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Release 7.0.3

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3 Creating Queries by Example

In Argus Insight, you use queries to search the data mart and retrieve a set of cases (known as a case series) with similar attributes. Based on your reporting requirements, your querying criteria may be as simple as a few Argus Safety case form fields with specific values or as complex as a SQL query that uses Boolean and set operations between various data mart fields.

Argus Insight provides several tools that you can use to enter, modify, and save queries. This chapter, which describes how to use the Query by Example (QBE) tool, includes the following topics:

In addition to the QBE tool, Argus Insight provides the following query tools:

3.1 Overview of the Query by Example Tool

If you are familiar with the Argus Safety case form, you may want to use Query by Example (QBE) to create simple queries. For a QBE, the querying criteria consists of specific values that you enter in the fields on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page, which looks substantially like the Argus Safety case form. See Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-1 .

3.1.1 About the Tabs on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

The QUERY BY EXAMPLE page has a tab-based interface consisting of eight multiple section tabs.

Each tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page lets you enter query criteria about a specific aspect of a case:

  • General tab — Lets you enter querying criteria based on general, study, reporter, and literature information about the case.

  • Patient tab — Lets you enter querying criteria based on information about the patient, lab data, other relevant history, and the patient's parent.

  • Products tab — Lets you enter querying criteria based on product information and dosage regimens.

  • Events tab — Lets you enter querying criteria based on information about the event and its seriousness criteria.

  • Analysis tab — Lets you enter querying criteria based on information about case analysis and imputability.

  • Activities tab — Lets you enter querying criteria based on case activity information, such as contact logs, action items, and case lock/archive dates.

  • Additional Info tab — Lets you enter querying criteria based on additional information about the case such as reference type, ID, and notes.

  • Advanced Conditions tab — Lets you integrate a QBE with an advanced condition stored in Argus Insight. In addition, you can convert a QBE into an advanced condition. For more information, see Chapter 5, "Using Advanced Conditions to Create Queries."

3.1.2 Example of a QBE

For example, your QBE may consist of values in the following fields:

Tab Name Field Name Value
General Country of Incidence United States
Products Product Name Algoheal Injection
Events Event Description to be Coded Injection site rash
Seriousness Criteria Hospitalized

When you execute this QBE, the system retrieves only those cases in the United States where the patient was given an algoheal injection, and then broke out in a rash due to the injection and was hospitalized.

3.1.3 Using the Type-Ahead Feature in Input Fields

Argus Insight provides type-ahead functionality for some fields in the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page.

When you begin to type a value into a field that supports type-ahead functionality, Argus Insight displays a list of valid values that match your entry. You can then select one of the suggested values from the list. For example:

Surrounding text describes typ2.gif.

Alternatively, you can double-click any field that supports type-ahead functionality. In this case, Argus Insight displays a complete list of the valid values for the field. You can then select a value from the list. For example:

Surrounding text describes typeahead.jpg.

Table 3-1 lists the input fields in the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page that support the type-ahead feature.

Table 3-1 Fields that Support the Type-Ahead Feature

Accidental Exposure

Action Taken

Action Type

Age Group

Age Units

Case Outcome


Code (Activities: Action Items)

Code (Activities: Contact Log)

Condition Type

Dosage Frequency

Dosage Units


Event Frequency

Event Intensity

Event Outcome (Outcome of Event)



Group (Activities: Action Items)

Group (Activities: Contact Log)


Locked or Closed By



Pack Units

Product Units

References Type

Report Media

Report Type

Reporter Type

Route of Administration (Patient and Parent)

User (Activities: Action Items)

User (Activities: Contact Log)

3.2 Starting a New QBE

This section describes the tasks for creating a new QBE:

3.2.1 Entering Your Search Criteria and Executing the QBE

To enter your criteria for a QBE and execute the QBE:

  1. Navigate to Queries, Query by Example, and select New. The system displays the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page with the General tab in focus.

    Surrounding text describes actcase23.jpg.
  2. Specify the criteria for your query. You can enter values into any of the fields on any of the QBE tabs, as appropriate.


    The field labels are displayed as per the field labels configured in Argus Safety.

    For a description of each field and for additional information about entering values into certain fields, see the following sections:


    When you are entering criteria for your query:
    • If you want to clear all the values you entered on the current tab only, click Clear Tab.

    • If you want to clear all the values you entered on all the tabs, click Clear All.

  3. Click Execute to run your query.

    The system searches for cases that match your query, begins to build the case series, and displays a progress message during the process.

    Surrounding text describes exec.gif.

  4. Wait until the system completes the search. See "Reviewing the Results of Your QBE" for information about how to continue.

3.2.2 Reviewing the Results of Your QBE

When you click Execute to run a QBE, the system searches for all the cases that match your query criteria and builds a case series.

  • If the system finds cases that match your query criteria, the ACTIVE CASE SERIES page displays the results. See Figure 3-2 for an example.

    Examine the results in the ACTIVE CASE SERIES page:

  • If the system does not find any cases that match your query criteria, the ACTIVE CASE SERIES page displays the following message:

    No Cases found!

    You probably want to modify your query and then execute the QBE again. For more information, see "Reviewing and Modifying the Criteria for an Executed QBE".


Surrounding text describes Figure 3-2 .

3.2.3 Reviewing and Modifying the Criteria for an Executed QBE

As described earlier, the ACTIVE CASE SERIES page displays the results of your QBE. When you review the results, you may want to modify your query and execute the QBE again. For example, perhaps the results are too limiting and you want to remove some of the query criteria.

From the ACTIVE CASE SERIES page, you have several options:

  • To open a dialog box and review the criteria that you specified for the active case series, click View Query Criteria. For example:

    Surrounding text describes view_query_crit.gif.
  • To return to the QBE form and modify your query, click View Query. The ACTIVE QUERY BY EXAMPLE page opens. Note that the page retains all the values you entered for your query.

    When you execute a QBE or save modifications to a QBE, the system assigns the active status to the QBE. Therefore, when you click View Query to return to the QBE form, note that the page title changes to ACTIVE QUERY BY EXAMPLE. See "Working with the Last Modified or Executed QBE" for details on active QBEs.

