43.1 Prerequisites for This Example

To build the example in this chapter, you must have the example files we have provided (see "Example Scenario", above), as well as access to the Order Entry sample schema provided with the . If you do not know if you have access to this sample schema, contact your database administrator.

43.1.1 Update the REPORTS_CLASSPATH environment variable

Before you use a JavaBean (for a paper-based or JSP-based Web report), you need to perform several steps.

In this section, you will update the REPORTS_CLASSPATH environment variable with the location of the JavaBean. When you launch Reports Builder, it will use this new class path to recognize the location of the barcode bean.


You must follow the steps in this section before you can even run the finished report we have provided, called ShippingManifestPaper.rdf and ShippingManifestWeb.rdf.

  1. Find the REPORTS_CLASSPATH environment variable:

    • On Windows, open the registry from a command prompt by typing regedit and locate the REPORTS_CLASSPATH environment variable. You may want to make a backup of your registry before modifying it.

    • On UNIX, locate the REPORTS_CLASSPATH environment variable in ORACLE_HOME/bin/reports.sh.

  2. Append the location of the oraclebarcode.jar file to the existing entries in REPORTS_CLASSPATH, for example:

    • On Windows:

    • On UNIX:



    The path depends on where the files are located. If you downloaded the files from the Oracle Technology Network (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/reports/overview/index.html), you may have to further edit this path. Also, when you edit the Windows registry, make sure you separate your entries with a semicolon (;), with no spaces on either side of the semicolon.

You are now ready to begin building your report. To learn how to create a paper-based barcode report, refer to Section 43.2, "Create a Barcode Report for Paper". To learn how to create a JSP-based barcode report for the Web, refer to Section 43.3, "Create a Barcode Report for the Web".