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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes
11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for Oracle Solaris

Part Number E14772-43
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16 Oracle User Messaging Service

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle User Messaging Service. It includes the following topics:

16.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issue and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

16.1.1 UMS Schema Purge Script Now Available

A UMS schema purge script is available for your download and use. You can access the script and instructions for its use by contacting Oracle Suppotr.

16.1.2 Permission Grants for Upgraded Domains

In order for Oracle User Messaging Service to run as a specific user, a code-based permission grant is required. This grant is pre-seeded in WebLogic domains that are created after the Fusion Middleware 11gR1 Patch Set 2 upgrade.

If you created a WebLogic domain prior to the Patch Set 2 upgrade, you must manually add this grant by running the following Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS) WLST commands in online (connected) mode:

permClass="",permTarget="IdentityAssertion", permActions="execute")

permClass="",permTarget="IdentityAssertion", permActions="execute")

See Oracle WebLogic Fusion Middleware Scripting Tool Command Reference for information regarding grantPermission

16.1.3 XML File Handle Left Open after Upload Fails

If an error occurs when uploading a user messaging preferences XML file using the WLST manageUserMessagingPrefs command, the XML file handle is left open. On the Microsoft Windows platform, this file cannot be deleted until you exit the WLST shell.

16.1.4 Messages Metrics Rendered as Unavailable in the Performance Page for User Messaging Server

When no metric data is found (for example when no messages have been sent or received after server setup), the Metrics Performance page will display Unavailable. This is not a problem with the software, and the Performance reporting is operating properly. As soon as Send and Receive traffic exists, the Performance page will display results normally.

16.1.5 User Messaging Service URLs Unavailable After Restart

Upon restarting the User Messaging Service server (usermessagingserver) from Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control or through Oracle WebLogic Console, you may get an error: Error 503--Service Unavailable when attempting to access any URLs served by the User Messaging Service server, such as the User Preferences UI (/sdpmessaging/userprefs-ui) or the various Web Services endpoints. This error occurs intermittently in cases when the Oracle WebLogic Server is heavily loaded (such as with a SOA instance). To work around this issue:

  • Restart the User Messaging Service server again (two or more restarts may be required).

  • If multiple User Messaging Service server restarts are not sufficient, then restart the entire Oracle WebLogic Server instance.

16.1.6 User Preferences User Interface Renders Improperly

Intermittent UI rendering errors have been reported in some languages, due to the generation of a corrupted .css file. If you experience problems, follow these steps to work around the issue:

  1. Delete the cached, auto-generated .css file for the affected locale (or simply, all locales) on the server located at DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<server_name>/tmp/_WL_user/usermessagingserver/<random_name>/public/adf/styles/cache and restart the usermessagingserver application using Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control. Have all users clear their browser caches.

    The next time the UI is accessed from a browser, a new .css file will be generated for the desired locale, and it is very likely that it will be a valid .css file. If not, repeat this process a couple of times.

  2. If the previous solution does not work, disable content compression in the web.xml file of the User Preferences Web Module located at DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<server_name>/tmp/_WL_user/usermessagingserver/<random_name>/sdpmessaginguserprefs-ui-web.war. In particular, extract web.xml, add the following <context-param/> to it:


    Then, re-archive it to the war module.

    Finally, restart the usermessagingserver application using Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

16.1.7 UMS Cluster Failover May Lose Messages

Since XA is not supported for UMS in 11gR1PS6, UMS cluster failover may lose messages.

16.2 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes configuration issues and their workarounds. It includes the following topics:

16.2.1 Enable Extension Driver after Upgrade

When you upgrade to the current release, you must complete the following manual configuration steps in order to enable use of the Extension driver:

  1. Stop all servers it the domain.

  2. Add this .jar file to the classpath of the domain:


    This can be done by modifying the in the domain's bin folder. That is, the POST_CLASSPATH variable is updated like this:

    POST_CLASSPATH="${UMS_ORACLE_HOME}/communications/modules/usermessaging-config_11.1.1.jar${CLASSPATHSEP}${POST_CLASSPATH}"export POST_CLASSPATH
  3. From the template .jar file at $UMS_ORACLE_HOME/common/templates/applications/oracle.ums_template_11.1.1.jar extract the .xml files:

  4. Copy these two .xml files into the domain's config and fmwconfig folders:

  5. Start the servers.

  6. Deploy the UMS Extension Driver by executing the WLST driver deployment command. For example:

    wls:/emsoa/serverConfig> deployUserMessagingDriver(baseDriver='extension',appName='extension', targets='soa_server1')

    The UMS Extension Driver is now enabled.

