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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes
11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for Oracle Solaris

Part Number E14772-43
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42 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications and Data Warehouse Administration Console

This chapter includes details about patch requirements and Release Notes for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications and Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console (DAC) for Releases and

It includes the following sections:


Issues relating the DAC metadata are located in Section 42.2, "Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Release Notes". Issues relating to DAC platform are located in Section 42.3, "Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console (DAC) Platform Release Notes".

Sometimes, there can be a delay before revised Release Notes are published on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN). To get access to Oracle Business Intelligence Release Note items as soon as they are available, go to the Oracle BI Documentation wiki at

42.1 Patch Requirements

This section describes patch requirements for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

42.1.1 Obtaining Patches from My Oracle Support

Periodically, Oracle Business Intelligence patches are released. Some patches are mandatory, other patches are optional.

To see the patches that are available, go to My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink) using the following URL:

To obtain a patch, see Section 1.6, "Downloading and Applying Required Patches".

42.2 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Release Notes

This section describes issues associated specifically with Oracle Business Intelligence. It includes the following sections:

42.2.1 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Issues and Workarounds Identified Since the Previous Revision

The issues and workarounds related to Oracle Business Intelligence that have been identified since the previous revision of the Release Notes include:

42.2.2 General Issues and Workarounds for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

This section describes general issues and workarounds related to Oracle Business Intelligence Applications. Patch Installation Instructions for Informatica Repository in Oracle BI Applications Release

This issue applies to Release

Oracle Business Intelligence, Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence, and Oracle BI Applications patches for Release are provided in the RUP Installer for Fusion Applications 11.1.2. The Fusion Applications media pack on Oracle Delivery Cloud includes the RUP installer. Run this installer by following instructions documented in the Oracle Fusion Applications Patching Guide 11g Release 1 (11.1.2), Chapter 5, "Installing Release Update Patches".

Oracle Business Intelligence, Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence, and Oracle BI Applications patches are applied automatically. An Oracle BI Applications patch for the Informatica Repository is not applied automatically but must be applied manually using OPatch. This patch is located at:

<your Repository root>/installers/biappsshiphome/metadata/12937967

Apply the patch and instructions following instructions documented in the Reference Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications > Chapter 5, "Oracle BI Applications Patching". Before applying this patch, shut down the Administration Server and Managed Server in the BI Domain. Shut down OPMN processes. Informatica Services must be running. Running of this patch requires input of following information:

#Informatica Home Directory (under which server/bin/pmrep lives) 
#infa.home = The location of the Informatica Home directory. This is the path to the Informatica binaries located under server/bin/pmrep. Example, /Informatica8.6.1. 
#Informatica Repository Name = The name of the Informatica Repository Service which manages the Informatica Repository. The name of the Informatica Repository Service can be viewed through Informatica Administration Console. 
#Informatica Repository Domain 
#infa.repo.domain = The name of the Informatica Domain. The name of the Informatica Domain can be viewed through Informatica Administration Console. 
#Informatica Repository Username 
#infa.repo.username = The Informatica Repository User that has appropriate privileges to execute workflows (for example, Administrator). 
#Informatica Repository Password 
#infa.repo.password = The Informatica Repository user password. 
#Informatica Repository Hostname 
#infa.repo.hostname = The name of the machine where Informatica Services has been installed (Informatica Gateway host name). 
#Informatica Repository Server Port (default is 6001) 
#infa.repo.port = Informatica Gateway port number. For example, 6001. About Issues For Both Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence and Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

Some issues that apply to Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence may also apply to Oracle Business Intelligence Applications. Such issues and their workarounds, if any, are documented in the Oracle Fusion Applications release notes and not in this chapter. To quickly locate issues that apply to both Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence and Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, you can search the Oracle Fusion Applications release notes for the text string "This issue also applies to Oracle Business Intelligence Applications." CONFIGURE_RPD.PY Script Does Not Set Connection Pool for Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager

This issue applies to Releases and

The setup script does not configure the connection pool for Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager in the Oracle BI Applications RPD file. You must configure the connection pool manually, as described in the workaround below.


  1. Use the Oracle BI Server Administration Tool to open the repository.

  2. From the Manage menu, select Variables.

  3. Locate and provide values for the variables CM_DSN and CM_USER.

    1. For CM_DSN, provide the complete connect string in the Default Initializer box.

    2. For CM_USER, provide the same information as the Data Warehouse Schema user in the Default Initializer box, enclosed in single quotation marks.

