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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Release Notes
11g Release 1 (11.1.1) for Oracle Solaris

Part Number E14772-43
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12 Oracle WebLogic Server

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle WebLogic Server. It includes the following topics:


For a list of bugs that are fixed in WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.6), enter the following document ID in the Search Knowledge Base field. You must enter the entire document ID.


12.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.1.1 Multi-Byte Characters Display Incorrectly in Filenames When Using Safari

When using the Safari browser to download content, if a filename contains multi-byte characters, the characters are displayed as '------' in the filename.


Set UseHeaderEncoding to true on the Managed Server. Use the following WLST commands to do so:

connect("admin_name", "admin_password", "t3://localhost:port")
set("UseHeaderEncoding", "true")

12.1.2 Oracle WebLogic Server Version Number

Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g contains Oracle WebLogic Server 11g. The version number of Oracle WebLogic Server is 10.3.6.

12.1.3 Oracle ojdbc14.jar File Has Been Changed to ojdbc6.jar

The Oracle ojdbc14.jar file has been changed to ojdbc6.jar, for use with JDK 5 or 6. As a result, any explicit references you make to ojdbc14.jar must be changed to ojdbc6.jar.

12.1.4 Strong Password Enforcement May Cause Issues With WLST Offline Scripts

With the implementation of strong password enforcement (8 character minimum with one numeric or special character) in this release of WebLogic Server, existing scripts could potentially encounter issues.


Use either of the following workarounds to bypass the new password restrictions.

  • Set the BACKWARD_COMPAT_PW_CHECK environment variable to true.

  • Include the option when invoking WLST.

Oracle recommends that you change passwords to comply with the new password requirements, as this variable and option will be removed in a future release of WebLogic Server.

12.1.5 In Turkish Locale, MDS Initialization Fails

Any applications that use an MDS repository cannot be deployed or run with the JAXB version bundled with WebLogic Server as null values are returned for attributes named id.


Start the server in English locale.

12.1.6 Administration Server Reports a 'Too Many Open Files' Message on the EM Console

The WebLogic Server Administration Server reports a Too Many Open Files message on the Enterprise Manager (EM) console when the maximum number of file descriptors configured for the Administration Server is less than 65535.


Increase the number of file descriptors within the shell and restart the WLS Administration Server within that shell. The command to increase the number of file descriptors (nofiles) differs across Operating Systems and shells but it's usually done with the ulimit command on UNIX platforms so consult the man pages for ulimit.

For example:

$ ulimit -n 65535

12.1.7 Availability of Sun JDK 6 U24-B50 for Oracle WLS Generic Installation

Sun JDK version is required for Oracle WebLogic Server (PS4) generic installation on Linux x86-64, Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit), and Oracle Solaris platforms.

The mentioned version of JDK is not available for download from the Oracle Web site:

Complete the following steps to download the required JDK version:

  1. Go to My Oracle Support:
  2. Click the Patches & Updates tab.

  3. Enter patch 12346791 in the Patch Name or Number field, under Patch Search.

  4. Click Search.

  5. Select and download the patch for the required platform by following the instructions in the README file included with the patch.

12.2 Administration Console Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.2.1 Cached JDBC Information is not Displayed

Information about cached JDBC statements is not displayed on the JDBC Monitoring pages.

12.2.2 Pressing Browser Back Button Discards Context

After a page flow completes in the Administration Console, it forwards to a different page, typically a table.

Pressing the browser Back button at this point results in an attempt to load the last JSP file in the completed assistant. At this point, all of the context for this assistant is discarded.


Oracle recommends that you do not use the browser Back button to step back into an assistant once changes are cancelled or finished, and that you do not go back to a previous step in an assistant. Instead, use the navigation links and buttons in the Administration Console.

12.2.3 Unsupported Work Manager Configurations Can Be Created

The Administration Console permits the creation of Work Manager configurations that are not supported and do not function as intended. Incorrect Work Manager configurations may result in a number of exceptions being recorded in the server logs, most commonly 'Validation problems were found' exceptions while parsing deployment descriptors.


Follow the guidelines described in the online help for Work Manager configurations. Specifically, you can only assign one request class to any given Work Manager, and that request class must be of the same or a broader scope than the Work Manager. You should not assign an application-scoped request class to a global Work Manager, and you should not create more than one application-scoped request class for an application-scoped Work Manager.

Correcting the Work Manager configurations to match the documented constraints resolves these issues.

12.2.4 Server Status Table Reflects Inconsistent Information

The Server Status table on the Cluster: Monitoring: Summary page includes two default columns: Primary and Secondary Distribution Names. These fields do not always reflect all of the replication statistics that are collected and displayed on the Cluster: Monitoring: Failover page, depending on the replication scenario.

Please refer to the Cluster: Monitoring: Failover page for definitive information.

12.2.5 Exceptions When Defining a Security Policy for an EJB

When defining security policies in the Administration Console for an EJB deployment that references types defined in a separate library deployment, exceptions can be observed if that library deployment is not available to the Console.


All library deployments should be targeted at the WebLogic Server Administration Server as well as any Managed Servers needed to support referencing applications. This will ensure that when defining policies, the Console will have access to those library deployments so that referenced types can be class-loaded as needed.

12.2.6 Administration Console Does Not Always Reflect External Changes Made in a Deployment Plan

The Administration Console does not always reflect external changes made in a deployment plan. If a change is made in a deployment plan outside of the Console (for example, using Workshop, editing the plan text files directly, or updating a deployment with a new plan using WLST or webLogic.Deployer) while a Console user is also viewing that deployment plan, the Console user will not see those changes.


Navigate to a configuration page for a different deployment, then navigate back to the original deployment again.

12.2.7 Oracle OCI Driver Support

The Oracle OCI driver is no longer explicitly listed as a preconfigured driver type in the Administration Console.


The Oracle OCI driver remains a supported driver for application data connectivity, consistent with prior releases of Oracle WebLogic Server. However, users must now specify all required configuration properties manually, including the data base username.

12.2.8 Data Takes a Long Time to Display on the Metric Browser Tab

When using Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7) to display data on the Metric Browser tab of the Monitoring Dashboard, it takes an unusually long time for the data to display, and during this time, the page is unresponsive. The amount of time it takes to display data on this tab depends on the size of the domain.


If you need to display data on the Monitoring Dashboard > Metric Browser tab, open the Administration Console in a supported web browser other than IE 7, such as Internet Explorer 8 or greater, Firefox 3 or greater, or Safari 4 or greater.

12.3 Apache Beehive Support Issues and Workarounds

There are no known Apache Beehive Support issues in this release of WebLogic Server.

12.4 Clustering Issues and Workarounds

There are no known Clustering issues in this release of WebLogic Server.This section describes the following issue and workaround:

12.4.1 Threads Are Blocked on Cluster Messaging in Unicast Mode

When using Unicast mode for cluster communication, many threads are blocked on cluster messaging, which may result in cluster members having difficulty sending heartbeat messages. In this situation, some cluster members drop out from the cluster and may take some time to rejoin the cluster.


Set the following system property to resolve this issue:


12.5 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.5.1 ASProvWorkflowException Occurs When Creating a WebLogic Domain

In rare cases, if your installation environment contains existing JAVA_OPTIONS prior to starting a Fusion Middlware product installation, these may cause an ASProvWorkflowException, preventing the domain from being created.


Prior to starting the Fusion Middleware product installation, clear the existing JAVA_OPTIONS. If you have an applicagtion in the environment that use these JAVA_OPTIONS, the applications may not work after clearing the options. In this case, save the existing JAVA_OPTIONS to a text file and investigate alternatives for running your other application.

12.5.2 Directory For a Non-Existent Server Name Is Created

If you attempt to connect to the WebLogic Server Administration Server with a non-existent server name, a directory for the non-existent server name is created under the domain_name/servers directory.


Specify a valid server name when connecting to the Administration Server.

12.5.3 Abnormal Behavior in Terminal Window After Entering WebLogic Password

After pressing Ctrl-C to terminate the process immediately after entering the WebLogic password, abnormal behavior may be experienced in the terminal window. For example, when pressing Return, the prompt is tabbed instead of going to the next line, and any characters that are entered at the prompt are not displayed in the terminal.


Either close the current xterm and start a new one, or enter stty echo into the xterm.

12.5.4 Creating and Updating Domains Takes Too Long

It can take a long time to create or update WebLogic Server domains when:

  • Installing WebLogic Server on UNIX or Linux operating systems if the Server Examples are included in the installation.

  • Using the WebLogic Server Configuration Wizard to create or update a domain.

  • Using WLST to create or update a domain.


Set the CONFIG_JVM_ARGS environment variable to the following value:

12.5.5 Password Field Is Not Editable When Configuring a New Domain

On Linux systems, when creating a new domain in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard, the Password and Confirm Password fields are sometimes not editable, and you cannot enter a password to create a domain.


There are two ways to work around this issue:

  • To work around the issue each time it happens, click the Close Window X button in the upper right corner of the Configuration Wizard. In the confirmation dialog that appears, click No to return to the Configuration Wizard. You can then enter and confirm the password for the domain.

  • To fix this issue permanently:

    1. Kill all scim processes. For example:

      kill `pgrep scim`

    2. Modify (or create) the file ~/.scim/config to include the following line (case-sensitive):

      /FrontEnd/X11/Dynamic = true

    3. If you are running VNC, restart the VNC server.

    4. Run the Configuration Wizard again.

12.6 Connector (Resource Adapter) Issues and Workarounds

There are no known Connector (Resource Adapter) issues in this release of WebLogic Server.

12.7 Console Extensions Issues and Workarounds

There are no known Extensions issues in this release of WebLogic Server.

12.8 Core Server and Core Work Manager Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.8.1 Threads Become Stuck While Waiting to Get a Connection

When a machine that is hosting one of the Managed Servers is abruptly shut down, a network cable is pulled, or its network interface card has issues, and any server attempts communication with that managed server, threads become stuck waiting to get a connection.


This can currently be resolved by using a private flag:


and setting an appropriate timeout value that will release the thread attempting to make the connection and allow the request to fail quickly.

12.8.2 Using IPv6-Formatted Addresses

When using an IPv6-formatted address for WebLogic Server, the URL should include square brackets ('[' and ']') for the host address. Otherwise, WLST may fail to connect to the running server.


