string to the user. |
isAggregatable |
Used to display results that have more than one value. If set to true, the results will be combined into a single row, otherwise, one row will be returned for each value. For example, multiple Business Units can be added to a specification so the report will return multiple values for a single column. |
aggregationDelimiter |
Character used to divide the aggregated results. |
Important Note: Columns that are added will be sortable. However, these columns will only be sorting the string of text returned. So if you are returning a date or number in your column, sorting will not appear to be functioning correctly.
1. Find the “Main Packaging Specification” search view inside ExtensionViews.xml.
2. Find the <DisplayColumns node>.
<ColumnInfo width="79" dataField="SpecNumber" dataFieldCaption="lblSpecNumber"/>
<ColumnInfo width="256" dataField="SpecName" dataFieldCaption="lblSpecName"/>
<ColumnInfo width="87" dataField="CurrentStatus" dataFieldCaption="lblSpecSummaryStatus" dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.WorkflowStatusDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService"/>
<ColumnInfo width="225" dataField="Taxonomy" dataFieldCaption="lblTaxonomy"/>
<ColumnInfo width="102" dataField="Supercedes" dataFieldCaption="lblSupercedes" dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.SpecSupercedesDataTransformerFactory,PlatformExtensions"/>
<ColumnInfo width="100" dataField="ctxSysEquiv" dataFieldCaption="lblContextSensitiveSysEquivCtlEquivalent" dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.GSMContextSensitiveEquivalentDataTransormerFactory,PlatformExtensions" enableHandler="Class:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.SearchablePropertyHandlers.FeaturePropertyItemEnabledResolverFactory,EQTService$GSM.EQT.CrossReferences.Enabled"/>
3. Add a new Column node after the Equivalent column (ctxSysEquiv) using the Approved Business Unit dataField id, FieldCaption label, and appropriate width. Since the Approved Business Unit column can contain multiple values, the aggregation and dataTransformer attributes have been defined.
<ColumnInfo width="125" dataField="ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName" dataFieldCaption="lblBusinessUnit" dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" isAggregatable="true" aggregationDelimiter=", " />
<ColumnInfo width="79" dataField="SpecNumber" dataFieldCaption="lblSpecNumber"/>
<ColumnInfo width="256" dataField="SpecName" dataFieldCaption="lblSpecName"/>
<ColumnInfo width="87" dataField="CurrentStatus" dataFieldCaption="lblSpecSummaryStatus" dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.WorkflowStatusDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService"/>
<ColumnInfo width="225" dataField="Taxonomy" dataFieldCaption="lblTaxonomy"/>
<ColumnInfo width="102" dataField="Supercedes" dataFieldCaption="lblSupercedes" dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.SpecSupercedesDataTransformerFactory,PlatformExtensions"/>
<ColumnInfo width="100" dataField="ctxSysEquiv" dataFieldCaption="lblContextSensitiveSysEquivCtlEquivalent" dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.GSMContextSensitiveEquivalentDataTransormerFactory,PlatformExtensions" enableHandler="Class:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.SearchablePropertyHandlers.FeaturePropertyItemEnabledResolverFactory,EQTService$GSM.EQT.CrossReferences.Enabled"/>
<ColumnInfo width="125" dataField="ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName" dataFieldCaption="lblBusinessUnit" dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" isAggregatable="true" aggregationDelimiter=", " />
4. To support 1024x768 resolutions, make sure your total width matches what it was before your addition. In this example the total width was 849 pixels. So you will need to remove 125 pixels of width from pre-existing column(s), like specification name.
<ColumnInfo width="131" dataField="SpecName" dataFieldCaption="lblSpecName"/>
5. Reset IIS.
6. Go to a Ready Report and select the Packaging Specification target object and verify the new column appears.
New report views can be added by copying an existing view and changing the view name and corresponding attributes. This allows you to offer multiple report views per target object.
The report view node structure looks like the following. [ReportViewName] will appear in the report view dropdown for the target object specified in the <Model> node.
The following contextual variables are supported in search criteria. Refer to the ReadyReports.xml configuration file for further details.
Search Model |
Available Variables |
Delivered Material Packing Specification |
Inactive |
Search Model |
Available Variables |
Equipment Specification |
Inactive |
Search Model |
Available Variables |
Formulation Specification |
Facility |
Search Model |
Available Variables |
Packaging Specification |
Inactive |
This section details the fields that can be displayed in the search results grid used for ready reports.