  4. In the Physical layer, navigate to and click on BI Applications Configuration Data Source, and then click on Catalog.

  5. Provide the password of the Configuration Manager schema user in the dialog that opens. Using Multiple Execution Plans Using Different Source Connection Names But Running On The Same BI Server

This issue applies to Releases,, and

In DAC, if you have multiple Execution Plans using different source connection names but running on the same BI Server, then DAC should first run a Full load, then an Incremental load for common dimensions. In Releases and, this will not execute correctly if you have specified a different Physical Data Source value in the DAC Connectivity Parameters for the Execution Plans.


Specify the same Physical Data Source value in the DAC Connectivity Parameters for the Execution Plans. For example, when you create the Execution Plans, you must do the following:

  1. Specify the Connectivity Parameters tab, and locate the parameter named DBConnection_OLTP.

  2. Make sure that the Value is the same as for the other Execution Plans (for example, FUSION_V1_FSCM or FUSION_V1_CRM). NLS:SDE_FUSION_DOMAINGENERAL_SALESINVOICESOURCE_FULL Failed With Syntax Error

This issue applies to Releases,, and

When you run ETL, the Task SDE_FUSION_DomainGeneral_SalesInvoiceSource_FULL in the Execution Plan 'Domains – Fusion 1.0' fails with a syntax error. This error occurs because the $$LANGUAGE_LIST's precision is defined as 4 in mplt_BC_FUSION_DomainGeneral_SalesinvoiceSource. The $$LANGUAGE_LIST's precision should be corrected to 255.


  1. In Informatica Mapping Designer, check out the Mapplet 'mplt_BC_FUSION_DomainGeneral_SalesinvoiceSource".

  2. From the Mapplets menu, choose 'Parameters and Variables'.

  3. Select the $$LANGUAGE_LIST parameter (it will have the a precision value set to 4), and change the value to 255.

  4. Save the mapplet and 'Check in'.

  5. In Informatica Workflow Designer, check out the following session tasks, then Refresh and validate the maps:

    • SDE_FUSION_DomainGeneral_SalesInvoiceSource_FULL.

    • SDE_FUSION_DomainGeneral_SalesInvoiceSource.

  6. Check in both the Session Tasks. Informatica License Dis-associating After Installation

If the Informatica PowerCenter license is dis-associated after installation and an error is reported by WCA, then you need to re-associate the license and manually create a Repository Service. This issue is an intermittent issue in Informatica PowerCenter V9.1.

This issue applies to Release

The WCA error log will report an error similar to the following:

Error log: 
[exec] Using INFA_HOME:       /scratch/aime/work/Informatica/Infa910 
[echo] Now creating the repository: repservice for license: 
[exec] Result: 255 


  1. Delete the Repository Service created by WCA (if it exists).

    This Repository Service is not associated with a license and therefore should be deleted. You can do this using Informatica Administrator, by right clicking on the Repository Service name and selecting the delete option.

  2. Add license to the node using Informatica Administrator (that is, choose Action, then New, then License).

    For example, add the license '910_License_<HostName>42571'.

  3. Use Informatica Administrator to manually create a repository with exactly the same name specified in (by the INFA_RS_NAME parameter value).

    Use the license name specified in Step 2.

  4. Remove any create_Repository_service.err files from in wca/logs/ folder, and create a file named create_Repository_service.succ.

  5. Restart WCA. JAZN File Not Translated

This issue applies to Release

The JAZN file is not translated in this release. There is no work-around for this issue. Duplicate Rows in GL Account Segment Hierarchy Tables

This issue applies to Release

Trees containing nodes with multiple parents cannot be used for reporting. The SILO mappings to populate the following tables potentially fail when such tree nodes exist:






To workaround this issue, remove the trees from the hierarchy tables in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

  1. Back up the DH table.

  2. Delete the trees with duplicate rows, using the following SQL statement:

    DELETE FROM <DH Table>
    WHERE (hierarchy_id, hierarchy_version, datasource_num_id) in (
    SELECT hierarchy_id, hierarchy_version, datasource_num_id
    FROM <DH table>
    integration_id, hierarchy_version, datasource_num_id
    HAVING COUNT (1) > 1

42.2.3 Installation Issues and Workarounds for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

This section describes issues and workarounds related to installing Oracle Business Intelligence. Installing Informatica PowerCenter 8.6.1 On Mount Points with Free Disk Space in Terabytes

This issue applies to Releases,, and (for UNIX and Linux) with Informatica PowerCenter 8.6.1 Hot Fix 11.

