Extended Attribute Denormalization Guide
Pack 3.5
August 2013
Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process
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Denormalization Process Overview
Near Real-Time Denormalization
Available Extended Attributes for Denormalization
Extended Attribute Denormalization Tables
Numeric and Calculated Numeric EA Types
Free Text, Qualitative, and Qualitative Lookup EA Types
Quantitative Tolerance EA Types
Near Real Time Denorm Configuration and Installation
This guide is intended for client programmers involved with integrating Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process. Information about using Oracle Agile PLM for Process resides in application-specific user guides. Information about administering Oracle Agile PLM for Process resides in the Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management for Process Administrator User Guide.
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Extended Attribute Denormalization (EA Denorm) is a feature that provides the ability to convert the internal data storage of extended attributes into data structures that are easier to understand and report against while providing improved query performance. The EA Denorm process is required when using Oracle Product Lifecycle Analytics (OPLA).
The EA Denorm process pulls data for all activated (Active, Archive, and Inactive) extended attributes from Specifications (or other business objects, such as Sourcing Approvals, NPD Projects, etc), and populates that data into a new set of denormalization tables. These denormalization tables include additional information such as attribute IDs, custom section IDs, etc, that make the data easier to query against for reporting purposes.
When a business object (such as a GSM Specification) is saved, the Near Real-Time Denormalization (NRTD) process will determine if any of the extended attributes in the simple EA listing, or any distinct extended attributes within custom sections on that item have been added, deleted, or modified. If so, a extended attribute denormalization request is added to a queue, which is then processed by a Service on the Remoting Container application. This Service will trigger denormalization for each request in the queue, which processes only that specific business object. Since the denormalization is only occurring for small sets of data, the NRTD Service can run on an ongoing basis, keeping the denormalized data very closely in synch with the live data.
The frequency of the NRTD Service can be configured, along with options for logging, email notifications if any errors occur, and more.
Prior to the Near Real Time Denormalization, denormalization was processed in a scheduled batch manner; all denormalized extended attributes for all business objects that have been updated since the last batch denormalization were processed together. While this process should no longer be required if using NRTD, there may be one-off instances where clients still wish to use this. As such, it is still available for use.
The batch EA Denorm process consists of running a provided stored procedure on a recurring basis, which processes each extended attribute set up for denormalization, extracts the relevant data from it (where it is saved on a Specification, Sourcing Approval, etc) and populates that data into the relevant extended attribute denormalization table(s). This stored procedure may be run as an automated process on a predetermined interval (usually nightly) to extract data from extended attributes and custom sections, and populate it into the new denormalization tables. A log entry may optionally be written to a new database table to record the execution results of the extended attribute denormalization process.
Extended attributes (EAs) are available for denormalization if the extended attribute template has been activated (Status is Active, Archived, or Inactive) and the Class is marked as:
1. Simple , or
2. Custom Section –EA templates within a custom section must be marked as Distinct to be included in the EA Denorm. Non-distinct EAs in a custom section will not be included.
The Denorm_EA_Templates metadata table will be used to control which extended attributes will be denormalized and drive the denormalization process. This table will be populated automatically by the main stored procedure included in the extended attribute denorm package.
Individual denormalization tables will be created for the various data types supported by the existing extended attribute types.
Extended attribute denormalization metadata is stored in the DENORM_EA_TEMPLATES table. This table is used by the denorm process and is not needed when querying against the detail tables.
Column |
DataType |
Comments |
ID |
varchar(36) |
Unique GUID |
char(40) |
Foreign key to the EA template (CommonExtendedAttributeType table) |
int |
Denorm status -1, 0, or 1 |
datetime |
Time of last denormalization of this EA template (used by the Batch Denorm process) |
AttributeType |
varchar(40) |
extended attribute type |
IsDistinct |
bit |
UOMCategory |
char(2) |
AttributeID |
varchar(24) |
DexVersion |
float |
Extended attribute types that are to be denormalized will be automatically added to this table using the provided SQL scripts. The LastDenormTimestamp value will be set for each EA when the denormalization process runs.
New denormalization tables are created for the various data types supported by the existing extended attribute types. Different EA types with a common base data type, such as Text, will be stored in the same table. EA types that contain a Unit of Measure field (UOM) will be denormalized to also include the Base UOM and base numeric value(s).