  • To cancel the current QBE and return to the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page, click Cancel.

You can continue to modify the QBE, execute the QBE again, and review the results.

3.2.4 Saving the QBE

To save a QBE:

  1. View your QBE on the ACTIVE QUERY BY EXAMPLE page.

    Surrounding text describes actcase5.jpg.
  2. Use the Category field to assign a category to the QBE you want to save. The category indicates the reporting aspect to which your QBE pertains. For example, Case Processing, Compliance, Configuration, General, Management, or Pharmacovigilance. Specifying the category helps you when searching for relevant QBEs from a list of all the QBEs saved in the system.

  3. Use the Description field to enter summary information about the QBE. For example, you can describe the type of cases the QBE retrieves.

  4. Click Save As. The system opens the Save QBE As dialog box.

    Surrounding text describes savas.gif.
  5. Type the name of the QBE.


    Names cannot contain these characters: % " ' $ ^ ~ , ` / ; | #
  6. Click OK to close the Save dialog box and refresh the page. Note that:

    • The page title changes to QUERY BY EXAMPLE.

    • The Active Query Name field in the upper-right corner of the page now displays the name you specified when saving the QBE.

    • The Category and Description fields display the information you entered before you saved the QBE.

      Surrounding text describes actcase24.jpg.


      The QUERY BY EXAMPLE LIBRARY page lists all the QBEs saved to the system. See "Working with Saved QBEs" for more information.


      If you make modifications to the field values after you saved the QBE to the system, click Save to save the changed field values.

3.3 Reviewing the Input Fields on Each QBE Tab

When you enter criteria for a QBE, you can enter values into any of the fields in any of the tabs on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page.

This section summarizes the contents of each tab, describes each field, and provides additional information about entering values into certain fields.

3.3.1 General Tab

The General tab (see Figure 3-3) differs from what you see in Argus Safety in the following ways:

  • You can specify only one follow-up date.

  • You can specify only one case classification.

  • You can specify information only about one reporter.

  • You need to scroll the page to view all the fields available.

Figure 3-3 General Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-3 .

Table 3-2 describes the various fields in the General tab. The field values you specify are used as the query criteria to retrieve matching cases.

Table 3-2 Fields in the General Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Section Field or Check Box Description

General Information

Report Type

Select the case source that the query looks for in cases.


Select the country of incidence that the query looks for in cases.

Initial Receipt Date

Enter the date when your company first became aware of the case.

Central Receipt Date

Enter the date on which Central Safety received the case.

Case Status

Select the workflow state that the query looks for in cases.

Follow-up Received

Enter the follow-up information receipt date.

Safety Received

Enter the date on which follow-up information was received by Central Safety.


Select this check box to retrieve cases that had a significant follow-up.

Aware Date

Enter the most recent significant follow-up date or initial receipt date (if there are no follow-ups) that the query looks for in cases.


Select the classification that the query looks for in cases.

Study Information

Project ID Study ID Center ID

Click the Select button associated with these fields to select the Project ID, the Study ID, and the Center ID.

See "Selecting the Study Information" for details.

Other ID

Enter any other ID that can be relevant to the study.

Study Type

Select the study type to include in the query.

Week #

Enter the week number of the study during which the adverse event occurred. The query will only look for such cases.

Visit #

Enter the visit number of the study during which the adverse event occurred. The query will only look for such cases.

Blinding Status

Select the study blinding status that the query looks for in cases.

Unblinding Date

Enter the date on which the study was broken. The query will only look for cases with matching study broken date.

Reporter Information


Enter the reporter's salutation that the query looks for in cases.

First Name

Enter the reporter's first name to look for in cases.

Middle Name

Enter the reporter's middle name to look for in cases.

Last Name

Enter the reporter's last name to look for in cases.


Enter the reporter's suffix to look for in cases.

Health Care Professional

Select an option from the list to include a query criterion based on whether the reporter is a health care professional.


Select the reporter's occupation that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the report address that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the reporter's institution that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the reporter's department that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the reporter's city that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the reporter's state that the query looks for in cases.

Postal Code

Enter the reporter's postal code that the query looks for in cases.



Enter the reporter's country ID that the query looks for in cases.

Phone Number

Enter the reporter's phone number that the query looks for in cases.

Alternate Phone

Enter the reporter's alternate phone number that the query looks for in cases.

FAX Number

Enter the reporter's fax number that the query looks for in cases.

Reporter ID

Enter the reporter's ID that the query looks for in cases.

Reporter's Reference #

Enter the reporter's reference number that the query looks for in cases.

Email Address

Enter the reporter's email address that the query looks for in cases.

Reporter Type

Select the reporter type that the query looks for in cases.

Report Media

Select the report media that the query looks for in cases.


Select the intermediary that the query looks for in cases.

Report Sent to Regulatory Authority by Reporter?

Select the Yes, No, Unknown, or Ignore option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where the reporter has already informed a regulatory authority about the event.

Protect Confidentiality

Select this check box to have the query retrieve only those cases where reporter information is specified as confidential.

Primary Reporter

Select this check box to have the query retrieve only those cases where the reporter is marked as the primary reporter.

Correspondence Contact

Select this check box to have the query retrieve only those cases where the reporter is marked as a correspondence contact.

Literature Information


Enter the literature author name that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the literature title that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the literature journal name that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the literature volume that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the literature publication year that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the journal page number in which the article appeared. The query will look for this information in cases. Selecting the Study Information

In the Study Information section, Argus Insight automatically populates the Project ID, Study ID, and Center ID fields when you select a study from the Clinical Study Lookup dialog box.

To select a clinical study:

  1. Click the Select button associated with the Study ID field. The system displays the Clinical Study Lookup dialog box.

    Surrounding text describes csl.gif.

  2. Enter the first few letters of the project name, study ID, or study center name in their respective text boxes.


    Alternatively, if you are not sure about the information you are looking for, click Search to list the project name, study, and center for all the clinical studies.
  3. Click Search. The system searches for the specified search strings. The Clinical Study Lookup dialog box displays the search results in a grid format.