Add square brackets to the host address. For example:


12.8.3 Server Cannot Be Started After a Whole Server Migration

If the WebLogic Server Administration Server is down when a Whole Server Migration occurs for a clustered server, and the server migrates to a machine on which it was never run before, the server cannot be started on the new machine.


Use one of the following workarounds for this issue:

  • Ensure that the Administration Server is up when the server migration is being performed.

  • Use a shared disk/NFS for all the migratable servers in the cluster.

12.8.4 Object State is not Retained After Renaming Field

When FastSwap is enabled in a J2EE application, you can make certain types of changes to Java classes during development and expect to see the change without re-deploying, with all instance states of the Java object being retained.

One type of change that does NOT retain the object state is that when a field name is changed, it is treated as follows:

  • the field with old name is deleted

  • the field with new name is added

Thus, in this case, any state in the old field is not carried over to the renamed field.

Using the Workshop or FastSwap ant task, you may see a FastSwap operation completed successfully message, even when an instance field name change causes a value reset.


You should expect an instance value to be reset when you change a field name.

12.8.5 Forcing Unicast Messages To Be Processed in Order

The following conditions can cause very frequent JNDI updates, and as a result, JMS subscribers may encounter a java.naming.NameNotFoundException:

  1. Unicast messaging is being used for cluster communication.

  2. The JMS topic connection is set with setReconnectPolicy("all").

  3. JMS durable subscribers on topic are created and removed very frequently.


To fix this issue, a new property, MessageOrderingEnabled, has been added to the ClusterMBean. This property forces unicast messages to be processed in strict order. By default, this property is not enabled. To enable the property, add the following line manually to the <cluster> element in config.xml.


12.8.6 Servers Configured to Listen on a Host Name Are Listening on a Different Host Name After Startup

When using a host name to specify configuring the listen address on the WebLogic Server Administration Server or a Managed Server, machines that are configured with multiple Ethernet cards may listen on a different host name after startup. For example:

  • The machine has 3 Ethernet cards

  • Card 1 is mapped to hostname1-s (DNS registered host name)

  • Card 2 is mapped to hostname1-i (DNS registered host name)

  • Card 3 is mapped to hostname1 (actual node's host name)

  • You configure the server to listen on hostname1

  • After starting the server, it is listening on hostname1-s because Windows resolves the actual node's host name to the first enabled Ethernet card address


Use one of the following three workarounds for this issue:

  1. Use the IP address, instead of the host name, as the listen address of the WebLogic Server Administration Server. On Managed Servers, use the IP address as the listen address, or configure the actual physical host name to the first Ethernet card in the machine.

  2. Add the following entry to the C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file on the machine:

    <ip_address> <hostname>

  3. Change the order of the network cards in the machine so that the card with the actual node's host name is Card 1.

12.8.7 Administration Server or Node Manager Cannot Track the Status of a Managed Server

If you start a managed server by providing an incorrect WebLogic Server Administration Server URL from the command line (that is, the Administration Server cannot be reachable at the provided URL), the managed server will start in Managed Server Independence (MSI) mode.

In this case, neither the Administration Server nor Node Manager can track the status of the managed server. The Administration Console will show the status of the managed server as UNKNOWN, but the server will actually be RUNNING in MSI mode.

12.8.8 Multicast Traffic Observed to be Unreliable During or After a Network Partition

During or after a network partition that causes a server migration to take place, multicast traffic has been observed to be unreliable. For example, one node may be receiving multicast traffic, but traffic originating from this node is not received on other nodes in the network. As a result, the migrated servers are not added to the cluster because their heartbeats were not received.


Currently, the only known workaround is to use unicast cluster messaging.

12.9 Deployment Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.9.1 security-permission Element is not Available in weblogic-application.xml

The security-permission element is available in the weblogic.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptors, but is not available in the weblogic-application.xml descriptor. Therefore, in an Enterprise application, you can only apply security policies to JAR files that are EJBs or Web applications.

12.9.2 Extraneous String Values Interpreted as File Specification

The weblogic.Deployer tool interprets any extraneous string values between command-line arguments as a file specification. For example, if you enter the command:

java weblogic.Deployer -activate -nostage true -name myname -source c:\myapp\mymodule

the tool attempts to activate a file specification named true, because the -nostage option takes no arguments and true is an extraneous string value.

12.9.3 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError is Displayed

While using the WebLogic Server Administration Console with applications or EJBs deployed on a Managed Server that depend on a deployed library, you may encounter a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.


The WebLogic Server Administration Console needs access to any shared library deployments so that Java data types and annotations can be processed. Therefore, all shared library deployments should always be targeted to the WebLogic Server Administration Server in addition to any Managed Servers or clusters.

12.9.4 The restore Method Does Not Update the DConfig Bean With Plan Overrides

The restore method does not correctly update the DConfig Bean with the plan overrides. For example, given the following steps:

DeployableObject dObject =
     WebLogicDeployableObject.createDeployableObject(new File(appName));
  DeploymentConfiguration dConfig =
  dConfig.restore(new FileInputStream(new File(plan)));

the plan does not correctly override the DConfig Bean.


Specify the plan when initializing the configuration for the application. For example:

helper = SessionHelper.getInstance(
    helper.setPlan(new File(plan));

12.9.5 config-root <directory> not found Warning Is Displayed When Applying a Plan

If you use the Administration Console to make configuration changes to an application, a deployment plan will be generated. If external descriptors are generated as part of the deployment plan, they are placed in the config root plan directory. This directory will be set in the deployment plan 'config-root' attribute.

If no external descriptors are required, the config root directory will not be created, and a warning is displayed when you apply the deployment plan. This results in the following warning in the server output:

<Warning <WWebLogicDescriptorWL> <BEA-2156000><"config-root" C:\deployments\plan was not found>.


Create the plan directory manually.

12.9.6 Deployment Task Fails When a Large Application File Is Deployed

When a large application file is deployed using the upload option, the deployment task fails with the following error:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

To resolve this issue, a new system property, weblogic.deploy.UploadLargeFile, has been added. If you see this issue, include this flag in the java command you use to launch a deployment client.

If you are using the WebLogic Server patch releases 9.2 MP2, 9.2 MP3,10.0 MP1, 10.0 M2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.3.2, 10.3.3, or 10.3.4 this flag is not needed.

12.9.7 Application State Is Not Updated If the Server Starts in MSI Mode

A managed server will start in MSI mode if the WebLogic Server Administration Server is not available when the managed server starts. If you start the Administration Server later, the managed server will connect to the Administration Server. However, the state of each application deployed to the managed server is not updated to reflect the state of the applications on the managed server. Each application's state is displayed as NEW or PREPARED in the WebLogic Server Administration Console.


There are two workarounds for this issue:

  • Start the Administration Server before starting the managed server, or

  • Redeploy the application after starting the Administration Server.

12.9.8 Attempting to Redeploy an Application Fails if the Application is Already Deployed Using a Different Source File Location

If you initially deployed an application using one source file location, then attempt to redeploy the application using a new location for the source file, the deployment fails with the following exception:

New source location <new_source_file_path> cannot be configured deployed to 
configured application, <application_name>. The application source is at 
original_source_file_path. Changing the source location is not allowed for a 
previously attempted deployment. Try deploying without specifying the source.

This is due to a WebLogic Server deployment restriction. Once you specify the source file for a deployment, you cannot change it on a redeployment.


Undeploy the application before attempting to redeploy it using a new source file location.

12.10 EJB Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.10.1 Primary Key in Oracle Table is CHAR

The primary key in an Oracle table is a CHAR but the query field in the SQL table is a VARCHAR2.


Change the database schema from CHAR to VARCHAR2. Using CHAR as a primary key is not recommended for the Oracle database.

12.10.2 No Available Annotation That Enables Creation of a Clusterable Timer

There is no annotation for EJB3 beans or Ejbgen that enables creation of a clusterable timer.


Create a weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file and put the <timer-implementation> element and corresponding values into the file.

12.10.3 Kodo's MappingTool Cannot Generate Schemas

Kodo's MappingTool cannot generate schemas for classes that use BLOBs in their primary key. BLOBs can be used in a primary key, but the schema must be defined manually. Note that support for BLOB columns in primary keys is not mandated by either the JDO or JPA specifications.

12.10.4 Extensions to the JPA Metadata Model Can Only Be Specified Via Annotations

Extensions to the JPA metadata model can only be specified via annotations, and not via a structure similar to the orm.xml file defined by the specification.


To specify Kodo-specific metadata for your object model, either:

  • use the Kodo-specific annotations, or

  • convert your XML-based metadata to the JDO metadata format, which does support XML specification of extensions.

12.10.5 Lookup Method Injection Not Supported by Spring

The Weblogic Spring injection extension model doesn't support lookup method injection.

12.10.6 Deserializing a JDO PersistenceManagerFactory in a Managed Environment May Fail

Deserializing a JDO PersistenceManagerFactory in a managed environment may fail. The exception states that the javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass property is missing. Note that serializing a PersistenceManagerFactory should not generally be necessary in a managed environment.

12.10.7 Indexes Not Always Created During Schema Creation

Indexes declared at the class level are not always created during schema creation.


Create the indexes manually after running the schema generation tools.

12.10.8 OpenJPA throws an exception when @Id fields are also annotated as @Unique

OpenJPA throws an exception when @Id fields are also annotated as @Unique in some databases. Database primary keys are unique by definition. Some databases implement this by creating a unique index on the column.


Do not specify both @Id and @Unique on a single field.

12.10.9 Cache Hit and Miss Counts May Rise Unexpectedly

The cache hit and miss counts may rise unexpectedly when manipulating entities without version data. The extra cache access occurs when the EntityManager closes and all contained entities are detached. Entities without version fields appear to the system to be missing their version data, and the system responds by checking their version in the cache before detachment.


Entities with version fields or other version strategies do not cause extra cache access.

12.10.10 Open JPA Tries to Create a Table Even if the Table Exists

When using the MySQL database, and OpenJPA is configured to automatically run the mapping tool at runtime and create tables within the default schema (for example):

<property name='openjpa.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings' value='buildSchema'/>
<property name='openjpa.jdbc.Schema' value='MySQL database name' />

OpenJPA will try to create the table even if the table already exists in the database. A PersistenceException will be thrown to indicate that the table already exists and the table creation statement fails.


