4 Installing LTFS-LE

This chapter describes the procedures for installing LTFS-LE. The tasks include:

Before Installing LTFS-LE

You need an Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) or Virtual Network Computing (VNC) client to run on the system on which you're running the install. If the server is an Oracle server, an ILOM is already available.

Installing LTFS-LE

The LTFS-LE installer must be run from a graphical user interface. You can use the monitor directly attached to the system, ILOM or VNC

  1. Log in to the Oracle Linux Desktop environment as Oracle user.

  2. Start a terminal session.

  3. Change to the directory where you untarred LTFSLE. For example:

    cd /downloads
  4. Run installLTFSLE.sh.


    The installLtfsle.sh script checks ensure that all the LTFSLE pre-requisite software has been installed on the system.

    If any prerequisite software is missing, the script notifies you of the missing software and then exits. If all of the prerequisite software is installed, the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) screen displays.

  5. Click Next on the Specify Source Location screen.

    The source location is automatically set to:

  6. Click Next on the Specify Home Details screen. If a message tells you the directory already exists, click Yes to continue. The home details are automatically set to:

    Name: LTFS_LE

    Path: /var/opt/Oracle/LTFS_LE

  7. Click Next on the Welcome to Linear Tape File System Library Edition screen.

    The Summary screen shows the components that will be installed.

  8. Click Install.

    The Oracle OUI installs the components needed for LTFSLE.

  9. Click Exit on the End of Installation screen.

  10. Click Yes at the confirmation message asking if you really want to exit.

  11. In the terminal window in which the LTFS-LE installation was initiated, you are asked to assign a WebLogic Administration Username (example: ltfsleadmin) and Password. This username is used to administer LTFSLE.

    • Username

      The Username must be at least 8 characters, and not more than 20 and must only contain alphanumeric values (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). It cannot contain any spaces or special characters.

    • Password

      The password must be at least eight characters, and not more than 20. It cannot contain any spaces.

      During installation only, the password must only contain alphanumeric values (a-z, A-Z, 0-9). It cannot contain special characters.

      After installation, from the WebLogic Administration Console, you can change the WebLogic Password to include special characters.

    Be sure to keep your WebLogic Administrator Username and Password in a safe location.

    This LTFS-LE WebLogic Domain is then unpacked and WebLogic started in order to configure the domain and startup settings.


    This process may take up to 30 minutes to complete.

    Once you see the following message in the terminal window, you are ready to reboot the system:

    .........WEBLOGIC RUNNING!
    *You must now reboot the system in order to start using LTFSLE*.
  12. Change to root and reboot.

    su - root


    If an error occurs, review the installation logs. For example:

    where 2015-02-17_07-01-15PM is your date and time.


    where 2015-02-17_07-01-15PM is your date and time.

Installing LTFS Open Edition

  1. From your web browser, go to:


  2. Click Docs at the top of the screen and then LTFS 1.2.7 documents.

    (You can click INSTALL.linux to download the LTFS-OE installation instructions.)

  3. Click Downloads at the top of the screen, and OELS_rpms.

  4. Click LTFS 1.2.7 and select ltfs-1.2.7-20151020_orcl_oels_6_5.x86_64.rpm.

Installing IBM lin_tape and lin_taped Driver Software

If you are using IBM LTO drives:

  1. Go to the IBM Fix Central website.

  2. Download the latest version of lin_tape and lin_taped driver software recommended by IBM for LTFS implementations for your operating system.

Importing LTFS-LE Groups

In order to login to the LTFS-LE BUI, the LTFS-LE user groups must be added to the WebLogic instance. Once this is done, the LTFS-LE admin user you created during the installation must be assigned to the LTFSLE Admin Group. To do this, you must:

  • Import the LTFS-LE User Groups

  • Add the LTFS-LE Admin Role to the Admin User

Importing the LTFS-LE User Groups

  1. Go to the WebLogic Administrative Console.


    In the above URL, servername is the name of your server and domain is the name of your network domain.

  2. Log in with the WebLogic Administrator Username (example: ltfsleadmin) and Password that you created during installation. See "Installing LTFS-LE".

  3. From the Home Page, click Security Realms.

  4. Click on myrealm under the Summary of Security Realms page.

  5. Select the Providers tab under the Settings for myrealm page.

  6. Select the Authentication tab if you are not already on the Authentication page.

  7. Click on the DefaultAuthenticator link.

  8. Click the Migration tab under the Settings for DefaultAuthenticator page.

  9. Click the Import tab if you are not already on the Import page.

  10. Enter the following path for Import file on Server:

  11. Click Save.

    The LTFSLE user groups are imported into the WebLogic Security Realm, myrealm. You'll see the following message:

    Settings updated successfully.

Adding the LTLS-LE Admin Role to the Admin User

  1. Go back to the myrealm page by clicking the Security Realms link under the Domain Structure navigation pane (left side of screen).

  2. Click on myrealm under the Summary of Security Realms page.

  3. From the Settings for myrealm page, click the Users and Groups tab.

  4. Click the Users tab and then click the WebLogic Administrator Username (example: ltfsleadmin) that you created during installation. See "Installing LTFS-LE".

  5. From the Settings for user (example: ltfsleadmin) page, click the Groups tab.

  6. Select the LTFS-LE Admin Role from the Available Parent Groups list and click the right arrow to move it to the Chosen list.

  7. Click Save.

    The LTFS-LE Admin Role is added to the Admin user and the following message displays:

    Settings updated successfully.

  8. Click Log Out to exit the Console.

Installing ACSLS 8.4

  1. Install ACSLS 8.4 with the latest patch.

    Do not install the ACSLS GUI when you co-host LTFS-LE and ACSLS. Also, in the co-hosted environment, the ACSLS instance must be exclusively dedicated to LTFS-LE.