    Surrounding text describes csl1.gif.

  4. Select a clinical study from the list.

  5. Click Select. The system returns to the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page and automatically inserts your selected information into the Project ID, Study ID, and Center ID fields in the Study Information section.

    Surrounding text describes select_study.gif.


    The Study ID and Center ID are optional fields.

3.3.2 Patient Tab

The Patient tab has two views: Patient and Parent. Patient View

The Patient view (see Figure 3-4) differs from what you might see in Argus Safety in the following ways:

  • You can specify information only about one lab data element

  • You can specify details of only one relevant history

  • You need to scroll the page to view all the fields available.

Figure 3-4 Patient View for the Patient Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-4 .

Table 3-3 describes the various fields in the Patient view of the Patient tab. The field values you specify are used as the query criteria to retrieve matching cases.

Table 3-3 Fields in the Patient View of the Patient Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Section Field or Check Box Description

Patient Information

Sponsor Identifier

Enter the study sponsor's ID. The query will look for this information in cases.

Pat. ID

Enter the patient number that the query looks for in cases.

Randomization Number

Enter the patient randomization number that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the patient's initials that the query looks for in cases.

First Name

Enter the patient's first name that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the patient's middle initials that the query looks for in cases.

Last Name

Enter the patient's last name that the query looks for in cases.

Protect Confidentiality

Select this check box to retrieve those cases where patient information is marked as confidential.


Enter the patient's address that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the patient's city that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the patient's country that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the patient's state that the query looks for in cases.

Postal Code

Enter the patient's postal code that the query looks for in cases.

Patient Details

Date of Birth

Enter the patient's date of birth that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the patient's age that the query looks for in cases.


Select the age unit for the value you specified in the Patient Age field.

Age Group

Select the patient age group that the query looks for in cases.


Select the patient's ethnicity that the query looks for in cases.


Select the patient occupation that the query looks for in cases.


Select the patient gender that the query looks for in cases.


Select the Yes, No, Unknown, N/A, or Ignore option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where the patient's pregnancy status is specified. This field is available only if you specify the patient gender as Female.

Date of LMP

Enter the date of the patient's last menstrual period (LMP) that the query looks for in cases.

Patient Weight

Enter the patient weight that the query looks for in cases. Select the lbs or kg option, as appropriate.

Patient Height

Enter the patient's height that the query looks for in cases. Select the in or cm option, as appropriate.

Number of Patients

Enter the number of patients.

Lab Data

Test Name

Click the associated Select button to select the lab test that the query looks for in cases. See "Selecting a Lab Test" for more information.


Enter the lab data results that the query looks for in cases.

Norm Low

Enter the lab data normal low value that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the lab test date that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the unit for the value you specified in the Results field in the Lab Data section.

Norm High

Enter the lab data normal high value that the query looks for in cases.

Other Relevant History


Enter the relevant history start date that the query looks for in cases.

Condition Type

Select the relevant history condition type that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the relevant history notes that the query looks for in cases.

Stop Date

Enter the relevant history stop date that the query looks for in cases.

Coded PT

Click the associated Encode button to select the relevant history condition by using the MedDRA Browser. The query will look for the encoded term.

See "Using the MedDRA Browser" for more information.


Select this check box to retrieve cases where the relevant history condition is continuing/ongoing.

Patient Relevant Tests

Enter the relevant patient tests that the query looks for in cases. Parent View

This Parent view (see Figure 3-5) differs from what you might see in Argus Safety in the following ways:

  • You can specify details of only one relevant history.

  • You can specify details of only one medical history.

Figure 3-5 Parent View for the Patient Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-5 .

Table 3-4 describes the various fields in the Parent view of the Patient tab. The field values you specify are used as the query criteria to retrieve matching cases.

Table 3-4 Fields in the Parent View of the Patient Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Section Field or Check Box Description

Parent Information

Parent Initials

Enter the parent's initials that the query looks for in cases.

Date of Birth

Enter the parent's data of birth that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the parent's age that the query looks for in cases.


Select the age unit for the value you specified in the Age field.


Select the parent gender that the query looks for in cases.

Date of LMP

Enter the date of the parent's last menstrual period (LMP) that the query looks for in cases. This field is available only if the parent gender is specified as Female.

Parent Weight

Enter the parent's weight that the query looks for in cases. Select the lbs or kg option, as appropriate.

Parent Height

Enter the parent's height that the query looks for in cases. Select the in or cm option, as appropriate.

Parent Breastfeeding

Select this check box to retrieve cases where parent is breast feeding.

Other Relevant History


Enter the relevant history start date that the query looks for in cases.

Condition Type

Select the relevant history condition type that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the relevant history notes that the query looks for in cases.

Stop Date

Enter the relevant history stop date that the query looks for in cases.

Coded PT

Click the associated Encode button to select the relevant history condition by using the MedDRA Browser. The query will look for the encoded term.

See "Using the MedDRA Browser" for more information.


Select this check box to retrieve cases where the relevant history condition is continuing / ongoing. Selecting a Lab Test

To select a lab test:

  1. Navigate to the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page.

  2. Click the Patient tab. Make sure the Patient view is displayed.

  3. Click the Select button associated with the Test Name field in the Lab Data section. The system opens the Lab Test Name dialog box.

    Surrounding text describes ltn.gif.

  4. Search for a lab test:

    • To find only those lab tests that match your criteria, enter one or more letters of the test name in the Description field and click Search.

    • To display all lab tests, leave the Description field blank and click Search.

    The system displays the search results in the Lab Test Types section.

    Surrounding text describes ltn1.gif.
  5. Select the required test name.

  6. Click Select. The system inserts the selected test into the Test Name field. Using the MedDRA Browser

To use the MedDRA Browser to search and select MedDRA terms for an event:

  1. Click the Encode button associated with the QBE tabs to start the MedDRA Browser. The MedDRA Browser dialog box opens.

    Surrounding text describes med.gif.