View: ExtendedSectionAttributeTemplateView
Model: ExtendedAttributeSectionTemplate
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
ColumnName |
lblColumnName |
CreatedDate |
lblCreated |
ExtendedAttributeStatus |
lblStatus |
ExtendedAttributeTemplateName |
lblSectionName |
ID |
lblSectionID |
LastEditDate |
lblLastEdited |
RowName |
lblRowName |
SecurityClassDisplay |
lblSecurityClassification |
View: ExtendedAttributeView
Model: ExtendedAttributeType
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
ExtAttrTypeDisplayValue |
lblType |
ExtendedAttributeGroup |
lblGroup |
ExtendedAttributeID |
lblExtendedAttributeTypeID |
ExtendedAttributeName |
lblExtendedAttributeTypeName |
ExtendedAttributeStatus |
lblStatus |
View: FICTermView
Model: FICTerm
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
CreateByUserName |
lblCreatedBy |
CreatedBy |
lblCreatedBy |
FICAliasTerm |
lblTermOrAlias |
FICTermNumber |
lblTermNumber |
lblTermID |
View: DocumentSearchView
Model: VisibilityConstrainedDrlDocument
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
AttachmentTitle |
lblAttachmentTitle |
BusinessUnit |
lblBusinessUnit |
ClassificationDisplay |
lblExactMatchClassification |
DocumentDate |
lblDocumentDate |
DocumentNumber |
lblDocumentID |
DocumentNumberIssue |
lblDocumentNumber |
EffectiveDate |
lblEffectiveDate |
ExpirationDate |
lblExpirationDate |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
StatusName |
lblStatus |
Title |
lblDocumentTitle |
VisibilityDisplay |
lblExactMatchVisibility |
View: EQMaterialRequestView
Model: INGEQRequest
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
AddlAdminGroupsDisplay |
lblAddlAdminGroups |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
AddlAdminUsersDisplay |
lblAddlAdminGroups |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
eQImportedIntoGSMDisplay |
lblEQImportedIntoGSM |
ImportMaterialSpec |
lblImportSpec |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.SpecNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
IsSupplierInitiatedDisplay |
lblSupplierInitiated |
PrimaryOwner |
lblPrimaryOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
QuestionnaireApprovedUseOwner |
lblPrimaryOwner |
dataTransformer=”Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService” |
QuestionnaireCompany |
lblEQCompany |
QuestionnaireDateReceived |
lblEQDateRcvd |
QuestionnaireDateSent |
lblEQDateSent |
QuestionnaireDueDate |
lblEQDueDate |
QuestionnaireEmail |
lblEQEmail |
QuestionnaireNumber |
lblEQNumber |
QuestionnaireStatusDisplay |
lblEQStatus |
QuestionnaireTitle |
lblEQTitle |
View: EQPackagingRequestView
Model: PKGEQRequest
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
AddlAdminGroupsDisplay |
lblAddlAdminGroups |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
AddlAdminUsersDisplay |
lblAddlAdminGroups |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
eQImportedIntoGSMDisplay |
lblEQImportedIntoGSM |
ImportPackagingSpec |
lblImportSpec |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.SpecNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
IsSupplierInitiatedDisplay |
lblSupplierInitiated |
PrimaryOwner |
lblPrimaryOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
QuestionnaireApprovedUseOwner |
lblPrimaryOwner |
dataTransformer=”Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService” |
QuestionnaireCompany |
lblEQCompany |
QuestionnaireDateReceived |
lblEQDateRcvd |
QuestionnaireDateSent |
lblEQDateSent |
QuestionnaireDueDate |
lblEQDueDate |
QuestionnaireEmail |
lblEQEmail |
QuestionnaireNumber |
lblEQNumber |
QuestionnaireStatusDisplay |
lblEQStatus |
QuestionnaireTitle |
lblEQTitle |
View: EQPrintedPackagingRequestView
Model: PPKGEQRequest
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
AddlAdminGroupsDisplay |
lblAddlAdminGroups |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
AddlAdminUsersDisplay |
lblAddlAdminGroups |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
eQImportedIntoGSMDisplay |
lblEQImportedIntoGSM |
ImportPrintedPackagingSpec |
lblImportSpec |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.SpecNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
IsSupplierInitiatedDisplay |
lblSupplierInitiated |
PrimaryOwner |
lblPrimaryOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
QuestionnaireApprovedUseOwner |
lblPrimaryOwner |
dataTransformer=”Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService” |
QuestionnaireCompany |
lblEQCompany |
QuestionnaireDateReceived |
lblEQDateRcvd |
QuestionnaireDateSent |
lblEQDateSent |
QuestionnaireDueDate |
lblEQDueDate |
QuestionnaireEmail |
lblEQEmail |
QuestionnaireNumber |
lblEQNumber |
QuestionnaireStatusDisplay |
lblEQStatus |
QuestionnaireTitle |
lblEQTitle |
View: EQProductRequestView
Model: PRDEQRequest
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
AddlAdminGroupsDisplay |
lblAddlAdminGroups |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
AddlAdminUsersDisplay |
lblAddlAdminGroups |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
eQImportedIntoGSMDisplay |
lblEQImportedIntoGSM |
ImportProductSpec |
lblImportSpec |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.SpecNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
IsSupplierInitiatedDisplay |
lblSupplierInitiated |
PrimaryOwner |
lblPrimaryOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
QuestionnaireApprovedUseOwner |
lblPrimaryOwner |
dataTransformer=”Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService” |