All Denorm tables will contain the following columns:
Column |
Comments |
ID |
Unique GUID |
fkOwner |
Foreign key to the application object that owns this extended attribute instance (e.g., GSM Specifications, Sourcing Approval, etc.) |
fkExtendedAttributeTemplateID |
Foreign key to the EA TemplateID - same as the Denorm_EA_Templates |
fkExtendedAttributeInstanceID |
Foreign key to the individual extended attribute source table entry |
AttributeID |
The attributeID value from the CommonExtendedAttributeType table |
fkSectionTemplateID |
Foreign key to the custom section template (commonEASectionTemplate), if populated from a custom section |
fkSectionInstanceID |
Foreign key to the custom section instance (commonEASectionInstance), if populated from a custom section |
SectionID |
The custom section’s ID value from the commonEASectionTemplate table, if populated from a custom section |
IsDistinct |
Boolean identifier indicating if this EA has the IsDistinct tag |
The following denormalization tables will be used based on the extended attribute type:
Free Text, Qualitative, Qualitative Lookup, and Calculated Text EAs will be denormalized into the following table. Note that multi-select items will be denormalized in both of the following ways:
1. As a comma-delimited list into the Value column
2. As individual rows into the Denorm_EA_Text_Multi table
DataType |
Length |
ID |
varchar |
36 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
24 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
24 |
bit |
1 |
datetime |
Boolean and Calculated Boolean EA types will be denormalized into the following tables
Column |
DataType |
Length |
ID |
varchar |
36 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
24 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
24 |
bit |
1 |
bit |
1 |
1=true, 0=false, NULL = not set |
Column |
DataType |
Length |
ID |
varchar |
36 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
24 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
24 |
bit |
1 |
float |
float |
float |
varchar |
32 |
float |
float |
float |
varchar |
32 |
int |
int |
int |
Column |
DataType |
Length |
ID |
varchar |
36 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
24 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
40 |
varchar |
24 |
bit |
1 |
float |
float |
varchar |
32 |
float |
varchar |
32 |
int |
int |
Extended attribute denormalization results may be logged to the DENORM_EA_LOG table. Each extended attribute type is denormalized separately, and an entry indicating the number of records updated and inserted will be stored in this log table, along with a timestamp.
Any errors that occur will be logged with a value of “EA Denorm Error” in the MODULE column.
The Real Time Denorm process will log basic informational messages, as well as error messages, to a rolling file log in the Denorm_ExtendedAttributes directory within the default Logs directory. A new log file will be generated each day.
The MaxLogFilesToKeep_EA configuration setting controls the number of daily log files that will be kept. To disable this file logging you must set the MaxLogFilesToKeep_EA value to "0" (zero). Note that errors will still be emailed and an entry in the ProdikaCommon Event Log will also be added. See the readme.txt file in Utilities\DenormServices for more details.
This section describes how the extended attribute data is denormalized for different extended attribute types and values
There are two different ways that non-existent data is stored for numeric values and date-based extended attribute values.
The EA Denorm process treats both scenarios as a null value, and therefore denormalizes the data as NULL values in the DENORM_EA_* tables.
Text, Qualitative, and Qualitative Lookup extended attributes are denormalized using the English only values.
Multi-select values are denormalized as:
§ One record, in comma delimited format.
§ Individual rows into the Denorm_EA_Text_Multi table
When executing the EA Denorm process, the numeric values entered in the UI are denormalized, as are the conversion to the base Unit of Measure values. Likewise, Quantitative Range and Quantitative Tolerance extended attributes also can include Base UOM information for their Min, Max, and Target values.
When configuring a Qualitative Lookup in Data Admin, an internal PLM4P category, such as Allergens, can be selected. However, the extended attribute Denorm process currently only supports denormalization of the following internal lookup categories:
Alternatively, external lookup categories, as available via Custom Lookups are fully supported.
Several database scripts are provided as part of the Extensibility Pack release. The files include a script to generate the new tables used in the denormalization process, and individual stored procedures that handle the denormalization process.
All of these scripts must be executed in order to add the various stored procedures and functions to the database.
Locate the Scripts directory in the release package. There are two different folders: Oracle and SqlServer. Open the folder that corresponds to the database provider you are using, then open the Denormalization folder, and the ExtendedData folder within.
All of the scripts in the ExtendedData folder must be compiled.
Note that an extension point has been added which allows clients to add custom tasks to the denorm process. This EA Denorm process calls the stored procedure named sp_After_Internal_Denorm_EA after it processes the core EA denormalization. Clients may modify this stored procedure to add their own functionality if needed.
See the Execution section for details of the denormalization process.
The Near Real Time Denormalization process is service that runs on the Remoting Container to process Extended attribute denormalization requests in near real time. Follow the instructions below for installation:
1. Stop IIS.
2. Stop the Remoting Container.
3. Enable
Real Time Denorm by enabling the feature configuration entries:
Add the following entries to the config\Custom\CustomerSettings.config file, in
the FeatureConfig node:
<add key="Common.CustomData.NearRealTimeDenormRequest.ExtendedAttributes.Enabled" value="true" configDescription="Evaluates if Extended Attribute data (including Distinct EAs in a Custom Section) has been modified since load"/>
4. Add the following entry to the environmentvariables.config file, in the # Port Numbers section, replacing 8111 with a valid open/unused port:
Prodika.CSDenormService.Port = 8111
Customize the Real Time Denorm process.
The following configuration entries allow for customization of the Real Time
Denormalization process:
<add key="PollingIntervalInSeconds_ExtendedAttributeRequests" value="90" />
The frequency (in seconds) that extended attribute denorm requests are processed.