    The output returned by the MedDRA Browser for the Patient, Product and Analysis tabs of QBE is the Preferred Term (PT). The Events tab of QBE provides output for multiple options. You can select and search the required term(s), based on the Seriousness Criteria.
  2. Enter the first few letters of the SOC, HLGT, HLT, PT, or LLT term in the respective text box. If you want the system to search for the specified word in the entire event term, select the Full Search check box.


    The Special Category drop-down list displays all the SMQs that can be selected. The selected SMQ searches across PT and LLT levels of the MedDRA dictionary.

    The Special Category drop-down list is hidden in MedDRA 10. The MedDRA SMQs drop-down list is hidden in versions lesser than MedDRA 9.

  3. Press Tab. The system searches for the specified word in the event terms. The MedDRA Browser displays the search results in a column below the text box in which you entered the text string.

    Surrounding text describes med1.gif.

  4. Select the required event term from the search results. The SOC, HLGT, HLT, PT, and LLT fields in the MedDRA Browser display the respective terms for the selected event. Note that:

    • Fields highlighted in yellow indicate the selected hierarchy is the primary SOC path.

    • Fields highlighted in gray indicate the selected hierarchy is not the primary SOC path.

    Surrounding text describes med2.gif.

  5. Select the SOC, HLGT, HLT, PT, and LLT check boxes to populate the corresponding fields in the QBE form.

  6. Click Add & Close.

    The selected codes for the selected event are displayed in the respective fields in the QBE form.

3.3.3 Products Tab

The Products tab (see Figure 3-6) differs from what you might see in Argus Safety in the following ways:

  • You can enter information only about one product.

  • You can specify details of only one dosage regimen.

  • You need to scroll the page to view all the fields available.

Figure 3-6 Products Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-6 .

Table 3-5 describes the various fields in the Products tab. The field values you specify are used as the query criteria to retrieve matching cases.

Table 3-5 Fields in the Products Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Section Field or Check Box Description

Product Information

Product Name

Click the associated Select button to use the Product Browser to specify product information for your query criteria.

Selecting the product name automatically populates the Product Name, Generic Name, Company Drug Code, Formulation, Concentration, and Units fields with the details of the product you selected. See "Using the Product Browser" for details.

Alternatively, click the associated Encode button to use the Drug Coding Browser to specify the WHO drug name as the query criteria. See "Using the WHO Drug Browser" for details.

Drug Type

Select the Suspect, Concomitant, Treatment, or Ignore option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where drug type is specified.

Generic Name

Click the Select button associated with the Product Name field to select a generic name that the query looks for in cases. See "Using the Product Browser" for details.

Product Indication PT

Click the associated Encode button to use the MedDRA Browser to specify the drug primary indication event term as the query criteria. See "Using the MedDRA Browser" for details.

Company Product

Click the associated Select button to select the company product that the query looks for in cases.

Study Drug

Click the associated Select button to use the Study Drug Lookup dialog box to specify the study drug name as the query criteria. Use this field to retrieve clinical trial cases with the selected study drug. See "Using the Study Drug Lookup" for details.

Company Drug Code

Click the Select button associated with the Product Name field to select the company drug code that the query looks for in cases. See "Using the Product Browser" for details.

Drug Code

Enter the drug code that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the product manufacturer that the query looks for in cases.


Click the Select button associated with the Product Name field to select a drug formulation that the query looks for in cases. See "Using the Product Browser" for details.


Enter the Anatomical, Therapeutic, Chemical (ATC) classification code that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the Anatomical, Therapeutic, Chemical (ATC) classification description that the query looks for in cases.


Click the Select button associated with the Product Name field to select a drug concentration that the query looks for in cases. See "Using the Product Browser" for details.


Click the Select button associated with the Product Name field to select the units that the query looks for in cases. See "Using the Product Browser" for details.


Select the Yes, No, Unknown, or Ignore option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where drug interaction status is specified.


Select the Yes, No, or Ignore option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where drug contraindication status is specified.

Dosage Regimens


Select this check box to retrieve cases where the dosage regimen is ongoing.

Outside Therapeutic Range

Select this check box to retrieve cases where the dosage regimen is outside therapeutic range.

This means that the drug has not been used in accordance with the label or has been used for outside the Therapeutic Range. Consult with your administrator for further company-specific information about the use of this field.

Start Date/Time

Enter the dosage regimen start date that the query looks for in cases.

Stop Date/Time

Enter the dosage regimen start date that the query looks for in cases.

Duration of Regimen

Enter the dosage regimen duration (specified in minutes) as the query criteria.

You can click Calculate to view the Duration Calculator dialog box. You can enter the time in hours, days, weeks, months, or years, and then convert the time to minutes. Alternatively, you can select a duration band and value if available. A system administrator must define the bands.

Dose Number

Enter the drug dose number as the query criteria.


Enter the drug dose received by the patient as the query criteria.


Specify the units for the value you specified in the Dose field.

Dose Description

Enter the dose description based on the values you specified in Dose, Dose Units, and Frequency fields.

Daily Dosage

Enter the daily dose based on the values you specified in Dose and Frequency fields.

Regimen Daily Dosage Unit

Select the same option you selected in the Dose Units field.

Regimen Dosage

Daily dose, duration, and frequency.

Regimen Dosage Unit

Select the total dose regimen unit based on the values you specified in Dose, Dosage Regimen Duration, and Frequency fields.

Patient Route of Administration

Select the route of dosage administration as the query criteria.


Specify the dosage frequency as the query criteria.

Expiration Date

Enter the product expiration date as the query criteria.

Accidental Exposure

Select the area of accidental exposure as the query criteria.

Package ID

Enter the package ID as the query criteria.

Pack Units

Enter the package units.

Batch/Lot #

Enter the batch/lot number as the query criteria.

Alternatively, click the associated Select button to view the Batch/Lot #s dialog box, enter search criteria to find the batch/ lot number you need, and make your selection.

Parent Route of Administration

Select the route of dosage administration of the parent as the query criteria.

Product Details

First Dose

Enter the earliest dosage regimen start date as the query criteria.

Last Dose

Enter the latest regimen stop date as the query criteria.