QuestionnaireCompany |
lblEQCompany |
QuestionnaireDateReceived |
lblEQDateRcvd |
QuestionnaireDateSent |
lblEQDateSent |
QuestionnaireDueDate |
lblEQDueDate |
QuestionnaireEmail |
lblEQEmail |
QuestionnaireNumber |
lblEQNumber |
QuestionnaireStatusDisplay |
lblEQStatus |
QuestionnaireTitle |
lblEQTitle |
View: EQTradeRequestView
Model: TRDEQRequest
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
AddlAdminGroupsDisplay |
lblAddlAdminGroups |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
AddlAdminUsersDisplay |
lblAddlAdminGroups |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
eQImportedIntoGSMDisplay |
lblEQImportedIntoGSM |
ImportTradeSpec |
lblImportSpec |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.SpecNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
IsSupplierInitiatedDisplay |
lblSupplierInitiated |
PrimaryOwner |
lblPrimaryOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
QuestionnaireApprovedUseOwner |
lblPrimaryOwner |
dataTransformer=”Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService” |
QuestionnaireCompany |
lblEQCompany |
QuestionnaireDateReceived |
lblEQDateRcvd |
QuestionnaireDateSent |
lblEQDateSent |
QuestionnaireDueDate |
lblEQDueDate |
QuestionnaireEmail |
lblEQEmail |
QuestionnaireNumber |
lblEQNumber |
QuestionnaireStatusDisplay |
lblEQStatus |
QuestionnaireTitle |
lblEQTitle |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: Main Delivered Material Packing
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName |
lblBusinessUnit |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
AssociatedSpecAssociation |
lblAssociatedSpecAssociation |
AssociatedSpecERPIDDisplayName |
lblAssociatedSpecERPID |
AssociatedSpecName |
lblAssociatedSpecName |
AssociatedSpecNumber |
lblAssociatedSpecNumber |
Attachment |
lblAttachmentName |
ConceptDisplay |
lblConcept |
dataTransformer=”Class.Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.TaxonomyAliasDataColumnTransformerFactory.EQTService$FoodserviceConcept” |
CountriesWhereUsedDisplayName |
lblCountriesWhereUsed |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.CountryDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
Created |
lblCreated |
CurrentStatus |
lblSpecStatus |
CurrentWorkFlowGroup |
lblCurrentWorkFlowGroup |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
CurrentWorkFlowOwner |
lblCurrentWorkFlowOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
Description |
lblDescription |
Effective |
lblSpecSummaryEffective |
Inactive |
lblSpecSummaryInactive |
LastEdit |
lblLastEdited |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
RichTextDocKeywords |
lblRichTextDocKeywords |
ShortName |
lblSpecShortName |
SpecID |
SpecID |
SpecName |
lblSpecName |
SpecNumber |
lblSpecNumber |
SpecStatus |
lblSpecSummaryStatus |
SupercedesLangAware |
lblSupercedes |
Taxonomy |
lblTaxonomy |
WorkflowName |
lblWorkflow |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: Main Equipment Specification
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName |
lblBusinessUnit |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
AssociatedSpecAssociation |
lblAssociatedSpecAssociation |
AssociatedSpecERPIDDisplayName |
lblAssociatedSpecERPID |
AssociatedSpecName |
lblAssociatedSpecName |
AssociatedSpecNumber |
lblAssociatedSpecNumber |
Attachment |
lblAttachmentName |
ConceptDisplay |
lblConcept |
dataTransformer=”Class.Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.TaxonomyAliasDataColumnTransformerFactory.EQTService$FoodserviceConcept” |
CountriesWhereUsedDisplayName |
lblCountriesWhereUsed |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.CountryDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
Created |
lblCreated |
ctxSysEquiv |
lblContextSensitiveSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
CurrentStatus |
lblSpecStatus |
CurrentWorkFlowGroup |
lblCurrentWorkFlowGroup |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
CurrentWorkFlowOwner |
lblCurrentWorkFlowOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
Effective |
lblSpecSummaryEffective |
ERPSystemNameAndID |
lblERPSystemNameAndID |
Inactive |
lblSpecSummaryInactive |
LastEdit |
lblLastEdited |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
RichTextDocKeywords |
lblRichTextDocKeywords |
ShortName |
lblSpecShortName |
SpecName |
lblSpecName |
SpecNumber |
lblSpecNumber |
SpecStatus |
lblSpecSummaryStatus |
SpecSumCatSubCatGroup |
lblCatSubcatGroup |
SystemNameDisplayName |
lblSystemName |
SupercedesLangAware |
lblSupercedes |
SystemEquivalent |
lblSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
Taxonomy |
lblTaxonomy |
WorkflowName |
lblWorkflow |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: Formulation Specification
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName |
lblBusinessUnit |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
AssociatedSpecAssociation |
lblAssociatedSpecAssociation |
AssociatedSpecERPIDDisplayName |
lblAssociatedSpecERPID |
AssociatedSpecName |
lblAssociatedSpecName |
AssociatedSpecNumber |
lblAssociatedSpecNumber |
Attachment |
lblAttachmentName |
BOMItemAnnotation |
lblBOMItemAnnotation |
ConceptDisplay |
lblConcept |
dataTransformer="Class:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.TaxonomyAliasDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService$FoodserviceConcept" |
CountriesWhereUsedDisplayName |
lblCountriesWhereUsed |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.CountryDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