The Informatica PowerCenter Services installation requires 1,386 MB of free space. If the free disk space size is in the order of Terabytes, then the Installer does not recognize the free space and the following message on installation is received:

The installation requires 1,386 MB of free disk space, but there are only 0 MB available at: /Informatica/PowerCenter8.6.1. Free at least 1,386 MB to continue with the installation. Type 'Quit' to cancel this installation.


Reduce the free space on the mount point to ~ 200 GB or less. Restarting Components After Completing The Post-Installation Setup Steps

This issue applies to Releases and

After completing the high-level setup tasks as described in Section 4.2.4 Overview of Tasks for Setting Up Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications), before you start ETL processes you must start or restart the following components: Node Manager, Admin Server, Managed Server, and BI services (that is, OPMN). Customer Cost Lines and Product Cost Lines Configuration is Missing From FSM Tasks for Oracle Financial Analytics

This issue applies to Releases, and

The following steps are required if you would like to enable and use the Customer Cost Lines and Product Cost Lines feature in Profitability Analytics. On installation, Oracle provides default configuration files and the sample data for Customer Cost lines and Product Cost lines in CSV files. The content of data CSV files need to be replaced with your actual cost line data.

To configure the Customer Costs Lines and Product Costs Lines:

  1. Copy the following configuration and sample data files from the ORACLE_HOME\biapps\etl\biapps_etl\data_files\universal_sample_data folder to the INFA_HOME\server\infa_shared\SrcFiles folder on the Informatica Server machine.


    You can omit this step if the configuration files have already been copied to the INFA_HOME\server\infa_shared\SrcFiles folder on the Informatica Server machine.

  2. Open the file_customer_cost_line.csv file in the INFA_HOME\server\infa_shared\SrcFiles folder.

  3. Replace and fill in the customer costing transactions that you want to load into the Customer Cost fact table, and save the file.

  4. Open the file_product_cost_line.csv file in the INFA_HOME\server\infa_shared\SrcFiles folder.

  5. Replace and fill in the product costing transactions that you want to load into the Product Cost fact table, and save the file.

    The other files file_xact_type.csv, file_chnl_type.csv, and FILE_DOMAIN.csv file contain the default values of transaction types, channel types, and related domain values. You can leave these files untouched unless you want to customize the values.

Note: These CSV files are the source data for the Customer / Product Cost Line mappings in SDE_Universal_Adaptor. If the above configuration steps are not completed, then the mappings will fail.

42.2.4 Upgrade Issues and Workarounds for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

This section describes issues and workarounds related to upgrading Oracle Business Intelligence from previous releases.

There are no known issues at this time.

42.2.5 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Offering/Module-specific Issues

This section describes issues and workarounds related to specific Offerings or Modules in Oracle Business Intelligence. It includes the following topics: Issues for Oracle Customer Data Management Analytics Offering

This section describes issues and workarounds related to Oracle Customer Data Management Analytics Offering.

There are no known issues at this time. Issues for Oracle Financial Analytics Offering

This section describes issues and workarounds related to Oracle Financial Analytics Offering. Overlapping Aging Bucket Ranges in AP/AR Aging

This issue applies to Releases and

Oracle Financial Analytics Fusion Edition does not support overlapping aging bucket ranges. When you set up aging buckets in Fusion Applications, you must use only non-overlapping aging buckets for AP and AR aging analysis in Financial Analytics. Also, when buckets are defined to separate out due and overdue amounts in different buckets, make sure that the days_from value and days_to value for a bucket are defined so that it takes either due or overdue transactions, but not both. To do this, make sure the days_from for overdue buckets start from 1 or a positive number, not from 0 or a negative number. Here are few examples to illustrate the supported aging bucket ranges.


a) -60 days to -31 days
b) -30 days to -11 days
c) -10 days to 0 days
d) 1 days to 10 days
e) 11 days to 30 days
f) 31 days to 60 days and so on.

In this example, a/b/c are 'due' buckets and d/e/f are 'overdue' buckets. The bucket ranges are defined correctly with no overlaps and all overdue buckets start from 1 or above.

Not Supported:

a) -60 days to -31 days
b) -30 days to -11 days
c) -10 days to -1 days
d) 0 days to 10 days
e) 9 days to 30 days
f) 31 days to 60 days and so on.

In this example, the bucket ranges are not defined correctly. Note that bucket d starts from 0. So this bucket could hold some invoices that are due and some that are overdue. Thus a report that shows only overdue buckets could include some invoices that are not overdue. Furthermore, buckets d and e are overlapping. Therefore, some invoices could be reported in both buckets, thus making the total outstanding amount appear larger than it is.