Duration of Administration

Enter the duration of drug administration as the query criteria.

This duration is the difference between the first and last dose for all dosage regimens.

You can click Calculate to view the Duration Calculator dialog box. You can enter the time in hours, days, weeks, months, or years, and then convert the time to minutes. Alternatively, you can select a duration band and value if available. A system administrator must define the bands.


Enter the date on which the drug dechallenge was carried out. Note that this date is the same as the Drug Dechallenge Date.

Other Information

Select the Abuse, Overdose, and Tampering check boxes.

Time between First Dose / Primary Event

Enter the time between the event onset and the first dose.

Time between Last Dose / Primary Event

Enter the time between the event onset and the last dose.

Total Dose to Primary Event

Enter the total dose for the drug.

Action Taken

Select the action taken to mitigate the adverse event.

Results Dechallenge

Select the Yes, No, Unknown, N/A, or Ignore option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where drug dechallenge status is specified.

Drug Dechallenge Date

Enter the date on which the drug dechallenge was carried out.

Total Dosage

Enter the total drug usage duration as the query criteria.


Enter the total dosage unit as the query criteria.

This is based on the daily dose, duration and frequency.

Start Date/Time

Enter the rechallenge start date as the query criteria.

Stop Date/Time

Enter the rechallenge stop date as the query criteria.

Taken Previously

Select the Yes, No, Unknown, or Ignore option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where drug was taken previously.

Results Rechallenge

Select the Yes, No, Unknown, N/A or Ignore option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where drug rechallenge status is specified. Using the Product Browser

To select a product by using the Product Browser:

  1. Select the Products tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page.

  2. Click the Select button associated with the Product Name field. The system opens the Product Browser dialog box.

    Surrounding text describes prodbrow1.jpg.
  3. Enter the first few letters (text string) of the product ingredient, family name, product name, or trade name in the respective field.

    • If you want to search for the specified string in the entire product information, select the Full Search check box.

    • If you want to remove your search criteria and start over, click Clear.

  4. Press Tab (or click another field in the dialog box) to begin the search. The system searches the database for the text string that you specified. The Product Browser displays the search results in the column below the field in which you entered the search string.

  5. Select an item from the search results list. The details for the selected item are displayed in all the Product Browser fields.

    Surrounding text describes productbrowser.jpg.

  6. Select the required product name or trade name, as appropriate.

  7. Click Select. The system returns to the Products tab and automatically populates the Product Name, Generic Name, Company Drug Code, Formulation, Concentration, and Units fields with the details of the product you selected.

    Surrounding text describes pb_results_highlit.gif. Using the WHO Drug Browser

To select a WHO drug product by using the WHO Drug Browser:

  1. Select the Products tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page.

  2. Click the Encode button associated with the Product Name field. The system opens the WHO Drug Browser dialog box.

    Surrounding text describes whodb.gif.


    The WHO Drug Browser that appears depends on the configuration settings defined for your account by the administrator.

    The browser categories (B or C) are not displayed in the browser window.

    The primary difference between the two browsers is the availability of the following fields in WHO Drug Browser:

    • Product Type

    • MAH (name of the manufacturer)

    • Medicinal Prod ID

    • Ingredients (product substance name)

  3. Use the fields at the top of the WHO Browser dialog box to define your search criteria. You can enter values into one, several, or all fields.

    Surrounding text describes whodb_search.gif.
    1. In the Product Type field, select the kind of product to include in your search. You can include all products or a single product. The default value is All.

    2. In the ATC Code field, type all or part of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification code.

    3. Select either the Drug Code or the Medicinal Prod ID option as one of the search criterion, and then enter the appropriate search string in the text box below the options. The default option is Drug Code.

    4. Select either the Trade Name or Ingredient option as one of the search criterion, and then enter the appropriate search string in the text box below the options. The default selection is Trade Name.

    5. Enter the Formulation and Country details for the drug to be searched.

    6. Select the Full Search check box if you want the system to search for the specified string in the entire product information.

  4. Click Search. The system searches the database for drug products that match your specified search criteria. The WHO Drug Browser displays the search results in a grid format.

  5. Select the required WHO drug. The WHO Drug Browser highlights the drug you selected and populates the fields in the Drug Details section.

    Surrounding text describes whodb2.gif.

  6. Click Select. The system returns to the Products tab and automatically populates the Product Name, Generic Name, Drug Code, WHO DRUG ATC CODE, and WHO DRUG ATC DESCRIPTION fields for the WHO drug you selected.

    Note that the Generic Name field displays all the ingredients for the WHO drug you selected.

    Surrounding text describes whodb3_highlit.gif. Using the Study Drug Lookup

To select a study drug:

  1. Select the Products tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page.

  2. Click the Select button associated with the Study Drug field. The system opens the Study Drugs Lookup dialog box.

  3. Enter the first few letters of the study drug name in the Study Drug field.

  4. Click Search. The system searches the database for the specified search string and displays the search results.

    Surrounding text describes sd_combined.gif.
  5. Select the required study drug from the list.

  6. Click Add & Close. The system returns to the Products tab and populates the Study Drug field with the drug you selected.

    Surrounding text describes sd_results.gif.

3.3.4 Events Tab

The Events tab (see Figure 3-7) differs from what you might be used to seeing in Argus in that details of only one event can be specified.

Figure 3-7 Events Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-7 .

Table 3-6 describes the various fields in the Events tab. The field values you specify are used as the query criteria to retrieve matching cases.

Table 3-6 Fields in the Events Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Section Field or Check Box Description

Event Information


Select the Yes, No, or Ignore option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where event diagnosis flag is set.


Description as Reported

Enter the reported event description that the query looks for in cases.


Description to be Coded

Tab out of this field to use the MedDRA Browser to specify an event term as query criteria.

See "Using the MedDRA Browser" for more information. The MedDRA event terms for the selected term are displayed in the Seriousness Criteria section. The query is restricted to the terms displayed.


Onset Date/Time

Enter the event onset date that the query looks for in cases.



Enter the event duration that the query looks for in cases.