To avoid this problem, if you are using the MySQL database, don't configure OpenJPA to automatically run the mapping tool at runtime and specify the default schema at the same time.

12.10.11 EJB Applications Fail During Serialization

EJB applications that use IIOP and send JPA entities from the server to the client will fail during deserialization if the entities are Serializable (but not Externalizable) and do not declare a writeObject() method.


Add a writeObject() method to such entity classes. The write object can be trivial:

private void
writeObject( out)
   throws IOException {

12.10.12 Non-Transactional Message-Driven Bean Container Can Fail to Provide Reproducible Behavior For Foreign Topics

When using multi-threaded processing for non-transactional topic Message-Driven Beans (MDBs) that specify a foreign topic (non-WebLogic) JMS, the MDB container can fail to provide reproducible behavior. For example, if a runtimeException is thrown in the onmessage() method, the container may still acknowledge the message.


Set the max-beans-in-free-pool attribute to 1 in the deployment descriptor.

12.11 Examples Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.11.1 Security Configuration in medrec.wls.config

The medrec.wls.config target in SAMPLES_HOME/server/medrec/setup/build.xml has a known issue with respect to security configuration.

12.11.2 HTML File not Created for File

The ../xml/stax example contains two files with the same root but different extensions: and StreamParser.jsp. The samples viewer build, however, creates just one corresponding HTML file, rather than two for each type of file. In this case only the StreamParser.jsp file has an equivalent HTML file; the file does not.

The problem occurs because of a setting in the build.xml file that controls the behavior of java2html to generate the files for the documentation.

When using java2html, the useShortFileName="true" parameter crops off the file extensions for the source files to create the file names for the HTML output files. If two files have the same name and different file extensions, whichever HTML file is generated last will overwrite previous ones.


Set the useShortFileName parameter to "false". This setting generates HTML files with the file extensions included in the name. The drawback to this solution is that every link that points to the HTML output file needs to be revised, regardless of whether the files in question were affected by the bug.

12.11.3 Warning Message Appears When Starting Medrec or Samples Domain

When you start the medrec or samples domains, you may see a warning message similar to this:

<Warning> <WorkManager> <BEA-002919> <Unable to find a WorkManager with name 
weblogic.wsee.mdb.DispatchPolicy. Dispatch policy 
weblogic.wsee.mdb.DispatchPolicy will map to the default WorkManager for the 
application bea_wls_async_response>

This warning message appears in the standard output of the Console while starting a WebLogic Server sample application with an asynchronous Web Service deployed.


The warning is harmless and can be ignored.

12.12 HTTP Publish/Subscribe Server Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.12.1 Authentication and Authorization of the Local Client is not Supported

The HTTP Publish/Subscribe server does not support authentication and authorization of the local client. The local client has full permissions to operate on channels of the HTTP Publish/Subscribe server, which means the local client can create/delete channels and publish/subscribe events from channels.

12.12.2 Event Messages Published by Local Clients Cannot Be Received

In a clustering environment, event messages published by a local client on a server can be received only by subscribed clients connected to the same server. These messages cannot be received by subscribed clients connected to other servers in the cluster.

12.12.3 Event Messages Published By Local Clients Do Not Go Through Filters

Event messages published to a channel by a local client will not go through the Message Filters configured to that channel.

12.13 Installation Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.13.1 Sybase JDBC Drivers Not Downloaded with Upgrade Installation

The Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 installer does not download the Sybase JDBC drivers. When you try to upgrade an existing WebLogic Server 10.3 installation using the latest installer, it does not remove the Sybase JAR files from the original installation. The installer upgrades only the weblogic.jar file.

The Sybase JAR files (jconn2.jar, jconn3.jar, and jConnect.jar) in the /server/lib or /server/ext/jdbc/sybase directories are removed from the manifest classpath in the upgraded weblogic.jar file. Therefore, if the classpath of a WebLogic Server application does not include Sybase JAR files and only includes weblogic.jar then after the upgrade installation, the application will throw a ClassNotFoundException.

To work around this issue, explicitly add Sybase JAR files in the WebLogic Server application classpath.

12.13.2 Improper Rollback to Previous Installation May Occur After Exiting an Upgrade Installation Prematurely

When using an Upgrade installer or Smart Update to upgrade an existing WebLogic Server 10.3.x installation to WebLogic Server 10.3.4, if you abort the upgrade before completion, the installation should automatically roll back to the prior installation. This may not always occur, resulting in an unusable installation.

12.13.3 WebLogic Server Installer Fails With Insufficient Disk Space Error

The WebLogic Server installer can fail with an insufficient disk space error, even when there is a large amount of available disk space on the file system or disk.


Use the -Dspace.detection property in the installation command to disable the available space check. For example:

java -Xmx1024M -Dspace.detection=false -jar installer_file_name -mode=silent -silent_xml=silent.xml


wls1034_linux.bin -Dspace.detection=false

12.13.4 Installation Fails with Fatal Error

The installer does not verify whether sufficient disk space is available on the machine prior to completing the installation. As a result, if an installation cannot be completed due to insufficient space, the installer displays the following error message and exits:

Fatal error encountered during file installation. The installer will now
cleanup and exit!


If this problem occurs, restart the installer using the following command:

server103_linux32.bin -log=log.out -log_priority=debug

The preceding command generates a log of the installation procedure, providing details about the exact cause of the failure. If the cause is indeed insufficient space, the log file indicates it explicitly.

12.13.5 Oracle WebLogic Server Installation Fails on Oracle Solaris 11

When you use JRockit based Oracle Solaris Package installer to install Oracle WebLogic Server for Oracle Solaris 11 on Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-Bit) systems, the installation fails and the following error is displayed:

dl failure on line 742Error: failed
/var/tmp/aaalpa4OF/jre160_29/lib/sparcv9/jrockit/, because fatal: relocation error: file
/var/tmp/aaalpa4OF/jre160_29/lib/sparcv9/jrockit/ symbol_walkcontext: referenced symbol not found 
** Error during execution, error code = 1536. 


Install Oracle WebLogic Server using the Generic Package installer wls1036_generic.jar that is enabled with jrockit-jdk1.6.0_29-R28.2.1-4.1.0-solaris-sparcv9.bin.

12.14 Java EE Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.14.1 FastSwap May Relax the Access Modifiers of Fields and Methods

FastSwap may relax the access modifiers of fields and methods. Private and protected members may be made public at runtime. This changes the behavior of reflection and may affect reflection-based frameworks such as Struts.

12.14.2 FastSwap Does Not Support Redefinition of the Entity Bean and ejbClass

FastSwap does not support redefinition of the Entity bean and ejbClass (Session/MDB). Therefore, any updates to entity classes will cause redefinition errors.


After updating an entity class, redeploy the application.

12.14.3 Classpath Order Is Not Guaranteed When There Are Multiple JARs in an EAR File

When you have an EAR file containing separate JAR files, and two or more of those JAR files have a class with the same name, it is not possible to predict from which of those JAR files WebLogic Server will instantiate the class. This is not an issue if the classes are the same, but if they are different implementations, the results are unpredictable.


Currently there is no known workaround for this issue.

12.15 JDBC Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.15.1 Call To setTransactionIsolation() May Fail When Using the JDBC Driver for MS SQLServer

When using the JDBC driver for MS SQLServer, a call to setTransactionIsolation() may fail in a transactional context if getTransactionIsolation() is called first.

12.15.2 An Attempt to Access a Remote 10.3.2 or Later WLS Data Source Fails

A new system property, -Dweblogic.jdbc.remoteEnabled, has been added to JDBC in Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.2. For compatibility with prior releases of WebLogic Server, the default setting of this property is true. When this property is set to false, remote JDBC access is turned off, and such access results in an exception.

Remote access may occur explicitly in an application, or implicitly during a global (XA/JTA) transaction with a participating non-XA data source that is configured with the LLR, 1PC or Emulate XA global transaction option. The following enumerates the cases when an exception will be thrown, and work-arounds for each case (if any).

An exception occurs in the following cases. A workaround (if any) for a given case is provided.

  • When a stand-alone client application uses any type of data source.

  • When an application that is hosted on WebLogic Server uses any type of data source, and the data source is not configured (targeted) locally. A potential workaround is to target the data source locally.

  • When accessing a same named non-XA data source with a transaction option of LLR, 1PC or Emulate XA on multiple WebLogic Server instances in the same global transaction. In this case, there are two potential work-arounds:

    • Change data sources to use XA instead (this may lower performance), or

    • For the 1PC/emulateXA types, change the application to ensure the data source is accessed from a single server.

  • When accessing a non-XA data source with the LLR transaction option on a server that is different than the transaction coordinator. For server-initiated transactions, the coordinator location is chosen based on the first participating resource in the transaction. In this case, there are two potential work-arounds: (a) change the data source to use XA instead (this may lower performance); or (b) change the application to ensure data source access on the transaction coordinator, as described in "Optimizing Performance with LLR" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming JTA for OracleWebLogic Server. The latter may not be possible in some cases; for example, when an MDB application receives messages from a remote WebLogic JMS server, the transaction coordinator will always be the WebLogic server that's hosting the JMS server, but it may not be possible to move the MDB application to the same WebLogic server.

    • Change the data source to use XA instead (this may lower performance), or

    • Change the application to ensure data source access on the transaction coordinator, as described in "Optimizing Performance with LLR" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming JTA for Oracle WebLogic Server. This workaround may not be possible in some cases. For example, when an MDB application receives messages from a remote WebLogic JMS server, the transaction coordinator will always be the WebLogic Server instance that is hosting the JMS server, but it may not be possible to move the MDB application to the same WebLogic Server instance.

12.15.3 ORA-01591 Errors Occur on SOA Servers Configured to Use Multiple Oracle RAC Nodes

On SOA servers using multiple Oracle RAC database nodes, when WebLogic Server multi data sources are configured for XA and load balancing, ORA-10591 errors can occur.


Download and apply Oracle RAC database patch 7675269 for Linux x86, Oracle Release You can download this patch from My Oracle Support. Alternatively, you can download and apply patch set 9007079 for Linux x86, Oracle Release, which includes the patch 7675269.

12.16 JDK Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.16.1 SSLv2Hello Not Supported by IBM JDK

The IBMJSSE2 Provider does not support the SSL version 2 protocol.


Set or which allows you use SSLv3 and TLSv1 protocols.