Created |
lblCreated |
ctxSysEquiv |
lblContextSensitiveSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
CurrentStatus |
lblSpecStatus |
CurrentWorkFlowGroup |
lblCurrentWorkFlowGroup |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
CurrentWorkFlowOwner |
lblCurrentWorkFlowOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
Description |
lblDescription |
Effective |
lblSpecSummaryEffective |
FacilityDisplayName |
lblFacility |
dataTransformer="Singleton:EQTModels.BusinessUnitSecurity.BUSecuredFacilityNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTModels" |
Inactive |
lblSpecSummaryInactive |
LastEdit |
lblLastEdited |
NPDProjectName |
lblNPDProjectName |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
RichTextDocKeywords |
lblRichTextDocKeywords |
ShortName |
lblSpecShortName |
SpecName |
lblSpecName |
SpecNumber |
lblSpecNumber |
SpecStatus |
lblSpecSummaryStatus |
StepInstructionsKeywords |
lblStepInstructionsKeywords |
StepName |
lblStepName |
SupercedesLangAware |
lblSupercedes |
SystemEquivalent |
lblSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
SystemNameDisplayName |
lblSystemName |
Taxonomy |
lblTaxonomy |
WorkflowName |
lblWorkflow |
View: SuccessionRequestView
Model: GSM Succession Request
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
CreatedDate |
lblCreatedDate |
Creator |
lblCreatedBy |
CreatorName |
lblCreatedBy |
NewSpecificationName |
lblNewSpecName |
NewSpecificationNumber |
lblNewSpecNumber |
RequestNumber |
lblSuccessionRequestNumber |
SpecToSupersedeSpecName |
lblSupersedeSpecName |
SpecToSupersedeSpecNumber |
lblSupersedeSpecNumber |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: Spec Activity Specification
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
ActivityPrimarySpecName |
lblActivityPrimarySpecName |
ActivityPrimarySpecNumber |
lblActivityPrimarySpecNumber |
ActivityRelatedSpecName |
lblActivityRelatedSpecName |
ActivityRelatedSpecNumber |
lblActivityRelatedSpecNumber |
ActivityWorkflowName |
lblActivityType |
CurrentStatus |
lblSpecStatus |
CurrentWorkFlowGroup |
lblCurrentWorkFlowGroup |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
CurrentWorkFlowOwner |
lblCurrentWorkFlowOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
Effective |
lblSpecSummaryEffective |
Inactive |
lblSpecSummaryInactive |
LastEdit |
lblLastEdited |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
RichTextDocKeywords |
lblRichTextDocKeywords |
SpecialNotes |
lblActivitySpecialNotes |
SpecName |
lblActivityTitle |
SpecNumber |
lblActivityNumber |
SpecStatus |
lblSpecSummaryStatus |
SystemEquivalent |
lblActivityPrimaryEquivalent |
WorkflowName |
lblWorkflow |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: Main Labeling Specification
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName |
lblBusinessUnit |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
AssociatedSpecAssociation |
lblAssociatedSpecAssociation |
AssociatedSpecERPIDDisplayName |
lblAssociatedSpecERPID |
AssociatedSpecName |
lblAssociatedSpecName |
AssociatedSpecNumber |
lblAssociatedSpecNumber |
Attachment |
lblAttachmentName |
ConceptDisplay |
lblConcept |
dataTransformer="Class:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.TaxonomyAliasDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService$FoodserviceConcept" |
CountriesWhereUsedDisplayName |
lblCountriesWhereUsed |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.CountryDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
Created |
lblCreated |
CurrentStatus |
lblSpecStatus |
CurrentWorkFlowGroup |
lblCurrentWorkFlowGroup |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
CurrentWorkFlowOwner |
lblCurrentWorkFlowOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
Description |
lblDescription |
Effective |
lblSpecSummaryEffective |
Inactive |
lblSpecSummaryInactive |
LastEdit |
lblLastEdited |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
RichTextDocKeywords |
lblRichTextDocKeywords |
ShortName |
lblSpecShortName |
SpecName |
lblSpecName |
SpecNumber |
lblSpecNumber |
SystemNameDisplayName |
lblSystemName |
SupercedesLangAware |
lblSupercedes |
Taxonomy |
lblTaxonomy |
WorkflowName |
lblWorkflow |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: LIO Profile
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
AssociatedFormulationEquiv |
lblAssocFormulationEquivalent |
AssociatedFormulationName |
lblAssocFormulationName |
AssociatedFormulationNumber |
lblAssocFormulationNum |
AssociatedNPName |
lblAssocNPName |
AssociatedNPNumber |
lblAssocNPNum |
AssociatedOutputEquiv |
lblAssocOutputEquivalent |
AssociatedOutputName |
lblAssocOutputName |
AssociatedOutputNumber |
lblAssocOutputNum |
Description |
lblDescription |
LastSavedDate |
lblLastEdited |
LIONumber |
lblProfileNumber |
LIOProfileCreatedDate |
lblCreated |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
ProfileName |
lblProfileName |
StatusName |
lblStatus |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: Main Master Specification
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName |
lblBusinessUnit |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
AssociatedSpecAssociation |
lblAssociatedSpecAssociation |
AssociatedSpecERPIDDisplayName |
lblAssociatedSpecERPID |
AssociatedSpecName |
lblAssociatedSpecName |
AssociatedSpecNumber |
lblAssociatedSpecNumber |
Attachment |
lblAttachmentName |
ConceptDisplay |
lblConcept |