Not Supported:

a) -60 days to -31 days
b) -30 days to -11 days
c) -10 days to -6 days
d) -5 days to 5 days
e) 6 days to 30 days
f) 31 days to 60 days and so on.

In this example, the bucket ranges are not defined correctly. Here, bucket d starts from a negative number and ends with a positive number. Similar to the previous example, this bucket could hold some invoices that are due and some that are overdue.


There is no workaround for this issue. Defining aging buckets in any of these "Not Supported" patterns could show misleading numbers in aging reports that use these aging buckets. Issues for Oracle Human Resources Analytics Offering

This section describes issues and workarounds related to Oracle Human Resources Analytics Offering. Incorrect Metrics Showing Current Year

This issue applies to Releases and

The following metrics are incorrectly showing the current year, not the prior year value:

Length of Service (Years) YAGO

Average Length of Service (Years) YAGO

% Change Average Length of Service (Years) YAGO


There is no workaround for this issue. Member Mappings Not Displayed For FSM Tasks Relating to Ranged Domains

This issue applies to Releases, and

In FSM, if you click Go to Task for a Task that is related to a ranged Domain for the first time in a browser session, then the Domain Member Mappings are not displayed, and the message 'No rows returned' is displayed. For example, in Human Resources Analytics Fusion Edition, the Task 'Manage Domains and Member Mappings for Age Band Dimension'.


Close the Manage Domain and Mappings dialog, then re-select the Task in FSM by clicking Go to Task. Issues for Oracle Marketing Analytics Offering

This section describes issues and workarounds related to Oracle Marketing Analytics Offering.

There are no known issues at this time. Issues for Oracle Partner Analytics Offering

This section describes issues and workarounds related to Oracle Partner Analytics Offering.

There are no known issues at this time. Issues for Oracle Product Information Management Analytics Offering

This section describes issues and workarounds related to Oracle Product Information Management Analytics Offering.

There are no known issues at this time. Issues for Oracle Procurement and Spend Analytics Offering

This section describes issues and workarounds related to Oracle Procurement and Spend Analytics Offering. Null Values Included In Level-Based Metric Report

This issue applies to Releases and

If you create a report that includes a level-based metric, then the report might include null records. For example, when reporting the level-based metric 'Agreed Amount at Header Level' with 'Product Name', the filter of "Product Name" LIKE '%zBIA%' does not filter out the records with Product Name as null.


Add an extra filter IS NOT NULL to exclude null records. For example, if you report against the level based metric 'Agreed Amount at Header Level' with 'Product Name', add the following filter:

WHERE (("Product"."Product Name" LIKE '%zBIA%') AND ("Product"."Product Name" IS NOT NULL)) 
... Issues for Oracle Project Analytics Offering

This section describes issues and workarounds related to Oracle Project Analytics Offering.

There are no known issues at this time. Issues for Oracle Sales Analytics Offering

This section describes issues and workarounds related to Oracle Sales Analytics Offering.

There are no known issues at this time. Issues for Oracle Supply Chain and Order Management Analytics Offering

This section describes issues and workarounds related to Oracle Supply Chain and Order Management Analytics Offering.

  • Obsolete Task in Supply Chain and Order Management Analytics Fusion Edition in Releases and

    In Functional Setup Manager for Oracle BI Applications, the "Supply Chain and Order Management Analytics Fusion Edition" task list > "Order Management Functional Area Specific Configurations" task list displays the following task:

    "Configure Reporting Parameters for Default Aging Method displayed in AR Aging Reports"

    This task is obsolete and should be ignored. No functional configuration is required for this task. Invoking this task via the 'Go to Task' button displays the Reporting Parameters UI with no rows.

42.2.6 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Configuration Manager and FSM Issues

This section describes issues and workarounds related to Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Configuration Manager.

  • The following tasks in FSM for Oracle BI Applications are not translated:

    This issue applies to Release

    • For language FINNISH (Finland) LANGUAGE_CODE = 'SF', un-translated FSM task name - 'Manage Domains and Member Mappings for Employee Dimension' , description - 'Manage Domains and Member Mappings for Employee Dimension'.

    • For language CZECH (Czech Republic) LANGUAGE_CODE = 'CS', un-translated FSM task name - 'How to Integrate Procurement and Spend Analytics with Spend Classification' , description - 'How to Integrate Procurement with Spend Analytics with Spend Classification'.