12.17 JMS Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.17.1 Deployment Descriptor Validation Fails

Deployment descriptor validation fails when descriptor validation is enabled, and an EAR file contains only JMS modules.


Make sure that there is at least one J2EE specification-compliant module in the EAR.

12.17.2 Exception When Multiple Producers Use the Same Client SAF Instance

When multiple JMS producers use the same JMS Client SAF instance (within a single JVM), depending on the timing of the JMS SAF client creation, you might receive the following exception:

Error getting GXA resource [Root exception is weblogic.jms.common.JMSException:
weblogic.messaging.kernel.KernelException: Error getting GXA resource]


When using multiple JMS SAF client producers, try introducing a small delay between the creation of each new client.

12.17.3 Multi-byte Characters are not Supported in Store File and Directory Names

There is no support for multi-byte characters in WebLogic Store file and directory names. For instance, when the WebLogic Server name has multi-byte characters, the default store cannot be created, and WebLogic Server will not boot.


Create WebLogic Server instances without multi-byte characters in the path name and use that path name for the default store configuration. Do not use multi-byte characters in the Weblogic Server name.

12.17.4 Generation of the Default UOO Name Has Changed

WebLogic Server 10.3.4 contains a fix for configurations that set a default unit-of-order (UOO) on a JMS regular destination, distributed destination, or template. This fix ensures that the default unit-of-order name stays the same even after a restart of the destination's host JMS server. The default UOO name is now based on the domain, JMS server, and destination names.

12.17.5 Testing Abrupt Failures of WebLogic Server When Using File Stores on NFS

Oracle strongly recommends verifying the behavior of a server restart after abrupt machine failures when the JMS messages and transaction logs are stored on an NFS mounted directory. Depending on the NFS implementation, different issues can arise post failover/restart. For more information, see Section 6.3, "Testing Abrupt Failures of WebLogic Server When Using File Stores on NFS."

12.17.6 JMS Message Consumers Will Not Always Reconnect After a Service Migration

JMS message consumers will not always reconnect after a service migration when an application's WLConnection.getReconnectPolicy() attribute is set to all. If the consumers do not get migrated, either an exception is thrown or onException will occur to inform the application that the consumer is no longer valid.


The application can refresh the consumer either in the exception handler or through onException.

12.17.7 Forcing Unicast Messages To Be Processed in Order

Certain conditions can cause very frequent JNDI updates, and as a result, JMS subscribers may encounter a java.naming.NameNotFoundException. For more information, see Section 12.8.5, "Forcing Unicast Messages To Be Processed in Order."

12.18 JNDI Issues and Workarounds

There are no known JNDI issues in this release of WebLogic Server.

12.19 JSP and Servlet Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.19.1 Deployment Plans Cannot Be Used To Override Two Descriptors

Deployment plans cannot be used to override the following two descriptors during deployment of a Web application or a Web module: WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml and WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence-configuration.xml. Deployment plans can otherwise be used to override any descriptor.


Package WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml and WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence-configuration.xml (if present) along with related class files into a JAR file. The JAR file must then be placed in the WEB-INF/lib directory of the Web application or Web module. A deployment plan can be used to override the two descriptors in such a JAR file.

12.19.2 Spring Dependency Injection Not Supported on JSP Tag Handlers

With the Spring extension model enabled, WebLogic Server 10.3 or later does not support Spring Dependency Injection (DI) on JSP tag handlers for performance reasons.

Currently, WebLogic Server supports Spring DI on most Web components, for example, servlets, filters and listeners. Spring DI is not, however, presently supported on JSP tag handlers for performance reasons.

12.19.3 503 Error When Accessing an Application With a Valid sessionid

When a session is persistent and an older version of a servlet context is retired, accessing the application with a valid sessionid will cause a 503 error.

For example, the session-persistent type of a versioned Web application is 'file'. A user can access the application successfully. Later, version 2 of the application is redeployed and version 1 is retired. If the same user accesses the application, they will get a 503 error.

12.20 JTA Issues and Workarounds

There are no known JTA issues in this release of WebLogic Server.

12.21 Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.21.1 1.4 Thin Client Applet Cannot Contact WebLogic Server

Due to a known Sun Microsystems VM bug (513552), a 1.4 Thin Client Applet cannot contact WebLogic Server 9.0 or later. This is because the VM does not distinguish correctly between a client and a server connection. The VM creates a server-type connection and caches it. It then attempts to make a client-type connection, finds the cached connection and tries to use that, but then encounters an error because clients are not allowed to use server connections.

12.21.2 JRockit JVM Appears to Freeze When Doing Long Array Copies

The JRockit JVM appears to freeze when doing long array copies as part of unlimited forward rolling. This can happen when multiple server reboots occur due to Out Of Memory conditions.


When booting the servers, include the following JRockit JVM flag:


12.21.3 Using AWT libraries May Cause a JVM Crash

You might encounter a JVM crash when using GUI libraries such as AWT or javax.swing (which often delegates to AWT).


Start the server using the following flag:


12.22 Monitoring Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issue and workaround:

12.22.1 MBean Attributes Not Explicitly Marked as @unharvestable Appear as Harvestable

The @unharvestable tag is not being honored at the interface level. If MBean attributes are not explicitly marked as @unharvestable, they are considered to be harvestable and will appear as harvestable in the WebLogic Administration Console.


You can explicitly mark MBean attributes as @unharvestable.

12.22.2 Events Generated By the JVM Level Are Not Generated at Low Volume

In WebLogic Server 10.3.3, the default WLDF diagnostic volume setting was Off. As of WebLogic Server 10.3.4, the default diagnostic volume setting is Low Volume, and events generated by the JVM level are not being generated at the Low Volume setting in WebLogic Server 10.3.4 (JVM-level events were generated at the Low Volume setting in WebLogic Server 10.3.3). The JVM-level events are still generated at the High Volume and Medium Volume settings in WebLogic Server 10.3.4.


Use one of the following workarounds to cause the JVM-level events to be generated:

  • Increase the WLDF diagnostic volume to the Medium or High level.

  • Use JRMC, JRCMD, or the JRockit command line settings to activate a separate flight recording in the WebLogic Server instance. By doing so, JVM will cause JVM events to be present at all WLDF diagnostic volume settings (Off, Low, Medium, and High).

12.22.3 WLDF Performance Issues Can Occur When JVM Events Are Enabled

When JVM events are enabled, WLDF performances issues may occur in the following situations:

  • If there are no other JRockit flight recordings enabled, performance can degrade when the WLDF diagnostic volume is set to Medium or High level.

  • If other JRockit flight recordings are enabled, performance can degrade at all WLDF diagnostic volume levels (Off, Low, Medium, and High).

12.23 Node Manager Issues and Workarounds

There are no known Node Manager issues in this release of WebLogic Server.

12.24 Operations, Administration, and Management Issues and Workarounds

There are no known Operations, Administration, and Management issues in this release of WebLogic Server.

12.25 Oracle Kodo Issues and Workarounds

There are no known Oracle Kodo issues in this release of WebLogic Server.

12.26 Protocols Issues and Workarounds

There are no known Protocols issues in this release of WebLogic Server.

12.27 RMI-IIOP Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issue and workaround:

12.27.1 Ant 1.7 rmic Task Incompatibility

Calls to the Ant version 1.7 rmic task automatically add a -vcompat flag, which is not compatible with rmic for Oracle WebLogic Server.


Use either of the following workarounds if your rmic call is of the form:

rmic classname="com.bea.crmsimulation.legacyra.LegacyAdapter"
   classpath="${core.classes}" compiler="weblogic" />
  • Add a stubversion

    <rmic classname="com.bea.crmsimulation.legacyra.LegacyAdapter"
       classpath="${core.classes}" compiler="weblogic"
  • Remove the compiler flag

    <rmic classname="com.bea.crmsimulation.legacyra.LegacyAdapter"

12.28 Security Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.28.1 StoreBootIdentity Works Only if the Appropriate Server Security Directory Exists

The option -Dweblogic.system.StoreBootIdentity works only if the appropriate server security directory exists. This directory is usually created by the Configuration Wizard or upgrade tool.

However, the appropriate server security directory could be absent in domains checked into source-control systems.

12.28.2 Boot Time Failure Occurs With SecurityServiceException

A WebLogic Server instance can experience a boot time failure with a SecurityServiceException when the RDBMS Security Data Store is configured for a DB2 database using the DB2 driver supplied with WebLogic Server.


When RDBMS Security Data Store is using the AlternateId connection property for a DB2 database, you must also set the additional property BatchPerformanceWorkaround as true when using the DB2 driver supplied with WebLogic Server.

12.28.3 Authentication Failure After Upgrading a Domain From WLS 6.1

After upgrading a domain from WLS 6.1, the WebLogic Server instance will not boot due to an authentication failure.


A system user password must be set up in the WLS 6.1 domain before or after the upgrade process in order for the WebLogic Server instance to boot properly.

12.28.4 InvalidParameterException Message Generated and Displayed

After you configure either the Identity Provider or Service Provider services for SAML 2.0 and attempt to publish the SAML 2.0 services metadata file, an InvalidParameterException message may be generated and displayed in the Administration Console.


When configuring the SAML 2.0 federation services for a WebLogic Server instance, be sure to enable all binding types that are available for the SAML role being configured. For example, when configuring SAML 2.0 Identity Provider services, you should enable the POST, Redirect, and Artifact bindings. When configuring SAML 2.0 Service Provider services, enable the POST and Artifact bindings. Optionally, you may choose a preferred binding.

12.28.5 Enabling Both the Authentication and Passive Attributes In SML 2.0 Service Provider Services Is an Invalid Configuration

When configuring SAML 2.0 Service Provider services, enabling both the Force Authentication and Passive attributes is an invalid configuration that WebLogic Server is unable to detect. If both these attributes are enabled, and an unauthenticated user attempts to access a resource that is hosted at the Service Provider site, an exception is generated and the single sign-on session fails.

Note that the Force Authentication attribute has no effect because SAML logout is not supported in WebLogic Server. So even if the user is already authenticated at the Identity Provider site and Force Authentication is enabled, the user is not forced to authenticate again at the Identity Provider site.

Avoid enabling both these attributes.