dataTransformer="Class:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.TaxonomyAliasDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService$FoodserviceConcept" |
CountriesWhereUsedDisplayName |
lblCountriesWhereUsed |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.CountryDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
Created |
lblCreated |
CurrentStatus |
lblSpecStatus |
CurrentWorkFlowGroup |
lblCurrentWorkFlowGroup |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
CurrentWorkFlowOwner |
lblCurrentWorkFlowOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
Description |
lblDescription |
Effective |
lblSpecSummaryEffective |
Inactive |
lblSpecSummaryInactive |
LastEdit |
lblLastEdited |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
RichTextDocKeywords |
lblRichTextDocKeywords |
ShortName |
lblSpecShortName |
SpecName |
lblSpecName |
SpecNumber |
lblSpecNumber |
SpecStatus |
lblSpecSummaryStatus |
SupercedesLangAware |
lblSupercedes |
Taxonomy |
lblTaxonomy |
WorkflowName |
lblWorkflow |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: Main Material Specification
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
AdditivesContainedDisplay |
lblctlComplianceAdditives |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Additives" |
AdditivesNotContDisplay |
lblComplianceAdditivesNotContained |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Additives" |
AdditivesMayContDisplay |
lblComplianceAdditivesMayContain |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Additives" |
AllergensContainedDisplay |
lblctlComplianceAllergens |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Allergens" |
AllergensNotContDisplay |
lblComplianceAllergensNotContained |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Allergens" |
AllergensMayContDisplay |
lblComplianceAllergensMayContain |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Allergens" |
ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName |
lblBusinessUnit |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
AssociatedSpecAssociation |
lblAssociatedSpecAssociation |
AssociatedSpecERPIDDisplayName |
lblAssociatedSpecERPID |
AssociatedSpecName |
lblAssociatedSpecName |
AssociatedSpecNumber |
lblAssociatedSpecNumber |
Attachment |
lblAttachmentName |
ClassificationDisplayName |
lblClassification |
CombinedIngredientStatement |
lblIngredientStateCtlCombinedState |
CompliesWithDisplay |
lblctlComplianceCompliesWith |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$CompliesWith" |
ConceptDisplay |
lblConcept |
dataTransformer="Class:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.TaxonomyAliasDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService$FoodserviceConcept" |
CountriesWhereUsedDisplayName |
lblCountriesWhereUsed |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.CountryDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
CountryOfOriginDisplay |
lblCountryOfOrigin |
Created |
lblCreated |
ctxSysEquiv |
lblContextSensitiveSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
CurrentStatus |
lblSpecStatus |
CurrentWorkflowGroup |
lblCurrentWorkFlowGroup |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
CurrentWorkflowOwner |
lblCurrentWorkFlowOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
Description |
lblDescription |
Effective |
lblSpecSummaryEffective |
Inactive |
lblSpecSummaryInactive |
IngredientOutputType |
lblIngredientOutputType |
IngredientStatement |
lblIngredientStatement |
IntolerancesContainedDisplay |
lblctlComplianceIntolerances |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Intolerances" |
IntolerancesNotContDisplay |
lblComplianceIntolerancesNotContained |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Intolerances" |
IntolerancesMayContDisplay |
lblComplianceIntolerancesMayContain |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Intolerances" |
LastEdit |
lblLastEdited |
MaterialTypeDisplayName |
lblMaterialType |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
ParentFormulationSpecERPID |
lblParentFormulationSpecERPID |
ParentFormulationSpecName |
lblParentFormulationSpecName |
ParentFormulationSpecNum |
lblParentFormulationSpecNum |
RichTextDocKeywords |
lblRichTextDocKeywords |
ShortName |
lblSpecShortName |
SourcingFacilityDisplayName |
lblSourceFacility |
dataTransformer="Singleton:EQTModels.BusinessUnitSecurity.BUSecuredFacilityNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTModels" |
SourcingNumberSpec |
lblSourcingNumber |
SpecName |
lblSpecName |
SpecNumber |
lblSpecNumber |
SpecStatus |
lblSpecSummaryStatus |
SpecSumCatSubCatGroup |
lblCatSubcatGroup |
SupercedesLangAware |
lblSupercedes |
SupplierPartNumberDisplayName |
lblSupplierItemNumber |
SystemNameDisplayName |
lblSystemName |
TradeSpecERPID |
lblTradeSpecERPID |
TradeSpecName |
lblTradeSpecName |
TradeSpecNum |
lblTradeSpecNum |
VendorHasApprovedDisplayName |
lblVendorHasApproved |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.VendorHasApprovedDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
WorkflowName |
lblWorkflow |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: Main Menu Item Specification
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
ActualClaimsDisplayName |
lblActualLabelClaims |
AdditivesContainedDisplay |
lblctlComplianceAdditives |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Additives" |
AdditivesNotContDisplay |
lblComplianceAdditivesNotContained |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Additives" |
AdditivesMayContDisplay |