Onset From Last Dose

Enter the event onset duration from last dose as the query criteria.


Onset Latency

Enter the event onset latency duration that the query looks for in cases.


Time to Onset from First Dose

Enter the duration from first dose to the event onset as the query criteria.

Alternatively, click the associated Calculate button to view the Duration Calculator dialog box and make your selection.


Receipt Date

Enter the event receipt date that the query looks for in cases.


Term Highlighted by Reporter

Select the Yes, No, or Ignore option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where case seriousness status is specified.


Patient Has Prior History?

Select the Yes, No, Unknown, or Ignore option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where event past history is specified.


Treatment Received?

Select the Yes, No, Unknown, or Ignore option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where patient received treatment for the event.


Time to Onset from Last Dose

Enter the duration from last dose to the event onset as the query criteria.

Alternatively, click the associated Calculate button to view the Duration Calculator dialog box and make your selection.


Progression of Disease

Select this check box to retrieve cases where Event Progression of Disease is selected.


Adverse Drug Withdrawal Reaction

Select this check box to retrieve cases where Event Withdrawal Reaction is selected.


Stop Date/Time

Enter the event stop date that the query looks for in cases.



Select the event intensity option that the query looks for in cases.



Select the event frequency option that the query looks for in cases.


Lack of Efficacy

Select this check box to retrieve cases where Event Lack of Efficacy is selected.


Related to Study Conduct? (As Reported)

Select the Yes, No, Unknown, or N/A option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where the event is related to a study.


Outcome of Event

Enter the event outcome that the query looks for in cases.


Nature of Event

Enter the nature of the event that the query looks for in cases.

Event Coding

System Organ Class (SOC) High Level Group Term High Level Term Preferred Term Lower Level Term

Click the associated Encode button to use the MedDRA Browser to specify event terms as query criteria.

See "Using the MedDRA Browser" for details.

Seriousness Criteria

Seriousness Criteria check boxes

Select one or more associated check boxes to specify the seriousness criteria that the query looks for in cases.

3.3.5 Analysis Tab

The Analysis tab (see Figure 3-8) has two views: Case Analysis and AFSSaPS.

Analysis information about Regulatory Information (notification log), MedWatch Information, BfArM Information, and EU devices is not available. For more sophisticated queries, use filters or advanced conditions.

Figure 3-8 Analysis Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-8 .

Table 3-7 describes all the fields in the Case Analysis view. The field values you specify are used as the query criteria to retrieve matching cases.

Table 3-7 Fields in the Case Analysis View of the Analysis Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Section Field or Check Box Description



Enter the case narrative that the query looks for in cases.

Case Comment

Enter the case comment that the query looks for in cases.

Local Evaluator Comment

Enter the local evaluator' comment that the query looks for in cases.

Company Comment

Enter the company's comment that the query looks for in cases.

Abbreviated Narrative

Enter the abbreviated case narrative that the query looks for in cases.

Evaluation in light of similar events in the past

Enter the evaluation comment that takes in to consideration similar events that have occurred in the past. The query will look for the specified text in cases.

Other Information

Case Serious

Select the Yes, No, or Ignore option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where case seriousness status is specified.


Enter the case seriousness notes that the query looks for in cases.

Company Agent Causal

Select the Yes, No, Unknown, or Ignore option, as appropriate, to indicate whether the query looks for cases where the company agent causality status is specified.


Enter the company agent causality notes that the query looks for in cases.

Listedness Determination

Select the case listedness status that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the case assessment listedness notes that the query looks for in cases.

Case Outcome

Select the case outcome that the query looks for in cases.

Company Diagnosis/Syndrome

Click the associated Encode button to use the MedDRA Browser to specify the company diagnosis as query criteria. See "Using the MedDRA Browser" for more information.


Enter the company diagnosis/syndrome notes that the query looks for in cases.

Table 3-8 describes all the fields in the AFSSaPS view. The field values you specify are used as the query criteria to retrieve matching cases.

Table 3-8 Fields in the AFSSaPS View of the Analysis Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Section Field Description

Case Event Imputability Details

Preferred Term

Click the associated Select button to use the MedDRA Browser to specify the Event Preferred Term as query criteria.

See "Using the MedDRA Browser" for more information.


Click the associated Select button to choose the suspect product that the query looks for in cases.


Select the imputability chronology code that the query looks for in cases.


Select the imputability semiology code that the query looks for in cases.


Select the imputability bibliography code that the query looks for in cases.


Select the imputability score that the query looks for in cases.

3.3.6 Activities Tab

The Activities tab (see Figure 3-9) differs from what you might see in Argus Safety in the following ways:

  • You can specify information only about one contact log.

  • You can specify information only about one action item.

  • Routing search is not applicable.

Figure 3-9 Activities Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-9 .

Table 3-9 describes all the fields in the Activities tab. The field values you specify are used as the query criteria to retrieve matching cases.

Table 3-9 Fields in the Activities Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Section Field Description

Contact Log


Enter the contact log date that the query looks for in cases.


Select the contact log code that the query looks for in cases.


Select the contact log group that the query looks for in cases.

Date Sent

Enter the sent date for the contact.


Enter the contact log description that the query looks for in cases.


Select the user responsible for the contact log. The query will look for the user name you select.

Action Items

Date Open

Enter the action item opening date that the query looks for in cases.


Select the action type that the query looks for in cases.


Select the responsible group that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the action item due date that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the action item description that the query looks for in cases.


Select the user responsible for the action item. The query looks for the specified user name.


Enter the action item completion date that the query looks for in cases.

Case Lock/Archive

Lock Date

Enter the case lock date that the query looks for in cases.

Locked or Closed By

Enter the user who locked or closed the case.

Closure Date

Enter the date when the case was closed.

3.3.7 Additional Info Tab

The Additional Info tab (see Figure 3-10) differs from what you might see in Argus Safety in the following ways:

  • You can specify information only about one note.

  • No attachments are permitted.

  • You can specify information only about one reference.

Figure 3-10 Additional Info Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-10 .

Table 3-10 describes all the fields in the Additional Info tab. The field values you specify are used as the query criteria to retrieve matching cases.