    • For language BRAZILLIAN PORTUGUESE (Brazil) LANGUAGE_CODE = 'PTB', un-translated FSM task name - 'Manage Domains and Member Mappings for Employee Dimension' , description - 'Manage Domains and Member Mappings for Employee Dimension'.

    • For language TURKISH (Turkey) LANGUAGE_CODE = 'TR', un-translated FSM task name - 'Manage Domains and Member Mappings for Transaction Type Dimension' and description = 'Configure Domain and Member Mappings for Transaction Type Dimension'.

    • For language NORWEGIAN (Norway) LANGUAGE_CODE = 'N', un-translated FSM task name - 'Manage Domains and Member Mappings for Employee Dimension' and description = 'Manage Domains and Member Mappings for Employee Dimension'.

    • For language HEBREW (Israel) LANGUAGE_CODE = 'IW', un-translated FSM task name - 'Overview of Human Resources Analytics Fusion Edition' and description = 'Overview of Human Resources Analytics Fusion Edition'.

    • For language GREEK (Greece) LANGUAGE_CODE = 'EL', un-translated FSM filter name - 'Payroll Functional Area' and description = 'Enables Payroll Functional Area'.

  • On First Login Task Pane Options Are Inactive When Overview Page Is Loading

    This issue applies to Releases,, and

    When a user first user logs into Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, the options on the Tasks pane are inactive while the Overview page is loading.


    There is no workaround for this issue.

    However, once a user is logged in and navigates back to the Overview page, the options on the Task pane are active while the Overview page is loading.

  • Cancel Option On Export and Import Dialog Does Not Cancel The Process

    This issue applies to Releases,, and

    This issue affects the Setup Data Export\Export Setup Data option and the Setup Data Export\Import Setup Data option that are available on the Tasks pane. If you click Cancel on the Export Data dialog after first clicking Export, then the dialog is cancelled but the Export process continues. If you click Cancel on the Import Data dialog after first clicking OK, then the dialog is cancelled but the Import process continues.


    There is no workaround for this issue.

  • Edit Icon Enabled Without Parameter Selection on Data Load Parameters Dialog

    This issue applies to Releases,, and

    Clicking the 'Go to Task' icon for a Task for Data Load Parameters in Functional Setup Manager (FSM) displays the Task pane with the Data Load Parameters displayed in the master table. A Parameter row in the Master table is not selected by default but the Edit icon is enabled. On clicking the Edit Icon, the Edit dialog is launched with no parameter details.


    Before clicking the Edit icon, select a parameter in the Master table.

  • Import Of Incorrect Zip File Reports No Error

    This issue applies to Releases,, and

    This issue applies to the Setup Data Export and Import\Import Setup Data option on the Tasks bar of Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager. Importing a zip file that is not related to export/import data does not result in an error message.


    Before you import Setup Data, make sure the Zip file that you import contains valid Setup Data.

  • Duration (ms) Column For Import/Export Dialogs Not Formatted With Browser Language Setting

    This issue applies to Releases and

    This issue affects the Setup Data Export\Export Setup Data option and the Setup Data Export\Import Setup Data option that are available on the Tasks pane. The Export Duration (ms) column on the Export Setup Data page and Import Duration (ms) column on the Import Setup Data page are not formatted as per current browser language settings.


    There is no workaround for this issue.

  • Search Pane Dropdown Selection List If Dropdown List Is Still Refreshing

    This issue applies to Releases,, and

    On the Search pane of BI Applications Configuration Manager, when you select a BI Application in the BI Application drop-down list, you can still select options in other search fields while those fields are being refreshed, even though the busy hour glass cursor is displayed.


    Oracle recommends that you always wait for fields to refresh before selecting values.

  • Date Format On Manage Data Load Parameter Does Not Honor Browser Language Setting

    This issue applies to Releases,, and

    This issue affects the Manage Data Load Parameters option on the Tasks bar. The Date format for Date parameters on the Manage Date Load Parameters" dialog always displays as "yyyy-mm-dd" irrespective of current browser language settings.


    There is no workaround for this issue.

42.2.7 Security-related Issues for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

This section describes issues and workarounds related to upgrading Oracle Business Intelligence from previous releases.

There are no known issues at this time.

42.2.8 Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Documentation Errata

This section describes errata in Oracle Business Intelligence documentation and help systems. It includes the following topics: General Oracle Business Intelligence Documentation Errata

This section describes general errata in the Oracle Business Intelligence documentation.

There are no known issues at this time. Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation and Configuration Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

This section describes documentation errata in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation and Configuration Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

Note: In Release, the equivalent guide is named Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

  • This issue applies to Releases,, and and to the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Configuration Manager and Functional Setup Manager Help for those releases.