lblComplianceAdditivesMayContain |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Additives" |
AllergensContainedDisplay |
lblctlComplianceAllergens |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Allergens" |
AllergensNotContDisplay |
lblComplianceAllergensNotContained |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Allergens" |
AllergensMayContDisplay |
lblComplianceAllergensMayContain |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Allergens" |
ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName |
lblBusinessUnit |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
AssociatedSpecAssociation |
lblAssociatedSpecAssociation |
AssociatedSpecERPIDDisplayName |
lblAssociatedSpecERPID |
AssociatedSpecName |
lblAssociatedSpecName |
AssociatedSpecNumber |
lblAssociatedSpecNumber |
Attachment |
lblAttachmentName |
ConceptDisplay |
lblConcept |
dataTransformer="Class:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.TaxonomyAliasDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService$FoodserviceConcept" |
Created |
lblCreated |
ctxSysEquiv |
lblContextSensitiveSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
CurrentStatus |
lblSpecStatus |
CurrentWorkflowGroup |
lblCurrentWorkFlowGroup |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
CurrentWorkflowOwner |
lblCurrentWorkFlowOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
Effective |
lblSpecSummaryEffective |
Inactive |
lblSpecSummaryInactive |
IngredientStatement |
lblNutrientProfileIngredientStatement |
IntolerancesContainedDisplay |
lblctlComplianceIntolerances |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Intolerances" |
IntolerancesNotContDisplay |
lblComplianceIntolerancesNotContained |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Intolerances" |
IntolerancesMayContDisplay |
lblComplianceIntolerancesMayContain |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Intolerances" |
LastEdit |
lblLastEdited |
MenuItemClassName |
lblMenuItemClass |
MenuItemStandardDisplay |
lblStandard |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
PotentialClaimsDisplayName |
lblPotentialLabelClaims |
RichTextDocKeywords |
lblRichTextDocKeywords |
ShortName |
lblSpecShortName |
CompliesWithDisplay |
lblctlComplianceCompliesWith |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$CompliesWith" |
SpecName |
lblSpecName |
SpecNumber |
lblSpecNumber |
SpecStatus |
lblSpecSummaryStatus |
SpecSumCatSubCatGroup |
lblCatSubcatGroup |
SpecWorkflowName |
lblName |
StandardDisplay |
lblStandard |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$FoodServiceStandards" |
SupercedesLangAware |
lblSupercedes |
SystemEquivalent |
lblSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
SystemNameDisplayName |
lblSystemName |
Taxonomy |
lblTaxonomy |
WorkflowName |
lblWorkflow |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: Main Nutrient Profile
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName |
lblBusinessUnit |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
AssociatedSpecAssociation |
lblAssociatedSpecAssociation |
AssociatedSpecERPIDDisplayName |
lblAssociatedSpecERPID |
AssociatedSpecName |
lblAssociatedSpecName |
AssociatedSpecNumber |
lblAssociatedSpecNumber |
Calories |
lblCaloriesPerHundredGram |
CaloriesPerServing |
lblCaloriesPerServing |
Carbohydrates |
lblCarbsPerHundredGram |
CarbsPerServing |
lblCarbsPerServing |
Cholesterol |
lblCholesterolPerHundredGram |
CholesterolPerServing |
lblCholesterolPerServing |
ConceptDisplay |
lblConcept |
dataTransformer="Class:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.TaxonomyAliasDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService$FoodserviceConcept" |
Created |
lblCreated |
CurrentStatus |
lblSpecStatus |
CurrentWorkflowGroup |
lblCurrentWorkFlowGroup |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
CurrentWorkflowOwner |
lblCurrentWorkFlowOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
Effective |
lblSpecSummaryEffective |
IngredientStatement |
lblIngredientStatement |
LastEdit |
lblLastEdited |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
Owner |
lblOwner |
ParentSpecName |
lblParentSpecName |
ParentSpecNum |
lblParentSpecNum |
Protein |
lblProteinPerHundredGram |
ProteinPerServing |
lblProteinPerServing |
RichTextDocKeywords |
lblRichTextDocKeywords |
ShortName |
lblSpecShortName |
Sodium |
lblSodiumPerHundredGram |
SodiumPerServing |
lblSodiumPerServing |
SpecName |
lblSpecName |
SpecNumber |
lblSpecNumber |
SpecStatus |
lblSpecSummaryStatus |
SupercedesLangAware |
lblSupercedes |
Taxonomy |
lblTaxonomy |
Total Fat |
lblTotalFatPerHundredGram |
TotalFatPerServing |
lblTotalFatPerServing |
TotalSugar |
lblTotalSugarPerHundredGram |
TotalSugarPerServing |
lblTotalSugarPerServing |
WorkflowName |
lblWorkflow |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: Main Packaging Specification
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName |
lblBusinessUnit |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
AssociatedSpecAssociation |
lblAssociatedSpecAssociation |
AssociatedSpecERPIDDisplayName |
lblAssociatedSpecERPID |
AssociatedSpecName |
lblAssociatedSpecName |
AssociatedSpecNumber |
lblAssociatedSpecNumber |
Attachment |
lblAttachmentName |
ConceptDisplay |
lblConcept |
dataTransformer="Class:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.TaxonomyAliasDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService$FoodserviceConcept" |
CountriesWhereUsedDisplayName |