12.28.6 Running the WebLogic Full Client in a Non-Forked VM

If the WebLogic Full Client is running in a non-forked VM, for example by means of a <java> task invoked from an Ant script without the fork=true attribute, the following error might be generated:

java.lang.SecurityException: The provider self-integrity check failed.

This error is caused by the self-integrity check that is automatically performed when the RSA Crypto-J library is loaded. (The Crypto-J library, cryptoj.jar, is in the wlfullclient.jar manifest classpath.)

This self-integrity check failure occurs when the client is started in a non-forked VM and it uses the Crypto-J API, either directly or indirectly, as in the following situations:

  • The client invokes the Crypto-J library directly.

  • The client attempts to make a T3S connection, which triggers the underlying client SSL implementation to invoke the Crypto-J API.

When the self-integrity check fails, further invocations of the Crypto-J API fail.


When running the full client in a <java> task that is invoked from an Ant script, always set the fork attribute to true.

For more information about the self-integrity check, see "How a Provider Can Do Self-Integrity Checking" in How to Implement a Provider in the Java™ Cryptography Architecture, available at the following URL:

12.29 SNMP Issues and Workarounds

There are no known SNMP issues in this release of WebLogic Server.

12.30 Spring Framework on WebLogic Server Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.30.1 OpenJPA ClassFileTranformer Does Not Work When Running on JRockit

The OpenJPA ClassFileTranformer does not work when running WebLogic Server on JRockit.


Use an alternative method of applying enhancements at build time through an OpenJPA enhancer compiler; do not use the LoadTimeWeaver.

12.30.2 petclinic.ear Does Not Deploy on WebLogic Server

For the SpringSource petclinic sample, the petclinic.war deploys without any problems. The petclinic.ear will not deploy on WebLogic Server because it is not packaged correctly. A request has been sent to SpringSource to fix the petclinic.ear packaging.

12.31 System Component Architecture (SCA) Issues and Workarounds

There are no known SCA issues in this release of WebLogic Server.

12.32 Upgrade Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issue:

12.32.1 Domains Created on WebLogic Server 10.3.1 Cannot Be Run on WebLogic Server 10.3

If you create a domain using WebLogic Server 10.3.1, then roll back to WebLogic Server 10.3, you will not be able to start the servers that you created in that domain. This is a known restriction, as the config.xml file contains references to newer schema definitions ( that did not exist in WebLogic Server 10.3.

12.33 Web Applications Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.33.1 Administration Console Fails to Implement session-timeout Changes

If the session-timeout is configured in the web.xml file, any changes made to change the session-timeout using the Administration Console do not take effect.


Use a deployment plan to override the session-timeout setting.

12.33.2 Connection Pool Connection Reserve Timeout Seconds Value is Overridden

When using a JDBC session, the value of Connection Reserve Timeout Seconds for a connection pool is changed to be one of the following:

  • the JDBC connection timeout seconds, which is defined in the session descriptor (either in weblogic.xml or weblogic-application.xml)

  • the default value of 120 seconds


Configure jdbc-connection-timeout-secs in the session descriptor.

12.33.3 Database Connections Become Unstable When a PoolLimitSQLException Occurs

When a PoolLimitSQLException occurs during a JDBC persistence session, connections to the database become unstable, and may fail with recovery or fail without recovery. This results in the loss of session data. Either an older session or null is returned.

12.33.4 Web Page Fails to Open When Accessing It Using the SSL Port

When accessing a Web page using the SSL port, the page fails to open and the following error is reported:

Secure Connection Failed 
An error occurred during a connection to <hostname>. 
You have received an invalid certificate. Please contact the server 
administrator or email correspondent and give them the following information: 
Your certificate contains the same serial number as another certificate 
issued by the certificate authority. Please get a new certificate containing a unique serial number.


The following workaround can be used for Firefox.

If you have received this error and are trying to access a web page that has a self-signed certificate, perform the following steps in Firefox:

  1. Go to Tools > Options >Advanced > Encryption tab > View Certificates.

  2. On the Servers tab, remove the certificates.

  3. On the Authorities tab, find the Certificate Authority (CA) for the security device that is causing the issue, and then delete it.

If you are using Internet Explorer or other web browsers, you can ignore the Warning page that appears and continue to the web page.

12.34 WebLogic Server Scripting Tool (WLST) Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.34.1 Property Names Containing '.' Characters Are Not Supported by loadProperties

The WLST loadProperties command does not support loading a property with a name that contains "." characters. For example, if the property myapp.db.default is present in the property file, WLST throws a name exception:

Problem invoking WLST - Traceback (innermost last):
    File "<iostream>", line 7, in ?
    File "<iostream>", line 4, in readCustomProperty
  NameError: myapp

This is a system limitation of Python and the loadProperties command. WLST reads the variable names and values and sets them as variables in the Python interpreter. The Python interpreter uses "." as a delimiter to indicate module scoping for the namespace, or package naming, or both. Therefore, the properties file fails because myapp.db.default.version=9i is expected to be in the myapp.db.default package. This package does not exist.


Use variable names that do not have periods. This will allow you to load the variables from the property file and refer to them in WLST scripts. You could use another character such as "_" or lowercase/uppercase character to delimit the namespace.

As an alternative, you can set variables from a properties files. When you use the variables in your script, during execution, the variables are replaced with the actual values from the properties file. For example:
import myapp
print myapp.var1
print myapp.var2

This will work for one level of namespaces (myapp.var1, myapp.var2). It will not work for top level variables that share the same name as the namespace (for example, myapp=oracle and myapp.var1=10). Setting the myapp variable will override the myapp namespace.

If you need multiple levels, then you can define a package namespace using directories. Create a myapp/db/default directory with a file as follows:


Then import:

import myapp.db.default.vars
print myapp.db.default.vars.var1

You may need to add files to the subdirectories. Refer to the Python documentation for more information on packages:

12.34.2 Invalid cachedir Created by Jython Causes WLST to Error Out

The default cachedir created by Jython 2.2 is not a valid directory. If you are using Jython directly from weblogic.jar, this causes WLST to error out.


There are two workarounds for this issue:

  • When invoking WLST, specify the -Dpython.cachedir=<valid_directory> parameter, or

  • Install Jython 2.2.1 separately instead of using the partial Jython that is included in weblogic.jar.

12.34.3 WLST returnType='a' Option Returns Child Management Objects

The WLST returnType='a' option should only return attributes from the specified directory. Instead it also returns child management objects. For example:

drw-   AdminServer
drw-   worker01

ls('Server', returnMap='true', returnType='a')
drw-   AdminServer
drw-   worker01

ls('Server', returnMap='true',returnType='c')
drw-   AdminServer
drw-   worker01

The ls with returnType='a' should not list any child management objects, but AdminServer and worker01 are children.


When processing the output from ls(returnType='a'), check to see if the returned entry is a directory.

12.35 Web Server Plug-Ins Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issue:

12.35.1 MOD_WLS_OHS Does Not Fail Over

Currently, mod_wl and mod_wl_ohs only support container level failover and not application level failover. mod_wl_ohs continues to route requests to a down application as long as the managed server is up and running. In the clustered case, requests continue to go to the container where the original session started even when the application is shutdown, typically resulting in the http error 404.

12.36 Web Services and XML Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issues and workarounds:

12.36.1 weblogic.wsee.jaxws.mdb.DispatchPolicy WorkManager Cannot Be Found

In some situations, warning messages are logged indicating that the weblogic.wsee.jaxws.mdb.DispatchPolicy WorkManager cannot be found, although this WorkManager is targeted to one or more of the Managed Servers in the domain.


Use one of the following workarounds to resolve this issue.

  • To prevent these warning messages, start the WebLogic Server instance with the -Dweblogic.wsee.skip.async.response=true flag. See Programming Advanced Features of JAX-RPC Web Services for Oracle WebLogic Server for more information on this flag.

  • Manually target the weblogic.wsee.jaxws.mdb.DispatchPolicy WorkManager to the Administration Server.

12.36.2 Multiple Resize Buffer Calls Occur

When executing Web services client calls where Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) attachments are processed for send, multiple resize buffer calls occur..


There is a patch available to resolve this issue. This patch can be applied only to WebLogic Server 10.3.4. It provides the system property jaxws.transport.streaming, which enables or disables streaming at the transport layer for a Web services client. Set this property to true for CPU-intensive applications that are running on a WebLogic Server instance that is participating in Web services interactions as a client, and is sending out large messages.

To obtain the patch, do one of the following:

  • Contact My Oracle Support and request the patch for bug 9956275, or

  • Download the patch from My Oracle Support and install it using Smart Update per the instructions in the following My Oracle Support document:


    Search for Oracle patch number 9956275 or Smart Update patch 7Z5H.

12.36.3 Troubleshooting Problems When Applying the WebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-WS Extension Template

After upgrading from WebLogic Server 10.3.4 to 10.3.5, when creating or extending a domain using the WebLogic Advanced Web Services for JAX-WS Extension template (wls_webservices_jaxws.jar), you may encounter an exception during the execution of the script. For complete details and a workaround, see "Troubleshooting Problems When Applying the WebLogic Advanced Services for JAX-WS Extension Template" in Getting Started With JAX-WS Web Services for Oracle WebLogic Server.

12.36.4 Sparse Arrays and Partially Transmitted Arrays Are Not Supported

WebLogic Server does not support Sparse Arrays and Partially Transmitted Arrays as required by the JAX-RPC 1.1 Spec.

12.36.5 WSDL Compiler Does Not Generate Serializable Data Types

The Web Service Description Language (WSDL) compiler does not generate serializable data types, so data cannot be passed to remote EJBs or stored in a JMS destination.

12.36.6 Use of Custom Exception on a Callback

WebLogic Server does not support using a custom exception on a callback that has a package that does not match the target namespace of the parent Web Service.


Make sure that any custom exceptions that are used in callbacks are in a package that matches the target namespace of the parent Web service.

12.36.7 Cannot Use JMS Transport in an Environment That Also Uses a Proxy Server

You cannot use JMS transport in an environment that also uses a proxy server. This is because, in the case of JMS transport, the Web Service client always uses the t3 protocol to connect to the Web Service, and proxy servers accept only HTTP/HTTPS.

12.36.8 clientgen Fails When Processing a WSDL

clientgen fails when processing a WSDL that uses the complex type{schema} as a Web Service parameter.

12.36.9 JAX RPC Handlers in Callback Web Services Are Not Supported

WebLogic Server 9.2 and later does not support JAX RPC handlers in callback Web Services.