    Section B.27.1 Configuring the BI Extender includes an erroneous cross-reference to Oracle Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide. This cross-reference should link to the Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).

  • In Release of the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide, content is missing from Appendix A, Section 7.3, Locations of Installation Files for Informatica PowerCenter and Hotfix 2. After the sentence "The PowerCenter folder contains the following files:" the following four points were omitted from the documentation.

    • Informatica PowerCenter Services Version 9.1 Hotfix 2 (OS-specific files).

    • Informatica PowerCenter Services Version 9.1 Hotfix 2 (Windows only).

    • Informatica Documentation.

    • Informatica License Key.

  • In Section 'How to Install DAC Client', the location of the Oracle BI Applications Client Installer is stated as <BI Oracle Home>/clients/biappsclients. This location should be:

    - On Windows, in the folder <Install Repository>\biappsshiphome\shiphome.

    - On Linux and UNIX. in the folder <Install Repository>/biappsshiphome/dist/stage/clients/biappsclients.

  • In Section 'Creating Oracle BI Applications Schemas Using Oracle BI Applications RCU', Step 10 should read as follows:

    10. In the Schema Passwords screen, specify and confirm a password for the schemas.

    Note: It is not necessary to select the Use same password for all schemas option.

  • In Section 'How to log into DAC Client for the first time', Step 7 should read as follows:

    7. Use the User name and Password fields to specify the credentials of a user that has been granted the role 'BI Applications Administrator Duty'.

    Note: Users are set up with appropriate roles in step Section 3.4.7, "Setup Step: Grant User Access to Oracle BI Applications Components".

  • In Section 4.2.4 Overview of Tasks for Setting Up Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, after completing the high-level tasks in this section, before you start ETL processes you must start or restart the following components: Node Manager, Admin Server, Managed Server, and BI services (that is, OPMN).

  • Section 'Creating Oracle BI Applications Schemas Using Oracle BI Applications RCU' should include the following information about the location of the Oracle BI Applications RCU zip file:

    The Oracle BI Applications RCU zip file named is located in the Fusion Applications software repository under installers/biapps_rcu/<OS - either Linux or Window>. (The Fusion Applications software repository is obtained when you download and unzip the Oracle Fusion Applications 11g parts available in the Oracle Fusion Applications Media Pack on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.) Extract this zip file into a folder, for example, BIA_RCU_HOME.

  • Section 'Locations of Installation Files for Informatica PowerCenter and Hotfix 11' should read as follows:

    The Informatica PowerCenter 8.6.1 and HotFix 11 installation files, license key, and user documentation are provided as zip files. These zip files are located in the Fusion Applications software repository under /installers/powercenter. (The Fusion Applications software repository is obtained when you download and unzip the Oracle Fusion Applications 11g parts available in the Oracle Fusion Applications Media Pack on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.)

    The powercenter folder contains four Informatica PowerCenter zip files. Informatica PowerCenter 8.6.1 Client Tools install files are available in The HotFix 11 files for PowerCenter Client Tools are available in The other two zip files contain the operating system-specific files for Informatica PowerCenter Services. The first of these zip files in each media pack ( includes the Informatica PowerCenter Services 8.6.1 install files. The second of the zip files ( includes the Informatica documentation, the license key, and the HotFix 11 installation file for PowerCenter Services.

  • Section 4.3.5 'Step 5: Install Oracle BI Administration Tool', should include the following information about the location of the Oracle BI Client Installer executable:

    You install Oracle BI Administration Tool using the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus Client Installer. The Oracle BI Client Installer executable is named biee_client_install.exe and this file is available in the installed BI Middleware Home: bi/clients/biserver.

  • This issue applies to Releases and

    Section 4.3.9 'Step 9: Create a User for ETL' refers erroneously to FUSION_APPS_OBIA_BIEE_APPID as a User instead of a Group, and should read as follows:

    The Extract Transform and Load (ETL) process must be run by a user with appropriate data security privileges granted on the Fusion Application tables from which data is extracted into Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. For this purpose, the Group named FUSION_APPS_OBIA_BIEE_APPID is provisioned during install with the appropriate ETL security privileges (by default, this Group is mapped to the Duty Role named OBIA_EXTRACT_TRANSFORM_LOAD_DUTY).

    To create a user for ETL:

    1. Use Oracle Identity Management (or an appropriate security tool) to create a new user and password.

      For example, you might create a new user named OBIA_ETL_USER.