lblCountriesWhereUsed |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.CountryDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
Created |
lblCreated |
ctxSysEquiv |
lblContextSensitiveSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
CurrentStatus |
lblSpecStatus |
CurrentWorkflowGroup |
lblCurrentWorkFlowGroup |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
CurrentWorkflowOwner |
lblCurrentWorkFlowOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
Description |
lblDescription |
Effective |
lblSpecSummaryEffective |
Inactive |
lblSpecSummaryInactive |
lblItemType |
LastEdit |
lblLastEdited |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
RichTextDocKeywords |
lblRichTextDocKeywords |
ShortName |
lblSpecShortName |
SourcingFacilityDisplayName |
lblSourceFacility |
dataTransformer="Singleton:EQTModels.BusinessUnitSecurity.BUSecuredFacilityNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTModels" |
SourcingNumberSpec |
lblSourcingNumber |
SpecName |
lblSpecName |
SpecNumber |
lblSpecNumber |
SpecStatus |
lblSpecSummaryStatus |
SpecSumCatSubCatGroup |
lblCatSubcatGroup |
SupercedesLangAware |
lblSupercedes |
SupplierPartNumberDisplayName |
lblSupplierItemNumber |
SystemEquivalent |
lblSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
SystemNameDisplayName |
lblSystemName |
Taxonomy |
lblTaxonomy |
VendorHasApprovedDisplayName |
lblVendorHasApproved |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.VendorHasApprovedDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
WorkflowName |
lblWorkflow |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: Main Packing Configuration Specification
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName |
lblBusinessUnit |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
AssociatedSpecAssociation |
lblAssociatedSpecAssociation |
AssociatedSpecERPIDDisplayName |
lblAssociatedSpecERPID |
AssociatedSpecName |
lblAssociatedSpecName |
AssociatedSpecNumber |
lblAssociatedSpecNumber |
Attachment |
lblAttachmentName |
ConceptDisplay |
lblConcept |
dataTransformer="Class:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.TaxonomyAliasDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService$FoodserviceConcept" |
CountriesWhereUsedDisplayName |
lblCountriesWhereUsed |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.CountryDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
Created |
lblCreated |
ctxSysEquiv |
lblContextSensitiveSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
CurrentStatus |
lblSpecStatus |
CurrentWorkflowGroup |
lblCurrentWorkFlowGroup |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
CurrentWorkflowOwner |
lblCurrentWorkFlowOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
Description |
lblDescription |
Effective |
lblSpecSummaryEffective |
Inactive |
lblSpecSummaryInactive |
LastEdit |
lblLastEdited |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
RichTextDocKeywords |
lblRichTextDocKeywords |
ShortName |
lblSpecShortName |
SpecName |
lblSpecName |
SpecNumber |
lblSpecNumber |
SpecStatus |
lblSpecSummaryStatus |
SupercedesLangAware |
lblSupercedes |
SystemEquivalent |
lblSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
SystemNameDisplayName |
lblSystemName |
Taxonomy |
lblTaxonomy |
WorkflowName |
lblWorkflow |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: Main Printed Packaging Specification
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName |
lblBusinessUnit |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
AssociatedSpecAssociation |
lblAssociatedSpecAssociation |
AssociatedSpecERPIDDisplayName |
lblAssociatedSpecERPID |
AssociatedSpecName |
lblAssociatedSpecName |
AssociatedSpecNumber |
lblAssociatedSpecNumber |
Attachment |
lblAttachmentName |
ConceptDisplay |
lblConcept |
dataTransformer="Class:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.TaxonomyAliasDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService$FoodserviceConcept" |
CountriesWhereUsedDisplayName |
lblCountriesWhereUsed |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.CountryDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
Created |
lblCreated |
ctxSysEquiv |
lblContextSensitiveSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
CurrentStatus |
lblSpecStatus |
CurrentWorkflowGroup |
lblCurrentWorkFlowGroup |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
CurrentWorkflowOwner |
lblCurrentWorkFlowOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
Effective |
lblSpecSummaryEffective |
Inactive |
lblSpecSummaryInactive |
LastEdit |
lblLastEdited |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
RichTextDocKeywords |
lblRichTextDocKeywords |
ShortName |
lblSpecShortName |
SourcingFacilityDisplayName |
lblSourceFacility |
dataTransformer="Singleton:EQTModels.BusinessUnitSecurity.BUSecuredFacilityNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTModels" |
SourcingNumberSpec |
lblSourcingNumber |
SpecName |
lblSpecName |
SpecNumber |
lblSpecNumber |
SpecStatus |
lblSpecSummaryStatus |
SpecSumCatSubCatGroup |
lblCatSubcatGroup |
SupercedesLangAware |
lblSupercedes |
SupplierPartNumberDisplayName |
lblSupplierPartNumber |
SystemEquivalent |
lblSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
SystemNameDisplayName |
lblSystemName |
Taxonomy |
lblTaxonomy |
VendorHasApprovedDisplayName |
lblVendorHasApproved |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.VendorHasApprovedDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
WorkflowName |