If JAX RPC handlers were used with Web Services created with WebLogic Workshop 8.1, then such applications must be redesigned so that they do not use callback handler functionality.

12.36.10 Message-level Security in Callback Web Services Is Not Supported

WebLogic Server 9.2 and later does not support message-level security in callback Web Services.


Web Services created with WebLogic Workshop 8.1 that used WS-Security must be redesigned to not use message-level security in callbacks.

12.36.11 Handling of Java Method Arguments or Return Parameters That Are JAX-RPC-style JavaBeans

WebLogic Server does not support handling of Java method arguments or return parameters that are JAX-RPC-style JavaBeans that contain an XmlBean property. For example, applications cannot have a method with a signature like this:

void myMethod(myJavaBean bean);

where myJavaBean class is like:

public class MyJavaBean {
  private String stringProperty;
  private XmlObject xmlObjectProperty;

  public MyJavaBean() {}
  String getStringProperty() {
    return stringProperty;
  void   setStringProperty(String s) {
    stringProperty = s;
  XmlObject getXmlObjectProperty() {
    return xmlObjectProperty;
  void      getXmlObjectProperty(XmlObject x) {
    xmlObjectProperty = x;


Currently there is no known workaround for this issue.

12.36.12 IllegalArgumentException When Using a Two-Dimensional XML Object in a JWS Callback

Using a two dimensional XmlObject parameter (XmlObject[][]) in a JWS callback produces an IllegalArgumentException.


Currently there is no known workaround for this issue.

12.36.13 Using SoapElement[] Results in Empty Array

Using SoapElement[] as a Web Service parameter with @WildcardBinding(className="javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement[]", binding=WildcardParticle.ANYTYPE) will always result in an empty array on the client.


Do not use the @WildcardBinding annotation to change the default binding of SOAPElement[] to WildcardParticle.ANYTYPE. The SOAPElement[] default binding is set to WildcardParticle.ANY.

12.36.14 FileNotFound Exception When a Web Service Invokes Another Web Service

When Web Service A wants to invoke Web Service B, Web Service A should use the @ServiceClient annotation to do this. If Web Service B needs a custom policy file that is not attached to the WSDL for Web Service B, then Web Service A will fail to run. Web Service A will look for the policy file at /Web-Inf/classes/policies/filename.xml. Since no policy file exists at that location, WebLogic Server will throw a 'file not found' exception.


Attach the custom policy file to Web Service B, as in this example:

public class B {

12.36.15 Client Side Fails to Validate the Signature on the Server Response Message

When the security policy has one of these Token Assertions, the client side may fail to validate the signature on the server response message.


In addition, when there are more than two certifications in the chain for X509 certification for <sp:WssX509Pkcs7Token11/> or <sp:WssX509Pkcs7Token10/> Token Assertion, the server side may fail to validate the signature on the incoming message.

A policy such as the following policy is not supported, unless the entire certificate chain remains on the client side.

               sp:IncludeToken='. . ./IncludeToken/AlwaysToRecipient'>

      <sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken='. . ./IncludeToken/Never'>
   . . .


Use either of the following two solutions:

  1. Configure the response with the <sp:WssX509V3Token10/> Token Assertion, instead of WssX509PkiPathV1Token11/>. The policy will look like this:

            <sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken='. . ./IncludeToken/AlwaysToRecipient'>
            <wsp:Policy> sp:IncludeToken='. . ./IncludeToken/Never'>
    . . .
  2. Configure the response with the WssX509PkiPathV1Token11/> token assertion, but include it in the message. The policy will look like this:

            <sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken='. . ./IncludeToken/AlwaysToRecipient'>
            <sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken='. . ./IncludeToken/AlwaysToInitiator'>
     . . .

When there are multiple certifications in the X509 Certificate chain, WssX509PkiPathV1Token11/> or <sp:WssX509PkiPathV1Token10/> should be used, instead of <sp:WssX509Pkcs7Token11/> or <sp:WssX509Pkcs7Token10/>.

12.36.16 xmlcatalog Element Entity Cannot Be a Remote File or a File in an Archive

For the xmlcatalog element in build.xml, the location of an entity must be a file on the local file system. It cannot be a remote file (for example, http:) or a file in an archive (for example, jar:).


If necessary, define the remote element as an entity in a catalog file instead.

12.36.17 Catalog File's public Element Is Not Supported When Using XML Catalogs

The public element in a catalog file is not supported when using the XML Catalogs feature. It is not supported to be consistent with JAX-WS EntityResolver implementation. WebLogic Server only supports defining the system element in a catalog file.

12.36.18 Local xmlcatalog Element Does Not Work Well

The local xmlcatalog element does not work well due to an Ant limitation.


In the ant build.xml file, you have to define a local element above a clientgen(wsdlc) task when you are in the same target, or define the element out of any targets.

12.36.19 JAXRPC Client Does Not Encode the HTTP SOAPAction Header With Multi-byte Characters

The WebLogic Server Web Service JAXRPC client doesn't encode the HTTP SOAPAction header with multi-byte characters, but WebLogic Server only supports ASCII for HTTP headers.


Change the SOAP action to ASCII in the WSDL.

12.36.20 External Catalog File Cannot Be Used in the xmlcatalog Element of clientgen

An external catalog file cannot be used in the xmlcatalog element of a clientgen task. For example, this snippet of an ant build file will not work:

<clientgen ...
      <pathelement location='wsdlcatalog.xml'/>

This is a limitation of the Ant XML Catalog.


Resource locations can be specified either in-line or in an external catalog file(s), or both. In order to use an external catalog file, the xml-commons resolver library (resolver.jar) must be in your classpath. External catalog files may be either plain text format or XML format. If the xml-commons resolver library is not found in the classpath, external catalog files, specified in <catalogpath> paths, will be ignored and a warning will be logged. In this case, however, processing of inline entries will proceed normally.

Currently, only <dtd> and <entity> elements may be specified inline. These correspond to the OASIS catalog entry types PUBLIC and URI respectively.

12.36.21 Exceptions When Running Reliable Messaging Under Heavy Load

When running a Web services reliable messaging scenario under heavy load with file based storage that has the Direct-Write synchronous write policy setting, you may encounter IO exceptions similar to the following in the WebLogic Server log: [Store:280029]The 
persistent store record <number> could not be found


Could not load conversation with id uuid:<some ID> -> Conversation read 
      Conversation read failed: id=uuid:<some ID>  [Store:280052]The 
         persistent store was not able to read a record. 

These exceptions are known to occur only when using Web Services reliable messaging. They indicate a failure to read a record from the file store and are considered 'fatal' data access errors.

The underlying issue causing these errors will be addressed in a future release.


The following workarounds are available for this issue:

  • Change the file store synchronous write policy to Direct-Write-With-Cache


  • Change the file store synchronous write policy to Cache-Flush.


  • Keep the Direct-Write synchronous write policy and add the following Java system property to your WebLogic server startup scripts:


    The system property has been deprecated in WebLogic Server 10.3.4. Oracle recommends configuring the store synchronous write policy to Direct-Write-With-Cache instead.

The Direct-Write-With-Cache option may improve performance; it creates additional files in the operating system's temporary directory by default.

The Cache-Flush and AvoidDirectIO workarounds may lead to some performance degradation; it may be possible to reduce or eliminate the degradation by configuring a different block-size for the file store.

For important information about these settings and additional options, see "Tuning File Stores" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server.

12.36.22 ClassNotFound Exception Occurs When Using wseeclient.jar

Stand-alone JAX-WS clients are not supported in this release.


Use the client-side JAX-WS 2.1 that is integrated with the Java Standard Edition Release 6 (JDK 1.6), Update 4 and later. This requires using the JAX-WS API instead of any WebLogic Server specific APIS.

Current releases of JDK 1.6 are available for download at For information about writing a standalone JAX WS 2.1 client application, see the JAX-WS Users Guide on the JAX-WS 2.1 Reference Implementation Web site at

12.36.23 Incomplete Configuration When Adding Advanced Web Services Component to SOA Domain

An incomplete configuration can result when you use the Configuration Wizard to add the WebLogic Server Advanced Web Services component to a newly created SOA domain. If you create a cluster that contains only the default 'out-of-the-box' soa_server1 server definition, the resulting cluster does not include the resources needed to run WebLogic Server Web Services in that cluster.


Use either of the following workarounds for this issue:

  1. While running Configuration Wizard, create a second server in the cluster:

    1. On the Select Optional Configuration screen, select Managed Servers, Clusters, and Machines.

    2. On the Configure Managed Servers screen, add a managed server.

    3. On the Assign Servers to Clusters screen, add this server to the cluster in which the default soa_server1 server resides.

  2. On the Configuration Wizard Target Services to Servers or Clusters screen, target Web Services resources (for example, WseeJmsServer, WseeJmsModule) to the cluster.

Either of these workarounds will cause the Configuration Wizard to apply the resources for the WebLogic Server Advanced Web Services component to the cluster.

12.36.24 WS-AT Interoperation Issues With WebSphere and WebLogic Server

Web Services Atomic Transactions (WS-AT) 1.1 interoperation using WebSphere as the client and either WebLogic Server or JRF as the service does not work.

WS-AT 1.1 interoperation does work when WebSphere is the service and either WebLogic Server or JRF is the client. In this case, interoperation works only if you have WebSphere 7 with Fix/Feature Pack 7.

12.37 WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Issues and Workarounds

This section describes the following issue and workaround:

12.37.1 View Classes are not Set on a Per Connection Basis

View classes are not set on a per connection basis.

A shared WebLogic Tuxedo Connector hash table can cause unexpected behavior in the server if two applications point to the same VIEW name with different definitions. There should be a hash table for the view classes on the connection as well as for the Resource section.


Ensure that all VIEW classes defined across all your WebLogic Workshop applications are consistent, meaning that you have the same VIEW name representing the same VIEW class.

12.38 Documentation Errata

This section describes documentation errata:

12.38.1 Japanese Text Displays in Some Search Results Topics Avitek Medical Records

The samples viewer Search function may sometimes return topics that display the Japanese and English versions of some Avitek Medical Records topics simultaneously.

