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Oracle® Life Sciences Data Hub Installation Guide
Release 2.3

Part Number E35295-01
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4 Installing Oracle Thesaurus Management System

This section includes the following topics:

The Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub (Oracle LSH) uses the Oracle Thesaurus Management System (TMS) Release 4.6.1 database server code internally for its classification system.

Users who will run Oracle LSH APIs that insert, delete, or modify Oracle LSH classification hierarchies and terms (LSH Classification Admin tasks) need security access for their Oracle LSH database account to the Oracle Thesaurus Management System (TMS) instance that is installed as part of Oracle LSH. See "Creating Database Accounts" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide for further information.

4.1 Set Up a Windows Computer for Launching the TMS Installation

Oracle LSH uses only the database portion of TMS, which you must install into the same database as Oracle LSH. However, you must install TMS using the Oracle Universal Installer from a Windows computer. You will not need this computer to run Oracle LSH, but you should maintain it for the purpose of applying any patches to TMS that may be required in the future.

The Windows computer should have Windows 2003 or 2008.

The Windows computer must have a 11g Oracle Home. When you install almost any Oracle product, you establish an Oracle Home and SQL*Plus. If you already have a Windows computer with an Oracle Home directory and SQL*Plus at Release 11g, you can proceed directly to Section 4.4, "Install the TMS Server".

If not, install the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Client for Microsoft Windows, listed as V20606-01 Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) in the media pack.

4.2 Setting up the SQL*Net Connections for Existing Databases

Ensure that SQL*Net connections exist between the TMS Application Server computer and any Oracle LSH databases you have already created by modifying the file tnsnames.ora to include entries for all the databases and TMS Application Servers. The tnsnames.ora file for the 11g Client Oracle Home is located at oracle_home\network\admin.

Network Troubleshooting

If the system returns a connection error, you must resolve this problem before continuing. Possible causes of error include:

  • The computer is not physically connected to the network.

  • The network protocol software is not loaded on the computer (try a remote log-in to check).

  • The SQL*Net software is not loaded on the computer.

  • The database or SQL*Net listener process is not started on the server.

  • An incorrect connect string, userID or password, was entered.

  • The tnsnames.ora file is not present in the correct directory or does not contain the correct entries.

4.3 Set Up Compatibility Mode

Do the following to run Oracle Universal Installer in compatibility mode:

  1. Log on as a user with system administrative privileges.

  2. On the media pack, locate tms\install\setup.exe.

  3. Right-click setup.exe and then click Properties.

  4. In the Properties window, click the Compatibility tab.

  5. Select Run this program in compatibility mode for: and select Windows 2000 from the drop-down list.

4.4 Install the TMS Server

Follow instructions in the Oracle Thesaurus Management System Release 4.6.1 Installation Guide (Part A83780-11) section specified below with the Oracle LSH specification noted.

  1. Install the Oracle TMS Release 4.6.1 Server; see Section 4.5, "Installing the TMS Database Server Code," in the Oracle Thesaurus Management System Release 4.6.1 Installation Guide.

    Specify the ORACLE_HOME you created in Section 4.1, "Set Up a Windows Computer for Launching the TMS Installation" (or the most recent Oracle Home, if you are using an existing Oracle Home).

  2. At the end of the installation, click Exit (not Next Install).


Do not follow the instructions in the other sections of this chapter.

4.5 Install the TMS Database

Install the TMS database wherever you have installed the Oracle LSH database. To install the TMS database, do the following:

  1. On the Windows server add the environment variable USE_DEFAULT_OUI_OH with a value of 1.

  2. Add an initialization parameter db_domain to the database with a value of


    To integrate TMS with Oracle LSH, the database short global name must be the same as the Oracle SID. If they are not the same, you must change the short global name to match the Oracle SID.

    For example, if the Oracle SID is LSHDB55, the short global name must also be set to LSHDB55.


    You must also add the database's tnsname (which is the same as its Oracle SID) to the tnsnames.ora file on the current server.
  3. Install the Oracle TMS 4.6.1 database; in the TMS Release 4.6.1 Installation Guide follow instructions in Section 5.2 only.


    You are prompted to enter passwords for various accounts. You will need these passwords later.

    If you are installing on Linux, follow the UNIX-specific instructions where they are provided.

4.6 Apply TMS Patch

Apply TMS patch (patch number 9728948, included in the media pack) using instructions in the release notes.

4.7 Check the def_instance_name Column Value

Check the value of the def_instance_name column in the tms_def_instances table. It must have a value in all UPPERCASE in the form of DB_NAME.DOMAINNAME.

If necessary, in SQL*Plus, enter the following:

update tms_def_instances set def_instance_name='DB_NAME.DOMAIN_NAME'

For example, where the database name is LSHDB and the domain name is EXAMPLE.COM:

update tms_def_instances set def_instance_name='LSHDB.EXAMPLE.COM'