    Do not install logical libraries.

    For installation procedures, refer to the StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Library Software 8.4 Installation Guide.

    Since you have already installed the Linux 6.5 operation system, you can begin with the section, "Installing ACSLS Prerequisites" in the Linux chapter. Also refer to the section "Co-Hosting with ACSLS" for information on co-hosting LTFS-LE with ACSLS.

  2. Continue with Verifying Library Configuration and Settings.

Verifying Library Configuration and Settings

LTFS-LE supports a single ACS/library, either a dedicated library or a zoned library partition. Ensure that you have configured the SL150, SL3000, or SL8500 tape library with appropriate drives and media. Using the SLConsole, ensure that the library partition has drive bays, storage cells, and an HLI library CAP.

Additionally, define the following settings:

  • Use the ACSLS command, acsss_config, option 3 to configure the following parameters:

    • Number of days to retain volumes that are identified as ABSENT or EJECTED to the database should be set to zero (0).

    • Select TRUE to support alphanumeric volume ranges for commands and utilities. Alphanumeric ranges include all valid vol_ids in ASCII collating sequence.


      Changes to alphanumeric volume ranges will not take effect until ACSLS is restarted

    Refer to the StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Library Software 8.4 Administrator's Guide for more information on the acsss_config command.

  • Set your CAP to manual mode:

    set cap mode manual <cap_id>

    Example Output:

    ACSSA> set cap mode manual 1,0,6
    Set: CAP 1,0,6, mode changed to manual
    Set: Set completed, Success.

    Refer to the StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Library Software 8.4 Administrator's Guide for more information on set cap.

  • Set your CAP priority to a nonzero number.

    set cap priority cap_priority cap_id

    For example, to assign priority 5 to CAP 4,0,6:

    set cap priority 5 4,0,6

    Refer to the StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Library Software 8.4 Administrator's Guide for more information on the set cap priority command.

Verifying Drive Connections

To verify drive connections, perform the following steps to compare drive serial numbers in ACSLS with drive serial numbers on the LTFS-LE server.

  1. Use the ACSLS cmd_proc command, display drive, to display your drive serial numbers:

    display drive * -f type serial_num

    Example Output:

    ACSSA> display drive * -f type serial_num
    2013-07-19 15:34:13              Display Drive
    Acs  Lsm  Panel  Drive  Type       Serial_num
    2    0    10     6      T1C        576001000518
    2    0    10     7      HP-LTO5    HU1246T5MV
    2    0    10     11     HP-LTO5    HU1246T5PW
  2. Display the drive serial numbers on the LTFS-LE server:

    lsscsi -g | grep -i tape

    Example Output:

    # lsscsi -g | grep -i tape
    [7:0:0:0]    tape    HP       Ultrium 5-SCSI   I59S  /dev/st0  /dev/sg5
    [9:0:0:0]    tape    STK      T10000C          1.57  /dev/st1  /dev/sg6
    [11:0:0:0]   tape    HP       Ultrium 5-SCSI   I59S  /dev/st2  /dev/sg7
    sg_inq /dev/sg# | grep "Unit serial number"

    Example Output:

    # sg_inq /dev/sg5 | grep "Unit serial number"
    Unit serial number: HU1246T5MV
    # sg_inq /dev/sg6 | grep "Unit serial number"
    Unit serial number: 576001000518
    # sg_inq /dev/sg7 | grep "Unit serial number"
    Unit serial number: HU1246T5PW
  3. Verify that the drive serial numbers from steps 1 and 2 match.

Refer to the StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Library Software 8.4 Administrator's Guide for more information on the display drive command.

Connecting to the LTFS Library Edition BUI to Configure LTFS-LE

To launch the LTFS Library Edition BUI and connect to your ACSLS library perform the following steps:

  1. In your browser window, type:

  2. Enter the LTFSLE BUI administrator username (example: ltfsleadmin) and password that you created earlier.

    You are now ready to configure your LTFS-LE system.

To configure your LTFS-LE system, refer to the LTFS Library Edition BUI online help for instructions. The online help walks you through:

  • Creating the LTFS-LE library and assigning it to LTFS-LE.

  • Assigning drives and volumes.

  • Defining LTFS-LE system settings.

  • Defining additional users.

Uninstalling LTFS-LE

This procedure removes all LTFSLE components. It does not remove the prerequisite libraries you installed using coreSysPrep.sh.

To uninstall LTFSLE 1.0.x.xx.xxx:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Linux Desktop environment as root.

  2. Change to the downloads directory and run the uninstall script.

  3. The message displays to un-install all the components of LTFSLE Version 1.0.x.xx.xxx.

  4. Type either y or n at the following prompt:

    Do you want to contiue with the LTFSLE Uninstall (y/n)?
    • Type y if you have already backed up your data or if you do not want to re-install LTFS-LE.

      You receive an LTFSLE Uninstall Complete! message.

    • Type n to back up your data.

      It is highly recommended that you back up your data if you plan to re-install LTFSLE 1.0.x.xx.xxx. This lets you use your backup to perform a restore without LTFS-LE having to mount all your cartridges to access your data.

      Refer to the StorageTek Linear Tape File System, Library Edition Administration Guide for procedures on backing up and restoring your data.


      The installation of LTFSLE has modified the /etc/security/limits.conf file.

      Un-installing LTFSLE will not change the file. If you want to set it back to it's original state, copy /etc/security/limits.conf.ORIG to /etc/security/limits.conf.

      Type Yes if you are prompted to overwrite the file.