12.38.2 HTML Pages For Downloaded Libraries Do Not Display Properly

After extracting the WebLogic Server documentation library ZIP files that are available from, the HTML pages may not display properly in some cases for the following libraries:

  • E12840_01 (WebLogic Server 10.3.0 documentation library)

  • E12839_01 (Weblogic Server 10.3.1 documentation library)

  • E14571_01 (WebLogic Server 10.3.3 documentation library)


For library E12840-01, after extracting the library file, if the HTML pages are not formatting correctly, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the directory in which you extracted the zip file.

  2. Locate the /global_resources directory in the directory structure.

  3. Copy the /global_resources directory to the root directory of the same drive.

For libraries E12839-01 and E14571-01, this issue occurs only on Windows operating systems. If the HTML pages of the extracted library are not formatting correctly, try extracting the ZIP file using another extraction option in your unzip utility. For example, if you are using 7-Zip to extract the files, select the Full pathnames option. Note that you cannot use the Windows decompression utility to extract the library ZIP file.

12.38.3 Evaluation Database Component Is Not Listed For silent.xml

In the WebLogic Server Installation Guides for WebLogic Server 10.3.3 and 10.3.4, the Evaluation Database is not listed as an installable component in Table 5-1 of Chapter 5, "Running the Installation Program in Silent Mode.:" The following entry should be included in the Component Paths row:

WebLogic Server/Evaluation Database

The Evaluation Database component is automatically installed if the Server Examples component is included in silent.xml. Therefore, it does not have to be explicitly included in silent.xml. If, however, you do not install the Server Examples, but you want to install the Evaluation Database, you must include WebLogic Server/Evaluation Database in silent.xml.

12.38.4 Instructions for Reliable SOAP Messaging Code Example Are Incorrect

The instructions for the "Configuring Secure and Reliable SOAP Messaging for JAXWS Web Services" example are a copy of the instructions for the "Using Make Connection and Reliable Messaging for JAX-WS Web Service" example.

The correct instructions for the "Configuring Secure and Reliable SOAP Messaging for JAXWS Web Services" example are provided here. About the Example

This example shows how to configure secure, reliable messaging for JAX-WS Web services. The example includes the following WebLogic Web services:

  • Web service whose operations can be invoked using reliable and secure SOAP messaging (destination endpoint).

  • Client Web service that invokes an operation of the first Web service in a reliable and secure way (source endpoint).

Overview of Secure and Reliable SOAP Messaging

Web service reliable messaging is a framework that enables an application running on one application server to reliably invoke a Web service running on another application server, assuming that both servers implement the WS-RelicableMessaging specification. Reliable is defined as the ability to guarantee message delivery between the two endpoints (Web service and client) in the presence of software component, system, or network failures.

WebLogic Web services conform to the WS-ReliableMessaging 1.2 specification (February 2009) and support version 1.1. This specification describes how two endpoints (Web service and client) on different application servers can communicate reliably. In particular, the specification describes an interoperable protocol in which a message sent from a source endpoint (or client Web service) to a destination endpoint (or Web service whose operations can be invoked reliably) is guaranteed either to be delivered, according to one or more delivery assurances, or to raise an error.

WebLogic Web services use WS-Policy files to enable a destination Web service to describe and advertise its reliable SOAP messaging capabilities and requirements. WS-Policy files are XML files that describe features such as the version of the WS-ReliableMessaging specification that is supported, the source Web service retransmission interval, the destination Web service acknowledgment interval, and so on.

Overview of the Example

This example uses JWS annotations to specify the shape and behavior of the Web services. It describes additional JWS annotations to enable reliable and secure SOAP messaging in the destination Web service and to reliably invoke an operation from the source Web service in a secure way.

The destination ReliableEchoService Web service has two operations that can be invoked reliably and in a secure way: echo and echoOneway. The JWS file that implements this Web service uses the @Policies and @Policy JWS annotations to specify the WS-Policy file, which contains the reliable and secure SOAP messaging assertions.

The source ClientService Web service has one operation for invoking the echo operations of the ReliableEchoService Web service reliably and in a secure way within one conversation: runTestEchoWithRes. The JWS file that implements the ClientService Web service uses the @WebServiceRef JWS annotation to specify the service name of the reliable Web service being invoked.

To generate the Web services, use the jwsc WebLogic Web service Ant task, as shown in the build.xml file. The jwsc target generates the reliable and secure Web service and the jwsc-client-app target creates the source Web service that invoke the echo operations of the ReliableEchoService Web service. The jwsc Ant task compiles the JWS files, and generates the additional files needed to implement a standard J2EE Enterprise Web service, including the Web service deployment descriptors, the WSDL file, data binding components, and so on. The Ant task automatically generates all the components into an Enterprise Application directory structure that you can then deploy to WebLogic Server. This example uses the wldeploy WebLogic Ant task to deploy the Web service.

The jwsc-client-app target also shows how you must first execute the clientgen Ant task to generate the JAX-WS stubs for the destination ReliableEchoService Web service, compile the generated Java source files, and then use the classpath attribute of jwsc to specify the directory that contains these classes so that the class can find them.

The class is a standalone Java application that invokes the echo operation of the source Web service. The client target of the build.xml file shows how to run clientgen, and compile all the generated Java files and the application. Files Used in This Example

Directory Location: MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/samples/server/examples/src/examples/webservices/wsrm_jaxws/wsrm_jaxws_security

MW_HOME represents the Oracle Fusion Middleware home directory.

File Description JWS file that implements the source Web service that reliably invokes the echo operation of the ReliableEchoService Web service in a secure way. JWS file that implements the reliable destination Web service. This JWS file uses the @Policies and @Policy annotation to specify a WS-Policy file that contains reliable and secure SOAP messaging assertions.
client/ Standalone Java client application that invokes the source WebLogic Web service, that in turn invokes an operation of the ReliableEchoervice Web service in a reliable and secure way. WLST script that configures the components required for reliable SOAP messaging. Execute this script for the WebLogic Server instance that hosts the reliable destination Web service. The out-of-the-box Examples server has already been configured with the resources required for the source Web service that invokes an operation reliably. WLST script that configures the components required for secure SOAP messaging. Execute this script for the WebLogic Server instance that hosts the source Web service. Remember to restart the source WebLogic Server after executing this script. WLST script that configures the components required for secure SOAP messaging. Execute this script for the WebLogic Server instance that hosts the destination Web service. Remember to restart the destination WebLogic Server after executing this script.
certs/serverKeyStore.jks Server-side key store used to create the server-side BinarySecurityToken credential provider.
certs/clientKeyStore.jks Client-side key store used to create the client-side BinarySecurityToken credential provider.
jaxws-binding.xml XML file that describes the package name of the generated code and indicate the client side code needs to contain asynchronous invocation interface.
build.xml Ant build file that contains targets for building and running the example. Prepare the Example

This section describes how to prepare the example.


Before working with this example:

  1. Install Oracle WebLogic Server, including the examples.

  2. Start the Examples Server.

  3. Set up your environment.

Configure the Destination WebLogic Server Instance (Optional)

The default configuration for this example deploys both the source and destination Web services to the Examples server. You can use this default configuration to see how the example works, but it does not reflect a real life example of using reliable and secure SOAP messaging in which the source Web service is deployed to a WebLogic Server that is different from the one that hosts the destination Web service. This section describes how to set up the real life example.

The example includes WebLogic Server Scripting Language (WLST) scripts that are used to configure:

  • Store-and-forward (SAF) service agent

  • File store

  • JMS server

  • JMS module

  • JMS subdeployment

  • JMS queues

  • Logical store

  • Credential provider for Security Context Token

  • Credential provider for Derived Key

  • Credential provider for x.509

  • KeyStores for Confidentiality and Integrity

  • PKI CreditMapper

Follow these steps if you want to deploy the secure and reliable destination Web service to a different WebLogic Server instance:

  1. If the managed WebLogic Server to which you want to deploy the reliable JAX-WS Web service does not exist, create it.

  2. Change to the SAMPLES_HOME\server\examples\src\examples\webservices\wsrm_jaxws\wsrm_jaxws_security directory, where SAMPLES_HOME refers to the main WebLogic Server examples directory, such as c:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\samples.

  3. Edit the build.xml file and update the following property definitions to ensure that the reliable JAX-WS Web service is deployed to the destination WebLogic Server:

    <property name="wls.service.server" value="destinationServerName" />
    <property name="wls.service.hostname" value="destinationHost" />
    <property name="wls.service.port" value="destinationPort" />
    <property name="wls.service.username" value="destinationUser" />
    <property name="wls.service.password" value="destinationPassword" />

    Substitute the italicized terms in the preceding properties with the actual values for your destination WebLogic Server. The default out-of-the-box build.xml sets these properties to the Examples server.

Build and Deploy the Example

To build and deploy the example:

  1. Change to the SAMPLES_HOME\server\examples\src\examples\webservices\wsrm_jaxws\wsrm_jaxws_security directory, where SAMPLES_HOME refers to the main WebLogic Server examples directory, such as c:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\samples.

  2. Run the WLST script that configures the destination WebLogic Server by executing the target of the build.xml file from the shell where you set your environment:

    prompt> ant

  3. Execute the following command to configure JAX-WS Web service Security from the shell where you set your environment:

    prompt> ant config.wss

  4. If you have configured a different destination WebLogic Server (that is, the destination server is not the Examples server), copy the certs\serverKeyStore.jks file to the domain directory of your destination server.

  5. Restart both your client and destination WebLogic Server to activate the MBean changes.

  6. Execute the following command from the shell where you set your environment:

    prompt> ant build

    This command compiles and stages the example. Specifically, it compiles both the source and destination Web services. It also compiles the standalone WsrmJaxwsExampleRequest application that invokes the source Web service, which in turn invokes the reliable destination Web service.

  7. Execute the following command from the shell where you set your environment:

    prompt> ant deploy

    This command deploys, by default, both the source and destination Web services to the wl_server domain of your WebLogic Server installation. If you have configured a different destination WebLogic Server and updated the build.xml file accordingly, then the reliable JAX-WS Web service is deployed to the configured destination server. Run the Example

To run the example, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the steps in the Prepare the Example section.

  2. In your development shell, run the WsrmJaxwsExampleRequest Java application using the following command from the main example directory (SAMPLES_HOME\server\examples\src\examples\webservices\wsrm_jaxws\wsrm_jaxws_security):

    prompt> ant run

    This command runs the standalone WsrmJaxwsExampleRequest application that invokes the source Web service, which in turn invokes the reliable destination JAX-WS Web service.