16.2.2 Preseeded Channel for Worklist and Pop-up Drivers Cannot be Removed

If you deinstall the Worklist or Pop-up driver, the preseeded channel for these drivers cannot be removed. The preseeded channel will remain available in your preference list.

16.2.3 Worklist Driver Configuration

While following the Worklist Driver configuration instructions, you may see that Oracle User Messaging Service for SOA in the Configuration Wizard is not selected, leading you to think that it is not configured and that you must select and configure it. This is not the case. The basic Oracle User Messaging Service is already configured, along with a few UMS drivers.

Continue to follow the documented instructions, and disregard the fact that the Oracle User Messaging Service for SOA option is unselected.

16.2.4 Migrate Custom Business Terms After PS3 Patch

After installing the PS3 patch, you must re-create any custom-built business terms using Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control. A copy of the custom-built business terms is available at: $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/servers/<ServerName>/applications/usermessagingserver/configuration/businessterms.xml.bak

Restart your servers after making any changes!


New, pre-seeded business terms have been introduced in this release. Do not overwrite the upgraded (PS3) file with a PS1 backup (the new terms will be lost, otherwise).

16.2.5 Use Correct SSL Trust Store When Configuring Drivers

Before configuring any User Messaging Service Driver (such as the Email Driver), to connect to a remote gateway using SSL, ensure that the SSL Trust Store is properly configured as described in "Configure Keystores" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.

Ensure that the value of the JVM system property ( set in $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ (or Windows equivalent file) points to the correct trust store that you want to use.The Java Standard Trust Store is located at:

$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts or $BEA_JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts

Note that with the default out-of-the-box configuration of SSL trust store, the UMS driver will not be able to connect to the Oracle Beehive Email Server over SSL. To resolve this issue, follow the instructions for using the correct SSL trust store. Replacing the DemoTrust keystore in the file (or Windows equivalent file) with the Java Standard SSL trust store will enable UMS email driver to connect successfully over SSL to the Oracle Beehive Email Server.

16.2.6 User Messaging Service Driver Configuration Changes Not Immediately Effective

When you change a driver's configuration and then restart the driver, the changes will not take effect until all managed connections in the pool are destroyed (900 seconds [15 minutes] by default). Take one of these actions to ensure that the connections are destroyed:

  • When performing driver configuration changes, stop the driver application and wait for 15 minutes. Then re-start the driver application.


    If you follow this recommendation and the wait time of 900 seconds (15 minutes) is too long, you can reduce the time using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console as follows:
    1. Click Deployments.

    2. Select the desired User Messaging Service Driver deployment.

    3. Click the Resource Adapter Type module.

    4. Click Configuration > Outbound Connection Pools.

    5. Click the DriverConnectionFactory group.

    6. Click Connection Pool.

    7. Edit the value of Shrink Frequency Seconds (for example, set to 120 seconds).

    8. Click Save, and save the changes to a deployment plan file when prompted.

    9. Restart the User Messaging Service driver deployment to include the new plan.

    Remember that if Shrink Frequency is reduced to a short interval, it may eventually have a negative impact on the performance of the driver as idle connections will be recycled frequently.


  • Restart the entire Oracle WebLogic Server after performing driver configuration changes. The new changes will take effect immediately upon server re-start.

16.2.7 Email Notifications Sent Even if You Do Not Change Default Parameters in driverconfig.xml

Instructions for notification configuration include setting your outgoing server parameters. Please note that if you do not change the parameters (that is, if you leave the default setting unchanged), notifications may still be sent. This is expected behavior, but you should not rely on the default settings without verifying them. You should set your parameters to ensure that they are correct.