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Oracle® Life Sciences Data Hub Adapter Toolkit Guide
Release 2.3

Part Number E35307-01
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7 Setting Up an Adapter

This section contains the following topics:

In order to use and test your adapter by creating and running an object of the relevant type, you must do these tasks in your local Oracle LSH installation. If you are developing an adapter for use in other companies, provide information about these tasks to the other companies.

Defining a Service Location, Service, and Service Instance

Do the following tasks in the Oracle LSH user interface. Instructions are in the Oracle LSH System Administrator's Guide.

  • Add the service types required for the adapter to the Lookup CDR_SERVICE_TYPES.

  • Define a service location for the computer where the external system is installed.

  • Define at least one service for each service type you added to the lookup.

  • Define at least one service instance for each service.

Defining Remote Locations and Connections

For Oracle-based systems, define at least one Remote Location and Connection; see the chapter on registering remote locations and connections in the Oracle LSH System Administrator's Guide.

Assigning User Groups to the Adapter Area

Assign one or more user groups to your Adapter Area. Users in user groups assigned to the Adapter Area can see and select the new adapter type when they create a new Load Set, Data Mart, Program, or Business Area. If you have not already created user groups, see the Oracle LSH System Administrator's Guide for more information.


The users in user groups assigned to Adapter Areas should have roles that include ONLY View privileges. Giving users Modify privileges on the objects in the Adapter Area could result in the Adapter's becoming invalid and no longer working.

For example, if a user modifies a predefined Parameter in a Load Set or Data Mart, the system automatically creates a new version of the Parameter definition in the Adapter Area, creating a new version of the Adapter Area itself, and the adapter becomes invalid.

You can assign user groups to Adapters in the user interface or by running an API.

User Interface Method User interface instructions are included in the chapter on setting up adapters in the Oracle LSH System Administrator's Guide.


Installing and Starting the Distributed Processing Server

For adapters that use the Distributed Processing (DP) Server during execution (those that run on the operating system rather than PL/SQL), install and start the Distributed Processing (DP) Server on the computer where the external system is installed.

Instructions for installing the DP Server are in the Oracle LSH Installation Guide; instructions for starting the DP Server are in the Oracle LSH System Administrator's Guide.

Edit cdrconfig.xml

The cdrconfig.xml shipped in the Oracle LSH client plug-in, cdrclient.exe, includes a section for each adapter. You must add a section to this file for your adapter that includes the path to the installed external system; see "Planning Integrated Development Environment Adapters".

At each installation, each Definer must copy this file to his or her computer, edited to include the actual path to the system.

If you are developing an adapter for use by other companies, provide instructions for editing the file.

See the Oracle LSH Installation Guide Section "Install the Client Plug-In" for further information.