    2. Make the user a member of the Group FUSION_APPS_OBIA_BIEE_APPID.

      For example, you might assign the user OBIA_ETL_USER to the group FUSION_APPS_OBIA_BIEE_APPID.

    3. Make a note of the user's credentials.

      These credentials are used to configure connections in DAC and Informatica later in the setup process.

  • Section 4.3.12 'Step 12: Install DAC Client' should include the following information about the location of the Oracle BI Applications Client installer:

    Step 1 should be: Download the part for the Oracle BI Applications Client Installer from the Oracle Fusion Applications Media Pack on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

  • In Section 4.3.7 Step 7: Configure the Oracle BI Repository File (RPD), the description for the DW_DB_CONNECT value includes a JDBC string as an example. This example should include the following OCI/TNS string:


  • The issue applies to Releases and

    In Section 4.5.8 Extending the BI Domain, the parameter descriptions for MDS_DB_SCHEMA and MDS_DB_URL for the script should refer to the Fusion Applications schema, not the platform MDS schema. These parameter descriptions should read:

    MDS_DB_SCHEMA is the schema for the Fusion Applications schema (that is, not the platform MDS schema). This schema was created during the provisioning of Oracle Business Intelligence, as part of the Oracle Fusion Applications installation process. For example, DEV11G_MDS.

    MDS_DB_URL is the connection string for the Fusion Applications schema (that is, not the platform MDS schema). This schema was created during the provisioning of Oracle Business Intelligence, as part of the Oracle Fusion Applications installation process. For example, Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager Help System

This section describes documentation errata in the Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager Help System.

There are no known issues at this time. Oracle Fusion Middleware Reference Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

This section describes documentation errata in Oracle Fusion Middleware Reference Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

  • Section B.27.1 Configuring the BI Extender includes an erroneous cross-reference to Oracle Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide. This cross-reference should link to the Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition).

    This issue applies to Releases,, and and to the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Configuration Manager and Functional Setup Manager Help for those releases.

  • In Release of the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide, content is missing from Appendix A, Section 7.3, Locations of Installation Files for Informatica PowerCenter and Hotfix 2. After the sentence "The PowerCenter folder contains the following files:" the following four points were omitted from the documentation.

    • Informatica PowerCenter Services Version 9.1 Hotfix 2 (OS-specific files).

    • Informatica PowerCenter Services Version 9.1 Hotfix 2 (Windows only).

    • Informatica Documentation.

    • Informatica License Key.

  • In Section 'How to Install DAC Client', the location of the Oracle BI Applications Client Installer is stated as <BI Oracle Home>/clients/biappsclients. This location should be:

    - On Windows, in the folder <Install Repository>\biappsshiphome\shiphome.

    - On Linux and UNIX. in the folder <Install Repository>/biappsshiphome/dist/stage/clients/biappsclients.

  • In Section 'Creating Oracle BI Applications Schemas Using Oracle BI Applications RCU', Step 10 should read as follows:

    10. In the Schema Passwords screen, specify and confirm a password for the schemas.

    Note: It is not necessary to select the Use same password for all schemas option.

  • In Section 'How to log into DAC Client for the first time', Step 7 should read as follows:

    7. Use the User name and Password fields to specify the credentials of a user that has been granted the role 'BI Applications Administrator Duty'.

    Note: Users are set up with appropriate roles in step Section 3.4.7, "Setup Step: Grant User Access to Oracle BI Applications Components".

  • In Section 4.2.4 Overview of Tasks for Setting Up Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, after completing the high-level tasks in this section, before you start ETL processes you must start or restart the following components: Node Manager, Admin Server, Managed Server, and BI services (that is, OPMN).

  • Section 'Creating Oracle BI Applications Schemas Using Oracle BI Applications RCU' should include the following information about the location of the Oracle BI Applications RCU zip file:

    The Oracle BI Applications RCU zip file named is located in the Fusion Applications software repository under installers/biapps_rcu/<OS - either Linux or Window>. (The Fusion Applications software repository is obtained when you download and unzip the Oracle Fusion Applications 11g parts available in the Oracle Fusion Applications Media Pack on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.) Extract this zip file into a folder, for example, BIA_RCU_HOME.

  • Section 'Locations of Installation Files for Informatica PowerCenter and Hotfix 11' should read as follows:

    The Informatica PowerCenter 8.6.1 and HotFix 11 installation files, license key, and user documentation are provided as zip files. These zip files are located in the Fusion Applications software repository under /installers/powercenter. (The Fusion Applications software repository is obtained when you download and unzip the Oracle Fusion Applications 11g parts available in the Oracle Fusion Applications Media Pack on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.)