<add key="AllowCustomSectionEAsInEADenorm" value="true" />
Extended attribute denorm includes *distinct* extended attributes that are in custom sections. To exclude these EAs, change this value to "false"
<add key="ErrorNotifyFromAddress" value="@@VAR:Prodika.From.EmailAddress@@" />
<add key="ErrorNotifyToAddress" value="@@VAR:Prodika.To.EmailAddress@@"/>
Errors in Real Time Denorm process will generate an email containing error details, along with additional useful information. These configuration settings are used to indicate the sender and the recipient of these emails. The default setting will use the values entered in environmentvariables.config, but can be modified here to use different values.
<add key="MaxLogFilesToKeep_EA" value="30"/> <!-- set to 0 to disable file logging -->
The Real Time Denorm process will log basic informational messages, as well as error messages, to a rolling file log in the Denorm_ExtendedAttributes directory within the default Logs directory. A new log file will be generated each day. These configuration settings control the number of daily log files that will be kept.
To completely disable file logging, set the MaxLogFilesToKeep_EA value to "0" (zero). Note that errors will still be emailed (as discussed above) and an entry in the ProdikaCommon Event Log will also be added.
<add key="DaysForProcessedEARequestExpiration" value="15"/>
These settings are used to clean up (remove) old, successfully processed denormalization requests (from the denorm_ea_request table) after the configured number of days. Set to zero to never remove the denorm request entries.
To make any customizations to the above Real Time Denorm configurations, copy the following and add it to the CustomerSettings.config file, in the CustomerSettings/Core node.
<AppSettings configChildKey="key">
Then copy the desired entries from above into the AppSettings node and modify the settings as needed.
6. Enable Real Time Denorm processing for each object type.
Update the \config\Extensions\CustomPluginExtensions config file to enable Real Time Denorm processing for each object type, inserting the following entries into the ValidatePlugins node.
<Plugin name="PostSaveSpecPlugin" inheritFromPluginName="NearRealTimeDenormRequestPlugin"
/> <!-- Enable Real Time Denorm Request processing for GSM Specs -->
<Plugin name="PostSavePQMItemPlugin" inheritFromPluginName="NearRealTimeDenormRequestPlugin" /> <!-- Enable Real Time Denorm Request processing for PQM Items -->
<Plugin name="PostSaveSCRMPlugin" inheritFromPluginName="NearRealTimeDenormRequestPlugin" /> <!-- Enable Real Time Denorm Request processing for SCRM items -->
<Plugin name="PostSaveNPDProjectPlugin" inheritFromPluginName="NearRealTimeDenormRequestPlugin" /> <!-- Enable Real Time Denorm Request processing for NPD Projects -->
<Plugin name="PostSaveSmartIssuePlugin" inheritFromPluginName="NearRealTimeDenormRequestPlugin" /> <!-- Enable Real Time Denorm Request processing for Smart Issue Requests -->
7. Copy the DenormConfig.xml file to the RemotingContainer\bin directory.
8. Add the following entry to EnvironmentSettings.config in the EnvironmentSettings/RemotingContainer/RemoteServices node, making sure to set the isActive attribute to true.
<Service name="Custom Section Near Real Time Denorm Service" port="@@VAR:Prodika.CSDenormService.Port@@" isActive="true" />
9. Make a backup of the existing RemotingContainer.exe.config file in Apps\RemotingContainer\bin and then replace the current version with the one in this directory.
10. Copy the DenormServices.dll file from the SharedLibs directory and place it in the following folders:
§ RemotingContainer\dependentAssemblies
§ web\gsm\bin
§ web\pqm\bin
§ web\scrm\bin
§ web\npd\bin
11. Restart IIS.
12. Restart the Remoting Container.
To verify the service is running, you can check the Logs\(Denorm_CustomSections and Logs\Denorm_ExtendedAttributes directories, or the ProdikaCommon Event log. Once the Remoting Container is started, the denorm requests get processed after the configured number of seconds specified in the config.
Once the database scripts have been added to the database, the EA Denorm process is available for use.
The stored procedure that is used to execute the Batch EA Denorm process is called sp_Denorm_EA. This stored procedure can be run manually, or it can be scheduled to run on a recurring basis using the Database server tools (such as SQL Server Agent for SQL Server).
Executing the sp_Denorm_EA stored procedure is not required when using the Near Real Time Denorm process. However, it should be called for an initial run, to start the denormalization for existing data.
An optional parameter, @log_level, is used to indicate if logging to the DENORM_EA_LOG table should be enabled; a value of 1 will enable logging, 0 will disable logging.
The sp_Denorm_EA stored procedure does the following:
Before setting up denormalization, DBAs must understand the runtime characteristics of their routine. At a minimum, they need to understand how long the routine will run and what impact it will have on users. Database server hardware makes a significant impact on runtime performance of the EA Denorm process.
The first run of denormalization for the extended attributes will take the longest time, but subsequent denormalization runs only pull in the changes since the last denormalization run.