  3. To test the reliability of the Web service, stop the destination WebLogic Server, and then rerun the WsrmJaxwsExampleRequest application. When you restart the destination WebLogic Server and the reliable Web service is deployed, you should see that the operation is also automatically invoked.

Check the Output

If your example runs successfully, the following messages display in the command shell from which you ran the WsrmJaxwsExampleRequest application:

Trying to override old definition of task clientgen
     [java] ###########################################
     [java]     In testEcho_AsyncOnServerClient_ServiceBuffered...
     [java]     On-Server / Async / Buffered case
     [java]     2011/06/160 03:30:29.938
     [java] ###########################################
     [java] Client addr:http://localhost:9001/wsrm_jaxws_sc_example_client/Clien
     [java] ---[HTTP request - http://localhost:9001/wsrm_jaxws_sc_example_clien
     [java] Content-type: text/xml;charset=utf-8
     [java] Soapaction: ""
     [java] Accept: text/xml, multipart/related, text/html, image/gif, image/jpe
g, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
     [java] <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://sc"><S:Body><ns2:runTestEchoWithRes xmlns:ns2="htt
p://example.wsrm_jaxws/"><arg0>Foo bar</arg0><arg1>localhost</arg1>
     [java] ---[HTTP response - http://localhost:9001/wsrm_jaxws_sc_example_clie
nt/ClientService - 200]---
     [java] Transfer-encoding: chunked
     [java] null: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     [java] Content-type: text/xml;charset=utf-8
     [java] X-powered-by: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1
     [java] Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2011 07:30:33 GMT
     [java] <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://sc"><S:Body><ns2:runTestEchoWithResResponse xmlns:
ns2="http://example.wsrm_jaxws/"><return>[2011/06/160 03:30:33.953] ## Making Ec
ho Requests (ASYNC/BUFFERED) ##
     [java] [2011/06/160 03:30:42.703] *** On first good invoke ***
     [java] [2011/06/160 03:30:42.703] echo returned: Foo bar expected: Foo bar
     [java] [2011/06/160 03:30:42.922] echo returned: foo bar 2 expected: foo ba
r 2
     [java] [2011/06/160 03:30:43.031] echo returned: foo bar 3 expected: foo ba
r 3
     [java] [2011/06/160 03:30:43.031] ## Done Making Echo Requests (ASYNC/BUFFE
RED) ##
     [java] </return></ns2:runTestEchoWithResResponse></S:Body>
     [java] [2011/06/160 03:30:33.953] ## Making Echo Requests (ASYNC/BUFFERED)
     [java] [2011/06/160 03:30:42.703] *** On first good invoke ***
     [java] [2011/06/160 03:30:42.703] echo returned: Foo bar expected: Foo bar
     [java] [2011/06/160 03:30:42.922] echo returned: foo bar 2 expected: foo ba
r 2
     [java] [2011/06/160 03:30:43.031] echo returned: foo bar 3 expected: foo ba
r 3
     [java] [2011/06/160 03:30:43.031] ## Done Making Echo Requests (ASYNC/BUFFE
RED) ##
Total time: 2 minutes 33 seconds

The following messages display in the command window from which you started as the client WebLogic Server (that hosts the reliable source Web service):

Service addr:http://localhost:7001/wsrm_jaxws_sc_example/ReliableEchoService
    [2011/06/180 01:33:40.906] ## Making Echo Requests (ASYNC/BUFFERED) ##
    [2011/06/180 01:33:40.906] In invokeEchoAsync, invoking echo with request: Foo bar
    [2011/06/180 01:33:40.906] In invokeEchoAsync, waiting for response to request: Foo bar ...
    SignInfo mismatch  Algo mismatch VS. Refs: Msg size =1#Signature_prfr5thF
    y2vRPbpC, Policy size =3 #unt_w7HSTtcGcebXFWEr, #Timestamp_XIXttwj9Yq2XO7Tj, #Bo
    STR type mismatch Actual KeyInfo:{
    /oasis-wss-soap-message-security-1.1#ThumbprintSHA1,  StrTypes size=1 :{http://d}Refere
    Security Token mismatch, token type =
    onversation/200512/dk and actual is
    <WSEE:15>There is no information on the incoming SOAP message.
    <SmartPolicySelect or.getSmartPolicyBlueprint:501>
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.718] In ClientServiceImpl.onEchoResponse(request:
    examplesServer: 4b1c0f3e575dfa8c:7291c50f:130d9cbaace:-7fb8)
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.718] Done with ClientServiceImpl.onEchoResponse(request:
    examplesServer: 4b1c0f3e575dfa8c:7291c50f:130d9cbaace:-7fb8): Foo bar
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.718] *** On first good invoke ***
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.734] echo returned: Foo bar expected: Foo bar
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.734] In invokeEchoAsync, invoking echo with request: foo bar 2
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.750] In invokeEchoAsync, waiting for response to request: foo bar 2 ...
    <WSEE:15>There is no information on the incoming SOAP message.
    <SmartPolicySelect or.getSmartPolicyBlueprint:501>
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.984] In ClientServiceImpl.onEchoResponse(request:
    examplesServer: 4b1c0f3e575dfa8c:7291c50f:130d9cbaace:-7fae)
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.984] Done with ClientServiceImpl.onEchoResponse(request:
    examplesServer: 4b1c0f3e575dfa8c:7291c50f:130d9cbaace:-7fae): foo bar 2
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.984] echo returned: foo bar 2 expected: foo bar 2
    [2011/06/180 01:33:42.000] In invokeEchoAsync, invoking echo with request: foo bar 3
    [2011/06/180 01:33:42.015] In invokeEchoAsync, waiting for response to request: foo bar 3 ...
    <WSEE:31>There is no information on the incoming SOAP message.
    <SmartPolicySelect or.getSmartPolicyBlueprint:501>
    [2011/06/180 01:33:42.187] In ClientServiceImpl.onEchoResponse(request:
    [2011/06/180 01:33:42.328] Done with ClientServiceImpl.onEchoResponse(request:
    examplesServer:4b1c0f3e575dfa8c:7291c50f:130d9cbaace:-7fab): foo bar 3
    [2011/06/180 01:33:42.328] echo returned: foo bar 3 expected: foo bar 3
    [2011/06/180 01:33:42.328] ## Done Making Echo Requests (ASYNC/BUFFERED) ##
    <WSEE:46>There is no information on the incoming SOAP message.
    <SmartPolicySelect or.getSmartPolicyBlueprint:501>

The following messages display in the command window from which you started the destination WebLogic Server (that hosts the reliable destination Web service):

%% Echoing: Foo bar %%
      %% Echoing: foo bar 2 %%
      %% Echoing: foo bar 3 %%

If you deploy both the source and destination Web services to the same Server, the following messages display in the command window from which you started your client and destination WebLogic Server:

Service addr:http://localhost:7001/wsrm_jaxws_sc_example/ReliableEchoService
    [2011/06/180 01:33:40.906] ## Making Echo Requests (ASYNC/BUFFERED) ##
    [2011/06/180 01:33:40.906] In invokeEchoAsync, invoking echo with request: Foo bar
    [2011/06/180 01:33:40.906] In invokeEchoAsync, waiting for response to request: Foo bar ...
    SignInfo mismatch  Algo mismatch VS. Refs: Msg size =1#Signature_prfr5thF
    y2vRPbpC, Policy size =3 #unt_w7HSTtcGcebXFWEr, #Timestamp_XIXttwj9Yq2XO7Tj, #Bo
    STR type mismatch Actual KeyInfo:{
    /oasis-wss-soap-message-security-1.1#ThumbprintSHA1,  StrTypes size=1 :{http://d}Refere
    Security Token mismatch, token type =
    onversation/200512/dk and actual is
    %% Echoing: Foo bar %%
    <WSEE:15>There is no information on the incoming SOAP message.
    <SmartPolicySelect or.getSmartPolicyBlueprint:501>
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.718] In ClientServiceImpl.onEchoResponse(request:
    examplesServer: 4b1c0f3e575dfa8c:7291c50f:130d9cbaace:-7fb8)
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.718] Done with ClientServiceImpl.onEchoResponse(request:
    examplesServer: 4b1c0f3e575dfa8c:7291c50f:130d9cbaace:-7fb8): Foo bar
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.718] *** On first good invoke ***
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.734] echo returned: Foo bar expected: Foo bar
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.734] In invokeEchoAsync, invoking echo with request: foo bar 2
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.750] In invokeEchoAsync, waiting for response to request: foo bar 2 ...
    %% Echoing: foo bar 2 %%
    <WSEE:15>There is no information on the incoming SOAP message.
    <SmartPolicySelect or.getSmartPolicyBlueprint:501>
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.984] In ClientServiceImpl.onEchoResponse(request:
    examplesServer: 4b1c0f3e575dfa8c:7291c50f:130d9cbaace:-7fae)
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.984] Done with ClientServiceImpl.onEchoResponse(request:
    examplesServer: 4b1c0f3e575dfa8c:7291c50f:130d9cbaace:-7fae): foo bar 2
    [2011/06/180 01:33:41.984] echo returned: foo bar 2 expected: foo bar 2
    [2011/06/180 01:33:42.000] In invokeEchoAsync, invoking echo with request: foo bar 3
    [2011/06/180 01:33:42.015] In invokeEchoAsync, waiting for response to request: foo bar 3 ...
    %% Echoing: foo bar 3 %%
    <WSEE:31>There is no information on the incoming SOAP message.
    <SmartPolicySelect or.getSmartPolicyBlueprint:501>
    [2011/06/180 01:33:42.187] In ClientServiceImpl.onEchoResponse(request:
    [2011/06/180 01:33:42.328] Done with ClientServiceImpl.onEchoResponse(request:
    examplesServer:4b1c0f3e575dfa8c:7291c50f:130d9cbaace:-7fab): foo bar 3
    [2011/06/180 01:33:42.328] echo returned: foo bar 3 expected: foo bar 3
    [2011/06/180 01:33:42.328] ## Done Making Echo Requests (ASYNC/BUFFERED) ##
    <WSEE:46>There is no information on the incoming SOAP message.
    <SmartPolicySelect or.getSmartPolicyBlueprint:501>