    The powercenter folder contains four Informatica PowerCenter zip files. Informatica PowerCenter 8.6.1 Client Tools install files are available in The HotFix 11 files for PowerCenter Client Tools are available in The other two zip files contain the operating system-specific files for Informatica PowerCenter Services. The first of these zip files in each media pack ( includes the Informatica PowerCenter Services 8.6.1 install files. The second of the zip files ( includes the Informatica documentation, the license key, and the HotFix 11 installation file for PowerCenter Services.

  • Section 4.3.5 'Step 5: Install Oracle BI Administration Tool', should include the following information about the location of the Oracle BI Client Installer executable:

    You install Oracle BI Administration Tool using the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus Client Installer. The Oracle BI Client Installer executable is named biee_client_install.exe and this file is available in the installed BI Middleware Home: bi/clients/biserver.

  • Section 4.3.12 'Step 12: Install DAC Client' should include the following information about the location of the Oracle BI Applications Client installer:

    Step 1 should be: Download the part for the Oracle BI Applications Client Installer from the Oracle Fusion Applications Media Pack on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

  • This issue applies to Releases and

    Section 4.3.9 'Step 9: Create a User for ETL' refers erroneously to FUSION_APPS_OBIA_BIEE_APPID as a User instead of a Group, and should read as follows:

    The Extract Transform and Load (ETL) process must be run by a user with appropriate data security privileges granted on the Fusion Application tables from which data is extracted into Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. For this purpose, the Group named FUSION_APPS_OBIA_BIEE_APPID is provisioned during install with the appropriate ETL security privileges (by default, this Group is mapped to the Duty Role named OBIA_EXTRACT_TRANSFORM_LOAD_DUTY).

    To create a user for ETL:

    1. Use Oracle Identity Management (or an appropriate security tool) to create a new user and password.

      For example, you might create a new user named OBIA_ETL_USER.

    2. Make the user a member of the Group FUSION_APPS_OBIA_BIEE_APPID.

      For example, you might assign the user OBIA_ETL_USER to the group FUSION_APPS_OBIA_BIEE_APPID.

    3. Make a note of the user's credentials.

      These credentials are used to configure connections in DAC and Informatica later in the setup process.

  • In Section 4.3.7 Step 7: Configure the Oracle BI Repository File (RPD), the description for the DW_DB_CONNECT value includes a JDBC string as an example. This example should include the following OCI/TNS string:


  • The issue applies to Releases and

    In Section 4.5.8 Extending the BI Domain, the parameter descriptions for MDS_DB_SCHEMA and MDS_DB_URL for the script should refer to the Fusion Applications schema, not the platform MDS schema. These parameter descriptions should read:

    MDS_DB_SCHEMA is the schema for the Fusion Applications schema (that is, not the platform MDS schema). This schema was created during the provisioning of Oracle Business Intelligence, as part of the Oracle Fusion Applications installation process. For example, DEV11G_MDS.

    MDS_DB_URL is the connection string for the Fusion Applications schema (that is, not the platform MDS schema). This schema was created during the provisioning of Oracle Business Intelligence, as part of the Oracle Fusion Applications installation process. For example,

  • The section A.7.3 'Locations of Installation Files for Informatica PowerCenter and Hotfix 2' is missing the following information after the sentence "The PowerCenter folder contains the following files:":

    • OS-specific Server install file - 910HF2_Server_Installer_< or tar>

    • (Windows only)

    • Informatica Documentation (

    • Informatica License Key


    The Informatica PowerCenter installer for Services and Client installs both version 9.1 and HotFix 2.

42.3 Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console (DAC) Platform Release Notes

This section describes issues associated specifically with Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console platform. It includes the following sections:

42.3.1 DAC Issues and Workarounds Identified Since the Previous Revision

There are no known issues identified since the previous revision.

42.3.2 DAC General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds related to DAC.

There are no known issues at this time.

42.3.3 DAC Installation Issues and Workarounds

This section describes issues and workarounds related to installing DAC.

There are no known issues at this time.

42.3.4 DAC Upgrade Issues and Workarounds

This section describes issues and workarounds related to upgrading DAC from previous releases.

There are no known issues at this time.

42.3.5 DAC Documentation Errata

This section describes errata in DAC documentation and help systems. It includes the following topics: Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console

This section describes documentation errata in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console.

There are no known issues at this time. DAC Client Help System

This section describes documentation errata in DAC Client Help System.

There are no known issues at this time.