Table 3-10 Fields in the Additional Information Tab on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE Page

Section Field Description



Enter the reference type that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the referenced case ID that the query looks for in cases.


Enter the reference notes that the query looks for in cases.

3.4 Assigning Group-Level Permissions to a Saved QBE

To assign group-level permissions to a saved QBE:

  1. Click Permissions. The system opens the Permissions dialog box and displays the names of all the groups (except the Administrator group) that the system administrator has created.

    Surrounding text describes perm_qbe.gif.
  2. Use the drop-down list next to a group name to assign permissions to the group members on the QBE you have created. You can select from these options:

    Permission Description
    R/W/D/P Group members will be able to view, modify, delete, and assign permission on the QBE.
    R/W/D Group members will be able to view, modify, and delete the QBE.
    R/W Group members will be able to view and modify the QBE.
    R Group members will be able to only view the QBE.
    No Access (Default) No group members will be able to access the QBE.

  3. Click OK. The system saves the permission settings.

3.5 Working with the Last Modified or Executed QBE

This section describes how to view the QBE that you last modified or executed.

The system assigns the active status to a QBE when you save modifications to it or execute it. Unless you save the modifications to another QBE or execute another QBE, the last QBE you modified or executed remains active. This is helpful in situations when you want to access a frequently used QBE.

To view an active QBE, navigate to Queries, Query by Example, and select Active. The ACTIVE QUERY BY EXAMPLE page displays the QBE form for the last QBE you executed. For example: Surrounding text describes actcase6.jpg.

If the active QBE was saved to the system before executing, both the Active Query Name field and the Name field display the name of the QBE. However, if the active QBE was not saved to the system before executing, the Active Query Name field displays the following text:

<Not Saved>

You can enter the name of the QBE in the Name field and click Save.

You can also rename an already saved QBE, by entering the new name in the Name field and clicking Save.

Modifying the Description and Values for the Active QBE

To change the description of the active QBE, add or modify the text in the Description field.

In addition, you can modify the value of any field on any of the QBE tabs (that is, the QBE form).

When you modify the values of a QBE, you can:

  • Click Clear Tab to clear all the values for the current tab.

  • Click Clear All to clear all the values specified in all the tabs for this active QBE.

Saving the Active QBE

You have two options for saving the active QBE:

  • Click Save to save any changes or updates you make to the active QBE. The Save button is enabled for a saved active QBE only.

  • Click Save As to save the active QBE with a different name.

The QUERY BY EXAMPLE LIBRARY page lists all the QBEs saved to the system. See "Working with Saved QBEs" for more information.

Converting the Active QBE to an Advanced Condition

Click Convert to Advanced Condition to convert the QBE to an Advanced Condition. See "Using QBEs with Advanced Conditions" for more information.

Assigning Permissions

Click Permissions to set the group-level access permissions on the QBE. The Permissions button is only available for saved active QBEs. See "Assigning Group-Level Permissions to a Saved QBE" for more information.

Executing the Active QBE

Click Execute to generate a case series by using the active QBE.

Modifying the field values in the QBE form for an active QBE or saving the active QBE with a different name changes the active QBE to reflect the most recent changes. The active QBE also changes if you modify the field values in the QBE form and execute the QBE without saving the QBE form modifications.

3.6 Working with Saved QBEs

The QUERY BY EXAMPLE LIBRARY page lists all the QBEs saved to the system.

To view the list of saved QBEs, navigate to Queries, Query by Example, and select Library. The QUERY BY EXAMPLE LIBRARY page opens. See Figure 3-11.

The QUERY BY EXAMPLE LIBRARY page displays the following information about each saved QBE:

  • Name of the QBE that was entered when the query was saved.

  • Description of the QBE that was entered in the Description field on the QBE form.

  • Date when the QBE was last modified.

  • Full name of the user who created the QBE.

  • Category that was selected on the QBE form and assigned to the query.

  • An icon in the Associated Report column if the QBE has a report associated with it. See "Associating a Report Group with a QBE" for more information.


Surrounding text describes Figure 3-11 .

3.6.1 Searching for a Saved QBE

To search for a saved QBE:

  1. Specify the search criteria, as appropriate:

    • To search for a QBE by its name, type the QBE name in the Name text box.

    • To search for a QBE by its description, type the first few words of the description in the Description text box. The system searches for the specified search string in all QBE descriptions.

    • To search for a QBE by its date of modification, enter the modification date in the first Last Modified date field. You can also specify a date range by typing the start and end dates in the first and second date fields, respectively.

    • To search for a QBE by its author, select the author name from the User Full Name drop-down list.

    • To search for a QBE by its category, select the category from the Category drop-down list.


    If you search for a text comprising an underscore, it is treated as a wildcard and is replaced by a letter in the displayed results. For example, If you have queries with names - CURE, CORE, and CARE and you search for C_RE, all three queries are displayed in the result.
  2. Click Search. Based on your search criteria, the system displays the search results in a list.

    • To sort search results, click the sort icon next to the column headers in the list.

    • To clear the search results and display all the saved QBEs in the list, click Clear.

3.6.2 Creating a New QBE

To create a new QBE, navigate to Queries, Query By Example, and then select New.

Alternatively, click New in the QUERY BY EXAMPLE LIBRARY page to open a new QBE form directly.

3.6.3 Modifying a Saved QBE

To modify a saved QBE:

  1. Select a QBE from the list of QBEs in the QUERY BY EXAMPLE LIBRARY page.

  2. Click Modify. The QUERY BY EXAMPLE page displays the QBE form for the selected QBE.

  3. Modify the field values in the QBE form.

  4. Save your changes. Click Save to save the current query; click Save As to save the current query by another name.

3.6.4 Deleting a Saved QBE

To delete a saved QBE:

  1. Select a QBE from the list of QBEs in the QUERY BY EXAMPLE LIBRARY page.

  2. Click Delete. The system prompts for confirmation that you want to delete the QBE.

  3. Click OK. The system deletes the selected QBE and returns to the QUERY BY EXAMPLE LIBRARY page.

3.6.5 Associating a Report Group with a QBE

Report packaging is the concept of grouping reports together. You can define multiple reports that are always or often executed at the same time into a group. A set of reports run on a weekly or periodic basis can be scheduled and run as a package.