lblWorkflow |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: Main Product Specification
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
AdditivesContainedDisplay |
lblctlComplianceAdditives |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Additives" |
AdditivesNotContDisplay |
lblComplianceAdditivesNotContained |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Additives" |
AdditivesMayContDisplay |
lblComplianceAdditivesMayContain |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Additives" |
AllergensContainedDisplay |
lblctlComplianceAllergens |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Allergens" |
AllergensNotContDisplay |
lblComplianceAllergensNotContained |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Allergens" |
AllergensMayContDisplay |
lblComplianceAllergensMayContain |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Allergens" |
ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName |
lblBusinessUnit |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
AssociatedSpecAssociation |
lblAssociatedSpecAssociation |
AssociatedSpecERPIDDisplayName |
lblAssociatedSpecERPID |
AssociatedSpecName |
lblAssociatedSpecName |
AssociatedSpecNumber |
lblAssociatedSpecNumber |
Attachment |
lblAttachmentName |
BusinessUnitDisplay |
lblBusinessUnit |
ConceptDisplay |
lblConcept |
dataTransformer="Class:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.TaxonomyAliasDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService$FoodserviceConcept" |
Created |
lblCreated |
ctxSysEquiv |
lblContextSensitiveSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
CurrentStatus |
lblSpecStatus |
CurrentWorkflowGroup |
lblCurrentWorkFlowGroup |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.CurrentWorkflowGroupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
CurrentWorkflowOwner |
lblCurrentWorkFlowOwner |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
Effective |
lblSpecSummaryEffective |
ERPSystemNameAndID |
lblERPSystemNameAndID |
IngredientStatement |
lblIngredientStatement |
IntolerancesContainedDisplay |
lblctlComplianceIntolerances |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Intolerances" |
IntolerancesNotContDisplay |
lblComplianceIntolerancesNotContained |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Intolerances" |
IntolerancesMayContDisplay |
lblComplianceIntolerancesMayContain |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Intolerances" |
LastEdit |
lblLastEdited |
Originator |
lblOriginator |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.UserNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,FICService" |
ProductClassificationName |
lblClassification |
ProductStandardDisplay |
lblStandard |
RichTextDocKeywords |
lblRichTextDocKeywords |
ShortName |
lblSpecShortName |
SourcingFacilityDisplayName |
lblSourceFacility |
dataTransformer="Singleton:EQTModels.BusinessUnitSecurity.BUSecuredFacilityNameDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTModels" |
SourcingNumberSpec |
lblSourcingNumber |
CompliesWithDisplay |
lblctlComplianceCompliesWith |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$CompliesWith" |
SpecName |
lblSpecName |
SpecNumber |
lblSpecNumber |
SpecStatus |
lblSpecSummaryStatus |
SpecSumCatSubCatGroup |
lblCatSubcatGroup |
SpecWorkflowName |
lblName |
Standard |
lblStandard |
SupercedesLangAware |
lblSupercedes |
SupplierPartNumberDisplayName |
lblSupplierItemNumber |
SystemEquivalent |
lblSysEquivCtlEquivalent |
SystemNameDisplayName |
lblSystemName |
Taxonomy |
lblTaxonomy |
VendorHasApprovedDisplayName |
lblVendorHasApproved |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.Transformers.VendorHasApprovedDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib" |
WorkflowName |
lblWorkflow |
View: SpecSummaryView
Model: TestingProtocol
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
Id |
lblTestingProtocolID |
TestingProtocolCreated |
lblCreated |
TestingProtocolDescription |
lblDescription |
TestingProtocolLastEdit |
lblLastEdited |
TestingProtocolName |
lblTestingProtocolName |
TestingProtocolOriginator |
lblOriginator |
TestingProtocolScope |
lblScope |
TestingProtocolStatus |
lblStatus |
Model: Main Trade Specification
Data Field |
Data Field Caption |
Notes |
ActualClaimsDisplayName |
lblActualLabelClaims |
AdditivesContainedDisplay |
lblctlComplianceAdditives |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Additives" |
AdditivesNotContDisplay |
lblComplianceAdditivesNotContained |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Additives" |
AdditivesMayContDisplay |
lblComplianceAdditivesMayContain |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Additives" |
AllergensContainedDisplay |
lblctlComplianceAllergens |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Allergens" |
AllergensNotContDisplay |
lblComplianceAllergensNotContained |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Allergens" |
AllergensMayContDisplay |
lblComplianceAllergensMayContain |
dataTransformer="Class:Oracle.PLM4P.ReadyReports.Lib.DataColumnTransformers.LookupDataColumnTransformerFactory,ReadyReportsLib$Allergens" |
ApprovedForUseBUDisplayName |
lblBusinessUnit |
dataTransformer="Singleton:Xeno.Prodika.EQTService.DataTransformers.BusinessUnitDataColumnTransformerFactory,EQTService" |
AssociatedSpecAssociation |
lblAssociatedSpecAssociation |
AssociatedSpecERPIDDisplayName |
lblAssociatedSpecERPID |
AssociatedSpecName |
lblAssociatedSpecName |
AssociatedSpecNumber |
lblAssociatedSpecNumber |