In Argus Insight, you can associate a report group and the report scheduling to a power query (QBE, Filter Value Set, and Advanced Conditions) or to a case series.

Argus Insight lets you associate the report group, schedule a time to generate the reports, and automatically send the completed reports through email to one or more users that you specify.

Associating a report group with a QBE is helpful in situations when you need to generate the latest case series and run a report on it each time the data mart is refreshed. Instead of manually executing the QBE to generate the latest case series and then running the report, you can use the report association functionality of Argus Insight to accomplish the task automatically.

For detailed procedures and more information about associating report groups, see "Scheduling and Associating Reports Against a Query or Case Series".


To be able to schedule reports, you must have an enterprise login configured in the Business Intelligence tool you are using with Argus Insight.

3.6.6 Executing a Saved QBE

To execute a saved QBE:

  1. Navigate to Queries, Query by Example, and select Library. The QUERY BY EXAMPLE LIBRARY page opens.

  2. Select a QBE from the list.

  3. Click Execute. The system executes the QBE, and then displays the ACTIVE CASE SERIES page.

    Surrounding text describes actcase1.jpg.

After generating the case series, you can add cases to or delete cases from the series, freeze the case series, or export the case series results into a Microsoft Excel file. For more information, see Chapter 7, "Working with Case Series."

3.6.7 Executing a Saved QBE on the Active Case Series

Just as the system assigns the active status to a QBE when you save modifications to it or execute it, the last saved or generated case series becomes the active case series.

You may want to run an existing QBE on an active case series instead of creating and running a new QBE on the entire data mart and generating a new case series.

To narrow down the list of cases in the active case series:

  1. Generate the case series on which you want to run another QBE as follows:

    • If the case series on which you want to run another QBE is not yet generated or active, you can either create a new QBE and execute it, or execute a saved QBE as explained in "Executing a Saved QBE". This case series automatically becomes the active case series and remains so until you execute another query to generate a different case series.

    • Alternatively, if the case series on which you want to run another QBE is already saved in the system, navigate to Case Series, Open Case Series, and select Library. When the CASE SERIES LIBRARY page opens, select the case series and click Make Active.

  2. Navigate to Queries, Query by Example, and select Library. The QUERY BY EXAMPLE LIBRARY page opens.

  3. Select the query you want to run on the active case series you generated in Step 1.

  4. Select the Limit Query to Active Case Series check box.

  5. Click Execute. The system runs the selected QBE on the active case series and displays the ACTIVE CASE SERIES page. Note that the case series you just generated becomes the active case series.

3.7 Using QBEs with Advanced Conditions

Advanced conditions let you create complex queries that involve Boolean and set operations among various fields. To create advanced conditions, you use the Advanced Conditions Editor, which uses a spreadsheet-like approach for adding query conditions (fields and their values) and conditional operators (Boolean or set).

In Argus Insight, QBEs are integrated with advanced conditions to let you perform the following tasks:

3.7.1 Converting a QBE to an Advanced Condition

You can use an existing QBE to start to build an advanced condition that uses Boolean or set operations between QBE form fields that have specific values. When you convert a QBE to an advanced condition, all the QBE form fields in which you entered values are listed on the ACTIVE ADVANCED CONDITIONS EDITOR page as advanced condition attributes.

To convert a QBE to an advanced condition:

  1. Open a QBE form by either starting a new QBE, opening the active QBE, or opening a saved QBE.

  2. Verify the field values you specified in the various tab pages in the QBE form.

  3. Click Convert to Advanced Condition. The ACTIVE ADVANCED CONDITIONS EDITOR page opens.

    All the fields in which you specified values in the QBE form are listed as advanced condition attributes.

    Surrounding text describes actadvcon.jpg.
  4. Build your query further by:

    • Adding additional attributes (fields) and specifying their values

    • Adding another advanced condition as an attribute

    • Placing runtime parameters in attributes

    • Placing parentheses to determine the query execution order

    • Specifying conditions for attributes values

    • Specifying Boolean and set operators to join the various attributes

See Chapter 5, "Using Advanced Conditions to Create Queries" for detailed information about using the Advanced Conditions Editor.

3.7.2 Integrating a QBE with an Advanced Condition

You can integrate a new, active, or saved QBE with an existing advanced condition through these set operators:




If required, you can integrate your QBE with multiple advanced conditions that can have Boolean or set operations between them.

To integrate a QBE with existing advanced conditions:

  1. Open a QBE form by either starting a new QBE, opening the active QBE, or opening a saved QBE.

  2. Verify the field values you specified in the various tab pages in the QBE form.

  3. Click the Advanced Conditions tab.

    Surrounding text describes actcase22.jpg.
  4. Use the Operator field to select the set operator you want to use to integrate the QBE and the advanced condition. You can select INTERSECT, MINUS, or UNION.

  5. Select the advanced condition you want to integrate with the QBE as follows:

    1. Click the Add Advanced Condition Above icon on the left bar to open the Advanced Conditions menu. This menu lists all the advanced conditions that are stored in the system and accessible to you. The conditions are organized by categories.

      Surrounding text describes adv1.gif.
    2. Browse to the appropriate category and select the required advanced condition. The system adds your selection as a row in the Advanced Conditions Editor.

      Surrounding text describes adv2.gif.
    3. Click the Add Advanced Condition Above icon or the Add Advanced Condition Below icon to insert another advanced condition above or below the existing advanced condition.


      To change the structure of the query by changing the order of the rows, select a row and then click the arrow icons to move the row up or down.
  6. Type parentheses in the ( and ) columns to determine the order of execution for the selected advanced conditions.

  7. Use the field in the Operator column to specify the set operation to perform between the selected advanced conditions.

  8. Click Save As to save your integrated query.

For detailed information about using the Advanced Conditions Editor, see Chapter 5, "Using Advanced Conditions to Create Queries."